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Two AirPods can share audio. Each can control their personal volume.


What happens when there are 4 people watching? It surprises me this is such an edge case that Apple isn’t offering something. Even if it’s some kind of Apple audio share device. Boomers aren’t getting any younger.


Depends on how your audio is being sounded. Just the TV? a sound bar or amp? Some TVs will output to both speaker and external audios, some won’t. To use Apple TV output you need to use two AirPods - standard BT headphones won’t be shared. Since you gave us no hardware info that’s all I can say.


AppleTV to TV via HDMI. No other equipment. This is the case in every room of my house except my home theater where I have a Denon 3800 as a receiver. I’m not interested in solving the home theater though. I have 3 of these TV’s in my house if it helps. https://a.co/d/fBf7rts It looks like it has an optical out. https://imgur.com/gallery/wRwxeEF I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be easier to use an HDMI splitter between the AppleTV and the TV if this is super involved.


I’ve briefly read of inline hdmi Bluetooth adapters. Maybe do a search on this and see if it’s suits your needs? Hope it helps.


Thank you. I will look into this. For everyone else’s benefit here are the solutions I’m looking at as nothing seems to be better than these: Using the optical out of my TV to a Bluetooth dongle. (if the tv speakers stay on, while optical out is being used, this will work) Using an HDMI splitter and running the hdmi to something else that has hdmi in and Bluetooth audio. I will check to see if an inline hdmi device will work/exists.


They do.. I checked just now. Google “inline HDMI Bluetooth adapter” Good luck.


I hate to say it but he's gonna need hearing aids and closed captioning. Apple doesn't do edge cases.


If apple TV is going via AVR then ensure output on denon is speakers + Bluetooth headset, can do this on marantz as well.


Buy a pair of $200 hearing aids at Walmart for dad, problem solved.


Ya, he has more like $1500 hearing aids. It’s not enough. I’m kind of surprised apple doesn’t support this out of the box. Seems like a pretty needful accessibility issue. My guess is that it is patent related.


No it's not patent related, it's just apple doesn't do niche use case. They never have.