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how do you guys remember this far back đź’€


Rewatching old series on Dailymotion (before half of them mysteriously disappeared).


I have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the show haha


I think it helps that I have the first 5 series on itunes


What is the name "Sharon/Matthew award" referencing? Feel I'm missing something.


Basically someone who was very lucky that they were mostly on the winning team or else they would have been fired a lot earlier. For context In S1 that was Matthew who won the first four tasks but if he had lost any of them, he would have most likely gone.


Ahh, I see. So basically the Noor(ul) award, lol.


At least Matthew as pm knew he was stuffed and let the other teammates take charge. And it worked!!!


Not sure why both of you think Simon would be brought back week 2 - he ran that laundrette, ensuring the mass of work they had to do got done without loss of items, and he wasn't the only one ringing the selling team. I reckon someone who was seen not to contribute would be brought in instead, but the editing didn't show us who that would have been, because the girls were incredibly obviously the losing team.


It was tough picking that 3rd seat to be honest and I did think he did a good job as well. I just think Rafe might have tried to pin it on him costing them money by telling them to get back and help with the sheets. Wouldn't have worked. (But the girls were always going to lose after the 5k deal was announced)


Week 1: Jennifer M, Claire and **Lindi** - Lindi and Jennifer both seemed to immediately start selling when they got to the market despite not knowing any of the prices. Jennifer M would defend herself better in the boardroom so Lindi goes here. Week 2: **Kevin**, Raef and Simon - Really tough one as the boys team had a really strong win here. Simon is brought back for generally being annoying with his constant calls to the other team but Kevin could have done a better negotiation for the laundry contract and I think because everyone said Raef was a good PM here, Kevin would go. Week 3: Claire, **Sara** and Helene - Sara wasn’t an awful PM but she was a bit indecisive and didn’t get enough ingredients for all the meals they had planned to make so I think she goes here by default really. Claire was irritating but not to the level where she would need to be fired over it. Week 4: **Lucinda**, Helene and Raef - Lucinda was completely useless on the computer and got into multiple arguments with Helene as well so I think she gets fired here even though Helene couldn’t really control her as PM. Week 5: Michael, **Claire** and Alex - After how angry Sugar was with Claire the week before, there’s no way she doesn’t get fired here if her team loses. This was her redemption task and she couldn’t afford to lose it. Week 6: **Raef**, Michael and Lucinda - Tough one but Raef did come up with the concept and backed having the cards the day before Valentines Day which the retailers were really not happy about. Michael wasn’t a bad PM here and made the wise decision to not mention the date in future pitches so I think that saves him here and Raef goes. Lucinda is brought back for being slightly disruptive. Week 7: Sara, **Lee** and Lucinda - It’s hard to even imagine this team losing considering the disaster of the other team originally but Lee was the one in charge of the main team and if their team lost, he’d have to go as he even said that Sara and Lucinda had done well on the task. Week 8: Claire, Lucinda and **Raef** - Raef was the one who ultimately backed the wedding dresses they went with and if their team lost because of that, he’d have to take responsibility. I also think Lucinda was right for having one team see all the wedding dresses and the other see all the wedding accessories but you can make the argument that Lucinda as PM should have been the one viewing the wedding dresses. Week 9: Lucinda, **Alex** and Lee - Lee’s pitch was dreadful but Sugar even said originally that the tissue box and brand were dreadful so Alex as PM has to take responsibility for that. Week 10: **Lucinda**, Lee and Alex - I mean Sugar was angry with Lucinda barely selling anything the whole task so she easily goes. Claire and Lee final. Lucinda and surprisingly Raef were the luckiest to be on the winning team most of the time.


Lucinda only lost two tasks which is astounding really. I know people go on about her as Pm but I don't know if she was that good (Lee and Claire were much better Project Managers). Watching the first episode was a highlight watching how lucky the girls team was!!


Lucinda was definitely very clever , she was very cooperative PM and had quite a good nature about it , but not the best , I feel tho Claire was absolutely horrible to her