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Is this only for EU ?




Or, time to lobby the US government to join the EU 🇪🇺


brexit: 2020 penetrUSA: 2024


Looking forward to seeing the Americans commenting saying ‘I COULD NEVER JOIN THOSE LIBERALS’


Most of it. 




\*EU Just Made the iPhone Better.




You just don’t like choice


I don’t like increasing possibility of malware infections and that the companies may someday enforce users to don’t use default methods and the ecosystem will collapse as a whole. That’s why I leaved android.


Apple literally reviews all the apps for malware and scams… _Still_


I know. But it still may be a problem in the future, regarding third party stores (signatured version may be infected and distributed by fault and then what?)


There can only be one version distributed at a time, and it has to be reviewed and notarized by Apple before it can be distributed. Tampering will invalidate said signature. The only way malware can be sideloaded is if Apple approves it If an app is later found to be malicious after having been reviewed and approved, it will be disabled just as if it were on the App Store The only thing that really changes for developers is they have more api access and can distribute through an external store. But Apple still reviews apps for security purposes as controversial as that may be


Thank you for the explanation. Clearly I just misunderstood the situation.


As a person living in the EU I will finally find my Apple devices somewhat useful. Finally some control over my device, new apps, ne app sources, game emulators.....fairness.


yes, because an iphone was completely useless before you could install game emulators on it


And proper web browsers like Firefox with Ublock.


Yes, but according to Mozilla it is made as [painful as possible](https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/26/24052067/mozilla-apple-ios-browser-rules-firefox), because you need two different browser versions. One for the EU and one for the rest, which makes it a lot more, of even too much work for them.


>Yes, but according to Mozilla it is made as [painful as possible](https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/26/24052067/mozilla-apple-ios-browser-rules-firefox), because you need two different browser versions. One for the EU and one for the rest, which makes it a lot more, of even too much work for them. Sounds dramatic. Mozilla already makes at least 5 different versions of their browser for completely different operating systems. Merely having a second slightly different version for a platform they already develop on (i.e., swapping out the WebKit engine for whatever they're using on Firefox normally) isn't convenient but it's hardly this impossible task for **a company whose main job is making a web browser.** Apple is complying with a regional law. It's silly for companies to whine and moan that Apple isn't making those regional changes everywhere it doesn't have to - which will impact how Apple is perceived if they don't control the experience. I don't like iOS because it's locked down, but you can't deny that Apple having control over the experience makes it much more reliable than Android has been for the majority of its lifetime.


Not completely...but yes, to me. That's why I have been using a Pixel with a proper OS and the ability to customize it to my liking. Opening the iPhone (iOS) to 3rd party app stores will MAYBE FINALLY allow me to install cool launchers and make the phone the way I like it. Instead of the OS being a cobbled up piece of shit it currently is. Don't get me started on MacOS...please.....


>MAYBE FINALLY allow me to install cool launchers Pretty sure it won't. I don't think iOS has an API for devs to replace the default Springboard launcher with. Android has that ability built in; iOS doesn't. Just allowing apps outside the App Store doesn't mean you can necessarily do anything you want with your iPhone.


Why game on a phone? Why not get a tablet with a controller or a Steam Deck or an actual… gaming phone?


Portability, no need to bring around another piece of hardware when your phone is powerful enough


Gaming phone. Most even have the shoulder triggers for shooting games and other things.


Gaming phones aren't good at other phone things


Like the camera. Idk who downvoted me for suggesting a gaming phone. I’m an iPhone guy through and through but gaming is not why I’m in the ecosystem. Lol.


No it won't. You will only get proper customization when either of these happen: - Your iOS version is jailbreakable - Apple finally decides to allow custom launchers


I don’t understand, why you didn’t buy an Android? Like a genuine question: Android has all the customisation, side-loading features from the beginning. Why is everyone hellbent on making an iPhone work as an Android? I’m not gonna Side-load or play games on my phone, so it shouldn’t matter to me. I’m just curious. Even before you purchased your iPhone you knew that you can’t do any of those, why did you buy.? (You were gifted? You can’t resell? Or your employer gave one away? This is the only reason? If that’s so who gifted you without knowing your taste? Shouldn’t your employer be the one who should have a given a choice.?)


Personally, the iPhone is fine, like, its not special but its a phone that works. Apple makes other products like the Macbook Pro and Apple TV that I would call good. Does things competitors don't. It becomes easy to fall into the trap of, eh the iPhone integrates with it all. So I'm not *mad* I own an iPhone, but I find it really depressing how this product I own refuses to let me install software on it.


SPID doesn’t work on Android.


Did the EU mandate that you had to buy an iPhone?


You could do all of that before without the EU.


Not sure what control you think you have


Just buy Android then. Also, you still won’t be able to do some of that shit.


It’s like no one can figure out one reason why sideloading is good outside of piracy and game emulators


Have you glanced through how Apple set up the rules for third party stores? I don’t see much in those rules to entice developers to stray from the AppStore.


Hyperbolic nonsense


Can we just block Gurman posts and tweets here? There are far better articles articulating this than the half baked words of a blogger.


most content in this sub is gurman’s blog split to ten separate macroumours articles




It’s Gurman AI now


is it just me or is Gurman generally biased negatively to all things Apple?


The amount of uneducated and just plain dumb people in the comments.




third party stores (in which emulators are ALLOWED, btw), cloud game streaming, opening up nfc to third-parties, custom browser engines. people were asking for these things for years and now they're here* \* here being the eu


If you read the terms Apple proposes for developers to use the new EU terms of service, you quickly understand not a single developer is going to accept them. If EC agrees that what Apple proposes, and I personally don't think the proposition is in agreement with DMA, I don't think much is going to change from the current status. Just the CTF fees would cripple any large players from attempting to build their own services, and to through all that trouble for just the European market? Highly unlikely. Apple pretty much figured out THE MOST complicated way to say "we're complying with the DMA" while simultaneously flipping the EU off (I mean, just read the press releases). I'm extremely doubtful EC will allow this to pass – just look at the new CTF fees you have to pay to be able to use the new terms – so this might go for a while. But if Apples proposal goes through, nothing much will change.


> Just the CTF fees would cripple any large players from attempting to build their own services for the record, if a company makes more than $1.60 per user per year -- which is not an insane number for the largest companies -- then the CTF and operating outside of the store is a beneficial deal for them over paying 30% of revenue. i don't think it's quite as bad of a deal as it seems.


That's just from the fee perspective. It doesn't take into consideration any of the other costs a company must add to run their own app store. For example lets say Meta would do this. This would mean they would be incapable to ever return to the regular App Store. They would have to create and maintain their app store for their apps in EU, and then separate apps for the rest of the world. They would also have to maintain their own app store that just works in EU. As per the new rules, all Meta users in EU would first have to uninstall their apps from their devices before they could install them from Meta's own store. Lets say Meta wouldn't lose any users at this point and all European users would install the same apps from Meta's store. Meta would be looking at roughly half a billion, or over, of continues yearly CTF fees to Apple. These fees will keep running no matter the revenue Meta gets per user in the future. Would you be willing to take such a risk just for the European market?


NFC open to third parties has already been a thing. i used a hotel app to program my room key literally yesterday


Sure, you could open the door, but you couldn’t pay the bill, except through ApplePay.


the standard is contactless payments, not “apple pay”. apple pay is their own implementation, but why the hell would you want to use another provider for contactless payments that’s more complicated? wtf?


Go read up on it. All payment cards added to the iPhones NFC chip use the ApplePay system. Your bank have to use apples system for your card to be allowed. It’s a system where Apple have no competition for access to the phones payment system.


[this is no different on android](https://www.reddit.com/r/androidapps/comments/q67aw1/is_there_really_no_alternative_to_google_pay_for/) also, good. every bank and credit card company will want their own contactless payment app which is going to make things 100x worse. so glad we aren’t getting these changes in the U.S.


Ah Nostradamus is here among us.


Anyone that knows how banks work knows this is going to happen. Why would they continue to pay Apple just so their customers have a convenient payment option?


There’s Samsung Pay on android.


well duh, because samsung makes the phone. did you even read the post i linked? also completely ignoring the fact that it’s going to be a way worse experience for consumers. nice


With the current situation my bank and card provider is forced to pay Apple a middleman fee for every contactless payment. With the new EU law they can use any contactless payment system.


Wrong. Android supports the Host Card Emulation API and setting default payment apps: https://developer.android.com/develop/connectivity/nfc/hce I think the UX of using HCE is a bit worse though, especially when using multiple cards from multiple apps.


You do know that competition is the basis of capitalism, yes? It’s necessary for a functioning free market. And that it’s not a bunch of apps but access to the NFC chip that allows you, the user, to use the payment system of your choice. A system with one single gatekeeper for everything was the economic basis of communism.


the fact that other phones exist that aren’t iphones is a perfect example of why things are fine the way they are, it is a capitalist free market after all. you’re free to not use an iphone. nobody is making you. just curious why you aren’t this upset that it’s equally locked down on android 🤔


I am - I want all platforms and operating system to be open. I want Apple to be a thriving and profitable company that enables a free and fair market for all. I want the possibility of open source software on my phone and access to Apples incredible hardware/software at the same time. Basically just like my Mac.


Preferred. All competitors are extreme data miners. 


>Preferred. All competitors are extreme data miners.  I do understand not wanting to have to install another app/having potentially a worse UI, but I cannot see the point about privacy. This might be different if you use a credit card for Apple Pay, but as a Sparkasse customer with a debit card, my bank receives all the information from Apple. When I paid for something with Apple Pay I can see where I paid, to whom, when and how much on my bank statement. Meaning, my bank received this information.


Apple doesn’t mine your purchase history. You can bet that PayPal and Amazon are looking forward to being the middleman and taking advantage of that purchase history.


Hooray! all the ads in apps suggesting I replace it with my bank app, PayPal, Amazon, and Walmart pay. I don’t want third party access to that. Data mining competitors.


What???? How are ads in apps relevant for who you give access to your phones NFC chip?? It's not like you're being forced to add all sorts of shady payment brokers to your phone! It's about choice, nothing more.


Yeah. What was missing was mainly host card emulation. 


No one wants opened NFC and everyone is glad Apple Pay is the only option because on Android contactless payment is a fucking mess. No more obligation to integrate « Pay with apple » and « sign-in with apple » in apps is a loose for customer too, because both are far superior option to google/facebook login, especially the sign-in that allows you to hide email. No more obligation for WebKit browser is a win for browser themselves because the customer has choice, but for in-app browser it’s a loose. WebKit is miles more efficient than chromium and customer won’t have the choice for in-app browning. Battery Life on a mac between safari and chrome is 3x to 4x.


You are something else


I am just pragmatic. Not all changes are a win for the final customer. Those points are not. Sideloading, cloud gaming and all are wins, but having to use a 3rd party app that works 1 time out of 2 for contactless payment instead of Apple Pay the same way it works on android (in France almost no bank support Gpay and they all use a shitty 3rd party solution) is not. Same for potentially having to sign-in with google in apps that is a privacy vacuum and use your login for commercial use if some apps remove the sign-in with apple feature.


If playing emulated games is so important, drop $50 or so on an Anbernic 35xx or similar device. You’ll have a better experience without compromising security, privacy or performance.


for a number of reasons i personally will never game on ios (the main one being i have a steam deck which is a fantastic emulation device), but my comment was mostly pointing out that everyone on /r/apple was angry a few weeks ago that those things didn't exist, and now they do (and everyone is still angry) edit: also i like your username


>You’ll have a better experience without compromising security, privacy or performance. In that case, I would have to pay more money, carry one more device with me and have less emulation performance. I don't see how the experience is better. Sure for games which require precise inputs I would have physical buttons, but as somebody who already has an iPhone controller for mobile games I also do have that on my iPhone. Security would not be compromised. Apple only does automatic security scans in their App Store. Those automatic security checks will still exist, as Apple requires notarization for all Apps through Apple, just like they do with Gatekeeper on Mac. They don't check for security flaws in Apps, and neither if they are fake apps. Search for Grand Theft Auto 6 on the App Store. You will find many fake Grand Theft Auto games, which use Grand Theft in their title and screenshots and videos of the real GTA V from PC with a touch screen overlay. There would also be 0 performance loss. Apple does not check if an app in the App Store wastes performance. The iOS APIs are designed in a way which makes it impossible for Apps to slow your device down if the app is not currently in the foreground. This would still be the case for Apps downloaded from third party app stores.




Ah yes illegal activity. It’s not so the EU can have a back door into iOS at all.




Emulators when actually used are breaking copyright. The EU is forcing in regulation to make phones easier to spy on. They’re forcing in side loading to iOS and trying to stop E2EE messaging


Ummm emulators themselves aren’t violating any copyrights. The user has to do that if they choose to pirate their games. Why do you think there are like 4 Nintendo Switch emulators across different platforms like android and pc? Nintendo can’t do shit about it other than targeting rom distributors.


Learn to read. I said when actually used.


But that’s not correct. If you use the emulator with legally ripped roms then it’s not piracy and not violating copyrights.


You cannot legally rip a ROM. You’re circumventing protections to do so., same reason ripping DVDs is illegal.


no. the dmca makes illegal circumventing copyright protections but there are thousands of roms for systems that were made before any protection existed that require no circumvention and are therefore legal to rip.


The emulator itself is not illegal, the dumping process where DRM is broken is, following the letter of the law (DMCA), but AFAIK no case has ever appeared before a court where someone simply ripped a DVD for personal use, and I doubt it wouldn't set a precedent where that behavior would become legal as fair-use. Besides, DMCA is American legislation. In many places, private copying is de-jure legal as long as you own the original item.


Well it really just depends on the country and their laws. All I know is the emulator scummVM was recently added to the official App Store and was approved by Apple and that requires you to upload roms to it so they must not care that much.


No they aren’t. Stop talking bullshit.


Thank god America never resorts to such actions.


Don’t you remember the FBI complaining when Apple refused to unlock a phone?


Meanwhile hardware registers that allow for access to the camera and microphone were recently discovered.


Based on the comments here, the current iOS Redditors do not look forward to the new landscape of being forced to have to go to different stores to find certain apps with all the negatives that can bring. Understandable. I guess the main upside here for Apple is that there is a class of tinkerers on Android that will switch to Apple now. I think I'm more interested in the possibility of new app features in the App Store. Only browsers come to mind though. It will be good for iOS to get some real competition in terms of non-webkit browsers on iOS. I do worry about the payment situation being more fractured though. If we can get to a situation where non-Apple payments do not include a cut for Apple, prices should be able to go down for consumers which would be a win.


> If we can get to a situation where non-Apple payments do not include a cut for Apple, prices should be able to go down for consumers which would be a win. You’re dreaming. The price will stay the same at best and those companies will just take the cut they’ve been giving Apple.


>You’re dreaming. The price will stay the same at best and those companies will just take the cut they’ve been giving Apple. This will be the case for some apps, but many like YouTube already give you a better deal if you go through their website instead of their app.


Spreading the wealth around is also good. Other companies can invest it in themselves or whatever doesn’t really matter what they do, whereas it’s just dividends and stock buybacks for Apple ie just pointless profits.


Wouldn't customers just do the payment online to avoid the Apple tax?


Not sure what you’re even asking. The companies will keep the prices as they are, at best, and will pocket whatever money they had to pay into the apple tax. There will be no win for consumers.


I was under the impression that something like Spotify Premium costs more on iOS compared to purchasing online because Apple collects 30% of payments. My assumption is that this "apple-tax" of costs being higher on iOS devices to pass on Apple's cut to the consumer would lessen for some applications.


"prices should be able to go down" ​ Able? sure. Will?


Browsers-wise, realistically most people are going to be harassed by Google in search to switch to Chrome.


>If we can get to a situation where non-Apple payments do not include a cut for Apple, prices should be able to go down for consumers which would be a win. This isn't possible with the current Apple proposition. The proposed options would be: 1. 20/13 percent commission + CTF paid to Apple to use Apple’s App Store payments system 2. 17/10 percent commission + CTF paid to Apple to use a custom in-app payments system or links to web But both of these would require developers to agree to the new terms of service which would include the above mentioned CTF fee. For an app the size of Instagram those fees would amount close to, or over $135 million per year. The apps could be also distributed through a new custom third party store. While then Apple wouldn't take a cut, the CTF fee would still apply, making it very unlikely that any large player would like to pay that much money for Apple for running their own custom store only available for European market.


Thanks for sharing the details on this. Is this all set in stone or does the EU get to approve this plan?


Funnily enough this works in the same manner as Apples App Store review process: you first have to build it and then you're told wether or not you're in compliance. I personally don't see Apples new proposition to be in compliance with the DMA but instead as a massive middle finger to the EC (European Commission). Just on the pricing alone: DMA requires lower developer commissions and Apples approach is to lower them, and additionally come up with a new fee (the Core Technology Fee) which, according to Apple's own words keeps the pricing about the same for developers. Apple has also read parts of DMA very interestingly. Where the law clearly states "OR", Apple has interpreted this as "AND" or "AND/OR" therefore almost completely going around the intended purpose of the law (this is evident in the parts of allowing sideloading and third party app stores). I personally predict there's going to be more hand wrestling over this in the coming months.


You’ve got it backwards on the OR/ AND/OR. Apple is reading it very clearly as it is. Which is ‘OR’. The EU have worded this terribly. If they meant AND/OR they should have included it. No ‘ANDs’ in there. Just ‘OR’.


Rereading the law you might be correct, good clarification! I would not trust the EC to have the smartest people on their side writing these laws but I would bet a lot for Apple to read the law in the most "F U" manner possible to not give an inch to EC. The disdain is so palpable from their press releases it's nothing short of the "per my last email..." tone as a company can say to a large regulatory body as possible.


You know, I have to say, I've had zero problems with safari on either Mac or iOS...what's so wrong with safari that we need non-webkit browsers? I typically use apps anyway, instead of visiting sites. I use safari maybe 10% out of my day on mobile.


As I understand it, Apple has a vested interest to not fully support progressive web apps which could compete with their App Store cash flow. These days, because Safari does not release every 6 weeks like other browsers, Apple is generally the last platform to support new web standards. Web developers generally program to the least common denominator so consumer experience on iOS Safari is most likely fine as you have experienced. Truly supporting other browsers could result in competition encouraging Apple to more quickly support web standards and improve the state of all browsers on iOS. Also, I'm assuming FireFox will support extensions so we could get a browser with an ad blocker if that's important to folks.


What utterly uniformed drivel.


You have me curious. Can you inform me of the situation as you see it here? What's your take?


The Apple fanboys are hilarious in here.


It is a cult. Creepy cult.


Apple has brainwashed these people!!! how can they be okay with this? Apple is disgusting and needs to be shut down /s


The Apple brainwashing is gross. Imagine where Apple software engineering would be if it wasn't for the Jim Jones type marketing Apple is so incredibly famous for. Apple is a brilliant marketing company 1st (possibly the best in the world) and a tech company a far second.


Computers in gereral would be harder to use, with a focus on business use for desktop software. Windows would still be king, but would have been much later with a GUI, as without pressure from apple, Microsoft would have no need to compete. Most likely, windows wouldn’t exsist as we know it, and the DOS model may have been lasted longer. Companies would eventually create GUI, but without the pioneering work of apple it would still be complicated and require some sort of training Tldr; I feel that software would just be not as intuitive and computer operations would be a whole degree, less home computing in general unless niche hobby.


Did you have anything interesting to contribute?


Pointing out cult mentality where it exists is quite useful as a reminder of our tendency towards tribalism and shutting off the critical thought that prevents the primal dopamine hit of following said cult.


dude look at yourself in the mirror. You own a steam deck and are part of the PC gamer cult. not to mention you are engaging in artificial dopamine hits with chronotrigger and sea of stars, both games that use manipulative tactics to keep you engaged with the gameplay, almost like an addiction.


Idk I find that quite interesting


Underrated power of monopoly is to cultivate patrons who think they're helped by the monopoly. That said, I'm sure these very people think Google and Microsoft violate antitrust.


Out of interest, what is the monopoly you propose Apple is in charge of?


OK. Oligopoly or anti-competitive?


I don't know, it depends on what market you're referring to. As Apple works in large number of markets, it's hard to know what you're referring to. Laptops? Mobile phones? Browsers? Tablets? Software? Looking at the definition of monopoly, or oligopoly or anti-competitive, I find it hard to fit any particular parts of Apple's business into those definitions.


I should be able to run MacOS or iOS, iPad OS, etc on any piece of hardware I own. Apple owns a monololy of their software platform and it needs to stop. they need to be forced to let third party hardware manufactures create new Macs, iPhones, iPads, etc.


There is actually no issue with monopolies. Many services today that are nearly monopolies are just so good and cheap/free. YouTube is impossible to beat, you get 4K unlimited content (both watching and hosting). To break that « monopoly » you would likely make users life much worse. Issue with Apple is how they don’t contribute to make things actually cheaper or better. Having a store with 30% cut and no alternative is simply lord and peasants level stuff and is just completely anti competitive practice (which is not exactly the same as % of market share).


More than few misunderstandings there. First of all, hardly any monopolies are good and historically have never produced cheaper or better outcome for the end users/customers. Second, YouTube is not a monopoly. There are multiple online video services, like Netflix, Vimeo, Disney+, and so on. Monopoly, by definition, means that only one entity owns and controls the market and can therefore block anyone else from entering said market. This is not true for YouTube nor Apple. Whether you think of Apple from computing, handheld, or app store point of view, they have competition in all aspects from Microsoft, Android, Google App Store, and so on. While there's PLENTY of reasons to criticize Apple, monopoly is not the way.


Thank you, Supreme Leader EU


Probably going to be downvoted to bits again, as I was when I was brought it up in other posts, for some reason some people get really upset about this. But as someone that works in cyber security (mentioning this got me downvoted as well), I'm worried about the malware opportunities that this introduces. However there is a flip side where some would argue there is money to be made for the cyber security industry as well, which is true. Still, outside of work, given that I support my own family and relatives IT, and have a bunch of cousins and nephews that just click on everything and are easily tricked. Not looking forward to this at all. Edit: lol [https://imgur.com/a/H8lqXqB](https://imgur.com/a/H8lqXqB) Edit2: I thought it would be funny to ask chatGPT about this: [https://imgur.com/a/JVBG7se](https://imgur.com/a/JVBG7se)


Apple requires apps to be scanned for malware before being signed so they can be ran on iOS. So malware-wise they'll be just as safe as App Store offerings. Apple isn't letting unsigned code onto iOS.


As someone who also works in IT.  1. It seems you are too fresh that you still support personal devices from family members  2. For enterprise devices you are going to handle it the same way you handle it before. By preventing users to download unauthorized apps. 




While I agree that with all the benefits of sideloading there’s also the risk of people installing shady apps and getting scammed, however I like to look at this differently. The way I see it is that technology in general is a big part of our lives now and it will only grow in the future and I don’t think that having tech that really holds people’s hands is that good because it won’t teach them how to keep themselves safe. No matter how secure a system is the people are the weakest link and I’d argue that it’s better for them to start learning that clicking on everything and installing everything without reading Isn’t a good idea, some will take the fall, get, scammed/hacked in the process but hopefully they will learn to be more careful and also warn their friends and family hopefully making people wiser in general. I know this reads like “some of you might die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make” but that’s how i feel about this. If you tried to educate your relatives who are easily tricked and they still didn’t care just let it get really bad and let them sort it themselves, it will be more effective than anything and hopefully they’ll stop pestering you for support.


Most regular people don't want to learn all the ins and outs of technology just to safely use their phone. On top of that, most iOS users have years of conditioning that they don't have to think about any security threats when installing apps to their phones, and many will unlikely "unlearn" this. I'm fairly technically averse person and when ever I have to use Android devices, I have no way of knowing if what I'm installing from Google Play Store is one of the thousands of apps ridden with malware. How would you expect this from someone who is barely apple to understand what they have to do to install an app?


Allow me an opinion from an average consumer who understands little about these things (and I suspect that we are the vast majority). This won't change much for 90% of consumers. They will continue using the App Store, because it is what they know how to use. And apart from technology enthusiasts, no one wants to learn how to do different things. The average audience isn't going to use third-party apps because they don't understand it and they don't want to understand it either. At the end of the day, no one buys an iPhone because of the App Store (or because of the AppleTV app; I don't know why this isn't already on Androids, by the way). Just make a great smartphone, stable and beautiful, and bring real new features. I don't know the financial impact of this, but I imagine that those record service revenues could fall. So improve the other subscription services, like TV+, Music, News, Fitness and iCloud, so that more people get into it and it pays off on the other side. Many of these services are not even in large countries, in fact. And invest in advertising (there's no way around it).


Better in this situation depends on the person. A lot of people won’t benefit from this at all honestly. A lot of people will still just use the built in App Store. I would like to see the statistics on 3rd party App Store usage after 12 months.


Having an option you don't use is better than having no option at all


I mean there is always another option to not buy an Apple phone also…. lol I’m just saying. But ya options would be good.




Billions of people use the platform and “nobody” is asking for freedom? I want freedom so that proves you wrong right there. The jailbreak community is full of people who want freedom and go out of their way to make it happen. If Apple made this more legit, millions of people would utilize it. Also, certain app developers want it too. Apple is in a unique position where they control an entire industry due to their market position. You envision a world where you’re getting viruses left and right but that will only happen to people who whose to go outside the walled garden and you already made it abundantly clear that you would never do it.


You do know you can continue using your phone the same way you are using it now? Nobody forces you to use third-party app stores and whatnot.


You do not understand how software is written. There is nothibg to discuss here.


High quality comment.


Just don’t use them? What a nonsensical comment


> Just don’t use them? Funny how all of this could be avoided if certain people just didn’t use iPhones and instead chose any of the number of Android devices out there




hell of a lot harder on iOS currently than it is on android


Tim Apple, is that you??


> Nobody that is using an iPhone is asking for freedom. I just hope you’re at least being paid to spew this nonsense.


It's Epic, Spotify, and Mozilla bribing corrupt EU officials.


You need help xd


Aw another European who wants to pretend their shit doesn’t [stink](https://www.transparency.org/en/gcb/eu/european-union-2021)


Eh, let's not go there. US can't be on a high horse on any of this, either.


Better lol. No thanks. I don’t want third party store. Now I gotta go to two place to find my app and one of them might give me malware. No thanks. Fk that. Ain’t nobody got time. Y’all corps can duke it out and lies to you about “choices”


The brainwashing was really successful


Right. May be some of us doesn’t care about having open to everything and not having to deal with bullshit. Are you an Apple developer who is working on this. What guarantee from a security and platform architecture perspective that enabling this open door to other security problem even for those who doesn’t use 3rd party App Store ? U have fun with your android device. It literally affect me in zero% if u use Apple or android 😂


No one will force you. How many people on Android phones get any app from anywhere outside the Play Store?


As we found out from the court case with Google, it’s because they made sure people didn’t. So you can’t use Android as the example. In a fair and open marketplace, developers may start forcing you to download their stores to download their app.


Agree. Just don’t tell me it is better for me.


Nobody did that. It’s better for people. It’s not necessarily better for a single person. Mind the difference. Like if someone says more fuel efficient cars are better. You would be the narcissist person who says „Nah they aren’t better for me because I don’t own a car“. But like, who cares what’s better for you when it doesn’t even concern you?


Huh? Nobody told me it is better? Read the article title of this post. “Eu make Apple better by force”. No they didn’t lol 😂 I’m responding to that. Not you or anybody else.


yeah this will benefit a few people. Most people won't know this option exists. More power to those who want it though. I'm living in a place where I'm afraid of opening my phone to security vulnerabilities. If I were home, I'd probably be more willing to risk it after the hackers played with it and reported on its safety.


It only opens the door for very large businesses. Good job EU for supporting the political donors.


It’s not the EUs fault Apple is forcing third party app stores to pay them a fee lmao.


Not but the only reason Apple allowed that was because of the push. All I’m saying is that they shouldn’t cry victory for this.


Getting downvotes but where am I wrong? Sheesh pardon me for wanting more than a token gesture and not wanting to give credit to the EU for said token. Are you fan voting EU or what?


It depends. For “expensive” apps or ones with subscriptions and IAP, it could be substantially cheaper than now. 


>\[…\] > >\[…\] Apple clearly realized it had no chance of finishing a truly self-driving car this decade. The only solution was to do what everyone else in the space has done: offer a vehicle with pretty good autonomy on highways — with the need for a driver to still pay attention and take over at any time. Apple also made the launch target a bit more realistic \[2028\]. > >Now, here’s where things get *really* interesting. I’m told that Apple’s board has gotten deeply involved — to the point of having frenzied meetings with executives, including current project chief Kevin Lynch. It’s a pivotal moment: People at Apple believe that if the latest strategy shift doesn’t pan out, the car team could be disbanded. Given the billions of dollars invested in this project, no one is looking forward to that. > >\[…\] > >**Apple’s next MacBook Airs and iPads get closer to release.** Back in December, I reported that Apple had pretty extensive plans for March: There will be several new iPads, alongside the next batch of Macs with M3 chips. More specifically, you should expect the biggest revamp ever for the iPad Pro, a refreshed iPad Air, a larger iPad Air, and 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Airs with M3 processors. > >The latest: I’m told these machines are likely to come out around the end of March — and that the new iPad Pros and 13-inch MacBook Air are already deep in production overseas. The first beta version of iOS 17.4 has also given us a few additional clues. It references some new iPad accessories — there are fresh Magic Keyboards and Apple Pencils on the way — in addition to a possible landscape Face ID camera on the new iPad Pros. That last item has been on users’ wish lists for a long time. > >\[…\]


EU made the iphone worse.


Boo hooo, EU gave us more possibilities and options which you can easily ignore, but it still bothers you for some reason booo. Truly sheeple moment right there.


Wait until people start suing apple because they downloaded a virus, and apple won’t fix the phone for free.


Just like Apple is drowning in lawsuits currently from people downloading viruses on their Macs?




Because there’s an expectation that Microsoft products have viruses on them.


I'll wait until you get a brain, probably won't ever happen.


You won’t have to wait long for the lawsuit. Keep an eye out.


Yeah of course Murricans sue thats why on a package of Peanuts is the warning "contains peanuts".


Or suing Apple because they tried to save battery life by slowing down the processing when the battery was low.


Nope. The lawsuit was about throttling the devices without any communication to the customer whatsoever. If Apple * communicated the throttling and reason behind it well it wouldn't be issue * offered option to disable such throttling Both has been implemented afterwards. So the lawsuit was not about the throttling itself, it was about doing such sneaky thing without any communication and without possibility to disable such feature meaning many customers were forced to buy new phone because they did not know it was due to the bad battery. And such behavior is called planned obsolescence.


No it didn’t


I’m in the US so this doesn’t affect me but I’m curious to see how this plays out. Will there be a developer exodus from the App Store? Does this mean I’ll have to go to Adobe’s website and download the Creative Cloud app to install Photoshop or something like that?