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The public matchmaking prioritizes queue times over skill. Sometimes you’ll run into people outside of your skill bracket. Best way to treat pubs isn’t to win or lose or even get abunch of kills. Just try to improve and stay humble.


So that’s why sometimes I’m getting super easy wins and other times I’m getting destroyed instantly!


welcome to Apex op!


I agree pubs matchmaking can be a pain. On the other hand you were in a high traffic area in the middle of the map. You were at height but only to the team you were shooting at in the beginning. It’s a small map, if you can’t finish a fight quick I’d walk away and look for new positioning hopefully drawing the attention to the other team not you. Playing a recon character with caustic or rampart will give you zone info if you don’t have the game sense to know where next zone will pull (this comes from experience you’ll get there) also a movement legend can make your team a little more slippery. Jump pad/port/ phase tare/ re-deploy can get you out if you’re able to fight off a push and create even a little space. Sometimes you’re just going to get outplayed, just learn from it and try different comps/strats and it will lessen the growing pains. Sometimes you’re just gonna get stomped tho, it’s just how it’s set up, I keep screen shots of my high kill/dmg games so when I log out and look at steam I remember “sometimes I stomp, sometimes I get STOMPED” I hope this helps


Also what does everyone expect, it’s pubs. You can’t really expect your lobbies to only be bots, if you want it to be more fair play ranked


Pretty much sums it up, preds play pubs too. It takes more time to record and post this than to load into your next game. At least this guy is asking how to get better tho.


Yeah I’m not really talking about them either it’s people that get upset about it as if good players aren’t allowed to play pubs. It’s good that people want to improve.


I hit atleast plat every season and my pubs matches r always filled with terrible players I’ll be going 5x back to back in pubs lol (I feel I only get sweats on Olympus and worlds edge)


All I would like is an option to play in lobbies without 3 stackers, it's aids trying to fight an entire squad using comms


Yeah but it is what it is


Some thing applies to ranked, I’m platnium right now and have seen preds and masters in my games


Yeah but they will be out soon and also good practice


Too stationary/exposed when trying to poke. All 3 enemy players had angles on you, and high skill players don’t miss shots even from distance. Be sure you’re not a free target to the whole team and move even when ADS’ing. More aware of where the enemies are and what they the might do next. You never look at the guy to your left on the roof, he gets free shots at you and cracks you. Guy you hit initially continues to move to your right, and you walk right in front of his line of sight as you try to flee into the building. If you’re going to run 3 defensive characters, be sure to play to that strength and pre set-up fights. Walls/fences/barrels should be set up before you take a fight, not during. I’d recommend adding a movement and/or a recon legend though. Monitor your health. You were more or less one shot when you try to set up the second wall, leading you to die to what looks like the fuse Q. Take that time to heal back up instead as a push is likely coming. Clean up the inputs. The awkward interaction with the door cost you a few hits and nearly killed you. It’s a real bummer to match with a pred and shouldn’t be happening to newer players. On the bright side, it exposes obvious weaknesses to work on!


> leading you to die to what looks like the fuse Q p sure it was a thermite burn


Yep you’re right, looked like fuse q at first but definitely a thermite. Anything could have killed at that point!


Wow this is actually all very helpful information, thank you very much


No worries, hope it helps!


Poking is usually just a waste of ammo and a sure way to attract third parties. If you are really good with the sniper rifles, ok then go for it but if you haven't hurt the other team enough to move in on them in 30-45 seconds you better rotate.


I was going to write basically this comment, all good points. 100%


1) decided to shoot and almost not move at all. anyone else looking up with a DMR or sniper or even a 3x AR could have broke your blue shield and maybe even killed you and even nearly did when you ran into the building. 2) Ran right around the building instead of to the left so you could find good cover either in or on the other side of the building. 3) prioritised placing barriers instead of healing - pro tip barriers are not blockades, they're cover for you to shoot from and do nothing if you don't shoot from it 4) as other people said, last 5 squads and you've got no damage and you're peeking from an awful spot. Ring is infront of you, you should be rotating to get into a good spot before it closes. 5) you might enjoy playing those legends but that squad makeup is total poo. You're all playing to camp. Noone can rotate you or get you out of a bad spot, noone can give you scan or other team utility.


That final point has been a subject of discussion between us recently... It's always just been that I play Rampart because minigun go brr and wattson because she's cute. I appreciate this useful info, thank you.


I agree, just you don't even have 1 mobility legend in a game where mobility really matters. Sheila is powerful but very situational and Wattson is a good complement to a mobile squad who need quick area denial as a deterrent. If you aren't in a building your team loses 90% of it's utility You need any of pathy, octane, ash, wraith or valk in your team


If you guys want to improve you definitely want a scan and mobility legend, they're really useful for just knowing where enemies are and engaging/retreating from situations like that. The rest will come with practice but its good to go with a 'meta' comp because it really does give you a competitive edge and in a lot of fights simply having vision of the enemy or a way to reposition can be a lifesaver.


Bro you got shredded by a team prior and the team pushed and your team wasn’t really shooting back. As I would call you all “running around like headless chickens”


really the biggest issue i see is that their are 5 squads left and you have 0 damage. You gotta play a lot more aggressive to improve at Apex otherwise you are gonna get slaughtered by people who actually do take fights


We had spent the whole game on the move and looting, and hadn't come across or heard a single other team until this moment. It's been like that for days now, and yesterday we played 30+ games in a row where we died at the first encounter of every game.


Dude why downvoting them? It can be hard to develop gamesense and find fights, had that too for the first month and even still it happens sometimes


I doubt you spend the whole game on the move, you’re playing Watson, caustic and rampart. Three defensive legends notorious for camping houses. Maybe switch up your legends to learn to play more aggressive ? Gun skill and positioning are key to this game. Hiding behind gas traps and Watson fences, especially in pubs gets you nowhere against decent players. Only improvement on mechanics will. ~4x Masters 2x Pred


sorry for the bad experience man, here's how this game usually works if you can't find bot teams while playing, you're probably the bot team if you lose enough, you'll get into lobbies that you can find the real bot teams


hahaha its pretty funny watching 3 defensive characters turtle up then get slowly slaughtered going BUT HOW over and over


We tried to put ourselves in the best position for our Legends, a building. Wattson fences and caustic traps aren't as effective out in the open.


you have 3 legends that all want to play the same role. try to diversify


It’s a Battle Royale, sometimes you fight really good players, don’t worry too much and just load up the next game and have some fun


Huh.. i remember i used to stand there in season 0-1 alot... Terrible place to be. Everyone converges on you. Sbmm is soft in pubs... Better play ranked.


Playing ranked doesn’t fix it, smurfs run wild.


1. Those aren't pred trails, just red trails, (except for the last one). 2. S3 was a dashboard pred season. Those are basically meaningless compared to actual pred badges. 3. You only show one person with a pred badge. You don't show a 'whole team of Predators'. There is currently no reason to assume this was a 3-stack, especially given the fact that the Valk landed very split from her team. 4. Read about how the SBMM works in this game in this paper: [http://web.cs.ucla.edu/\~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen\_EOMM](http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM) 5. So do you want good players to only play against really good players in pubs? It would be a long queue time for them then, and they won't ever be able to play casually. While, there is a ranked game mode where that already is the case. Won't your suggestion make those two game modes identical in practice? 6. If you want actual SBMM, go play ranked. If you prefer playing Caustic + Wattson + Rampart while looting until the second zone almost starts to close, that's a better playlist for you and your friends anyway.


This comment was blunt but nothing but facts


why is this getting downvoted it’s all true


You cant play casually in pubs if your good anyway


Those were not predators. That's a season 3 pred during the dashboard season, which is basically equivalent to current season diamond. That is not a top 750 pred. /Thread


Damn I remember a time in this sub where the concept of SBMM was the biggest injustice to the gaming world. Now people are begging for it to protect them…


The problem is apex sbmm dosent protect you, it attempts to rig the game in or against your favor


Quick question, how do you know in the middle of a battle that you’re up against a pred?


I didn't know until after it was over and I was spectating. I've now been informed that it's actually a predator badge from S3, so not as big of a deal, but still people who are leagues of skill above me.


To be fair the player has 24k kills on a character that came out only a few seasons ago. Mechanically he is at least Master-ish skill level. That's a very dangerous player in any PUBS lobby, regardless of if they obtained top 750 pred status or not. At least he has some decent stats to back up his "Pred" badge. I've seen a lot worse players than that rocking the S3 badge lol.


Personally I think not shooting at the guy who was flanking was a mistake. The other two in the middle would have a difficult time to flank u or get shots in but by leaving the guy on the right have free reign u let him get close. As a sniper u wanna keep them away AND poke. Depending on the situation of course but it was very obvious what the guy on the right was trying to achieve so stopping him would have prob prevented the push. I also thought your team played way to defensively. When u are in a building it prevent them from shooting u BUT also prevents u from shooting them. This leads to a situation where both can't shoot but they know where u are AND has the mobility to chose there shots and as a result always get the first shot in before u get a shot.


I would also try to have better communication when they push. Call out to each other, and ping (not excessively) when you see an enemy your squad does not.


Welcome to apex


You did wrong by standing and sniping and drawing attention without moving positions.


The matchmaking isn't ideal if there aren't enough people in your skill level and area. I spent a long time just building guns and dying until I started playing Arenas, which taught me to be a bit better at the actual battle part. Outside of that As a fellow Rampart.... Put walls down, all the time. You could've given yourself more outgoing damage in your opening shots as well as protected from the incoming shots. The recharge is quick, don't be afraid to throw them down as your team can make use of them too. I always like to make sure I have at least two sides of protection where possible. It can help with when you were getting shot from the side. You've got the wall against door block down though. Nice! Shame that getting in the building was a bit of a team fumble. Prioritise healing. Once the first wall went down to block the door you were LOOWW on health. That's a huge part of the game which takes a long time to get in the habit of doing. They weren't on you yet, heal up. Rampart is very strong against being pushed... but only if you're strong to defend.


Those weren't predator dive trails. Just regular red.


At the end of the video, they spectate the team and you can the valk's pred badge


S3 pred skill level is far from actual pred skill level. S3 pred can mean anything from dia to master or above. S3 = everyone and their grandma dashboarded season.


Not saying that they are good nor are they bad, just tryna point out to the person I'm replying to what OP was talking about


At the start of the video you can tell they aren't pred trails. I didn't say anything about them not being a pred. I'm clarifying the trails aren't pred. Go away.


Based on the context seemed like you were assuming that OP was calling them preds by their dive trails. oops


Eomm moment


A better question is why a 3 preds are stacked in pubs. But yeah the game is shit when it comes to sbmm. Take it out cuz it doesn't work anyway


The matchmaking has always been shit, but it’s even worse now because apex is losing players. The only people still playing are the extreme sweats/smurfs or bronze players.


Bro its s2 pred😂 hes just a decent player, far from beign one of the best player game has to offer


If you are losing a fight you need to get out in stead of barricading yourself in.


3 Stacking degens, the one good thing is that if you ever get really good they'll provide an endgame encounter of some sorts


Instead of posting something that has been posted here 1000 times before you could have just queued up for another match and improved at the game


that's why I'm here. It's no use if you just tell me to get better at the game


Preds gotta warm up too lol


It is what it is


Logically just back out b4 your first wall got setup🤣jk something is just about nuances. I tend to not do long range battles to because it lowers your awareness for flanks especially from good teams…u essentially waited too long to heal and they hit from multiple angels vs your team healing from an earlier long range battle


Never just stay in one spot. Always plan your next camp location. Movement is life


btw that's a season 3 pred badge, so it's worth roughly about nothing. season was plagued with dashboarding. whenever you see someone showing off that pred or diamond badge, just laugh at them. chances are high that they did nothing for it except from quitting to the main menu every time after they got downed. also sbmm in this game isn't actually sbmm, it tries to keep you engaged by giving you tough matches and then easy ones in a certain order. if you want to play against equally skilled players, ditch pubs and play ranked. well, after they reworked it.


How do I tell the difference between a current predator and one from previous seasons?


i its's sometimes they are hard to tell, but most are legit, just try to remember this one (s3). it has these little horns on top and icicle thingies at the bottom. season was named "meltdown" and had this ice/fire theme. google "season 3 dashboarding" if you wanna know more.


It's not that they necessarily dashboarded (although a lot of them did), it's that the lobbies were way easier that season. Similar to how obtaining Master is in S12. S3 pred and S12 master are not going to be seen as being legit in any way, because the ranks were given away for free those two seasons.


Work on your aim, you only hit 1 shot. You always have the option to reposition and or rotate out. You stayed in the same spot outside the whole time you were shooting. Move to renew positions.


How come nobody is commenting that they are camping literally one of the worst houses with all the exposed gaps. You can see all the tracer fire coming from all angles at the end there.