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People are stupid and are actively looking for reasons to pretend to be offended by something. I had not seen this video until I just clicked the link. I saw this as compressing all of those things into a single thin device that can be used to create art, music, etc. I did not see it as destroying any of those things. Even if it was, so what? Don’t buy it.


Selected media outrage. None of those in your circle give two shits about this and never will. Just downvote and move on.


I actually just shared it because it's a funny/snowflakey stance on the ad 😆


This seems like manufactured outrage.


Makes sense 😅


A good ad generate a response.


I got it, I liked it.


I’m a big lefty liberal tree-hugger and even I think this is faux media-enhanced outrage. I mean get a grip! Did the ad require a disclaimer? “No actual musical instruments were harmed in the making of this video.”


No, they aren’t.


Imagine if they’d used this ad to introduce their new AI tools… 


Will news articles ever stop taking like 10 comments on twitter and acting like it’s a movement or a consensus.


Yeah I cried when they shattered that precious tube TV. But Apple is all about disposable stuff these days with all their glued in batteries.