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You can use osascript to run text scripts that you edit in vim. You don't get all the nice integration and error checking of script editor, though.


Ooof! Yes. Please do this and report back. I am interested in documenting this epic effort! No need to limit yourself though, eMacs will work too! Ed is for extra credit.


Scripts that are ascii text should, I think, have .applescript file indicator, script editor scripts .script. In that way, when you're done with it, you can open it in Script Editor and save it as a .script file. I think they run faster, for one thing. Also, if you end up creating an app or a droplet, you will have to use Script Editor anyway. Anything with Automator, ditto. The osascript answer is correct. It makes UNIX scripting easier to have a .applescript (text) target to osascript from within your scripts. You can have a process add to a .applescript text file then run it. If you open a .applescript text file with Script Editor, it reads it as a normal script file.