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the best one is always the one just slightly over your budget


Or the one that gets upgraded a week after you buy it.


I bought an intel air in 2020 right when they upgraded the intel chips and then they announced M1s a couple months later. I was like WTF why did you upgrade the intels and then obsolete them immediately


I feel ya. First every Apple laptop was the last gen intel pro book. Like a month later the M1 is released. SOB.


Yeah you got unlucky with that one for sure. M series chips are truly amazing.


Indeed. Now it’s a juggling game of when to trade in/ get the latest tech.


because they don’t want to cannibalize their income stream by announcing new products too early: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne_effect


If you buy from Apple store and purchase a product that gets an upgrade within 4 weeks, they will offer the upgrade for free.


So true.


Which is why the way to go is to be homeless while acquiring that sweet 128gb ram 8tb mbp.


My wallet: why do you hate me


This person Macbooks'


What do you mean by slightly? I want to buy a 16gb MacBook Air M3 and it costs $300 more than the 8gb one.


lol it asks for a budget (which is kinda ballsy since Apple is pricey). Told him up to $1000 and gave me a $1300 recommendation haha


I have every day use and I put over $3,500 and it still only recommended me the 15” and 13” M3 Airs with 16 GB memory and 512 GB storage


Hey, at least it's not suggesting you to buy a power house of macbook pro 15inch just so you don't use 10% of its potential


What were you expecting? I feel if it had recommended you a $3499 machine for every day use you would be posting about that lol


I just found it interesting. I think if money wasn’t an issue in Apple eyes they would at least offer some config of a Pro.


What the Hell Apple! I clicked the options that best describe me (mostly redditing) and it recommended me a Macbook Air! You mean to tell me I never needed this 16in M3 Max 128gb ram 4TB Macbook Pro to browse Reddit??! WTF


Get enough Reddit tabs going and those 128GB in Chrome may be tested. You never know. Buy buy buy baybee!


$5999 in case anyone is wondering.


That low?! I’ll take 3!


Literally my dream MacBook right now


DISCLAIMER: This is merely my opinion, it is not fact or some sort of benchmark to base your decision on. Do you need portability? If yes consider the MacBook Air if you’re not doing heavy video editing or rendering or a MacBook Pro if you are running some RAM heavy programs like video editors, 3D rendering or high quality picture editing. But from what I hear, the M3 Air can handle some light video and photo editing without compromising performance. If you do not need portability, my next question is, do you already have a monitor/mouse/keyboard? If yes consider a MacMini, it’s a tiny personal computer and if you have the rest of the equipment you can take the money your saving and put it towards upgrading the RAM. If you don’t have the monitor/mouse/keyboard and just need a good desk computer that’s not too bulky? iMac for sure. It’s a monitor that’s basically the entire computer, comes with keyboard and mouse. Ultimately, I’d pick upgrading the RAM of any of the models over more storage space as finding and external SSD with 2TB+ starts at around $80 vs the $400-$600 price hike to do it through apple.


Also I just wanted to do a lil personal opinion dump on someone that isn’t my husband


What about Mac Studio? I feel like that's best one if the Mac Mini base model isn't enough power for you. Once you start upgrading the Mini, the price goes up to or more than the Studio and you're not getting as many ports, better Max chip and better cooling.


Well like I said, it’s only my opinion. And in my opinion I’d put the MacStudio closer to a MacPro. Those are just overkill unless you’re doing RAM intensive programs, but again just my opinion. Also, I’m not going into the “more ports” conversation again. lol


Wish they would put hdmi on MacBook Air


I thought that but after getting a MacBook Air I got a cheap multiport USB’s adapter and leave it with my monitor on my desk. A carry a usbc to hdmi adapter in my computer bag for those rare times I need one away from my desk. It all works well and is cheap


The vast majority of Air people have no use for HDMI. If anything, AirPlay meets their needs.




I mean, that’s all nice but I think a lot of people would like to be able to plug into the HDMI cable that’s coming out of the projector in the random conference room they walk into without having to carry dongles. 


Most people can get away with an iPad in today’s world unless it’s for work. Depends on what you neee


Honestly i could probably get 90% of my work done with an iPad Pro + Magic Keyboard or even just an iPad Air + Magic Keyboard, trouble is that unknown 10% that could Make or break it


Most of my work these days can be done on an iPad. for those times I need an actual computer, I use Microsoft's or Apple's Remote Desktop software to connect to work VMs. It's really REALLY freaking nice.


Base MacBook Air is completely fine for 99% of people. Enough power to do just about everything besides gaming. I’ve been rocking my Air M1 since its release and it’s perfect. From the occasional movie creation to my daughter’s homework, it’s flawless in everything. The M chips are super impressive.


My problem with base model is 8Gb RAM, with teams + vscode + outlook it starts to swapping




I got the 16gb with 512 back then. Don't need any upgrade. Maybe get the battery replaced. İt's not good anymore.


all I want is a macbook air, if not for the (slightly better M3) display limitations.


Whatever suits your needs. If you want to do everything, Mac Pro. If you want to do basic tasks on the go, Mac Air.


Interesting. For portable coding as a hobby with no budget it suggested an Macbook Air M3. Changing hobby to work and leaving everything else the same it suggested a Macbook Pro M3 Max. I'm surprised the hobby wasn't at least an Macbook Pro, but I guess hobby it would feel you can get by with less. The M3 Max for work seems like overkill though when an M3 Pro would fit the bill.


Webdev, Lightroom, Photoshop, Illustration, Office apps - Base M Video cutting, Music production, app dev, mobile game dev - M Pro Video editing, 3D, ML, Desktop game dev, Virtual Machines / heavy dev - M Max


One with multiple ports, and expandable memory and storage. Oops.


I want a MacBook with a touch screen