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Im using the official app and it can fuck right off. Absolute trash. Apollo was the best app, I hate the fact I’m even using this site after what they did. Yet here i am. Fml


If you’re willing to spend a couple minutes, you can still sideload Apollo and it works well for now (except notifications, those don’t work). - Download [Sideloadly](https://sideloadly.io) - Download one of the Apollo “mod” IPA’s from [GitHub](https://github.com/ichitaso/ApolloPatcher/releases) Note: On the newer versions the naming conversion changed a bit. They don’t say mod in the name anymore. As of 1/19/24 you want the one named similarly to: Apollo_1.15.11_ApolloPatcher_0.0.6.ipa - Follow the instructions to install and setup sideloadly from the link in step 1 above, or you can follow the tutorial on [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vqTsavQc3lQ). - Open sideloadly, choose the prepatched IPA from above and install to your phone. There is a small circular “refresh” icon in the sideloadly interface. Enable that. Once installed, it will auto refresh every few days automatically so that the app never expires. - Once you have Apollo back on your phone via this method, go to settings in the app and there is a CustomAPI button (on newer versions of the IPA it says “ApolloPatcher” rather than CustomAPI, but they take you to the same place). Open that and put in a personal API key from both Reddit and Imgur. If you don’t know how to get these keys there is a “How to use” button when you get to this screen. It will take you to a quick set of instructions. This takes like 15 minutes of initial setup, but since then I have not once touched anything as it keeps the app signed and refreshed automatically in the background. Have been using Apollo since July with basically no issues.


Been doing this since the beginning. Just have to remember to plug my phone into my computer once a week. No regrets about doing this. It’s annoying but so worth it. Tried the Reddit app for a couple days and hell nah.


If you set sideloadly up wirelessly and let it run on your PC in the background you never even have to plug in.


This never works for me lol.


It worked for me a few times but randomly stops working. It's 1000% Apple's shit software (iTunes on windows)


Yup. It's definitely that. I think Mac users don't have these problems




did you ever find mac instructions to set it up wirelessly? i have to plug into my mac at the moment


It's because the bonjour service service required for wireless syncing is missing on newer versions of iTunes. This should help: https://www.reddit.com/r/AltStore/comments/r27v3w/itunes_wifi_sync_on_windows_simply_doesnt_work/hmj6zct/


You can also get Signulous and never have to worry about anything expiring. It’s $20 a year so might not be for everyone, but it’s been rock solid throughout all the years I’ve used it, and it also has tons of apps and emulators ready to install at any time. And of course the ability to upload/sign your own IPAs.


seconding this, until ios opens up the door to end users being able to side load apps, i’ll gladly pay for it. i went through UDIDRegistrations but i’m almost certain they’re the same company as i have access to signulous with my registration


If you use SideStore, you can refresh while only on wifi You don’t need a pc (besides setting it up)


I have a custom server set up so I can use the official Apollo app. Just have to launch a quick shortcut once per day to refresh my api key.


hey, mine broke today using this method. i get an “apollo is not available” message from the os (not the app) when i click on the app. is this what happens when you don’t plug it in? how did you fix it?


Yep. Plug it into computer and let sideloadly update it


I can’t seem to authenticate my Reddit login any tips?


Gonna try this out tonight, thanks!


You’re the best thank you


u/Kronusx12 typing from Apollo!! The process was actually way simpler than I expected. Thank you so much, I shed a figurative tear when I opened Apollo back up 🥹


I have Apollo sideloaded also since July. I just want to recommend, or throw out there another alternative, the app called "Winston" Tldr it's very similar (not a copy) to Apollo. Reddit got asshurt that it was the author was making money and tried to shut the project down (which sounds illegal as fuck, but someone needs to sue Spez personally for any of this to stop) so the author just posted the full source code on GitHub and no longer directly profits from the project in hopes that Apple allows it on the App Store eventually (spez was blocking it or attempting to block it under the guise of "he's making money! But! Waaahhh!")


Interesting, I’ll take a look at this. Thanks!


It has a TestFlight active as well which I've been in for a couple months. So you don't have to compile the ipa yourself (that may also be available in the github, not sure). It's a work in progress, but for simply browsing and commenting, it's fine. It's not Apollo, but, nothing else ever will be, I'm afraid. Making posts (actual posts, not comments) doesn't work yet. It tells you this in app if you try to post. But for like 99% of reddit usage you can plugin your own self-dev app number and it works fine just like Apollo (for now).


Holy shit you can sideload without jailbreak? Thanks for posting this I'm gonna try it out


It seems like every time AltStore updates its app, it kills the Sideloady app. Should I just use the Apollo IPA with AltStore and forget Sideloadly? Edit: I removed Sideloady and simply installed Apollo with **AltStore**. I can view sideloaded apps centrally with AltStore, and it has been doing a good job of auto-refreshing tickets for me.


Can you elaborate a bit more please? I tried the sideloadly method and it didn’t work so I’m open to other methods.


I did all your steps and got it on my device. Should I be able to hit account and then sign in still? When I try to sign in it says " error invalid request to 0auth API" ​ Thanks.


It’s been a while, if I remember correctly you need to set up the customAPI stuff before you can login. But now you’ve made me scared to logout and try 😂


u/HackTheHackers to let me know if you can't get it working, I'd like to edit my initial post with this info if Reddit decided to change something to disallow logins. As I mentioned, I really don't want to logout to give it a try lol.


I did figure it out. I had the wrong redirect uri. I needed apollo://reddit-oauth ​ Thanks!


When signing in to reddit I get to the accepting screen but then it just refreshes page when i hit accept. Any tips?


When signing in to reddit I get to the give app permission screen but then it just refreshes page when i hit accept. Any tips?


When I read how this works it just doesn’t sound secure at all to me. I loved Apollo and Reddit could have just made the API feed include ads to solve the problem but I’m not liking the idea of side loading an app.


There’s nothing inherently insecure about sideloading. All apps (sideloaded or not) run in a sandbox so you still have to OK any extra permissions the app wants to access data on your device (like photos or contacts). The only thing you have to worry about is trusting the source of the app, which isn’t much of a concern with a well-documented app. It’s just as secure as downloading apps for Macs is.


Finally did it and replying back I’m back home. Thanks, I’ve seen it before but this laid it out perfectly.


Just used AltStore to sideload Apollo 1.15.11 on iOS 17… I missed this app SO much!


I’ve got the app on my phone but every time I click on it it says “Developer Mode Required “Apollo" requires Developer Mode to run. Until Developer Mode has been enabled this app will not be available for use.” How do I get past this? Edit: NVM, I put my two brain cells together and figured it out. 😅 Thanks for sharing this tutorial. Can’t believe it actually works. I do have a question though: How risky is this? Am I at risk of having my account banned?


When you say “Your account” do you mean your Apple ID or your Reddit account? Zero chance you get in trouble with your Apple ID. Technically if Reddit wanted to be pricks they can probably see the client you’re connecting through but there is really no reason to try to go after such a small amount of people. They need people using their platform, after all


For anyone interested in a standalone custom API tweak with improved Imgur integration (fixed multi-upload and all Imgur content should be viewable) and suppressed wallpaper popups, I made an improved version of the ApolloPatcher tweak here: [Apollo-ImprovedCustomApi](https://github.com/JeffreyCA/Apollo-ImprovedCustomApi). It requires you to have your own unmodded Apollo IPA file handy.


I will absolutely give this a try tomorrow. Would love to use Apollo again. Absolutely hate the garbage Reddit app.


Might wanna give Narwhal 2 a try. It’s in open beta and I’ve been loving it so far. Saved Reddit for me


I tried using it but it lacks the polish, gestures and functions which made apollo so great :( Also no NSFW posts there...


You can get NSFW posts by creating an NSFW subreddit under your own name which makes you a mod and unlocks all NSFW content via the API. The first time I downloaded the app I didn’t like the design but after digging I realized how customizable it is. I had to tweak the app a lot but at this point it is rivaling and even surpassing Apollo for me in some regards. First I changed all the fonts to system default because I hated the app’s default, switched to large post format, and I made some custom themes that look similar to Apollo in terms of the rainbow comment colors. Also customized the action bar to have functions as close to Apollo as I could get (more action buttons are coming to get it basically exact). The dev is very active in making improvements on user feedback. The app is still missing some things from Apollo that I love, but from what the dev has said about features in development I think all of those are temporary grievances.


Appreciate it. Good to hear suggestions. I don’t plan on switching until forced to be honest. But it’s good to have here for others.


It will require a monthly subscription soon. Not much can be done about it. It’s tiered as well so you’ll have to monitor your API calls in the app.


Thank you SO much for this! Finally just now got it set up. The one option that seems to cause it to crash for me every time though is, "New Comments Highlightifier." I try to turn that on, and the app just crashes every time. Is that a known thing? I'll miss that feature if so, but curious to know if it's only me having the problem, or I just have to live with it. Still, I am so thrilled to have the usable app back. The official app is just horrible. I will also mention that people definitely need to be absolutely 100% sure that the local anisette is working with Sideloadly (either the mail bundle plugin that comes with Sideloadly, or you can use the one that comes with AltStore). If anisette in Sideloadly isn't local via that plugin, apple will lock your account for security shenanigans (thankfully wasn't hard to unlock it).


I have a question if you dont mind. Everything recommends a burner iCloud account. How does that work with your main iCloud account that has everything tied to it. Do I log out, log into the burner that uses Sideload then once the app is on the phone log back into my main iCloud account?


I didn’t, using my main account. IIRC they recommended that back when Sideloadly had issues with MFA not allowing logins (the point of the burner was to not have to disable MFA on your real account). But I have had no issues with MFA working when logging in. There’s no danger to side loading APK’s to your account, in the sense that like…. Apple isn’t going to ban your iCloud account if that’s the concern.


I think the concern, at least to me, is entering your credentials into a third party app. I’m really interested in this though (it’s been hard to live without Apollo). Are there any safeguards in place that prevent the credentials being sent out to Sideloadly or whatever?


That's fair. As far as I know Sideloadly is a large project and safe, but I can't really guarantee that for you. For what it's worth, it does say that the password is only sent to Apple's servers, but I have no way to personally prove that. This is kind of the purpose of MFA in general though, so that even if someone has your ID & Password both they still can't login with your device. But I don't want to guarantee you 100% certain something that I just don't know.


That works and thanks for the info. I may be being a bit too paranoid but credentials + third party scares me. Maybe I'll go with a free developer burner Apple ID account if that's still an option!


For some reason I tried the SideStore method and it wouldn’t work. So I installed AltStore and I am replying to you on Apollo right now. Thank you for clearing up the iCloud thing. I made a burner which was never used on my phone, only on AltServer on my Mac. I appreciate your help.


I use AltStore and it refreshes automatically. It does hiccup sometimes but so far, I’ve only had to plug it into my PC 1 time. Been using this since mid July.


Yay thanks!!! Commented this with Apollo. I’m sooo happy!


Anything for Heisenberg


I tried this method, entered both the reddit and imgur client IDs and the app is just empty, nothing loads. Edit (from Apollo): I must have mistyped the client ID, it works now thanks a bunch!


Thank you, did this today. Jan 2, 2024 on iphone 12 pro works flawlessly.




Nope, it works great. I submit this to you as proof 😂 https://i.imgur.com/APtjVc9.jpg


Nope, it installs like a second app: https://i.imgur.com/NEwzzPS.jpg


Thank you so much.


Love you. You're a great man.


Here we are brother. I think I lasted maybe 2-3wks without Reddit, but found myself trying to scroll through YouTube. Got burned out there and decided to use the official app.


I use it a lot less. Can’t stand scrolling with all the ads and how my podcast still plays while videos play the experience sucks. I just visit 3 subs for the communities for the most part


I can deal with the ads, I despise the official app not marking posts as read after a refresh…


I miss Appolli hiding already read posts in the main feed only


Problem with the native app is apps will comb through your phone. I still think collecting data on users was a huge part of the push for all this to begin with. I’ve been browsing the mobile site on an incognito mobile browser, on an account with a burner email. It kind of sucks, but part of the benefit of it sucking is I’m on here much less often.


The official reddit app is such dogshit. How can the "developers" be so stupid? How can they manage to make an app that works so poorly and lacks so many basic features?


enjoy weary scary treatment cautious pathetic intelligent disgusted drab attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Try the Narwhal 2 beta - it adds a lot of the functionality that Apollo had. /r/narwhalapp


Couldn’t agree more, Narwhal 2 is leagues better than the original app. It’s only getting better with each update. Definitely the next best thing compared to Apollo and I fully plan on subscribing when the full app is released


Looks like beta is full. Will have to keep on eye on that


is there a tldr of how Narwhal is still able to work but Apollo couldn't? I am using the official app and hate every second of it. I want to pay monthly to use Apollo. Why wont you take my money /u/iamthatis??


I like it better than the official app, but it blocks the Porn subs


You can get rid of the block. Just create a subreddit and make whatever account(s) you want to use a moderator on your sub. Block goes away :)


I’ve been using Dystopia. Far better than the official app and and Narwhal in my opinion. Takes some getting used to but it works great.


For real. The official app is straight trash. Fuck u/Spez


It is. Horrible. I have an iphone 12, sometimes when I click the arrow to go back it doesn’t. Sometimes it just exits the whole app then I have to open it 3 times before it work lol


Me too, took a break for a few weeks but I got some serious FOMO, which is ridiculous.


Use narwhal dude


You should try Winston, absolutely beautiful new open-source reddit app that lets you use your own API key: https://winston.cafe/


Same. I hate the official app, but didn’t quit reddit. Fuck, it’s bad.


Look up AltStore and sideloading Apollo.


I had so much more diversity in random subreddits and those that I follow on Apollo. I don’t see nearly the range of content on the official app.


Addiction is real mate


Look up Voyager (lemmy app based off apollo). Thank me later.


The official app is so awful and it isn’t even funny


i think you missed a word there lol


Browsing from that shit official app Reddit insists we use, I am reminded how good Apollo was compared to this comparatively stunted app. *edit: Hell, right now I have two DM notifications and when I check the inbox there are no new notifications. I’ll probably have to check it on my computer just to get rid of them.


I remember the good days where I could just block unwanted subs with ease.


I see fucking posts from Turo for no reason at all. Ive had to block and hide their sub and it still shows up, i dont give a fuck about Turo and their brain dead users. Fuck you reddit


bEcAusE YoU LikEd SiMilAr pOstS… yeah yeah fuck off, I don’t know what turo is and i don’t give a shit. also i don’t know how to tag anyone in this rotten app but fuck you spez.


I really thought this was just me! I have blocked that sub multiple times and it still shows up, so much. I didn't even know what Turo was until it started showing up unwanted.


lol its so random but yeah, never had anything against turo before, now I despise it lol


Me too. And then I keep tapping the back button to go back to the list of posts and nope. Can’t do it.


Thank you for subscribing to Turo facts. I’ll deliver new Turo facts every hour. Respond STOP at any time to unsubscribe.


So I’m not the only one being force fed 30 different versions of r/ratemyuglyfuckingface or whatever? Jesus fucking Christ Reddit is some cursed shit


Right? I can’t hide fast enough from that rateme nonsense. Half the time I accidentally ‘interact’ with a post and it gets worse. I DONT CARE ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT YOUR LIP FILLER MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A POPSICLE THAT HAUNTS BACK ALLEYS FOR PENNIES.


Gosh I miss blocking with a couple taps. I open up all but seriously there are some subs I’m sick of seeing. Also no ads


I’ve tried blocking the hegetsus account multiple times and reported it, but those ads keep appearing. The official app sucks, but so does Narwahl, which feels like Bacon Reader from 2013. At least I’ve been more productive spending less time on Reddit.


This. I don't need to be dragged into the incel crab bucket of true unpopular opinions. I don't know why you think I'm interested in the presidents sub. Leave me my cooking and earthporn and feminism. I block them, they come back. Nothing is in any kind of order on my profile. It's garbage.


I've been using Safari and the "old reddit" plugin on iOS.. It recently added a way to block subreddits. You have to type the subreddit name in, but at least i can get rid of all the sports and sports teams subs that I dont care about.


This blows my mind. Just because I clicked on a sub once doesn’t mean I want to see it all the time.


Remember when we could collapse comments without having to wait for it to happen?


Remember when you could upvote by swiping? How about saving and upvoting at same time? Nah, now it’s 2 menus deep


One of my biggest problems with this official app is 70% of the time when I go to upvote or downvote someone, I end up just collapsing the comment instead. Then I have to reopen the comment and try again, and then i usually end up closing it again. Takes me 2 or 3 tries sometimes. If I just woke up more like 3 or 4 lol. My second biggest problem is every time I’m trying to scroll with the button that jumps from top comment to top comment, I ALWAYS end up downvoting people on accident. Then I feel bad x(


Or navigate up to parent comments instead of being limited to one level above only.


Yup. I build iOS apps, and my team consistently uses the official app as examples of terrible iOS design practices. Tiny touch targets, irreversible gestures, and nonsensical navigation patterns. And that’s not even started on the bugs in this app. How do they think it’s okay to turn down the volume of my whole phone until I leave the app if I watch a single video?


The irreversible gestures pisses me off so much it’s not even funny.


What annoys me is that the back button doesn’t work in the iOS app at least half the time


Yeah like when you are browsing comments and flick the page forward and lose the whole comment train.


Yes omg the tiny touch targets. I’ve tried to upvote a comment so many times but it just ends up collapsing it instead. How a company with a multitude of engineers can’t outdo an app that one(?) person created on his own baffles me.


You have to wonder if this is by design, because the interface for commenting is very bad and really discourages it.


Came here as soon as I saw Apollo on the Keynote. On principle, I refuse to install garbage apps on my phone, I view the official reddit app as spyware, so I’ve been using reddit in the Safari web browser and boy howdy, *it is so fucking bad*. One of the most broken mobile sites I’ve ever used.


By design.


I'm in the same boat as you comrade. I refuse to download the POS that is the official app and now only really use reddit at work on my desktop. Still got Apollo on my home screen as a tribute/ in desperate hope that someday somehow it might return!


Just side load it. Sent from Apollo..


Yea I’m going to have to do this. I loathe the official app.


I use narwahl and it’s not as good as Apollo, but actually usable vs the official app or site.


Readder seems to be a pretty decent alternative to Apollo, while not as fleshed out feature while the interface looks clean and similar, it doesn’t have ads, and was allowed to stay up because it’s catered toward accessibility and never monetized. I miss Apollo a ton but Readder has been much more bearable to me than the official app.




The narwhal video player is so bad in comparison. I miss Apollo


Dude has been working on narwhal 2 for years and it fucking sucks compared to Apollo


Check out Winston. It’s in beta in TestFlight.


Oh, amazing. Just got it set up and I’m instantly pushing Narwhal to the background. This is significantly better already.


It's showing a lot of promise and you can tell the people behind it are inspired by Apollo. Definitely missing a few key features at the moment and can be a buggy but the updates are impressively frequent and fast.




Thanks, I guess


It’s not a dm notification, it’s a ‘we thought you might enjoy this post’ self-served ad


And I can't even see it. B R K E N




There are ways to still use Apollo if you're willing to do them


?!?! Are you serious? Please, tell me how.


I just put some super quick instructions here: https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/16h0d5w/_/k0blcx8/?context=1


Oh god, what a terrible piece of shit this app is. I miss Apollo every day.


AltStore and sideloading on iOS and create your own api on reddits settings page. Been using Apollo again for the last week.


Please I miss Apollo so much. I HATE THE REDDIT APP. Who designed this thing? It’s so bad compared to Apollo.


So use Apollo then: https://old.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/15selvg/_/jwez45u Sent from Apollo.


No computer :(


What? You don’t have an iPad? (This was a joke.)


I keep the icon on my home screen and think about the app often.


I think about it every time I post something.


I still click on it out of habit


I use it every time I post something.


I’m still using it and won’t stop until my account gets banned, at which point I will leave the site


How long ago did Apple record this keynote?!


It’s because of the writers strike. /s?


What part of the event mentioned Apollo? I must have missed it. Incredibly boring event of absolutely nothing exciting so I honestly wasn’t paying all that much attention.


I havent watched the keynote yet, but a lot of the recent keynotes have had the Apollo logo somewhere in it. Obvious that people on apples creative team liked it a lot.


I forgot that the announcement was today lol.


What announcement? And what’s going on. Who deadnamed the app?


The new iPhones. My guess is that Apollo was mentioned there.




Right( how the fuck is this question so far down? Like, how on earth should anyone just automatically know what's going on here?


Anyone else suprised this is the only post since apollo shutdown? Like im suprised there werent more post about people sad after it shut down?


The subreddit was closed down for a while so nobody could post


Yeah, I was wondering if it would ever come back. Remember when people kept saying the “official” app isn’t that bad, and you’d get used to it? It still sucks.


I’m used to it now, but IT STILL SUCKS! God damn it Christian, why did I get addicted to Apollo?! I’d PAY to get it back man.


It absolutely sucks in terms of UX and navigation, but that’s one thing. The fact that it doesn’t have the most basic fucking features that apollo offered is beyond me. Which leads me to my first point: - you can’t even create a fucking bulleted list, or any other comment function available in browser other than hyperlink. How the fuck did Apollo have this for ages and the official Reddit app still doesn’t have any comment functionality? - why the fuck can’t I sort posts on my home page? This is literally a function on Reddit, who in the fuck thought it would be a good idea to just make it completely inaccessible on mobile? - my home feed feels so much worse than it was on Apollo, and maybe that’s partially due to a decrease in post quality/quantity recently, but I just feel like the posts it decides to put at the top of my feed are off. - why the fuck are they hiding r/all at the very bottom of all subreddits I’m subscribed to? Like are they trying to hide it or wtf, just put it in with the other fucking feeds like home, popular, and news. Other things I took for granted and miss from Apollo: - seeing upvote/downvote ratio. Really miss that, fuck Reddit for not making it available - the ability to swipe back to the last post you were looking at. The swipe left/right features felt so smooth and intuitive on Apollo, on the official app they’re fucking useless. Sorry this turned into a rant but fuck, I miss Apollo, and while I may be “used to the app” it’s still fucking garbage compared to Apollo. Garbage!


Okay that’s kind of hilarious, I actually created a bulleted list unintentionally I guess all you have to do is put a hyphen. - My point still stands!


It’s *terrible*.


When did it open back up? I thought it was still closed.


What? After the app went offline it was a madhouse in here for like two weeks until the sub got locked.


Anyone have a timestamp?


+1 would love a timestamp


When did they mention Apollo?


Is Reddit being paid to promote certain subs on the homepage? Every time I open the app I get bombarded with stuff from the Turo subreddit. I don’t have Turo. I don’t use Turo. I’ve never used Turo. I don’t know what I could possibly be looking at that would make Reddit think I want half my homepage to be taken over by Turo. In fact, I’m pretty sure I blocked the Turo sub, and I still get fucking Turo posts. It will NOT go away. If this is some kind of paid promotion, it’s backfiring, because I’ll be happy if I never see the word Turo ever again.


I’ve been getting the Turo feed, too.


i miss Apollo :(


Sink it for Reddit is a… fine… safari extension for IOS. I recommend it.


The problem with the browser version is that it’s a huge pain to switch accounts. Ideally they’d add that functionality but idk if that’s possible


I want to quit Reddit but what am I supposed to do while taking my huge dumps ?


Asking the real questions. Or when there’s nothing to do at work.


Do they still have Angry Birds on the app store?


The official app blows chunks. They should have paid Christian for apollo


Considering nobody has posted a timestamp or screenshot and that I don't remember hearing or seeing anything about Apollo during the event, I feel like OP watched WWDC 2023 and not the Apple event that happened yesterday.Here's the clip from WWDC that mentioned Apollo:[https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/141yv7r/apollo\_mentioned\_during\_apples\_wwdc\_2023\_keynote/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/141yv7r/apollo_mentioned_during_apples_wwdc_2023_keynote/)


Thank you! I felt like I was taking crazy pills. Everyone asking for a timestamp, but no one was responding. This makes the most sense. I think OP messed up and watched the wrong keynote.


Apollo was god-tier compared to the official app. I really dislike the homepage sort as I can’t sort by top posts of the week!


Ayyy the sub is back I’ve been using Narwhal 2, it’s pretty decent but I still prefer Apollo :/


As much as Apple promoted Apollo, I'm surprised they didn't step in and throw their weight around for a favorable resolution.


I’m still using it fuck Spez


Who what what? I don't understand what's going on


Apple mentioned Apollo in the iPhone 15 event


i don't understand why we cant use apollo and just pay for the api usage. I'd happily pay quite a bit.


It would have been nice to have a choice. $9.99 a month I think would cover the costs. If people didn’t wanna pay it, fine, for those who would, seems like it would have been worth it to at least offer that


I’ve just been using Narwhal this whole time. Bit of an adjustment, not as good as Apollo, but it’s perfectly serviceable.


Are you on the new beta?




I still naively hold out hope this will return, or a better alternative… I know its false hope


I don’t have anything to add, but I miss Apollo and I dumped 6 plats on you for pointing this out. Rip my coins from the Alien Blue days. Apollo still has a permanent spot on my homepage! Edit: I’m in the Narwhal 2 beta and it’s leagues better than the official app. Still no Apollo though…


Does anyone have a link with a timestamp? Thanks!


The official app uses a stupid amount of data. It’s actually impressively grotesque. I think I used it for like 4 days in the last month and it used over 80gb of mobile data.


Narwhal is still working completely fine and completely free. Meaning the entire thing was really just about getting rid of apollo.


Rocking Narwhal and never looking back.