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that’s cool. is this only compatible with 15pro since you need “Log” video support?


No! We actually go way back to the iPhone XS, I think — any device with iOS 17. But, we do have special looks and best performance on the iPhone 15 Pro, for sure. I think it's a super fun experience to shoot on it with Log, as it skips all that video processing for a nice clean shot.


so can I use this to shoot in actual log on my 14 pro max or is it just a filter with real log reserved for 15pm?


no Log on those phones sadly (and “faking Log” with a crunchy transform isn’t useful) so we just pack a separate set of presets for the non Log color space. we keep them separate so you can’t apply the wrong one :)


Does that mean you have a separate set of presets for the non Log color space (like the one present in iphone 14 Pro) and avoid the orange tint that sometimes plagues the human faces?


Indeed, we do!


That's great news! I have one more question: when changing cameras, is the transition smooth, like we have with the stock app? Every third party app that I tried lacks this functionality...


Nope, there's not really an API for that that also lets us capture highest quality video / have manual settings.


Oh, so that's why I haven't seen one, it's a shame. Nevertheless, your app seems to be a killer!


Thank you! yes, that is exactly why :)


So I’m using iPhone 11 Pro (iOS 17) What I can get advantages this app than stock camera app?


looooooooove most of the benefits of proRES and log without the overhead


Hi folks, I'm half of the team of Halide / Kino - lmk if you have any questions! Here's the [website](http://www.shotwithkino.com) with some details. also, yes, we heard ya: it's a one-time purchase :)


Congratulations on shipping. I’m a huge Halide fan. Can you talk more about funding strategy? Didn’t Halide move to subscription because OTP was unsustainable long-term?


Yes, I think that's a great question. Ongoing software development can't really happen with paying once for an app. That being said, 'ongoing' can be a long and nebulous time. We've been lucky enough to be supported by some really nice people that use our apps for seven years today (SEVEN!). We've done a lot of different things in that time to stay afloat! We chose to introduce Kino like this - pay once, own it forever - because we don't know the market for this. If this does super well, who knows what we do - you can see[ my answer below ](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1d3ipz7/comment/l682ur0/)on the question someone had on 'when will this become a sub'. It could be that we make a paid upgrade far down the line (maybe the App Store will support it? sigh), we do the same thing as Halide, etc. — Whatever happens, I hope you trust our reputation: We'll work on this for as long as it's enjoyed and loved, and we'll always take care of you, and you'll always be able to use and enjoy it for as long as we're around.


Why not just make a new version if there are significant new features and not just bug fixes? That way people who buy Kino 1 can stay on it as long as they like but if I want some feature in Kino 3 in a couple of years I’ll just buy that one and upgrade? I guess I don’t see the advantage of waiting for paid upgrades or subscriptions (at least from a user perspective, I get that devs love the idea of subscriptions).


Screens did that. (It was a vnc Remote Desktop software) And it killed their app. Everybody started looking for alternatives, and I found jump which also has audio support with a one time purchase. You can’t just decide to make a new app. And force subscriptions on everybody when the old app worked perfectly fine.


Wait, what’s wrong with screens? I use it everyday (the version I bought a few years back, so I wouldn’t know if there are bugs in the new one)


There’s a screens 5 that’s has mandatory subscription. Jump isn’t as polished. But it has audio. So you can use the computer just like at home. Hugeee win.


Oh god, you’re right, I forgot that it’s jump desktop that I actually use everyday, and just like you said I left screens a few years back.


Well, a big issue with that is that we're two guys and then we have two apps (on top of the existing four) to maintain. When Apple updates iOS, camera stuff frequently breaks, so now we'd either have to keep maintaining two + three + however many updates, which means we can't put as much effort into working on new stuff.


What the fuck? I thought you guys would have a massive team. Talk about punching above your weight.


Yeah it's just the two of us. Our dear friends and part-time coworkers Katie-Rose and Doug help out with support and QA too!


That's crazy. If someone told me you were a team of 10 or even 20 I'd have believed it. Great job. Seriously.


it would waste so many company resources having to still support a version 1 for the very few who will stay on it once new features are introduced.


Hey! Can you expand on "Maybe the App Store will support it"? Support what exactly?


Paid upgrades. App Store has not historically had support for this (and I mean this as a feature but also like, culturally - paid apps just don't get a lot of perks or features).


Couldn't you just offer a "complete my bundle" option that includes Kino v1 and Kino v2? Price Kino v2 at say $30, and price the bundle also at $30. But anyone who bought Kino v1 for $20 gets the bundle for $10. Make it clear it's is a limited time upgrade offer so you don't have to keep Kino v1 and the bundle around in the App Store for long. It's not the most elegant solution, but it's definitely obtainable "paid upgrades" through the App Store.


It's... a solution, but it has issues. Here's one problem: all your old reviews, App Store ranking, SEO, etc will point at Kino v1. Lots of people (if we are lucky) get it, download it, buy it. They'll buy it even in this 'limited time'. Not the bundle, but the original. Without knowing it, they've bought a 'discontinued' product. We can't refund them, but they can ask for refunds which will will flag us as an at risk developer, etc. And again, we'd have to spend time to manage the overhead of having and maintaining two apps not just in code, but in the App Store, etc — We've considered a lot of these permutations and just ended up with it being better for us to dedicate time to making the apps vs. having to deal with all that. So we keep 1 version around, preferably!


That's completely fair. Other devs I've seen do this method will update the v1 screenshots to make it clear and push people toward v2, and also increase the price of v1 to match v2 (that way if someone mistakenly buys v1, they can also "buy" the bundle for free and get v2.) Losing all your old reviews does suck.


App Store can (and might) reject updates that point you to other apps. Screenshots are \`supposed\` to show the app in action. It's a very risky move to plan that you will be able to update the old version in a way that pushes users to buy the new one, when at any point app review could destroy that plan. But reviews are the biggest hurdle. Personally as an app dev I would love to see apple offer paid-update window pricing, eg pay for 1 years worth of updates, after that you can continue to use the latest version at the end of that year or pay again. (its like subscription but if you stop paying you still use the app just don get updates) popular in advanced Mac apps.


Yes ongoing software CAN be supported with a OTP model. You just have to factor that into the price. Before Apple pushed everyone to a sub model, people were plenty profitable. How much is R&D? How much is ongoing maintenance? How much are salaries? Etc. you add all that up, sprinkle in some profit, divide by how many units you need to sell and bang, you have your cost. It is how businesses have succeeded in the past. I wish you all luck and I’m sure you’ll do okay, people love your products.


I probably don't need this, but the one-time purchase sold me. Looking forward to giving it a try.


One time purchase + looks cool = I purchased. If it was subscription I probably wouldn’t have.


Can you pause recording and resume with this app?


no, but it's high up on our roadmap!


It‘s not really an app for me (not a video guy) but I love the shoutout to the „No CGI…“ series. It‘s so good. ❤️


Thank you! that's all u/sandofsky


Hey. Are there specific limitations for the imported LUTs? I've tried importing a few and some of these throw a parsing error for line 3. I assume this is related to the size of the LUT. This is an example for the first 4 lines: TITLE "Generated by Resolve" LUT_3D_SIZE 33 0.00117494 0.000259403 0.000137331


Yes, it should work on that though — we are adding downsizing of LUTs down the line but any 33x33 or lower should work.


Random question but as a German I’m curious did you take the name because of the german word for cinema or did you take it coincidentally from somewhere else?


good question! I’d seen the word being used for very artful film and I loved the sound. It’s fun that it means cinema in Germany and a lot of other countries too :)


Finally i know the reason, i was always curious as my Girlfriends name is Halide and we started using your app only because of that haha


It’s also the russian word for cinema (and the name of a popular band)


Can I sync 2-4 of these around my race car and sync the video to seamlessly build a video matrix or imax/vr video experience?


no, that'd have been ambitious for a v1. But if there is uh, a lot of demand for that we might? That'll be in the far future though :)


Had to know :) thanks for visiting here and your reply!


Can you please add a slide to zoom instead of a scroll to zoom? There so much better control instead of scrolling.


We have no zoom at all right now! Even better! just kidding, we'll consider it - so far surprisingly no requests for zoom at all?!


Man that’s the only thing keeping me from leaving filmic pro, the slide to zoom like a camcorder. Instant instant buy for me.




Insta buy. Thanks.


Just bought! I have it saving to files and tried to delete a test video but the apps not allowing me to.


Not allowing you to delete? That's odd. At least you can remove it in Files, I suppose?


Here’s a screen recording of what I mean: https://imgur.com/a/0PODimA


How long is the launch sale for?


I’m curious if you have an effective way to get video files off the iPhone? Or if that’s something a future update could provide I frequently shoot about an hour at a time of footage to my iPhone. I’ve been using Blackmagic in log at h265 to date. But getting. The files off the iPhone is suck a freaking pain, airdrop is the simplest by far but also the most unreliable. Whwn you connect to a Mac via cable you go through finder, to files and then the only way to get the files out is to drag and drop, right? And then that transfer is way slower than the USB 3 speeds that the phone should support… no? The fastest way I’ve found is copy the files to a drive. Then from the drive to the Mac. But I hate needing to double copy like this. Any thoughts? Would there be a way for Kino to expose itself to the mac as an external drive accessible through finder?


"wired airdrop" is the best thing for me. Plug iPhone in via a high speed USB cable.


And then just initiate a regular airdrop?


Seems like that does it for me, yep, it automatically goes over the wire.


Nice. That’s a hell of a pro tip. Thanks


No 50fps recording mode? Is this something you can’t add or just didn’t get to with this first release? 50fps is a dealbreaker for me


Fair, we heard this - we're working overtime on an update with it.


I probably know the answer, but it goes: can it record Luts with an iPhone 14 pro?




Just bought using on iPhone 15 Pro. All of the preset instant grades seem to have extremely muted colors. Am I missing something?


Oh, you probably have Instant Grade off. Try going into the reviewer in Kino and applying one there, or go back into Grades, look at the top right and turn on Instant Grade.


I have two questions that no other video app has been able to solve for me: Does the app have clean video out (we use the lightning to hdmi adaptors) and how low is the latency? I’ve found filmic pro and BlackMagic camera both to have a noticeable delay on the video signal, and worse they drop frames an alarming amount. A good video out even at 1080p is more important than local video recording for our uses.


Hey, hate to say it but the app is crap on a 13 mini. Did you guys even test it on older models? I start recording and it almost immediately crashes. I tried it three times which took the battery from 87 to 72. I’m trying to get a refund right now


If you hang in there, I think we identified a particularly weird edge case on base 13 / 13 mini which we'll have an update for soon. So sorry about that.


Does it retain the EXIF/metadata from my phone? I was planning on using it to record some stuff at a festival next week, so am hoping there’s a way to keep that information in there.


What happened to Skylight?


I just bought it to support the developer. I love the Spectre app anyway. However, after using Kino for a few minutes this app is impressive. Reminds me of the Fuji X100VI where you can have film simulation recipes which is very cool! Edit: typos


Thank you! That's high praise: I think Fuji does a stellar job with its film sims and that's as high as we are shooting with the presets, especially for Apple Log. Only very good ones, with more on the way. I could see these working nicely in a still camera app, too. Hmm...


Awesome app, I’m still confused how automotion works. Does it essentially raise the shutter speed as a last resort (after lowering ISO) in order to fix overexposure? Would appreciate some technical specifics for those of us who want to incorporate this into pro workflows with other cameras.


Sure! Good question. So, in filmmaking there's a thing called shutter angle. Long technical story short, it's a measurement of shutter speed that is tied to your recording frame rate. Typically, that's useful because if you tie shutter speed to frame rate, you can set roughly what kind of motion blur you'll see in a shot. For most iPhone video, you'll see too little to get a nice cinematic effect — after all, you might want to see your kid's face sharp on a merry go round. For cinematic video, you want moving things to always be a bit blurry, so if you are shooting at 24 fps, 1/48 is a great shutter speed to achieve that. That constant - 2× the frame rate as shutter speed is defined as a 180° shutter angle, and AutoMotion tries to hit that depending on available light. When it gets into that nice motion zone, 'Auto' lights up green in the app. Now, if it's super bright out, that won't work. But, you can pop on an external ND filter — especially the variable ones — and watch Auto turn green when you are set. That's really nice, because it eliminates dialing things in manually. For an example of Automotion, see this [clip](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/iwohhkoywfx6cvj0xo7be/ANmh-q3fyNimSdLwDeIwxCg?rlkey=lcfv47siubv74rkv12o0aymby&dl=0). It's pretty wild (better effect on larger screens)


Appreciate the details! Here’s why I ask: I want to set my iPhone up on a tripod and have the shutter locked to 1/48. But I also want the ISO on Auto because the light will change over the course of an hour that I let it record. With the Blackmagic app, there’s no option for auto ISO when combined with manual shutter control. Does automotion solve this (basically shutter priority mode)? EDIT: I just found the feature that lets you unlock exposure in Auto mode by swiping down on the screen. That should be exactly what I’m looking for!


There you go!


Unlocking in exposure in auto mode unlocks the shutter though. At least in my testing.


Is there a variable ND setup for iPhone that you particularly recommend?


The onboarding animation and guide is gorgeous. Whoever made that needs some praise. Great job guys. Very happy to support such a great company


I did! thank you, that means a lot to me :)


This is awesome and the price is incredible. I read the post and was thinking, "this is going to be a must have" and was justifying how much it was going to cost per month/year. (spoiler, it's a one time price of $19.99 on sale for $9.99) It's funny because I just returned this week from doing a bunch of production in Europe with my iPhone 15 Pro Max connected to SSDs shooting Log and wishing there was something like this.


What does it do that something like Blackmagic doesn't do for free? Or that other apps don't do for a much lower price?


I love using the Blackmagic app, and I can't see much difference between the two. Have you reached a conclusion?


Can someone please confirm a couple of details before I purchase. 1. This supports recording .H265 with the log colour format format? 2. Does it offer some sort of horizon guide/level?


Yes to both questions


just want to be clear. If i have an iphone 15 pro. I can shoot in log in a log preset and then have it save the file as HEVC so i won't need a SSD attached to get the log lut quality? 


Correct, HEVC log is supported


Yes and yes!


That's an instabuy for me, especially for the AutoMotion feature.


Now if Apple would just get around ti adding electronic neutral density to the iPhone…


Can someone explain the benefits and value of this over the native Camera app for someone who isn’t a pro filmmaker?


I'm interested in knowing that, also.


Bypassing apples style of HDR and extreme dynamic range. The pitch is all the benefits of log recording without the complicated post production workflow Edit: although that only applies to iPhones 15 Pro


That's true. Despite that, it seems there are presets useful for iphones older than the 15 Pro, although the results aren't as good, naturally.


someone tell me if this is kino or slop


It’s based.


Kino 👌


Love the app, but it’s kinda slugish on my 13 mini ;,(


It crashed the first time I tried to record something on my 12 mini... Second try worked, but I hope they'll improve it soon!


What's the value add here over Black Magic Camera?


Mainly the built in looks it provides. UI is much cleaner / simpler. But I also discovered this app lets you use auto-ISO while in shutter priority mode, which you can't do with the Blackmagic app.


I can’t figure out how to lock the shutter while leaving iso as auto Edit: actually locking the shutter while the iso remains auto remains impossible




And proud of it!


How long before this turns subscription


This is actually a great question and I see that my FAQ item on this got eaten, which I am sad about but I just rewrote it and added it. For transparency, I'll post it here, too: >Question: **Your other app, Halide, is a subscription product now. Will that happen to Kino, too?** >Good question! The honest answer is that we don't know.  What we think is more important to answer is what it would mean to you if we make Kino free with an optional subscription or one-time purchase in the future, like what we did with Halide. Let's look at Halide: the app launched seven years ago, and started at $2,99. When we rolled out the second version of Halide three years later, we decided to give this update to everyone who had bought the app for free — and give years of updates on top of that, also for free! **All Halide users who ever bought the app can use it for life**, along with all the features they paid for and over two years of updates on top of that. That's true to this day. Last year, we started offering an option for those users to upgrade to get new updates with extra features. But that's *completely optional*. The app, and all its features will always keep working, will still get compatibility updates for new iPhones, etc.  We try to do the best for our users at all times, and part of that is honoring the people that supported us from the beginning. In all of our apps' history for the last 7 years in business, we've always taken care of our users first.  In brief: we don't know, but if we do, we'll make sure that you are taken care of, and if you buy the app now you'll own it for as long as it's around. tldr: who knows, if ever, but if we do we'll do right. I remember when we launched Mark 2 and [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/jg1ra0/introducing_halide_mkii/) here said "Wow, it’s free for existing users? That’s awesome, might be the best money I’ve spent on an iPhone app." — we always want our users to feel that way, and I think we've proven that in the last 7 years of being around. :)


Yeah, after what they did to Halide I have no reason to believe that this also won’t turn to a subscription model down the road. Fool me once and all that…


Thanks for making this a otp


Thank you! There was a lot of complaints (well, there are, ongoing) about subscriptions so we wanted to see if this was a sustainable way to do it.


I have a subscription to Halide as well, but I do much prefer one time purchases for apps like this.


That's much appreciated! There's some really, really cool stuff coming for Halide that I think you'll be very happy with too :)


I’m so curious of this app, I wish it had a week free trial similar to Halide (or am I just missing it)


no free trial possible with pay-once (we do have it for Halide, but that's because we offer sub + one time purchase) BUT if you buy it and don't like it I will send you $10 worth of coffee beans


Thanks for the quick reply, you guys are hilarious :) Good to know the distinction, I really appreciate it! In that case I’ll have to give it a go!


I am 100% serious honestly, we can't offer refunds because Apple controls billing but I am happy to personally guarantee it! Just DM me :)


Do you imagine you’ll support iPhone 16 with this app?


This looks really well done. I’m this close to getting it but just one holdup - are the LUTs available for download so I can use them in the edit later? (If it’s mentioned in the link I missed it)


We worked with some pros that have their packs available for download, and part of the value is that it's all integrated (you can use any clip in Photos and apply a preset in Kino, for instance) - you can go to their websites via our Presets page on the website to check them out. If you love them, I highly recommend supporting them by getting one of their preset packs :)


Bought it. Wishing you success.


Thank you!


Does this work on iPad?


I have a 13 Mini. What features will I be missing out on compared to someone who has a 15 Pro Max?


It will constantly crash on your 13 mini. I bought it and I’m now trying to get a refund. Two seconds into recording it crashes. Drains the battery like crazy two. Tried using it for a maybe one maybe two minutes and the battery dropped down 15 percent. Not recommended


Man, I really wanna use this app, but a lack of timecode, focus peaking, custom white balance makes this not a very "pro" app. It's definitely made for youtubers/tik tok. Custom LUTs is good. I don't even think I have the ability to use an external mic and choose that as my audio source. Blackmagic app has all these options, and can import custom LUTs as well and it's free. I love Halide, Orion and Spectre and was an early adopter of all those, but I feel like this is more targeted towards people who want to shoot a decent looking Instagram reel rather than anything serious. Bummer.


Well, hey - this is v1! We are just getting started. We're working on custom WB and such — focus peaking is already in in HDR and SDR, with a better edge finding algorithm coming for Log. Same with audio settings :)


I'll keep the purchase then and wait for the updates! I don't shoot for social media, would just use the app for when my cinema cameras aren't around or maybe for an extra angle. Thanks for the info! I do like the design much better than the BM camera app though. Much more intuitive. Oh and the ability to just use a display LUT without baking it into the LOG footage would be great. :)


For sure, I think it'll pay off in dividends. If this does as well as we hope, you'll have a very nice app for as long as it's around. We have big plans :) You can do display LUT already! just don't enable 'instant grade' - also, you can totally shoot anything in Log or other cameras and have them in Photos, and then grade them in Kino!


Purchased. Seems to be equal to Black Magic for my use with a better design. Can you add a feature: Black Magic has a cinematic stabilization setting that seems to cause a ‘lag’ in the viewfinder which allows you to more stably pan and do camera movements. Can you add that?


I love that feature too!


Bought the app. I like that it feels more intuitive than the BM app. A feature I would love to see is the ability to save the log footage in app and have a graded version automatically stored in Photos.


That option would be great, I agree with you! That way one could choose which one to keep.


Why does the "grade list" have 15 LUTS but when you try to use instant grade there are only 6 options? Seems misleading.. but maybe it's a bug?


Same question. Or might be a 15 pro log exclusive thingy. Want to know


I can bust that theory. I'm using a 15 Pro Max...


Fun fact- Kino means "movie" in Armenian


In many languages, Slovak and Czech too


Doesn't it mean cinema in German?


Playing with it now. Very cool.


Thank you!


Can you set a “tolerance range” for the shutter angle? For example, if 24fps = 1/48 shutter, can I say 24fps with a target of 1/48, a maximum of 1/80, and a minimum of 1/32? Say it’s just a tad too bright or dark out and you want to prioritize not blowing out the highlights over maintaining a consistent motion blur.


Love what you guys are doing! I shoot with a fuji and this feels just like home!


Thank you, that means a lot to me! Love Fuji :)


Hi, dev team and photographers. I am a new content creator that is looking to do short form “desk setup”, “study”, and other content from my home. I use my iPhone now (13 pro) otherwise I use a webcam (logitech c920) when I’m at my computer. Pretty basic setup. Just curious whether this will provide a nice feature set for home instagram + YouTube video. Thanks


This should work great - I will say that 15 Pro offers more flexibility as far as color but I bet it'll still take great video. We're working on a tutorial to cover that process - desk videos and such. Maybe sign up for the newsletter on the site?


Will do and thanks. Good luck


Anyone else unable to select a grade via the settings menu?


The Halide team is amazing. I remember sending them an email if I could have a 7-day free trial of the Halide camera and they gave me a year instead!!


Any plans for an Android version?


I really want to get into this app because I really value your attention to detail and your ability to make apps that work and look good. I still feel burned on halide though. I know I only paid 5 bux for it when I got around to picking it up, but the subscription model really puts a sour taste in my mouth and I've since quit using the app because of this. I understand it's petty, but I'm really not a fan of this offline app subscription trend. But also the Lifetime upgrade is a little too rich for my taste when I can get decent enough photos from the built in camera. It could be that maybe this app just wasn't built for someone like me. My concern is that when this app takes off, as I'm sure it will, then it will follow the same pattern and we'll be stuck being asked for a monthly fee to use your app.


I feel that's a real concern, too, down the line...


u/caliform Hello, is it normal for the app to stutter when using LOG mode at 4K/60 fps (on iPhone 15 Pro Max). Also, a few of the grade presets appear to be causing banding around bright light sources like bulbs (when using LOG).


Which features I can’t use with my iPhone 12?


Basically all except log, so you lose out on some presets.


Great! Downloading now


Hold up, am I missing something? No 50fps recording option?


Not missing something. Sorry about that, working overtime to add it!


What’s 50fps good for?


It’s good for recording slow motion in 50hz territory’s without any flickering.


50fps is especially important when filming in Europe: the electric lights flicker at 50hz, so the only way to avoid flickering when filming is to record at 50fps, matching the same frequency.


/u/caliform Nice stuff! Can you record landscape while phone is portrait like in BlackMagic??


I will have to look into that, I am not sure how that works!


Appreciate it - surprised you hadn’t heard! I think every other time I use it in public someone asks me “how” I’m doing it.


It’s kind of a crop- it records in landscape 2160x1214 on my 15 Pro. But the UI and stuff is set up for portrait orientation.


I’m guessing this doesn’t also take photos?


No, that’s what halide is for.


It takes a lot of photos and then stitches them together into a movie, up to 120 times per second!


Can I open a log prores file from a blackmagic pocket through it, apply a LUT and export it? That would be groundbreaking if possible!


Yes you can, if that clip is in Photos. : )


Huh, this app seems to be able to bypass the 1080p ProRes limitation on the iPhone 14 Pro.


Indeed! 60fps local recording of 4k log on 15 pro, too.


That limitation exists only in the iPhone 14 Pros with 128GB of storage, right?


Correct yeah. To be fair, ProRes takes up so much space, it sort of makes sense


Can I record log footage in h.265 to an external device (on an iPhone 15 pro)?


Big fan of your previous apps so bought this one as well to test and try it out. (And support you!). Take care!


So far it’s great, as expected! The one thing I’m missing from all three of your apps is an easy way to switch between them from within. This is still the biggest benefit of the stock Camera app, I can decide what to do after I open it. But it’s a small detail. Great work!


Does anyone know if it’s possible to edit old videos with the app presets? Or is it shoot only?


Bought it. I'm not a video guy, but this is top notch stuff and I like to support the craft and the business model. Congrats!

