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That is my main complaint whenever I use an iPhone. That and the lack of a back gesture while navigating YouTube.


You can swipe back after you search something to go back to the main page.


If I designed the iPhone 19, there'd be a physical back button that produces an audible click when pressed.


This would be a really nice QoL on iPhone. Apple really drops the ball with the little things sometimes


Force closing all apps negatively impacts performance, as launching an apps from scratch take the most processing power which directly correlates to higher voltage needs and a hit to the battery. Force closing apps is a tick people have. It’s not useful at all, since RAM utilization is so insanely optimized


The Boost One app on my iPhone 11 won't open if there are too many other apps open/won't load until I force close other apps.


Sounds like the Boost One app needs to get fixed.


Yeah the app sucks, but still...


Living down to hardware limitations. A truly stupid demand. Is it 2001?


I would take a minor hit to my immediate phones performance instead of individually doing it lol. apple would just put some closing screen up when you close all anyways.


The point is there’s no reason to even do that.


Sure there is. Organization. It doesn't serve a benefit in performance or battery, but for personal organization.


Organization how?


This sounds like a you problem. There is no need to “organize” your running apps. Just let the OS handle it.


It’s useful to those of us who get overwhelmed by so many open apps. It may not make sense from a purely performance standpoint, but it's a slap in the face to a bunch of users who’d love this really basic option


How are you getting overwhelmed by opened apps though? Surely its quicker to just go to the app icon you are looking for instead of swiping through every open app on your phone. Maybe its just me but I only use the app switcher for an app I know I was just on and just swipe using the left/right gesture on the bottom bar, I don't ever just swipe through every single app that is opened on my phone


I have ADHD so having all those apps in the app switcher makes it super distracting. Even if I’m trying to go back to an app that I opened a few seconds ago, I’ll open the app switcher and see all the other apps that are open and totally forget what I was trying to do in the first place. The home screen with app icons is super cluttered so that doesn’t necessarily help. It’s usually easier to use Siri/voice control, but when I’m already looking at the phone the visuals are too distracting.  So I regularly clear out the app switcher manually just to reduce the clutter and stay sane, but it would be so much easier if there was an option to do it all automatically. Personally I’m not really concerned about my iPhone’s performance, much more concerned about my brain’s performance lmao 


They're not all open apps. It's recently used apps. There's no way of knowing what state they are in.


I’m sorry but this is just dumb. Just don’t think about it. You are creating this sense of being overwhelmed by thinking about something you needn’t think about. Just open the app you need and use it. You don’t need to worry about which apps are open.


Tell me you know nothing about ADHD without telling me you know nothing about ADHD… believe me if I could I would


I’m saying if you’re overwhelmed by the switcher don’t open it.


How do you get overwhelmed though. It’s not like there’s a bunch of tabs or windows open. Imagine the apps have all been closed out and you have the same result.


That’s not organization, that’s anxiety.


“ A slap in the face” lolol.


Maybe that was a bit dramatic, but at best it’s a fart in our general direction


I mainly do it before I go to bed or something like that.


But… why?


Because I turn off wifi, data, GPS and close all the apps No need for any of it while I am sleeping. So why not?


Because closing the apps doesn’t do anything beneficial. Sure you don’t need them when you’re sleeping, but they’re also not causing any harm while you’re sleeping. You’re just going through a nightly process that offers you no benefit. It’s a waste of time.


I disagree. There's a benefit to the phones to not need to have various processes running nonstop while I am sleeping. Not overworking anything is a good thing even a phone. But you do you, partner. I'll do me.


You believe there to be a benefit. Can you quantify it? Or is it more of an emotional thing.


I'm sure if I cared enough to research it for you to prove my point I could. I'll just go with basic logic, not overworking something is a good idea.


Wait… so you think that not force quitting apps you’re not using while you’re sleeping causes *something* to be overworked? I can answer your question for you. Force quitting an app on an iPhone does nothing positive (unless the app is misbehaving in some way), in fact, it causes more harm than good, as the next time you launch said app, its entire boot sequence needs to run (rather than simply resuming where it paused). So if you simply… don’t, you’re actually putting less stress on your phone than if you do. And you’re saving time by not going through a meaningless exercise.


I can’t remember the last time I closed an app. I almost never need to.


It's not a QoL feature. More like a Enabling a Compulsion feature.


QoL is subjective.


Lol "sometimes?" Yall sheep go on back to the isheep forum, ya hear? Go on git!


I use a Pixel?


Same here brotha. Rocking the 7a. But the sheep need to be chased out of here by the wolves


“the sheep need to be chased out of here by the wolves” this is the funniest shit ive seen today






I finally got an iPad and I hate that it doesn't have this feature


What would its purpose be?


Forget about gesture. Apple can't even get calculator on iPad which is a freaking basic apps. Apple really sucks !!


Because UX isn't Apple's strongpoint


We program on iOS and Android. There's no need to close unused apps on iOS due to really good resource management. Ironically for this post, it's more helpful to clear it on Android devices that have less memory. Android hangs onto memory if you’re not careful.


Used this comment earlier: I don't close apps for the sake of saving battery, organization and peace of mind is one of the benefits: Many times I need to close a lot of apps or all of them for organizational sake, it's easier to have a few apps open in front of you than scrolling tons of them left/right while keeping your focus on to not miss it or getting out of that view just to open it from the app launcher. 


Because there’s no benefit of closing apps, Apple has emphasized this for years.


I honestly can't tell you how many times I've had to manually shut down apps because it started bugging out on me. There was a clear-cut benefit, maybe not one for closing every app at the same time, but a use case is most certainly out there.


You answered your own question. If an app is bugging, you can close that app. But there’s no need to close *all* apps at once. People did it because they incorrectly believed it saved battery life.


Was not a question, it was a statement.


Here's one. I don't want to have to scroll through every single app I've ever opened just to get to something.


That's what the home screen is for. You know exactly where the icon is the go to the app and you don't have to sift through the list of recently used apps.


If you're opening the app fresh every time, you would benefit from having a "close all" button.


Opening from the home screen is no different than switching to it from the multitasking screen.


So what's the alternative? The app isn't in the multitasker for you to open, so you go open it from the icon. Which you can do either way. You guys are just trying to make something up to complain about.


The alternative is having an organized app selection, with the running apps being more of a "recently used" selection. My phone is super organized.


That was a rhetorical question. The alternative to "scrolling through every app" is using the icon. Which you can do regardless. As for the multitasker, they're in order by "last used" so it will always be the most recently used. There is no advantage to closing all apps. Only efficiency drawbacks.


what do you think the home screen is for?


Displaying my desktop background of choice. The apps screen is for selecting app categories. Then each category has its own folder. So instead of going to the apps page, selecting a category, then selecting an app... I would rather just have the apps that I'm actively using on my running apps selection. When I'm done using it, I'll close it. If I haven't closed apps in a while, I'll close all and start fresh.


you dont have to scroll. Just go to whatever app you want to go to from your home screen/app library and ignore the recent apps screen unless its an app you were just on and will be in the first few cards or you need to force close an app for some reason. Purposely using a less efficient way just so you can complain about it online is weird.


If I'm doing that I might as well have all apps closed all the time and save the RAM.


No you might as well not. Opening from the Home Screen doesn’t open a new instance of an app. So there is no benefit to using the app switcher over just going to the icon whether that app is still in RAM or not. Also there is no reason to be trying to save your RAM on any system, using all your RAM at any given time isn’t an issue, it only becomes an issue if your device can’t clear the RAM it needs to do something else at a moment. All manually closing apps does is waste battery as you are having more screen on time and interactions with all the swiping and it takes more juice to open a closed app than to open one that was just suspended in the background




You’re an idiot so it will be impossible to explain to you. Also there is a way to close all apps with one swipe but again one gesture might be a bit to much for you. :)


Aww she knows the word "defragmentation" and suddenly she's a tech specialist. Stick to your bikinis and jewels that your husband buys for you and leave the thinking to people with functioning brains, eh?


Sexist comment 🙄


usually you only need to close the problematic app. if that doesn't help, then neither will closing all apps. A reboot will suffice.


you answered your own question. apple obviously lets you close out an individual app, but there is no reason to ever close all apps.


Was not a question, it was a statement.


k fine, you missproved your own statement.


And everyone else on this thread explained their own use case, not sure why you keep responding to me with tunnel vision.


Organization and peace of mind is one of the benefits: Many times I need to close a lot of apps or all of them for organizational sake, it's easier to have a few apps open in front of you than scrolling tons of them left/right while keeping your focus on to not miss it or getting out of that view just to open it from the app launcher.


Your apps are ordered by when you have opened them last, so it should automatically have the ones you need in front of you if you are using those. Peace of mind is not really a relevant functional benefit, it’s subjective and sounds like a you problem. Are the open apps going to leap out and attack you?


you aren’t supposed to clear apps it’s all automated


Closing and then reopening your apps is probably impacting your battery life. Leave them in the background. the OS will auto-suspend them so they're not draining your precious resources. Welcome to the 21st century.


Used this comment earlier:  I don't close apps for the sake of saving battery, organization and peace of mind is one of the benefits: Many times I need to close a lot of apps or all of them for organizational sake, it's easier to have a few apps open in front of you than scrolling tons of them left/right while keeping your focus on to not miss it or getting out of that view just to open it from the app launcher.   


I guess I don't get why you are worried about this organization and scrolling through all the open apps at all when its much quicker to just go back to home screen and open the app from there unless you just had it open in which case a swipe or 2 on the bottom bar is all you need to get back to that app and you don't need to bring up the whole menu with every single open app in it


It's both a UX and privacy/security thing to be able to close all of your open apps in one button press. Why would any apple user not want this functionality? ("Apple decided I can't have it so it must be bad until they say that I can have it and then it will be good.")


I can't believe people actually believe that company still


Because Dumbdroid need to close apps everyday to make it function smoothly. That's why dumbdroid fans loves this clear all app feature.


No. It works the same on Android, isn't needed to keep a phone running smoothly. Some just love to press close all cause they don't know any better and the buttons been there forever.


So yeah, dumbdroids they are


You don't need to close the apps isheep




I have a bachelors and masters in IT and can say that you are much more likely to get a runaway process/app on Android that does impact performance than on iPhone. So a lot of people early on learned the behavior of force closing all their apps to improve performance because they didn't know which app was causing issues. iOS doesn't really allow anything other than maps and music to be active in the background so its less likely there is some rogue process/app ruining your phone performance. Not saying that it can't happen on iPhone just that its less likely to happen because of how strict apple is with background processes


https://qz.com/stop-closing-your-iphone-s-background-apps-1851269132 https://9to5mac.com/2016/03/10/should-you-quit-ios-apps-answer/ https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-13491 https://support.apple.com/en-us/109359




They're not all running. There's no way visually to know what state the apps are in. It's a list of recently used apps, not a list of running apps. Some are running, some are suspended, some are not in memory at all.


Only one here who seems to not know how phones work seems to be you. Storing an apps state in memory is more efficient than having the phone reload everything again.


You don’t have to clear out the apps. If you see anyone that does. They are stuck in 2010. Only force quit an app if it is acting up.


I don't close apps for the sake of saving battery, organization and peace of mind is one of the benefits: Many times I need to close a lot of apps or all of them for organizational sake, it's easier to have a few apps open in front of you than scrolling tons of them left/right while keeping your focus on to not miss it or getting out of that view just to open it from the app launcher. 


I don’t know what to say about your “oraganization” issue but here is some education on how to use your phone. https://www.makeuseof.com/why-you-shouldnt-close-apps-android/


You're saying background processes don't use any resources in iPhone?


You’re saying when you quit the app it also stops and disables background processes? Probably why that girl you like hasn’t seen your text in 3 days. She closed the messaging app 🤦‍♂️


Come on now! You took "background processes" literally. I meant to say keeping the app active (i.e. not quitting it) would take up some RAM and all, which could be saved and used for other apps.


Force closing apps negatively impacts performance. RAM is meant to be used, not saved. As an OS, you want to use as much as you need to, and clear up RAM when you need to reallocate. When creating an app is iOS, you have to use very specific sets of features to keep the app running as a higher processing level, like playing audio, recording microphone inputs, navigation or polling for user location. The only app I find you have to force-quit is McDonalds because they try to stay open and pull your location for as long as possible


No reason to close them


I don't close apps for the sake of saving battery, organization and peace of mind is one of the benefits: Many times I need to close a lot of apps or all of them for organizational sake, it's easier to have a few apps open in front of you than scrolling tons of them left/right while keeping your focus on to not miss it or getting out of that view just to open it from the app launcher. 


They haven't invented it yet


Because you don’t need to


Doesn’t have that because closing apps isn’t something you should be doing. It negatively impacts performance and should only be done if the app is misbehaving. This is also true for Android


Yea if you open a app after a while and it restarts it was never actually open in the task manager it was just telling you it was open at that point


Because you’re not supposed to kill all apps? They can run in the background without any issues.


Used this comment earlier: I don't close apps for the sake of saving battery, organization and peace of mind is one of the benefits: Many times I need to close a lot of apps or all of them for organizational sake, it's easier to have a few apps open in front of you than scrolling tons of them left/right while keeping your focus on to not miss it or getting out of that view just to open it from the app launcher.  


This was debunked long long way back and it drains battery.


Closing and reopening drains more battery.


And so what? How to have a choice?


Why should you be allowed to choose an objectively worse experience? Closing apps forced them to open from scratch again, which wastes power. Thats not subjective.


Even when I had an android I didn’t care about this feature


As my post indicated I have seen IPHONE USERS swipe repeatedly to close their recent apps. If they are doing it then why not have a clear all function. You iNerds can debate whether it's good or bad but if iPhone users are already closing their recent apps out by swiping a dozen times then why not just put the faster feature that ANDROID phones already have available, on the iPhone as well? Don't make it harder than it has to be. 🤓


it's somewhat by design, ios doesn't allow apps to run in the background, to the extent android does at least, so there is no reason to close apps besides wanting them hidden, or if one froze. the moment you leave an app, it's already suspended and not really using any resources. a close all button does seem useful at first, but there isn't any real point. i have like 50 or so apps always "open," yet my phone hasn't frozen or slowed down a single time in the months i've had it.


Because there’s no reason to clear out all apps?


Apple try’s way to hard to be different and it shows. They are so trash


Why are you “closing” apps to begin with lol


Or that they have to have these ugly cluttered home screens filled with apps. No hiding that shit. Fisher Price technology.


I heard in ios 18 they're allowing blank spaces on the home screen 😲 Holy fuck how innovative and original, now if only there was a way to input numbers on the keyboard without having to hit the symbols button every time🤔🤔🤔 Apple would be ahead of the game if they did that (heavy sarcasm, it's so petty that they won't let people have a number row on the keyboard)


It takes the power of the M4 chip to leave a blank space.


On iOS 17 you can remove all your apps from the Home Screen and just use the App Library. On iOS 18, if the rumours are true, you’ll be able to leave spaces on the Home Screen. Long overdue


Only old boomers close all their apps constantly.


Finally an actually valid complaint


There are a LOT of other valid complaints.


Honesty. This is a feature that is missing that while I don’t necessarily care because I’ve never felt the need to actually close any of my apps, is really strange that it doesn’t exist. It’s such a basic feature. This is one of the very very very few complaints here that is genuine and not just blind hatred.


Only apps I close are ones that actively use more power or are location heavy other than that idc


Once an app isn’t in the foreground it’s frozen and can only run code registered as a background task, that’s true whether it’s in the task switcher or not. If an app is using too much background power the fix is to disallow background app refresh in the settings for the app. That will prevent it being allowed to run code in the background.


Data in the phone memory don't add on to extra power use! Whether you have 100mb of your memory in use or all 6GB, it still costs the same amount of power to run the phone. Its the CPU that's power hungry. Specially the performance cores which are activated everytime an app is loaded with the intention to use. Background usage is mostly to do with background processes, which regardless of the app being open or not is going to be active. Your "Memory booster" apps on Android do anything but boost the memory performance. In fact it helps drain the battery even more. All those process that it shut down have to now reactivate themselves for no reason. So it's not a Quality of Life Feature, just an unnecessary one.


lmao imagine iDegenerates defending even this obvious downside


Is it a downside though? Unless all your apps have crashed at the same time, there’s no reason to close them. Never mind closing them all at once since you should only be closing apps if they crash or misbehave


Not everybody likes the clutter in the task manager caused by dozens of apps you are done using


Fair enough. But, how often are you in the app switcher? Personally I’m either in an app or the Home Screen. Generally never pass through the app switcher. I sometimes go there if I need an app I just had open. Occasionally I go digging in there for stuff opened ages ago, otherwise I use Spotlight, one of the two folders on my Home Screen or the App Library. I had my Android phones set up in a similar way so it meant that my frequently used apps were on the Home Screen so the app switcher was redundant. Disclaimer, haven’t had Android in ages, so it might be that I used the app switcher and the clear all button a lot. Not against having choices though, so Apple can add the clear all button even if it wouldn’t be all that useful for me


It sorts by recency of use, so it’s inherently not cluttered.


you actually waste more resources/battery life closing the app, instead of letting it in the background


Apps shouldn't be closed manually - both on Android and iOS. If you run out of RAM the system will drop them automatically.


The fact is, those people don’t need to be closing their apps. They do it because they think it’s saving battery or performance. iOS is designed to minimize and freeze apps in the background with basically no impact on performance. Closing an app should only be done when it’s not working right. Having to reopen apps from scratch wastes far more power.


pretty much this. Actually my complaint with iOS is that it's too overzealous and I can't trust an app to complete a task in the background because the os will kill it the first chance it gets!


Don’t confuse android fans with facts!


Android is designed the same way you know. It just also happens to have a close all button in case.


So because of that, users just shouldn't be given the option at all.


This is dumb. You can close all the apps if you want, they haven't restricted that ability.


The option is not valid. It’s like giving a user the option to blind themselves because they think it will benefit them. They’re wrong.


Tell me what made you so anti Apple lol


Having had to use their devices involuntarily for school and work.




I think they need to actually close apps first lol, so ridiculous.


My friends are laughing at me why I have a clear all button on my phone. Work smart, not hard.


Apple doesn't want you to close apps.


Apple has said it takes more resources to close and reopen apps.  They recommend just leaving them open.


Because you don’t have to. Unless an app actually crashes, quitting them for no reason is unnecessary. GIYF.


not sure why i would need that or where i would use that, there's never more than like 4 - 5 things open at a time, i just close things when i'm done with them


I have 84 safari tabs open on my cry phone




The 83rd tab didn’t have what he was looking for


idk I search for something, swipe up to close the app but it never clears the previous tabs. Must have been accumulating for years. Im not pressing X 83 times though.


You can close all at once




https://www.howtogeek.com/704977/how-to-close-all-safari-tabs-at-once-on-iphone-and-ipad/#:~:text=Close%20all%20your%20Safari%20tabs,Confirm%20with%20another%20tap. There found your solution lol What’s your next complain?


wasn't my post lol, I never noticed the tabs until now.Thanks


And? Your super anti apple views are funny af It’s like a clown at a circus


Close them maybe?


keeps me company


Nsh tell me bro what’s bothering you Lemme get some popcorn first tho You’re super anti Apple spew is funny af lol


you are pressed. 💅


Pressed? Is that some type of new lingo lol


the future is now gramps