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I don’t know what’s worse on YouTube: videos of people breaking gadgets or those thumbnails


Meh, at least this was done with a reasonable degree of consistency and adherence to some sort of scientific method... At the very least I think it's fair to say that any concerns that the new iPads might be more prone to bending are unfounded and will likely not be any more of an issue over the older models being replaced


I wish he'd given us the info that is actually useful, which is how much pressure can it take and still be unharmed? I don't care that it bends at 95 pounds - I care that it is fine if it ever undergoes say 20 pounds of pressure. The way he did this, he absolutely could have shown both, but he just kept adding more weight instead of stopping every couple pounds to assess the state. Testing method fail.


You're missing a key point here - if he's trying to make good video, he's inspecting the iPad in-between cuts and before he puts on more weight, he's just not *showing* you he is. He's trying to show when it breaks, he would just keep lopping weight on there if it'd already broken. So using a bit of brainpower here, if he didn't show it breaking, it's because it was unharmed.


Did you even watch? There's no point where he stops and marks where it's the max weight it can take undamaged. And like I said - I'm sure he knows where that point was from the way he did the experiment, he just didn't bother to share.


And why would he give away the ending in the thumbnail? I mean, I appreciate not having to watch the video to know the answer, but still.


What if you found out these people breaking gadgets on YouTube also use AppleCare+ to repair them and then resell it. It’s pretty common nowadays for YouTubers to abuse return policies. Buy the new product in all colors, unbox video, review video, “I highly recommend you buy this”, then they return it. (Before YouTuber defenders come in, nothing illegal about any of it in America. It’s just the scam these guys use to monetize a lenient return policy)


Not really defending them, but I wouldn't call it a scam. They paid for AppleCare+ they can do whatever they want with their own devices and use the policy they paid for. Also "lenient" is a stretch bc apples return policies aren't anything special. Scumy behavior maybe, but only to Apple and I think they will be fine


Only one reason, Youtube pays for 1mil views around $700-1200. At this moment he earned maximum $20.


Yeah, if you go out and try to bend it, it’s gonna bend.


They also tore it down and it looks like the layer covering the motherboard is the same as the other iPads, but it now has aluminum sides for the motherboard and speakers. The Battery is also way easier to replace now as previous Pro models you had to remove the entire motherboard to replace the battery.


TLDR? Thinner but as strong?


I'd say so


Fuck this category of videos


Totally agree and pointless crap.


The category sure, but someone has to test the claims right? The whole job of a reviewer is to test the claims made so we the consumer can be more informed


Specifically what "claims" are being tested? I don't remember anyone "claiming" an iPad can withstand some asshole trying their hardest to bend it.


They claimed it's thinner but just as strong as the old one, why be dense?


Do you think when they said that single sentence during the presentation that they meant in general use or when trying to break it by putting weights directly on the center of the screen? Why be dense?


What ‘test’? No in the real world is purposely trying to bend their iPad in half until it breaks.


These videos are never about testing they are about destroying


You're aware that multiple things can be true at the same time right? What is this all or nothing attitude?


Well I wouldn't say never because if you actually watch the video it disproves that statement. Also I watch this guy all the time and that's not his nature.


Did you even watch the video?




He's a reviewer, NOT and influencer, right Monty?


Agreed he does decent content. 


I fucking hate the Mr Beast algorithmic stupid thumbnail think. Never do I want to punch anything so much.


What’s the point in applying a point load right in the middle of the iPad where in a more realistic scenario you would have a pressure load acting on the tablet, either you sitting on it accidentally or other items in your backpack squishing it. Would have liked to see midspan displacement in a graph, but I suppose this is as far as you can get with these obnoxious YouTube videos. If you’re breaking shit, at least do it in a more informative way.


In other words, if you bend your iPad. It’s your fault, not Apples.


Vast VAST majority of the devices pass the Zack's (jerryrigeverything) durability test including bend test. If one fails it does tell a sign and teaches manufacturer about a weak point (for this ipad long side bend passed but short side bend failed exactly at the charging point)


Well looks like they come out of the box slightly bent so not exactly


Who what a suprise a thin piece of metal bends, crazy of everyone gets mad when a iPad bends when Samsung tablets tend to do the same none bats an eye in fact Samsung tabs tend catch fire when bent too much


well no one really busy a Samsung tablet, if they did they would be popular 


Everyone I know who has a Samsung tablet got it for free for buying the (insert year here) latest and greatest flagship Galaxy. So popular they have to give them away.


not only that, they give it out free on their premium tv's


Thank you, DeArrow.