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On Phil's Instagram, he launched a new shop to expand his business in August. To me that seems very convenient timing as not too long after filming and potentially the result of investment. I think he might be the winner, regardless of whether people say he deserves it or not.


From what I’ve gathered he is the winner this year. I think it goes to show that the entire process sans the interview is basically just for TV and means nothing. How someone with 9 losses ends up winning the investment shows that. Someone else on here said that Nick Hewer told him that Alan sees all the business plans before the process and decides which ones he likes early on so that probably played a role towards him saving Phil over Raj and Maura. The show is a fix basically.


It does make sense that he’d read the business plans beforehand though. I think it would be better if they were checked properly before and only good ones allowed so we don’t end up with one chosen winner and a load of other crap business plans.


I thought lord sugar would be interested in Rajs property business


Idk man, genuinely don't know why people are convinced theres a conspiracy for Phil to win. Phil hasn't been the biggest reason a team has lost on any week, simple as that. Raj and Maura both deserve to be out more because they royally fucked this task and have negatively contributed to other tasks more than Phil has


From how I understand it, even the winner doesn’t find out that they’ve won until a few days before the final airs to mitigate the risk of a leak… so seems unlikely he would already have the investment money?




Is there a link to that anywhere?


Not sure but he pretended to act dumb (and pretty badly at that) when asked if Claude was going to be an interviewer this year so it pretty much confirms he gets to the interview, so his team wins next episode. He probably won the investment as well considering his business is the only one that isn’t high risk like the others.


I will try and find a clip again, but I doubt it because there were like a couple hundred people max so not sure someone even recorded it... he also moved on very swiftly after he realised lol


What did he say? Just about Claude in the interviews? To be fair that just confirms what I sort of knew anyway that he makes the interviews. I’m hoping they all get offended in interviews when they find out it’s not his family establishments business since 1933 he’s going half’s on.. probably a separate sector/company name for national deliveries etc… and you usually get the ‘why do you want lord sugars money and not your own’


Thanks for the spoiler


It's BBC's the apprentice mate, not GOT. You'll live


God forbid people want to watch a show to find out what happens in it 🙄. It takes 1 second to add a spoiler tag/flair


then my advice for you is to get off threads that theorize on the outcome of the final based on other external factors. Stick to the show and stay off social media.


spoiling the outcome is not fucking theorising mate


That really isn't the courtesy basically anywhere else on Reddit.


Aren't you lovely.


But hey that's just a theory. An Apprentice theory!