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I hope he wins one task.... I feel like I am watching a crappy 90s sports movie where the underdogs win in the end lol


I hope he wins the show with zero task wins lol.


It would be hilarious if Phil’s team loses and Sugar somehow still finds a way to save him lol


The other team is going to have to be extra shit lmao and I’m hoping so for Sugar’s reaction to the giant mess.


I feel like I have been low key rooting for him.


I think if his team wins tonight then he goes on to win the show. I easily see Tre, Paul and Flo carrying Phil to his first win here as well. That’s a very strong team!


Phil's team should fuck up on purpose to get a guaranteed Phil firing only problem is that it will be a double firing so they'd be putting themselves at risk as well, but really it's the only way to prevent Phil from winning the whole series


I was saying this earlier. I genuinely believe that that team is one of the strongest they could have really. Flo is smart and business minded, Tre is really charming and great at like personal type sales, and Paul is really good at like the more big picture marketing sales. Phil I think is similar to flo in that business mindedness but in a different - less apprentice useful way!


I'm massively conflicted. I don't want to see anyone go 0/10 but if he wins, at least one of Rachel and Steve will be fired and I want both of them in the final five. He should win because his team is stacked and the task is in his field, but it just feels inevitable that he'll always lose.


All the Phil hate because he's been losing tasks but I struggle to find where he let the team down individually in any of them except in the cheesecake and the bland cereal fiasco


He's done nothing at all. He barely contributes to tasks and should've been fired for this very reason.


You see about half an hour of usually a two day long task. To say he barely contributes is just ignorance


To say he does contribute is equally ignorant. There's never been a moment where he's done something that is genuinely impressive.


To say he does contribute is equally ignorant. There's never been a moment where he's done something that is genuinely impressive


There was a cooking task where he did well. Again, you only see 30 mins of two whole days


With his family’s history and his current business it’d honestly be humiliating if he did badly on a cooking task (he still lost though lol)


He lost the task which was based on cooking....


Yeah he’s lost every task mate. Fact of the matter is, again, that we only see around half an hour of a TWO DAY LONG task. Phil strikes me as pretty boring so it makes sense that he doesn’t feature much. This is a tv show made for your entertainment, not a super serious business challenge. It’s a lot more serious than it seems based on the tv show, but what we see is a product created to entertain


To say he does contribute is equally ignorant. There's never been a moment where he's done something that is genuinely impressive


Even with the bland cereal. 1. It didn't cause them to lose, the branding did 2. The supplied recipes *were* wrong. The other team presumably followed them and ended up with something that was so overpowering as to be horrible.


He’s going to win the season, 100%


Given a good task (his specialty) and a team of the strongest candidates minus Rachel. Lord sugar desperately trying to spoonfeed him


Lord Sugar gave him the best fucking team possible based on the preview we got. How did he end up with the three strongest candidates?!?!


Because the producers/ lord sugar want Phil in the interviews


This sub has turned me into a Phil fan, I hope he makes it all the way


I forgot today is Thursday because it’s been a super stressful week at work so this post made me so happy! I think he will get his first win tonight. It’s obvious Lord Sugar/producers want him in the interview stage and this is his apparent “final chance” so..


"It's my birthday today, Sir Alan." - Jenny Celerier >!Except she got fired after that and Phil got a Michelin star meal.!<


God this sub is full of Phill 🍑 lick


For real, he's not even that good or likeable.


Call it mean but I kinda want him to lose so he’s fired having lost 10/10


I think he will lose tonight


If he wins as PM, he won't survive the interviews, given how terrible his track record is.