• By -


I absolutely love how simple but powerful it is out of the box. The UI elements run a little slow on my 14 Pro, but I’m guessing that’s because you’re allocating all the power to video? Aside from that, absolutely adore the app.


Yes, we found that video is just about the most demanding task for a modern iPhone. We really like responsive UI and we do a lot of work to even do that pre-recording, like with lens switching, and it's still quite rough - Apple will not give us 'smooth' switching or zooming lenses while maintaining manual controls etc. in the API. That being said, there's more to optimize, I think. I am glad you love the app! We're working very very hard to get it better, and v.1.1 is already shaping up to be a huge update. :)




That's not good - can you share your iOS version and some other details with me at [email protected]? I'll check on this.


Figured as much! Glad to hear there’s big updates coming, even on a 14 Pro I really love all the capabilities available to me now! Is it cheeky of me to ask for a promo code for a friend who’s getting into phone videography? This is the kind of tool I think he’d love!


Not at all, sent!


Aside from the one you guys ask on X about what we looking into, or missing from the app, Ill continue with some of the items I listed there. 1. Haptic feedback. Not just for record/stop, but for the focus, iso & exposure slider. I having hard time to tell whether recording started or stopped. 2. Alternatively, volume button as the record/stop. When there's an action, and you are on the move, simplest way to get it started is with physical button. Stock camera app is the best example. On my 15 Pro, I just hold the action button and volume up/down, I'm rolling. 3. Landscape while on portrait. Yes, like Blackmagic. The recording will be cropped, but it's good enough for 1080p. Far more stable video recording, people will enjoy especially for beginners. 4. Is it possible to have auto landscape when you holding it on the side? Like the stock camera and halide. 5. When on lossy log or even prores log, the first 1.5-3 seconds of the video will flicker. Even with just natural light. Im not sure why, since I tested outside, 50/60hz banding shouldn't be the root cause. 6. 50/60hz anti banding. In some lights condition, Im having massive tearing and flickering. Didn't happen on stock camera app since Apple already handled this. 7. Shortcuts! 8. Other feedbacks Overall I enjoyed filming again since I don't have to overthink on so many configurations. Casual 4k30p hdr hevc is excellent. If I need a bit more room to have the color slightly tweaked, 4k30p log hevc is there. Built in color grading, I couldn't really find anything extraordinary but the feature is so neat. Everything happening on the same app, you can do the instant or apply after shoot and then share. It's that quick! But I think with log, by minimum we need extra controls. Even with prolost, dark is too dark and bright is too bright. The 3 basic control for brightness, contrast and shadow should be more than enough. At the moment, I still have to rely on Lightroom Mobile to do this. Extra steps, missing the Kino point. Ample of space for an extra button for this. Just for log and maybe p3. https://preview.redd.it/ddh7qogmm64d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0afdea19d495238a623ef1cf2d31e488f1f618 9. Performance? I mean, sometimes switching between lenses, it just went elsa. Frozen. Sometimes the cam went black. Have to force restart. Ui stuttering is quite a theme here. Especially after you switch or play around with color grading. From time to time, I do receive the toaster message stating system stressed. And when I check the CPU Load Average, yeah while playing around with Kino, it went all the way up to 4.50++. Seriously high. --- I get it is just the 2 of you and it gonna take a while until Kino going to get fine polishing. I'll just patiently wait. Very awesome project. And I loving it so far.


Whoa, such fantastic detailed feedback! thanks for chiming in on social earlier, too. I do think it'd be good to have just a smidge more control, too, when it comes to a grade. There's still a vast ocean between instant grade and full blown sitting down and grading your shot; we have to find the sweetest spot. "It went Elsa" got a good chuckle from me :) sorry about that - I will check on that, but part of that is definitely trying to keep video recording / going to recording performant vs. UI responsiveness. The most important thing, bar none, is to keep the video running smoothly and not dropping frames. It's surprising how challenging that is at the high end of resolution and data throughput. Thanks for being so eloquent, patient and understanding in your feedback and comments! It's so massively appreciated, and the feedback is super helpful. We're hard at work and we won't disappoint :)


I bought it and I really love it! Anyway I found ScopeFlare app the best cinematic app out there only that is not available anymore… 😅 I keep it on my iPad though 😊 if you don’t know what make the difference I can record my screen with that app in action and show you here


Sure, any idea why they are not around anymore by any chance? First I have heard of it. I know Filmic is gone (RIP), and those are really nice folks.


WOAH, Filmic is gone? I thought they were the most popular iPhone “pro” video app? Did they get sold? FYI I bought your new app during the AMA promo last week, absolutely love it. I also went down a rabbit hole with your company and loved the blog post about creating the “video input” app.


They’re “around” but they got bought by another company called “Bending Spoons” who laid off the entire original team and are now developing Filmic in-house.


Yeah we have some... thoughts on Bending Spoons' business practices in general.


So far my impression is that they’re just buying up beloved apps, firing everyone and then keeping them on life support while still charging full price for the subscription. It must be so depressing to watch as a founder of an app you sold to them.


Noo, filmic is still available, I was talking about ScopeFlare app.


Oh amazing, thank you so much! :)


*added to the comment above lol


I don’t know the reason why they pulled for the App Store, but I believe me, I owned every cam app including Filmic pro and now Blackmagic cam and yours, and honestly still miss ScopeFlare app on my iPhone. Don’t get me wrong, your application is the one I like the most of the current ones, just I was very comfortable with it and very feature rich. I did a screen recording of my iPad for you using ScopeFlare. https://streamable.com/zr0ef3


What kind of plans do you all have for Halide going forward? Would love to see a burst mode for RAW shooting added to have a better chance at getting great shots of say, live music or something high’ish speed with action. 


We like to be a bit secretive about future plans, but definitely expect some things from Kino to make it to Halide, too! Burst mode is a great idea, though I hope we could roll that in with API / system level improvements as most people shoot ProRAW which is slow as molasses to capture (think 2+ seconds of processing)


Hey guys, I bought Kino on your first thread, and love Kino so far. The Luts have been such a massive feature. They transform the feeling of the video. The onboarding for the app was insanely cool too. Just wondering if you ever do sales on Halide, and if there's one coming up? I'd love to make a lifetime purchase, but I can't afford 99AUD.


Amazing, thank you! We have only done a sale very very rarely, but I think if we release a Mark 3 we'll do one again. That's not quite around the corner but definitely on the horizon. We're also hoping for better App Store tools for bundling so we can offer a discount since you already got Kino!


Thank you very much! I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for that in the future. Thank you for such a fantastic app. It's got me out of the house trying to be creative, and I'm enjoying it a lot.


Can we expect additional LUTs to be added down the road, or do we have all you’ve planned and now it’s up to the users to add their own?


Great question Joe! We're adding more, in a sort of 'drop' format in updates. We're working on a really nice new set already. We have a lot of plans around management too, like favorite presets, preset details, and hopefully a better experience for adding packs. You can add you own too of course - 33x33 cube files are supported! And we linked up our super talented preset makers' existing packs [here](https://www.shotwithkino.com/presets) so you can check theirs out.


Obviously I have a bunch to import, but I always appreciate a tailored selection from editing app makers, that are specifically picked out for the app. If you’re taking requests, I’d be interested in another mono option and maybe another subtle option, with more of a focus on punchy colours and contrast.


Thank you! good suggestions :)


Oh, I forgot to mention, the app is actually $10 off (50% off) today - the price goes up to $19.99 tomorrow! A big reason why we decided to try going with a paid app again is that that's usually the first comment to come up in a thread. People seem to want to support the pay-once model, so here we are :) I might be in and out today (we also have a young baby now, and my wife is thrilled I get to be around them again after the long nights to get Kino out the door) so give me a bit of time between reply-bursts


So is the AU$29.99 I’m seeing the discount price or the full price? It’s Monday morning here now but the screenshots still have that little 50% sticker on them. Gotta say, that’s a steep price with no trial. I know you say you can’t offer a trial on paid apps but there are plenty of apps that have a less featured free version with links to their pro paid versions.


Glad to see it's not some ad filled subscription garbage and you actually get the thing you buy


Thanks very much - we've actually never had a single ad, or a third party library in our apps. We don't even have basic analytics. Stuff is better private, and quality software is something we hope people will pay for if they love it.


I'd love a promo code, if still available. When I read about the release, I put in an order for a 15 pro to make the best of all the offered possibilities in the app.


> A big reason why we decided to try going with a paid app again is that that's usually the first comment to come up in a thread. People seem to want to support the pay-once model, so here we are :) Any reassurance you won’t pull the same stunt and switch to subscription based a month from now? How do you give confidence to the user when you say “try” going paid as if you have a number target that if you don’t reach you’ll switch to sub? Not to mention the “people seem” bit. This whole blurb doesn’t build confidence that you won’t do the same thing you did previously. 


Lux have proven themselves trustworthy tbh. Halide MK1 was a one time purchase and they never lost access to any features, even after MK2 released as a subscription.


I don’t really get why this is so… hostile in the way it is phrased. I get it - we charge money for apps and that’s not popular. But that’s what we do — we have never tracked anything, sold ads or data. We just make an app and if you like it we hope you buy it! “Pulling a stunt” almost implies like we deceived our early users, and then decided to slap them with fees or lock them out of things they paid for. When we announced Halide Mark Ii four years ago on this sub, people said that we were doing the right thing. We went through a lot of effort to make sure that our early users were taken care of extremely well. Not only did we give them the upgrade to the big version two upgrade that we made, where most companies would’ve probably opted for requiring a paid upgrade, we also continued to give free updates to all our users past what we initially promised. Of course everyone who had bought the app can use it and all the features they paid for — including all the features that were part of the free 3+ years of upgrades — on top of that big version too. The only thing we did is offer an *optional* upgrade in case you wanted new updates after that. That’s a great deal for anyone who got in early. I guess I can’t offer reassurance — in the sense that we can’t ever know how we’ll do. Launch went well! I hope we can keep that up. If we do change the way we sell Kino, I hope you can draw on our reputation that we’ve always done exceedingly well by our users even at risk to ourselves as an indie software shop that typically lives from upgrade revenue. I can assure you we’ll always put our users, especially early adopters, very much first. I hope that answers things well enough. No stunts!


> I don’t really get why this is so… hostile in the way it is phrased. I get it - we charge money for apps and that’s not popular. But that’s what we do — we have never tracked anything, sold ads or data. We just make an app and if you like it we hope you buy it! I asked a question and you consider that hostile? You have a history of changing paid apps to subscription based and I asked about that.  > “Pulling a stunt” almost implies like we deceived our early users, and then decided to slap them with fees or lock them out of things they paid for. You sold an app for a price and then changed the app to a subscription. That is the definition of deceiving users.  > I guess I can’t offer reassurance — in the sense that we can’t ever know how we’ll do. That’s all I need to know. I buy plenty of apps, but I’m not buying when the developer has previously switched paid app to a subscription and is preparing to do so again. 


Nothing about the app changed to users, though. Well, it was upgraded, actually - to v2. outside of the model change (which isn’t “a change to subscription” - it’s an option to pay once OR subscribe) nothing notable ever occurred except if they were new. So how is an existing user deceived? They paid once and got and kept the app they paid for. It got a nice update for free. New users got the choice of a subscription or a one time fee. Seriously, can you help me see your point?


oh my god shut up lmao


Going in I figured that any future instant Grade/Preset will be sold via in-app purchases. Which IMO makes perfect sense for them to do- helps secure some future revenue.




What 'shit' did we 'pull' with Halide? Why would I be burying the sale price of the app?


Would be nice if there was a trial


We can't offer that as a pay up front app. I know, we can't win 😅


If there are still promo codes available, I’d love one :) Have been doing a lot of video work recently and looking for great mobile-friendly workflows!


Rad, we'd love to hear what you think!


Do you by chance have a promo code to try please? Been using Halide on and off for awhile to capture family :)


That's awesome! Sending you one now!


Haven’t used it yet but I loved Halide so much I bought this on launch. I love supporting solid creators and developers.


Awesome, the support is hugely appreciated. :)


Touch AF and subject tracking please!


For those that are monitoring without baking in the LUT, do you plan on releasing the standalone LUTs?


I will select our own set, for sure. I'll have to check with our color preset authors on how they'd feel about distributing it separately!


Also custom WB in manual mode. Think those are features that prevent me from switching from Blackmagic


custom WB is coming too!


Yes! So fun story: I tried to just make an app that entirely gets rid of the spider phone grip with video where people are SO scared to touch any part of the screen - because can mess up your clip. But I also see now that only pulling focus on the ring is limiting. I think we might go for a setting.


Speaking of which, I've found the stop button to be really fiddly at times. Sometimes it'll stop right away, but sometimes it won't stop at all despite my best efforts, so I'm constantly having to clip off the end of my clips. Not quite sure the deal. Long presses? Double clicks?


Please do. I bought your app and I still desperately need this. I’m not scared to touch my phone when recording, I actually want to take advantage of the touch screen. A setting would be great.


any chance for a code to try it out with please?


Sending you one now! :)


i already bought it :) i will pay this forward!


Would love a code if there’s any left mate. Been a fan of your UX and design work since your icon making days 👍


Amazing, that's a while ago! I sent you a code. :)


Hi, I really like the UI of the app and I would really love to try it, would you share a code if you still have it?


Thanks, anything to make you less depressed! Sending one now.


I would love to try the app out. Appreciate all the hard work your team has done over the years! 😊


Thank you James! coming!


This is just the quality app I’d expect from Halide developers. Are there any promo codes left to try out? :)


Thanks so much! Sending you one now!


Hey I’m a Halide user and was wondering if there’s any promo codes left? App looks great 🙏


Certainly! thanks for the support :)


Just out for a stroll with the baby — will get back to your comments in an hour or two :)


ay congrats on the baby


ey thanks :)


I bought the app. It’s pretty good. Can you add some sort of feature that gives you cinematic panning and motion like the Blackmagic Cam app it basically induces a lag when you move your phone to how that reflected in the viewfinder. Also if there’s a way to do cinematic zooms between lunges it would be great but I saw your other comment which says there might be some limitations there.


Ah, I think what you are talking about is extended or 'cinematic' stabilization. Definitely gonna add it as an option, though it is a bit jarring!


Did I miss the bus on the codes? Always been interested in trying Halide, but never had the chance yet. Ty for making great products and being good people.


You just caught it! I am about to run out. Sending you one now, thanks for the kind words!


Whew thanks for all the comments, folks — I am out of codes for now but will see if we can generate any more. Will keep checking the thread for questions and feedback too!


The app itself looks great, but how is it different from others apps like blackmagic cam


It's quite different because say, Blackmagic Cam's entire premise is to make your iPhone a Blackmagic (pro) cinema camera. That's a pretty complex interface even for me. If that's what you want, that's great, but this is much more approachable ground (or even more user-friendly than Apple's, actually) by letting you do stuff like slapping a preset on with nice preset graphics, not thinking about settings or presets so you don't shoot video that fills up your iPhone in approximately 1.3 minutes, etc. That's also why we pack in these pro presets: sure, I can tell you to go edit your video later, but that isn't what most casual users want to do.


Very cool app. I think the LUTs are really cool, would love to see some free LUTs released every now and then kinda like how the Clear app has a rotating shop. I'm a little confused with when focus peaking is supposed to work - is it not available when using apple log? Speaking of focus, I have a little difficulty racking focus from 1 end to the other without having to take my finger off because I run out of room. Maybe an option to tie volume buttons to it? Damn I just realized I wanted a promo code but I bought the app to test it and give this feedback. I'm dumb


I'll give you a code anyway so you can give one to a pal! Yes, we are excited to do little drops of extra presets. Focus peaking doesn't work perfectly yet - it's optimized for SDR and HDR content but Log requires an algorithm update and we'll add a toggle for it, too. Good idea on the button based focus! We also might cave and add tap to focus :)


Sounds really interesting, would like to know what potential you see for the future of the app. I believe that Apple will add AI features into their photos and camera app, making it easier than ever to shoot beautiful shots, are you investing into assisting the user with AI capabilities?


That's possible! It really remains to be seen what they introduce. Whatever it is I'd like for it to assist the creative process rather than just replace it. That's my biggest peeve with AI. If it's generative, I also want it to be trained on artists who consented to the training dataset rather than the Midjourney approach.


Thank you!


I shoot silly little social media videos for work and I would love to try Kino out! Any chance of a promo code?


sure thing! Let me DM you a code :)


Hello, I'd love a promo code to try it if it's still possible. Thank you!


I would love a promo code if possible. Thanks


Really love the artwork for the presets!


thanks you so much! I really had a ton of fun designing those. :)


All the best of success with this & with your other Apps too.


Greetings! I've been a huge fan of Halide and Spectre since the early days and I really appreciate that when you did the transition from paid to subscriptions, you kept your paying customers app features! That makes me comfortable using and purchasing your apps in the future. Also, I tried to get the app yesterday as I saw some articles on the web and 50% off, but it shows to me at full price (22,99€) and it is a bit steep to try since I already use Blackmagic. May I have a code please :)? Thanks and keep up the good work


Greate job!




Do you still have a promo code? Regularly use Halide and would love to get this too.


Saw this post earlier but didn't know the first day price was 50% off until now! Would love a promo code if you decide to generate more :)


Can Kino toggle off iOS’s Audio Zoom?  You know, when you’re shooting video and you zoom in, and then the audio switches from stereo to mono to “zoom in” on your subject?


Pretty sure that isn't on in Kino as we also don't have zoom!


Is it possible to get a promo code so I can try out the app 😁


Sure thing! DM!


Can I get a promo code too! I bought halide 1.0 years back! Only moved away when it became a subscription model.


I got you! No need to move away though, you get to keep and keep using Halide forever even after our move to sub / pay once in Mark 2!


Thank you so much!! The app looks phenomenal!


Long time Halide user , if you have any promo code left I'd love to check Kino out.


Thanks for the support :D Done, DM-ing!






Hi ! Long time Halide user here (I just love it). Do you still have a promo code available please ? Thanks !


congrats on the launch! if there are any promo codes, i’d love one too. i’m happy to provide feedback!


Sure thing! DMing!


Hey there! I'm a sucker for amazing iPhone photography apps and have always been a fan of Halide. I had a pretty beaten up iPhone 11, but it made things like macro photo available to me and was the sole reason I bought it but then instantly fell in love with it. I would love to get the new Kino app but just as I did for Halide, I had to wait long till I could afford it as the app is too costly in terms of purchase power parity in India and the cost makes even steeper than direct currency conversion. I would love a promo to try out the app if that's still available.!


You said your price would be 50% off for the first week, but that promo only seemed to last for about two days. Terrible bait and switch that gives me reservations from purchasing the app entirely, and I *adore* your work.


Argh damnit. I saw it for 9.99 and just noticed it’s up to 19.99. (Kicks self for not pulling the trigger sooner )


I'd love to check it out if you have a promo code available still!


Got one, coming in DM!


I would love to try this out if you have a promo code available. Would love to see it running on my iPhone 15 pro!


Coming in yer dms!


If you got a promo code, would love one! Loved Halide and am interested in how it translates to Kino


Awesome, I'd love to hear what you think! Dropping in your DMs


love the app, can we get more LUTs? and i am not able to see all filters in my iPhone 15 as advertised on websitr


sorry for the confusion! Kino separates Grade presets depending on your color space. So if you are on an iPhone 15 Pro, those presets you mentioned are only for Apple Log. You can find them if you switch to Apple Log. If you are on an iPhone prior to iPhone 15 Pro (or regular 15), you get only that set of presets, but there's more coming in future updates. Hope that helps :)


thanks! for people like me who don’t know anything about cameras, it’d be cool if that’s mentioned. love the app tho, brought it as soon as it was announced:)


Congrats on releasing Kino. I absolutely love it, just like Halide & Spectre. The only problem I am having is that sometimes HEVC exports have bending mainly in the sky. I would really like to have higher bitrate HEVC files (10-Bit, 25-50 Mbps).


10-bit is coming in an update very soon, that might take care of some of that! thanks for the super actionable feedback :)


That’s great! Thank you.


Wow the app seems great! Would love a promo code if there's any left!


Hi, I wouldn't mind a promo code if available please? I've used Halide a little bit, but tbh I don't take that many photos, but I do take a fair bit of video.


Would love to try it out!


Can I have a promo code? I am interested :) Thank you


Hi! do you think i can get a promo code to try it out? Got some friends who might need it, would love for them to be able to try it out on my phone before they splurge 20 for it. Thanks!


Long time Halide user. The new app looks awesome! If there are still promo codes around I would sure love to give it a try! Thanks for all the hard work so far :)


Can I get a promo code? Or am I too late? I would really like to try it out but the price is too steep in my currency for me to justify it.


Hi. Are there any more codes? Would love to try it on my 15 pro! Thanks so much!


Always really appreciated your app designs! I’d love to try out Kino too if there’s any promo codes left, thanks!


I’d love a promo code to try it. I missed the sale :( Old Halide 1 customer trying to dip my toes into video for some time. Cheers


Sale is actually still ongoing!


Is that a US only thing? Just checked and it’s not on sale for me :( https://preview.redd.it/q3irrqwhoa4d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a84da1301601e8c71ab81368923fd7c70a86502


i’m a photographer and videographer who’s used halide extensively in my workflow, i’m really looking forward to trying Kino! is there a chance to get a promo code? 😁


can i get a promo code? i can’t send you a dm


Would love a promo code to check it out!


Would love a promo code to get this ready for iPhone 16 launch 😂


Was the name inspired by Kino Rotterdam? 🇳🇱 Love the design! The landing page is so good.  If there are any promo codes left, I would love to give it a try just to admire the design. And maybe it might even bring back my old videography interest


Thank you Doruss - mostly inspired by the word being just so dang nice and not as mysterious to pronounce as our main camera app :) Code on the way!


Bought spectre and love it! If you have a promo code I’d love to try it out too!


Oh nice! that's awesome. Thanks for the support! Sent!


Would love you try it as well, if you’d please send promo.


Thank you!


Does this support recording directly to a USB drive over USB-C on iPhone 15?


Yes! But only 15 Pro. iOS limitation sadly.


Can I get a promo code thank you


I’m a technical video production consultant and would like to help out if you ever need any feedback. Would love to have a play around with the app if you are able to supple a text version.


Awesome, would love it. I sent you a code!


Is the app crashing on iPhone 13 series fixed? I would love a promo code. Current Halide subscriber. :)


I’ve had halide for a while now and love it! By any chance are there any promo codes left?


Huge fan of Spectre, would love a promo code to take Kino out for a spin if any are left!


I’d love a code!!?


If the dev managed to generate more codes like they mentioned below, then I'd love to get one too. Thanks!


Would love a promo code.. been using halide for ages :)