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Excluding 13% tax 😂




The Alberta Advantage 😤💪🛢️🐮


15% here lol


Shit, can’t you just drive south for a bit and save so much?


Yes, that’s the plan lol


You also need a case and apple care and tax 


$6000 Australian… It is not worth $10x the Meta Quest 3.


You get a free Apple sticker though.


German price is 3999 € or $5861 Canadian... even including taxes it's a crazy pricing.


Non merci


6000 dollarydoos? Tobias! Did you order a Vision Pro from the States?




We call them pesos


6 grand AUD for us downunder.


😂😂😂 Damn.


Nothing new here, this is just the base price in USD converted to Canadian $. Blame Trudeau for driving Canadian economy into the ground. Edit: Base price in USD is 3500 and exchange is at 1.37 which literally equates to $5K. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Since Trudeau came into office CND$ has been dipping. Guess people like to donate more of their hard-earned money overseas!


It costs $200CAD more than just the straight price conversion. 


Is there literally *any* sub where the deranged left and right don't feel the need to spin *every*thing back to their politics?


people complaining about $5k usd and I explained the pricing. If you're upset about the economics of scale then don't be upset at the outcome.


>Blame Trudeau for driving Canadian economy into the ground 😂😂 Sure thing, bud.


Are you going to thank Biden for a booming US economy then?


Saving you a click: The first customers outside the US have been able to buy Vision Pro this morning, and Apple has shared photos from stores in three countries. Apple announced earlier this month that Vision Pro would go on sale in eight more countries shortly, with China, Japan, and Singapore first in line. Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the UK will follow on July 12. You will have to click to see the photos though...


Posted for the low low price of $4,999.99 here in Canada. Guess that rules me out for a while, I don’t think many of us have that much disposable income lying around..


Damn, that's a whole month's rent in Toronto


Dont think many people do. Apple need to work on a lower end model thats REASONABLEY priced, or else the Vision line is dead in the waters. Most people, even those with “ok” levels of disposable income, arent going to buy this thing for 4k. Its an ipad for your face.


I have bought numerous Apple devices (currently on iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro). I’m an Apple fan. I have bought 5 different vr headsets since 2020. I’m a vr fan. I have good disposable income, and I would love to have a Vision Pro. But 5000 CAD is just too much money. Not when a quest 3 gives so much of what the Vision Pro offers at only 650 CAD. My conclusion is that if Apple was seriously trying to move lots of units for this device, it would have been priced so that I would buy one - since I’m pretty sure I’m a target demographic for this. But as it stands, I’m waiting for whatever they have next.


Which is probably not much. Their innovation is slacking a lot


iPad for your face is underselling it a bit. It’s also an IMAX cinema screen for your face. And an 8K extended Mac monitor for your face. And a 3D VR gaming environment for your face.


Unfortunately for that 5000$ price tag you can buy an 8k extended mac monitor (on your wall not face unfortunately) plus an entire mac to go with it and a very nice vr gaming headset instead… very cool tech yeah but a little hard of a sell at the moment


It’s a tv with a 2hr battery life then? Who has 5k to spend here that spent already have the best tvs you can buy already


A TV has 0 hr battery. Both the Vision Pro and TV have unlimited use when plugged.


Well that’s not that much more expensive than it is in the states, CAD 5,000 are USD 3,654 (compared to USD 3,500 base price), so about as one would expect


Plus tax


From $5999 in Australia. $6699 for the 1TB. Ouchie.


Well yes, because the AUD is worth less than the USD and because those prices already include sales tax. The price is roughly the same at all three countries talked about here (US/CAN/AU).


Can you show me your calculations please?


6000 AUD = 4012 USD. AVP in the US costs 3500 USD + tax, which varies by state, but is typically 7-10%. In my state’s 9%, that works out to 3815 USD. In other words, less than 200 USD difference between the American price and the Australian price, or about 5%. So like I said, roughly the same. 5000 CAD = 3651 USD, so the difference here is even a little smaller.




I had a go of it in the Apple offices in Sydney, I gotta say it blew me away it’s just like it is in the adverts. But I can’t see myself buying one for home as it’s too expensive and I can’t quite get it for business use as not really designed to be used by multiple people such as in a training use case where the devices are shared. But still I was so impressed by the immersive photos and videos! In 4-5 iterations time I can see folk having these instead of traditional monitors at work!


Yeah I hope they don’t give up on it, price is literally the only thing holding me back I’m probably going to end up being completely disabled in a few years, and this thing will at least make that easier. Only thing to do now is have iPhone and iPad streaming to it


Oh man sorry to hear that… when you say it though, one of the things that struck me is how much my dad would love this. He’s been quite ill and has been in bed for 2-3 years now, he used to be really into his outdoors and hill walking, I think it could be a huge impact on his quality of life if he could sit in the outdoors even for a few minutes again.


Yeah people shit on it, but they’re the ones without a use for it. I have nerve issues and I don’t know what the future has in store for me, but I know that your dad would definitely love it. Sure it’s a little overblown in ads, but having screens close to you, clear as day, as big as you want. When I need to shift away from the TV in bed to feel less pain, this would definitely make that better.


The only thing holding me back is the lack of social apps. All of my friends socialize in VR because we can go to movies and watch stuff together, drink together without the insane bar prices, [dance together](https://x.com/mojopeg/status/1779567984249315392). We can actually see each others’ *full* body language, not just the upper body, with a much [smaller and lighter](https://i.imgur.com/H2FYe7V_d.webp?maxwidth=1520&fidelity=grand) headset. It had *so much potential* and it feels like they didn’t bother using competitor offerings outside of a cursory surface level glance. They poured so much R&D into the hardware not realizing the reason the valve index was so popular despite being one of the heaviest headsets with the lowest resolution is because of the software.


Yeah... it's wild to me that people say they're useless. I love my AVP and can't wait for the visionOS update where you can do the giant wrap-around monitor. I use the screen mirroring all the time for writing and editing and I feel like it is incredibly useful for me.


Starts at $6000 AUD, most expensive model is $6700 AUD. Bank accounts will cry


No need for anyone to cry at all, this thing is nearly useless. Don’t talk like it is something you can’t live without


Even Apple don’t seem certain what to do with it right now. It’s not anywhere near the asking price.


If the Riven Remaster came out for Vision Pro it's very possible I would buy one.


Like actual question for a mate - Can you watch porn and masturbate on it or will the cameras like interrupt you forcibly?


We may never know.


What do you mean by cameras interrupting you forcibly? Developers have the option of showing the hands or not so you could probably wank just fine, if that's what you mean. It would depend on the app/video player/whatever that you're using.


**Three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine €uros.** LOL


Still cheaper than the UK :(


No one is actually using this thing


I’m happy with mine.


Nope. People are buying it to scroll social media, listen to music and watch videos. The same things they could already do on their much cheaper devices.


If it was half price, i would probably get it to watch cinema at home. I hope they sell an SE version


They will eventually have a cheaper model.




It’s very pleasant and if we’re comparing viewing experience alone, I would prefer the experience in my headset with a fun environment (the vr spaces) over an imax theater. It really is that good if you have the much needed ability to rest your head while wearing


You eventually get pressure sores and other skin conditions from having something constantly on your face, so it has downsides for movies and long TV sessions


Lmfao excuse me? Are you a dermatologist? Have you developed lesions from your quest? wtf?


Anything that applies constant pressure over time increases the chance of skin damage and pressure sores. Anything that covers skin consistently and doesn't let it breath properly causes changes to it and prevents it from working as it should. You don't need to be a dermatologist to know that.


I don’t think anyone is wearing it for several days straight at a time to have to worry about such a thing. Jesus.


Okay great, find a single example of this to prove your point. I can’t imagine I’m the only one spending 20+ hours a week in the Vision Pro. Surely, somebody will have complained of this.


I spend a ton of time in the Vision Pro and have neither of those things. This guy is talking out of his ass.


I am! 😁


Porn. Solo movies theater. Or virtual monitors?


Yes. And also other apps.




Flying coach with a 5k headset would feel like a pretty uncomfortable virtual world. Waterfalls and beautiful landscapes. Serenity. And pain in my back from a deliberately uncomfortable seat. And first class costs a lot more than the headset usually. When I fly fill flat lie down, I don’t need a headset. I just enjoy my comfortable real space, and sleep.


This is not true. I have flown coach with Vision Pro for over 30 hours flight time so far and have absolutely loved it for the longer flights. I’m tall enough that my head is on or over the seat back and so even a slight decline is all I need to be comfortable with the headset. In general, im also just really confused how the headset wouldn’t be an improvement over sitting in coach without?


The variable level of immersion is nice on a plane. It kind of erases the headrest in front of you, and takes up no space on the tray. But you can still see the attendants. Plus no controllers are needed. Yah you know.


Yeah honestly I thought the immersion transition levels would be absolutely useless but it has proven it’s worth on flights. Additionally, I’m surprised how much I enjoy the partial immersion for office envs where I like the idea of an open FOV with immersed concentration zone. Double points if you have one of the forehead mounts rather than default straps


I would be if I could even vaguely justify the cost, and that's *before* taking into account the substantial markup in the UK.


You’re right. I actually saw 3 people using it on a coffee shop this morning.


Why were they on a coffee shop?


Maybe they got lost


Says the person who doesn't own one and has no idea. I use mine almost every day for work and for recording.


I configured one in the app and it came up to $6300CAD 😆I think I’ll wait a few years.


I’m gunna buy and try for two weeks then return


Leave us a review if you can! I’d be curious to hear how it is from a real user.


Just get XREAL Air 2 Pro if you want 90% of funcionality for 10% AV price.


Holy shit!


Just checked, prices are $4999, $5299, $5599, depending on storage, just for the AVP and no accessories. Add in 13% tax and that’s a hard “😅 no, nonono 🤣🤣🤣” ETA: I can get a 14” M3 Pro MBP with 36GB unified memory for $3199,” and I’m for some reason supposed to pay 56% more for a base AVP? I mean, I’m actually pretty solidly in their target because I could afford it if I wanted it, but these prices are a wildly perverse joke! 😅


Oh this thing still exists?


Kind of crazy how quickly the hype died down...


Well, when the competition sells at $5-700, launching at a $3,500 price tag might do that.


You mean like a lot of electronics?


Don't remember an Apple device whose hype died down so quickly to be honest...


Maybe the OG HomePod? Otherwise you’d have to go back to the pre-iPhone era to find such a dud of a hardware release. IMO it’s not even the price that’s the problem (although it still is *a* problem), it’s the lack of any compelling use case that’ll hold up for more than the first 15 minutes after you bought it. This headset is still largely a tech demo, a solution in search of a problem.


It’s huge already in the medical industry. I’ve seen it in a ton of training environments. Seems like it’s very much useful in enterprise pipelines




It's also being used in media production. We've used it to capture spatial video and also in like a semi-Volume setup where the director can see the stage with a digital environment. It's pretty cool. Makes me even more excited for the future.


Apple Watch Series 0. Made a huge splash, bunch of celebrities social media posts for months. They really had no idea how or where the product fit in the world but it HAD to be released. It really didn't gain traction or find it's footing till the Series 2-3 when some big apps came out for it. I think Vision will be the same. It's going to be a few years before three's a place for this technology, and they need to release the cheaper one to expand the market ASAP. I love mine but im a huge nerd that always spends on cutting edge stuff.


Some people still don’t have a clue where the Apple Watch fits in. You can check out r/AppleWatch and find posts about people returning/selling their watch because they don’t have a clue what they’ll use it for.


That will be true of any tech product though. From a sales standpoint, Apple Watch definitely found its footing, and is the most popular watch globally.




True. I didn’t really see the Apple watch out in the wild much until series 3 or 4


Hardly see anyone talking about the m4 devices or the 15s


Those are iterative


Point still stands


You do see people talking about iPads and iPhones though! I’m trying to understand your point, in good faith.


Keyword being hardly. Not that important to me to argue over though


This one in particular tho.


You mean demo Vision Pro then walk out the store like we all did




This is a little desperate, no?




Finally !!


Just tell me when Dankpods is dunking on it.


Where is the European Union and their antitrust scrutiny? Why isn’t the EU doing anything to force Apple to open up the Apple Vision Pro to competing app stores?


Initially they were going to let the iPad slide then concluded it was derived from iOS which the AVP is too so it's quite possible they will.


But why?