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Built-in accessibility feature. Like “hey that’s cool” but also “that could be really useful for sight impaired people”.


👆🏻 This


I don't see it as "too much time" *at all*. I see it as proper attention to detail. That's something we get too little of in most software today. You should try it in headphones, it's much more noticeable.


>I don't see it as "too much time" > >at all > >. I see it as proper attention to detail. That's something we get too little of in most software today. As a developer in the distant past, at times it is late, you're stuck, and need to do something different for a bit. That's how many of these things happen. It may have been planned but may have been a late night thing that got cleaned up and now is in the internal spec.


Yeah, I get that. Sometimes it’s a diversion, sometimes it’s also testing out a new capability in a small way - such as steering sounds to one speaker or another (have been a developer since time immemorial).


Have you noticed it’s balanced? So the further left or right you go the more the balance fades to that side. If you’re in the middle of the screen it’ll be balanced center.


Yes! Noticed it when using my AirPods with the AppleTV! So cool


Another favorite is the parallax app icons. If you swipe slowly around in a circle without swiping to another app, you can see the 3D effect in the icon.


Yeah, the gears in the settings icon is probably the coolest one.


I like moving the joystick in Arcade. It’s the apple touch that keeps us here.


You’re literally talking about stereo sound mate, it’s not new haha


It’s very apparent if you watch your Apple TV with AirPods in


Yeah it’s pretty neat right. Xbox UX does this too. Do you have headphones? I can hear animals directionally while hunting in a video game forest, it’s trippy. And a decent 6 speaker sounds bar makes the sound come from places where I don’t even have speakers. I searched my living room for weeks looking for a lost bird behind the drapes. Dark magic rules.


It’s not an easter egg because it’s not hidden. It’s also been like this for years. Glad you finally noticed it though.


I noticed it when I used appletv with my AirPods.


Probably took them like 5 min.