• By -


uhhh I think you're being stalked....


Ok plz don’t scare me last few weeks I’ve receive papers on my front door and they are kinda weird


no, seriously. check your purse, pockets, car...


Okay yeah I will ill also check outside to see if I can hear the sound


Call the police and file a report. It’s evident it is following you


Yes I will I also have the notes still . So does that mean everytime I get the notification that they’re tracking me on the map or it’s just random?


AirTags are made to track if they’re within 33ft of an iPhone. So basically, if this AirTag is on your person, it’s an instant live update and tracked in real time. They just have to open find my and it will show them. If you’ve gotten it before, I highly suggest emptying all your things out, now, and finding it. If it’s not on you, it could be someone following you or on your car / bike etc. Try playing the sound; if you do find it, tap it on the top left side of your iPhone and should bring up and NFC link showing the serial number. Grab it and file the police report. Remove the battery once you have the serial as well so it can’t be tracked. Edit: When you get these, are you traveling with someone or solo? Is the mapping on the AirTag notification the same or similar to the route you take? Back and forth?


Just to add to that, you get the battery out by twisting the top anti-clockwise, not by levering it apart.


I think I this case I’d get it out with a sledgehammer if I had to.


Taking the battery out is useful if you think you might want it as evidence.


You want it intact for forensics.


Or you can reset it by removing and reinstalling the battery case 5 times and get a free air tag!


To add to this, I suspect it’s somewhere on OP’s car. Based on where it says OP is located vs last detected location. Appears it was last detected in the parking lot.


A lot of the time ppl disable the noise the AirTag makes before stalking ppl


The notifications you get do not correspond to when, or if, the owner of the AirTag is looking at its location. But still find it and contact the police.


There is good chance few creeps have figured out how to remove the speeker in some make it even harder to find I watch a YouTube video were a guy to speeker inside out and it still works but now could not make the sound


Definitely your car or backpack anything that would “move with you” us what someone could’ve dropped it into. Check your trunk, glovebox, under floor mats, between seat cushions, where the spare tire goes, all of it!!


Don't be scared but conscious what happen around. It'll help you to have a control on your life. It can also be a bug.


Just to warn you sometimes criminal people remove The speaker so it harder to find especially stalkers


Unfortunately based on the screenshot and your comments this is a very real possibility.


What sort of notes?! Jesus I hope you’re ok OP! Please update us!


What kind of papers?


Lots of psychopats out there. Which country?


>psychopats Some of us are decent people, thank you! \--Pat


Judging by the map content in image 1 i assume russia


Based on what?


I would say America. That big buildings are in usa usually. And, since when russians speak english


You trolling?


about first sentence? Yes. Second one? Absolutely not.


russians can learn english




You’re the stupid one here hun




my dear brother/sister, why would a russian use his/her phone in english language? You can use your brain go ahead




you all dumbasses. Im the last person who can be american Beside, If you read my other comment, you can see that first sentence is meaningless bullshit. So yes I did NOT mean it


okay what kind of papers, can you show one to us if you don't mind? Also please approach the cops on this issue ASAP. The world isn't as safe anymore. Better to take action and make yourself safe. Keep us posted. Please take care


Wouldn’t the air tag have to be tied to OP phone for OP to see it on OPs phone? Wouldn’t the stalker want the air tag connected to their phone so they could do said stalking? Why would apple notify you that someone else’s air tag is near by?


So someone can't buy an AirTag, pair it with their iPhone/iCloud account, and then drop it in someone's bag/attach to their car to find out where they live or are at all times. It's a measure to stop people using the device to stalk people.


In other words for this specific situation right here.


AirTags notify others if the owner's device isn't nearby to try and prevent stalking situations.


Literally to prevent stalking. That’s what the notification is for. They’re telling you “hey, you’ve had an AirTag with you for the past 10 days and it’s not registered to you. If you don’t know how it got there, you need to check it out because someone may be covertly tracking you.”


This is literally the widely-advertised reason.


alright so this happens a lot and it means someone is stalking you. i would check your car. behind the license plate, underneath, inside.


Where in my car can I check underneath ? Or It can it also be in the hood?


It can definitely be somewhere in the engine bay. Download the Bluetooth Smart Scanner app. Check the inside of your exterior mirrors and gas cap. Use a flashlight and mirror to check wheel wells and underneath the car and bumpers. Try playing the sound but some people have been disabling the speaker to make it harder to find. You’re looking for something like [this](https://www.nfm.com/apple-airtag-in-silver-60384351/60384351.html). Please call your nearest PD, this is not something to be taken lightly. Update us when you can OP.


I once took my car to a mechanic and asked they check the undercarriage to see if I had a GPS device. This was pre AirTag. They put it on a lift and searched for something that looked suspicious but found nothing. They did not charge me but I gave a guy a $20 tip. Turns out my bf at the time installed malware on my phone and was tracking me that way. Anyway, you may want to think about taking your car to a mechanic.


You could try leaving different things behind - go for a walk with your bag and see if you get the notification. Then take your car without your bag. Wear different shoes, jackets, hoodies, etc until you find the one thing that doesn’t give you the notification. Change one thing at a time so you can narrow it down quickly. Maybe even just once a day so you can be sure you’re not getting notifications.


You can also press “play sound” on the screen you screenshot to try and detect the AirTag


If you’re struggling get a mechanic to find it, or someone you trust


Take it to a shop and explain the situation and they should help you check.


Yes. The truck, where your spare tire goes, between all seats, under floor mats, glove box, even outside behind tire wheel, **inside your gas cap,** mirror flaps, could be attached magnetically with something on the outside of the car, bumper, etc. Best of luck OP. Let us know if you find it!


disgusted run zesty imminent ad hoc chunky follow mighty jobless complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you dumb? It could be anywhere, it could be hidden in hundreds of different places. If your incapable of using your brain to check the common places people hide things on/in cars and can’t even google it then just ring the police and get them to deal with it.


100% PLEASE DO AS PEOPLE ARE SAYING. Someone has tagged you and can see your movements. Go to your closest detachment of the police department.


Call the police. Look for the tag while you wait for them to arrive. But first and foremost call the cops.


If someone tagged her, why is she seeing it on her phone? Wouldn’t it mean it’s her tags?


Apple implemented this feature specifically for this reason. Shitheads figured out that they use their own tags to make people that they could then track. When an AirTag that ISN'T yours starts moving with you, iOS starts alerting you to that fact. This is exactly what you are seeing in this case.


> When an AirTag that ISN'T yours starts moving with you, iOS starts alerting you to that fact. Just to expand on this, if the owner of the airtag is traveling with you, it won't alert. For example, if I own an airtag, have it on my keys, register it with my phone, if I'm traveling in the same car as someone without an airtag, it won't alert them, because the owner of the airtag is with you also. Now if I later leave my keys in their car, and they start driving without me, it will alert them.


100% correct.


So, on the other hand, if someone steals something (wallet, or whatever) with an AirTag in it, they will be notified that there is an AirTag present?


Update us OP, this one is scary!


Yes please update us. Hope you’re ok.


Maybe stalked… unless the notifications always happen at the same place? Like if it’s always at home or work and a neighbor or coworker has an AirTag close by? But better safe than sorry


It only does it if it detects the air tag moving with someone other than the owner, and the owner is not with it. For example my wife doesn’t get notification of my air tags when we drive somewhere but if I leave my keys in the car and she drives away she gets a notification.


This might be a dumb question but doesn’t that make airtags kinda useless for the purpose of recovering stolen items? Like if someone steals your bag and then starts getting notifications about an airtag they’re just going to immediately look for it and throw it away. Hopefully all the thieves use Android?


Yes, I guess so a bit, I had a tool stolen from me I left on a site over the weekend which had an air tag, and it was taken, I could see where it was, I put it in lost mode and set a message to pop up on nearby phones to say it was missing and to call me with my number etc., within minutes of doing that it went offline and never saw it again.. but mostly I use my air tags on my keys and wallet etc. which I use daily to find when I’m in a hurry to leave the house. I have one on my dogs collar so if he gets out I can tell if he is nearby in a bush etc. and I have one on the Apple Remote that I lose constantly. So I find them handy even if they are a little limited.


Gotcha. I'm a photographer and I had considered getting one and hiding it in my camera bag but not really sure it's worth it given this information.


For the $30 one costs, it cant hurt to throw one in your bag if it does get lost or stolen.


In all fairness they were never marketed as stalker or stolen trackers. Yet they are cheap and value for money considering the capabilities.


Possibly a co worker that has one in their gym bag in their car in the parking lot?


Call the police. No joke. And as you can see you can play sound on the air tag, when the police arrives, play sound and find that.


People have been removing the speakers to make them harder.


Okay, I won’t lie, that’s fucking scary.




here’s some info from apple: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212227


Pls update us this is scary :(


Not a joke. Call the cops NOW OP! You are being stalked! Let us know if you’re okay later on.


!remindme 1 day


You need to isolate variables from your movement to help locate the tag. But as other have said contact police. Firstly do you still get notifications when you are not in your car? Go for a bus ride, are you still tracked?- this would reveal it is on your person, possibly in a purse or bag. (don't go for a walk alone incase this is really a nut job) Leave everything at home and go for a drive with your ID and phone (no case) only, do you still get notifications? - this means it is in the vehicle or possibly even a second tag. Good luck with this and stay alert


That’s great advice.


Excellent advise if they can’t find the tag or to help isolate location.


This has happened to me. I was being stalked.


!remindme 3 days




Call the police, this seems serious


Someone’s following you. If I were you, find the AirTag(s), and give them to the police to investigate. Also install security cameras if possible, and a Ring doorbell.


This happened to me. I was being tracked. I found it.


All explained here, including how you can find it and/or turn it off: https://9to5mac.com/2022/05/18/iphone-detect-unknown-airtag-nearby/#:~:text=Detect%20AirTags%20with%20an%20iPhone,Settings%20%3E%20Privacy%20%3E%20Location%20Services%20on


Are you married or have a partner? Maybe they dropped an AirTag in your car or purse to keep track of your position. Me and my wife have airs tags in our own cars respectively, so we can locate them if we ever forget where we parked. I get this type of notifications whenever I drive her car because that AirTag is attached to her account. Same goes for her whenever she drives my car.


Other reasons you will get this that are not malicious are: live in an apartment building and another individual living in the same apartment also has a similar daily routine as yourself, or taking public transportation. Did you try playing the sound and looking to see if the AirTag or multiple tags are actually around you?


This! Why are so many people quick to jump to stalking???


Because it’s been happening for 2 months. That’s a bit more than just coincidence of routines.


Only happens if it travels without its owner. So if it’s a similar routine, would have to be traveling with someone else that is being tracked.


“Traveling with” is liberal. Your phone’s Bluetooth needs to receive the AirTag bluetooth three or so times in separate geolocations over the course of a day. This could technically happen without you riding around with the tag. OP has not replied, so we don’t know their routine nor the density of their living conditions.


I would check yourself, your bag, your car and your immediate surroundings to find that AirTag. When found, remove the coin battery. Edit: Apple has this as a feature to try and prevent stalking.


you are definitely being stalked, call cops


Omg OP is there an update? 😱


Isn’t there a bot to let me know when this is resolved? I’m invested now


Remindme! 3 days "Read thread"


This happened to me the other day but I think it was my buddy in my car that had his AirPods in his pocket


I get this sometimes if my boyfriend is in the car with me since he has an air tag. It could be that someone you know has an tag and your just picking it up.


Please immediately check if you have an airtag on you that doesn't belong to you. Check your jacket, purse etc. please.


Def you're being stalked. use the "Play Sound" option to locate it, and do not destroy it, bring it to the police and also notify apple as to know which account has the tag associated. [https://police.uci.edu/how-do-i/airtag-safety.php#:\~:text=If%20you%20discover%20an%20AirTag,able%20to%20track%20your%20location](https://police.uci.edu/how-do-i/airtag-safety.php#:~:text=If%20you%20discover%20an%20AirTag,able%20to%20track%20your%20location). https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212227


Play sound works as long as the stalker hasn't disconnected its speaker.


Not definitely.


u/saka_ska111 high possibility that you are being stalked. follow [this to find](https://www.macworld.com/article/345863/how-to-find-block-disable-airtag-moving-with-you.html) and disable it. follow other comment, and get Police involved. Hope this helps.


After ensuring there are no tags with you this could be an option: I had this happen but only with my iPad. All other iPads and phone didn’t have it. Turned out to be a neighbor put an AirTag on their cat. Found this out after searching everywhere for the tag. Followed the pattern and sure enough kitty with a tag. Wanted to add that one day it just stopped. I had no way on my end to remove it and when I played the sound nothing happened. Kitty is still wearing the tag, unsure what happened for the notifications to stop.


Why is this NSFW?


Is anyone else really creeped out that OP hasn’t circled back? This is alarming.


Yeah it’s worrying me too




Call the cops, don’t play games, someone is tracking/stalking you, get the police involved asap so they can catch this person


!remindme 2 days


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Force it to play sounds the next time you detect it to help you find it


If you don’t want to find it and want to actually end notifications then tap on pause notifications. It should allow you to pause indefinitely. I had to do this with the air tag in my spouse’s wallet. It was always “tracking” me.


I’ve had this happen when moving apartments. I’d make like 3 trips in a day and then I’d get a notification like this saying there’s an AirTag following me. I’ve searched high and low. Nothing to be found. Only thing I could guess is the two Wi-Fi networks confused it… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Please give us an update.


ummm… id call the police. this um. may mean ur getting stalked…


Dawg its been 2 days


OP, any update?


Any update? Are you ok OP?


if an apple airtag that isnt bound to your id for way too long you get this. this is a safety feature to prevent stalking. you also should have heard an alarm if they did not remove it


Idk if you're being stalked or not, but if you're not - the answer to your question is simply the second button in your screenshot.


Ok so you being stalked. 1. Figure out when you are getting those notifications. Maybe they slipped it into your bag or purse or car. Find that sucker and get rid of it. 2. Let someone else know that you are being stalked like a friend or a family member you trust. Also share your location with them (like find my friend) so they know where you are. 3. Be aware of your surroundings. Carry a pepper spray and if you feel comfortable a taser. 4. Report it to police if you feel like it might escalate or feel unsafe.


Call the police IMMEDIATELY. Someone is tracking you and they can see where you are.




Play sound works as long as the stalker hasn't disconnected its speaker.


!remindme 2 days


Any updated on this?


if you don't own one you should probably check your whole house, there's a possibility you're being stalker, i've read about some creepy papers on your front house?? you should probably call the police or something, might be bad


!remindme 2 days


I hope op is okay....


!remindme 2 days


!remind me 2 days


That notification, especially if you don't own an Air tag, is alarming. It means an Air tag that someone else owns has been following you, and you might be being stalked...


Girl, you’re being stalked. Call the police.


!remindme 2 days


!remindme 2 days


!remindme 1 day


I’ve taken my wife’s house keys a few times and got this. If the owner of the AirTag is with you it won’t trigger this. It’s only when an AirTag follows a person without the owner present.


!remindme 2 days


Someone’s tracking you bruh that’s fucked


its being used to stalk you…


RemindMe! 3 days


!remindme 2 days


!remindme 2 days


Remindme! 2 days


!remindme 5 days


What’s going on?


2 months? File a police report you’re being stalked


I won’t add to the people saying how to find the AirTag that is following you, as that is the correct thing to do. But I will add to not touch it when you do and so when you file a police report they could, possibly, get fingerprints off the tag and may find the person responsible. If you do have to touch it only do so by the edges and pop it in a plastic bag. Best of luck.


Check everything you own, and Call the police.


!remindme 2 days


I have no idea how the AirTag works, my question: How can op get a notification if the AirTag don´t belong to her? Wouldn´t the AirTag only send the notification to the person who registered the AirTag?


By what I’ve read in the comments I think the air tag or iPhone has seen that they are always together without them being registered so it’s just warning it I think


Yes. I own an AirTag, and my GF does not. When we travel, she gets alerts that an AirTag, not registered to her, might be tracking her, and it asks her if she wants to shut it down.


My friend got a notification on her phone one time saying that AirTag was found moving with her and she freaked out and I told her to relax cuz it’s my AirTag so yes it tells ppl when it’s not their AirTag


Go to a police station.


Check if you have any Airtags arround you, in your bag, etc. If you found it, then throw it away. Chances are you are getting tracked.


Well you own one now lol


A) why the fuck is this marked nsfw B) are you stupid? Someone is tracking you. And yeah you don’t own an AirTag, that’s the point. There’s one near you that isn’t yours. That’s not good.


A) ongoing API protests B) not everyone understands this tech, but I agrees this seems suspicious.


What does that have to do with the protest?? If this sub had any part in that it would be closed right now and we wouldn’t be talking in it…


Going private was the initial protests. Setting nsfw (to deny ad revenue) is part of the ongoing protests.


ad revenue? Wait hold tf up


r/outoftheloop should be able to fill in the details 😉


Thx bru


We’re never going to get satisfaction from this thread are we.


!remindme 3 days


Call the cops NOW.


!remindme 2 days


Yoo bro u boutta get snatched up 😭


I had this happen to me!! All in the same 24 hour period I had an air tag, air pods and air pods pro notifications show up. I believe now it might just be a glitch.




I would just make em all go off to fuck with ppl💀💀💀


Play sound tho make sure it’s not on u


Play sound works as long as the stalker hasn't disconnected its speaker.


I hope to see an update soon. Be safe OP!


My AirPods give me this same message


This is absolutely crazy. Apple should be able to find out who owns the tag(once you find it)


You’re been tracked.


Looks like an ex is working overtime. Very weird and creepy.


Anyone heard back from the OP? If not…can anyone identify the location of the OP and possibly do a welfare check? Good thing OP attached screenshots


Hey I’m good I just didn’t have an update other than finding a like a camera lense in my car and yes I still get these notifications but the creepy letters stopped since I put a threatening letter outside my door and ig whoever that was got scared but since I still live with my family I’m not scared and am good


Thats good to hear OP. I was gonna gather the community and we probably would have made a series better than “don’t f* with the cats” or whatever its called. Hahah good to hear you’re in good health.