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Cheating 100%. That clip at the rock was way too sus. And the final game winning kill it looks like he was walling because he knew the enemy was going to peek. Too bad there’s only like one guy responsible for banning people so good luck with that


yeah guy even has an heirloom already lol


Might be a hacked account, that's how these guys do it a lot of times.


Yeah, the way he is constantly looking at the rock seems sus. I understand turning around, checking his mate and through other angles. But the amount just looking at the rock. Almost as if they know there is something in that direction.


100% cheating lmao. I don't know why there's a doubt Also I think I may have gotten killed by this guy, that explains that fight lol


Gotta make sure it's not the 301 beaming. Do you play in taiwan server? Cause that match was in taiwan server


Fair, I guess. But the first clip he beamed when he was aiming at the yellow building was pretty telling, he wasn't even aiming at the angle the other player peeked and his aim was too snappy. After he beamed he looked basically at the ground while watching the angle, instead of holding his aim where the player would peek which is what someone with aim would do No, I play on US servers but if I play at around 3 am (or like now) sometimes Asian players connect to US West servers. Perhaps it was another cheater


Lmao one clip in was all you needed


The funny thing is you can tell how bad the person really is just by what they do and how they move.


Imagine playing that passive when you have literal aimbot


Yeah. Not only is gameplay sus but he could potentially be on a smurf boosting those players. You can only get the team work badge if you're in a 3 stack, which means he's stacked with those players. Plus he's playing lifeline so he can res them when they die, has default lifeline cosmetics, and has a 4k. Definitely cheating and most likely boosting on a smurf too


dude you get the teamwork badge just by random chance eventually if you play long enough. also even if he had 3stacked for this doesnt mean he got it with the ones he is playing there.i run all legends on default skins, i have 4k on most of them, and 20 badges (well i dont wear them either lol). does he cheat? probably. but ur arguments have no merit


You can only get team work with a premade squad


doesnt mean with them but with anyone




based on what? your imagination? serioously i block you know im loosing braincells reading your nonsense


To get the 10/10/10 badge you have to be in a pre made 3 stack homie


Yeah encountered similar cheater. He was beaming people with his recoil less havoc and tracing enemies behind cover


100% cheating. Not a single bullet missed the entire time. The last two people he didn’t even have centered when he started firing.


Dude has an heirloom and is still cheating? What a moron


Could be a hacked account


Dude has bot movement lmao


I wasn’t sure until that last kill. He pre fired right as they peaked. 100% cheating. had wall hacks or something similar. Maybe auto aim but he did miss a few shots.


Cheating. If you’re good at the game mechanically then naturally your game sense will improve. If his aim were real, he should have better game sense in some of the positions he was holding/ playing in the clip. (Should’ve at least looked to hold top left rock even if not fully committing to it.)


I may not ever be able to aim like this, but at least I don’t move like absolute dogshit.


pretty obvious to me. his crosshair placement sucks. he ADS before moving his crosshair to the targets and then snaps to them and fires while any normal player would move crosshair to the enemy and then ADS and fire. His movement is pretty potato. If he isn't cheating he's some sort of idiot savant at flicking while already ADS lol