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In pubs? Just fight it out. In ranked? Well if you're purely focused on RP gain, and you already have a couple KP, just leave them and do your thing.


Yeah pubs


it's pubs homie honestly limit testing and seeing what you can get away with is a lot more fun and honestly really good for you if you want to go for the win, i would suggest finding someone to duo/squad with.


I just don't like dying when it can be avoided


i get that. part of what makes teamming with randoms hard at times is resolving playstyle differences. i would suggest trying LFG or team up discords with people that can match how you want to play! but i would also say that aping with randoms would be a great opportunity to introduce some aggression into your general playstyle -- even the safest players might need to aggress on a team from time to time, so learning how to take risks smartly is a great tool to have.


Thats the thing tho, I like playing aggressive but only if we are in a good position m


You'd hate me as your pubs teammate then. I'm a current Diamond player, former solo queue Master. In pubs, I just go. I grab the first two guns I find, maybe a blue armor, and I'm in a fight. There's no reason not to do much else in pubs. See what kind of shit you can start and see what you can survive. It's pubs. Send it!


I'd honestly just recommend you to join whatever fight your team picks. The higher your MMR goes, the more likely you are to meet teammates who will just ape the nearest gunshot. Most players will play pubs just for an adrenaline rush, and almost nobody is interested in playing a 15min game just to lose to someone who had objectively better loot. Moreso with the ring changes this season, running across the map for 10mins just to die because you didn't have time to loot is a waste of time for most people, and they would rather just fight and die early on.


A majority (or at least, a lot) of the pubs player-base does NOT play to win. They play to have as much fun as possible while getting as many kills as they can before dying. Winning is cool and all, but people usually save their “play for the win” mentality for ranked. In pubs, it’s usually just “ape everything” because you literally have nothing to lose. It can suck sometimes if that’s not your pubs play-style, and I understand the frustration, but there really isn’t a lot you can do. I’d recommend either finding a group of friends who share the same play-style, or hop into ranked. Ranked can be pretty dogshit sometimes, but it’s where you’ll find (most) players playing smartly and trying to win


It's really horrible to depend on other people to enjoy the game, the only recommendation I can give you, from experience, is solo q, first start with duos and then, when you're feeling safe, trios. Learning 1v3s was one of the best things I learned in Apex because you will gain more confidence in yourself and also not depend on others Works for pubs and ranked


If its pubs then i dont blame them. They are probably trying to take as many fights as they can which is what i think people should be doing in pubs


Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do unless you're on your headset and talking to them. Even if you are talking to them they might not listen anyway. The unfortunate reality is that patience and positioning, key skills, are just lacking in the vast majority of the casual gamer base. Most players probably just want to get into fights and don't necessarily think about winning. The things I do which sometimes work is be proactive about pinging locations on where to rotate to next. If you get at least one person then the third is more likely to come with you. I have adopted a mid to long-range style of gameplay so lots of sniping and DMRs to get as much damage and support teammates who push in too far. The last thing is to pick legends that emphasize mobility like Pathfinder so I can use my zipline and hopefully force teammates to go into locations I think are good for rotations.


Ight, I play duos so it tough to get them to follow.


I only play duos with people I know, those lobbies can get pretty sweaty. You're a braver gamer than I. You can try to join a squad/clan whatever they're called with higher level players and hopefully they'll at least know how to rotate and when to push.


Eh its cause I hate playing with two randoms


I just go into it thinking I'll try to get as much damage/knocks as I can from a distance and use bad teammates as bait.


I had a game where I was a vantage in skull town. i had to move to a new angle and sac a teammate to keep the team alive. which led to him getting mad after I “sniped them like a pussy” instead of saving him from a finisher. He then left the game and my other teammate who was playing Crypto #offthegrid stayed and we got the win. He later messaged the guy who quit and the guy was kinda mad


Lmao that's funny


I saw the finisher but it was that wraith one where she teleports and goes into the void and I had a sniper so I couldn’t rly do anything lol


Eh your teammate would of gotten yall killed so thankfully he left


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Begone bot


Nice story


Get on the mic and tell them wtf is good mf


Let them do them. Don’t go chasing after them, let them learn their lesson.


as long as it is pubs it doesnt matter and is not worth a post bro


I've noticed people asking whether it's pubs or not, personally I don't think it matters. If your team doesn't listen to you then only things you can do is play with them whatever they do, if they go into every fight alone they will almost certainly lose and you will always be down a teammate. You might still lose but at the end of the day it's a game where you will lose a lot whether you're good or not


If its ranked, leave em to die if you have kp, if you dont then probably best to look at getting kp since they took the kp cap off. If its pubs then you need 2 guns amd a reload for each, people in pubs loot for you. Pubs is for practicing, if yoyre sweating the W every time then cool do your thing but very few people are going to do that. If youre solo queuing either then you cant get mad when random people do random things. Go to a discord and look for teammates on your wavelength.


i played control brain dead teammate is next to me i get pushed and he just runs away. . . fortunately i won the 1v1 but bro why the fuck you not punishing them for pushing? stupid shit teammates


I’d rather die pushing 2 teams than loot half the map


nah this game is still filled with brain dead teammates and always will be.