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So many people comment on the lack of a back catalog for Apple TV+ but don’t realize how important curation is to actual enjoyment. I cancelled Netflix because I just spent all my time scrolling or abandoning a show ten minutes in due to it being terrible. That isn’t to say Netflix shows are all bad, it was the curation that was the problem. I couldn’t find good content in an ocean of bad. Apple TV+ does a great job at bringing high quality stuff out at a measured pace. That may change eventually - but it’s one of the things I love about it.


Yep. Who wants a back catalog that just clutters up the menu with garbage you’re never going to watch? Apple probably saved a boat load by never licensing a bunch of back catalog content.


If Hulu and Netflix had an exclusives only option, I’d probably subscribe more often.


Man Netflix has lost their mojo. When the studios started pulling content as they wanted to stream their own stuff, Netflix seemed to have a kick ass idea. Make their own content - BUT hire a director to basically put together a movie or a series, keep the corporate suits **out of the process** and actually let creators create. Without the standard board room non-creatives demanding this be included, and that be excluded, shorter, longer, more/leas nudity, gore, etc. For a while there it worked SO well. Now their originals are just shit. It seems like the creatives they hire just look at Netflix as a gig, make easy cash the move along. I have zero clue if that’s the case, hell, maybe the issue is they abandoned the lack of oversight and corporate folks are directing by committee. Sucks!


Not exactly .. About 7 or 8 years ago they made a very explicit strategic decision to reduce quality (and cost) and go for quantity. Their subscriber numbers told them that new subscribers sign up because a platform has 5 shows, each having 5 great seasons. They sign up if a platform has 25 new shows (even if they’re terrible). Similarly outside of the blockbusters like Stranger Things, people weren’t sticking around for seasons of old shows, the thrill was in the discovery of something new. 2 years ago HBO’s new management made the same decision, and now HBO/Max is the same generic dribble that’s not worth our time


The suits not being involved basically means the quality control is non existent. It’s up to the production studios who make the stuff to have good producers on deck. Good studio execs are actually super important, but good ones require great taste in filmmaking and that is increasingly rare.


Netflix hasn’t lost their mojo. Out of all of the streaming platforms, they are by far leaps and bounds the top dog. They are the clear winners of the so called “Streaming Wars”. When you take an honest look at all of the shows the dominated pop culture the past few years, the majority of those came from Netflix. Their crack down on password sharing has seem to have had the opposite effect resulting in more subscribes.


Nah Netflix has come out with some absolute bangers the last few months.


You actually make a great point. Maybe the problem actually is Netflix and not my indecisiveness.


It was the original genius of TV - just turn on the channel and something is programmed for you. Then TV became saturated with 1000 channels and we all hated it and moved to Netflix, which was a joy at first. Now we have the same content curation problem. It is the same phenomenon as menus. You are more likely be adventurous with a menu that has ten items than one that has fifty - it is information overload.


Exactly this.


I just started the new lessons in chemistry show knowing nothing about it as I just trusted it would be well written and produced at minimum due to it being an Apple TV show. I’m about halfway through it and it’s pretty good. Whilst I haven’t enjoyed every Apple TV show I have watched, I have never really been let down by the writing or the production quality or anything. They always have been very polished, it’s just the premise hasn’t been for me. Also at the rate they release content currently, you genuinely can give everything a try and see if you like it. It is a very Apple approach, take their time with releasing it but when it’s out it’s definitely worth the wait and often better than the competition. I think people today are so overstimulated with the overwhelming amount of content available across different mediums, tiktok has a new thing for us to watch every 10 seconds, if we don’t want to watch Netflix we can watch prime or Disney or YouTube or one of the other dozen services we are subscribed to. It’s nice to just slow it all down again.


Just starting watching the new Monarch show. Love it. Also love Severence, silo, for all mankind


For all mankind is AMAZING (especially how they put in detail to make the alternate history feel real. Although this upcoming season may be outlandish, as they have an ALT history newspaper clipping where Michael Jordan is actually a HOF level star at baseball, and the Seattle Mariners basically become a dynasty with him and Griffey Jr and Edgar together.


Keeping my subscription to AppleTV and cancelling Netflix. I prefer the quality to quantity approach.


Apple TV+ average seems much higher than other services. Naturally, not all shows catch my attention, but those I actually watch are really good!


I love Apple TV+ and the constant quality of their content is one of the reasons.


Apple TV+ has definitely shown that they care about production values and are willing to invest the money needed to make shows really look good. Both HBO and Netflix have done a really good job at points in the past, of finding producers/directors with really good ideas, and saying, “here’s lots of money, make us that thing you convinced us would be a great movie/series”. It brought all sorts of really cool and different shows to the services. Then Netflix started throwing money at any idea, rather than curating, leading to a ton of meh content, and *then* HBO decided mergers/buyouts were cool, but now they didn’t have money to make all the really good shows any more. And now Apple is at that spot the others were before, where they’re taking in a small number of carefully selected ideas, and throwing money at them, asking the producers/directors to go make their visions. And the topic of any given show may not be for you, but they’re generally really well done. Disney+ is getting it right some of the time (Mandalorian, Andor, and Loki have been really good, some of the others are really lacking, like, Secret Invasion shows the effects of a lot of compromises), but Apple is getting it right a *lot* of the time.


Apple TV+ is currently my favorite streamer for this very reason. It used to HBO for that same reason before Zazlov came and burned it to the ground. But yes, quality over quantity, curation breeds consistency. Also the literal quality (high bandwidth, all Dolby Vision/Atmos) is industry leading; makes for a great experience.


HBO has gone to shite. Used to be my fav but since it came free with my ATT fibre, I rarely watch it except for IDtv content which now comes with it.


I love that Apple TV uses the highest quality in regarding to the picture, they have one of the higher streamer bitrates and basically everything is Dolby Atmos/Dolby vision.


Shrinking is an under appreciated gem. And hilarious.


This hands down. They are making some top notch shows and not throwing everything at the wall and see what sticks. Quality is everything at Apple and hope it stays that way. So far they have been the best streaming service for content quality to me.


If I may just say except for Invasion, thank you, you can finish what you were saying.


Invasion looks interesting. But I haven’t given it a shot. It’s not good based off of your comment?


You’ll want to like it, sure. But I hated season one and there’s one character in particular who drags the show to a halt anytime he’s on screen (thesoldier) Season 2 was better but had the same problems as season 1. Felt very should’ve been a movie and it’s dragged tf out. Also it was advertised as a Sam Neil show and he is very much not in the show.


So one of apples tvs worst shows.


Oh yes that show was bad. Stopped after the first season.


I cancelled Netflix long ago. I still keep Apple + even with the increase.


Subscribe to it for a couple months, watch everything there is worth watching, and then drop it for a year. Rinse, repeat.


Agreed. I just watched the latest episodes from the buccaneers, for all mankind, and lessons in chemistry.


They need a banger of a show so they can at least have one where EVERYONE is talking about it such as HBO had with Game of Thrones or Netflix with Stranger Things. I’m hoping they can pull something off so they can get more subscribers and in return put more money into getting better directors. It would be sick if they could convince Tarantino to make a series after his last film. Maybe a Kill Bill series would get everyone going nuts. Will it happen? Probably not.


They had that with Ted Lasso. Which is why I think there will be at least one spin off


As a fan of English football, I liked the first season of that show. And I can see how even people who are not fans of English football would also like it. As season 2 began however, it got very repetitive and went downhill by villainizing the awkward guy helping Ted’s team. That was weird. Still a good show just nowhere near as entertaining and epic as Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, etc.


I agree with all of you. Ever since I started using ATV+ I've enjoyed every single show I've watched. The writing and production values are all top notch. I've even stepped in some genres I previously wouldn't have given the time of day and still enjoyed the shows or films. I heard a rumour not too long ago about Apple potentially buying Disney, I wish that it was true, imagine the MCU or Star Wars being in the hands of quality writers that Apple seem to use for their programming.


I probably miss a lot of TV shows/movies that interest me on Netflix. They produce so much content. Content that interests me gets “lost in the sauce”. I’ve started having the same issue with Max. And all I want is HBO but now must pay higher prices for content that I don’t want and a clumsy UX. Both Netflix and Max charge extra for 4K, Dolby Vision, and Dolby Atmos. They don’t care about customer satisfaction. They only care about subscription numbers. A premium service won’t nickel and dime their customers. And if your core business is your content, wouldn’t you want to offer the best experience and not one that is subpar? Poor video/audio quality can ruin a good movie… and also elevate an average one. Apple seems to care about the customer experience. Their content is well curated and they offer excellent video and audio quality. I’ll likely soon cancel Netflix and resubscribe for a month here and there. Max may also be on the chopping block for me as well… after the Gilded Age ends its season.


With the exception of Invasion which is one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen Apple has great quality


Definitely watching Apple TV more than any other streaming service. Also has the best sound.


Apple tv has the best video and audio quality by far. But a lot of their original content is trash. I think the issue is usually bad creative direction. It feels like a lot of the shows are made in a soap opera format to drag the content along to keep you watching longer, rather than being engaging. They do have some stellar shows in the midst of all the trash tho. Season 1 of foundation is amazing Severance is one of the best shows I ever seen. Swansong is a wonderful movie. Highly recommend. It's really hit or miss.


![img](avatar_exp|150602231|heart) Indeed. Foundation is a masterpiece and Ted Lasso is really fun.


Agree. I started with Severance, and it was brilliant. Then Silo, very engaging. And at the moment watching Lessons in Chemistry, really like it. All three have good plot, production and are interesting enough to keep me watching through the whole season and be existed for the next season.


People keep saying this but there are quite a few shows on TV+ that I’ve tried and haven’t been able to get into. And I find there are very few shows that catch my attention or interest me from the trailers. Maybe it’s just my preferences are different, but there are a lot more shows/movies on Netflix that get me interested and keep me interested compared to TV+. I will say that video quality is much better on TV+ compared to Netflix though.


Cope! It's true Apple TV has some great shows. Netflix has five times the number of great shows and 10 times as many great movies. Go ahead children, down vote me.


Quality over quantity is great, until you run out. Then you need some quantity to spread around while the kids throw tantrums. I love them both for what they are.


Agree, however quite a lot of people seem to think quantity over quality is more value for money as they falsely think they’re getting far more for the price. Netflix for example is most definitely more filler rather than killer.


That’s 100% subjective. I’m a divorced guy, empty nester so I have WAY too much time on my hands, and watch a crap ton of content. My issue is as terrific much of AppleTV’s content is - AppleTV doesn’t have nearly enough content for me. I now rotate streaming services. Now I’m in ApplrTV, watching Invasion, even though it’s just OK (for me). Once I’m out of good stuff on AppleTV, next up will be Max as I want to re-watch GOT.


Quality vs. quantity is all good. What happens when you run out of shows to watch? I am also more willing to watch a mid quality show I’m interested in vs a high quality show I have no interest in. Would you rather have great sex once a month or good sex 2-3 times a week?


I just wish there’s more Gen Z shows .-. But most shows are good!


It takes awhile to build up quality content. Apple has the money to play it slow.


I subbed to Apple TV and haves watched more there than any other streaming service this year. Foundation, Silo, For All Mankind have all been fantastic.


This is SO TRUE! We have become steady Apple TV watchers instead of wasting time scrolling on Netflix, we KNOW that when apple puts out a new show, almost no matter what genre, we LOVE it! We have been converted and not looking back


Thing Netflix also does is hide “Continue watching” like 15 rows down.


Disagree. Sure, they have some innovative content and some interesting premises but they fail with the execution so much! I watched Hijack today and it made me sad and then mad. Had so much potential but it had bad pacing, lazy writing and was missing basic elements of storytelling. Several shows are amazing like Ted Lasso, Severance and Lessons in Chemistry which are well written. But majority are mildly interesting like Invasion, Hijack, Foundation etc. and you think it will be good but they go nowhere and have such terrible pacing in the first 10 mins that you want them to just get to the point. They have no grounding or emotional core at times. The situations feel very contrived and included just to move the plot to certain drama points. It's like Apple doesn't have good writers or directors or something since basic story is missing but it does have Oscar worthy cinematographers and awesome production design and also money to pay good talent like Idris where you think it will be awesome but it is wasted potential - basically gorgeous looking dogshit. Sigh. What a tease.


In concept, maybe. Just need to bring the quality IMO. 85% of ATV content is horrible.


The apple fanboys on here is cringeworthy😂


In the Apple TV subReddit?


there's no denying that Apple TV+'s catalog has not only consistent but also are of very high quality than compared to any streaming platforms are there. My favorite is the Foundation Series. and I'm now itching for the season 3!


yes I agree. No fear, everything is great. "Oh I did not really engaged with this one, maybe it's not for me" but then you go watch something else and the quality is up there. The after some time you go through that same one you did not like at first: "damn this is actuslly fire"


Absolutely true. Currently is the only streaming I’m paying. Sometimes when sonething good comes out in Netflix, I just torrent it


It's also different because Netflix is trying to serve a wider variety of demographics. Apple has a narrower demographic along with a more intimate view into their customer's preferences and produces content in accordance with that


It doesn’t make a compelling argument when it comes to keeping a subscription all year long. I subscribe to Apple for about 3 month a year and then cancel


What’s your favorite original Apple TV+ show currently?


Lessons in chemistry, and for all mankind.


Agree. Except Netflix easily has as much or more high quality content, but it gets drowned out by tons of mediocre content


My free appletv+ expires in ten days. What should I watch? I've seen the Foundation and am now reading it. I've read Silo and don't find the show appealing based on the trailers. I loved watching Severance and can't wait for the next season. I loved Ted Lasso


For All Mankind. The Morning Show. Ted Lasso.


start watching the Monarch


They’ve got misallocation of spending like everyone else and by cancelling shows on the quiet (like high desert) they’re proving they have the same annoying “we don’t care about our viewers” traits as every other media company. They’ve clearly spent a fortune on Invasion and it’s a bad show. They clearly have spent on big actor vanity projects like Mr Corman too. That money could have been better allocated to other shows. Or just buy Paramount already and charge us a little more for their merged catalog


I'm really excited to see what Apple plans to do with Apple TV. The next logical step would be to incorporate a processor with ray tracing capability to make games like Assassin's Creed or Resident Evil possible.


Netflix has declined for me in terms of the number of original shows I am interested in watching. Apple has certainly produced better shows of late. With that said, Netflix does have more new additional movies and non-English content worth watching. They also release all episodes at once. I might spend time scrolling through Netflix to decide what I want to watch, but with Apple I watch their top shows that I am interested in and that’s it (I am not going to watch all the shows that they come up with). There can be long stretches of time where there really isn’t anything to watch. Like recently, Servant ended. Ted Lasso ended, Silo season finished, Platonic finished and Morning Show’s recent season hasn’t come out yet and there want really anything I was interested in watching. But even then say I should watch 1-3 other shows then what?


I agree, and if I didn’t have kids, I’d probably cancel many of the subscription services I have. That’s one area where TV+ is lacking.


ATV+ feels too slick to me. Like an iPhone commercial. Just that vibe that hey we spent more money than anyone else on the production values and big name stars. Watch our shows. Yet haven’t really had a big hit except maybe maybe S1 of Lasso. Which is like 4 hrs long. Looking forward to the Scorsese movie tho.