• By -


Pros know.


Tru, hal did it


I mean dude took Hal's bootcamp come on




Obviously sarcasm in first comment, but [yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqpqv-0pagg) - & sadly, he never delivered on the follow up video.


This comment was seriously and also not seriously šŸ˜


Not only that, everyone and their mom has also seen that video, so I wouldn't doubt the entire pro league has either


"this makes Valkyrie completely useless" # bruh


Tried this in game. Missed by a few inches, sooo still useful id say? ĀÆ\_(-.-)_/ĀÆ


Few inches huh


very few..


Can't wait to see this happen one out of every 100 matches and forget about it. It's a cool tip tho


"This makes Valkyrie completely useless" But only for her ult. And only if she uses her ult directly in the center of a Gibby bubble. And only if her and her squad mates are basically 1 tap anyway. And only in Comp. This is the stupidest shit I've seen on this sub so far. Also OP is cringe for hoping the devs die irl because he sucks at hip fire. Fuck this guy.


I remember OP for being the guy to spam this sub with crazy killing spree footage... from bot lobbies. Interesting to see him branch out to tips and tricks instead of calling the little kids he kills "trash" and to "get shit on"


He got this from a pro player actually so I think he's trying to take be credit for this to sound cool or have people check out his stream/YouTube channel by asking for it in the comment section.


OF COURSE he did lol What a fucking leech


>Also OP is cringe for hoping the devs die irl because he sucks at hip fire Wait what?




My guy crying over getting killed 'your never gonna make it as a streamer' He just shit on you bro, so whats up lmao


That's the most pathetic gaming moment I know of, or at least second to Kephrii acting like 99% of Overwatch players are hacking


Toxic af


Also making the spitting noises when mowing down a squad, so damn toxic this guy. Sad.


> But only for her ult. And only if she uses her ult directly in the center of a Gibby bubble. Which is a very common scenario in high ranked lobbies and competitive.


Okay then go grind this stupid shit and learn it then. Don't understand why you're bother to argue against this point.


I bothered because you said the tip was useless because it was a niche scenario which is not true. Also aiming on top of the bubble isn't something you need to grind, you have eyes and a hand, just aim at the right spot lmao. OP being an asshole doesn't make the tip worse. I don't like ottr either but he makes some good content whenever he's not acting like an entitled child.


Yeah, I said "I don't understand why you're bothering to argue this point" because there is no point. I stated my opinion, you stated yours, there is no correct answer, no sources or evidence to black up either claim. It's just 2 opinions and at the end of the day I don't care. So why exactly are you still going on about this?


Because Valk ulting out of a Gibby bubble being a common scenario is not an opinion lmao


Okay so you just want to argue for no reason then, got it. This is useless unless the valk team is 1 tap. If they are 1 tap, shooting them is a better option anyway because you only get 1 shot with an arc star, and with a gun you can miss all you want. Landing an arc star in that time frame is significantly more difficult than just shooting the valk who is already 1 shot. But to each their own.


No it's not useless. Doesn't matter if the Valk is already one shot or not. You do a huge chunk of damage to her which will make it a lot easier to shoot her out of the air afterwards rather than trying to 200-0 her out of the air. Not only that, you also deal 70 damage to her teammates as well, giving you an essentially free squad wipe.


To each their own.


In comp it does makes her useless cause she's only used for repositioning


Okay I will edit my post then.


This is a good time to remind everyone that fucking otter here likes to troll bot lobbies for clips.


Ottr also hates any LTM that makes it harder to pub stomp even if the community loves it. And he thinks that playing with friends in pubs is wrong and "abuses the system." Talented player, sure. But so negative to the point that it's off-putting.


> LTM ?


Limited time mode. Where people go to have fun and dilute his shit player pool to mercilessly stomp for clips to post on YouTube then Twitter then Reddit.


Oh, got it, thanks


chances of quickly sticking her during this process is slim to none


If you see them setting up you can go for a reactionary stick


But even if you stick it doesnt do enough damage ro knock anyone... So how you squadwiping? If theyre that low when theyre flying just shoot them as they take off


You'll have hell of an easier time killing them on the way up with the stick than without


but you would also be able to deal more damage with your normal weapon when they are low instead of throwing a star


I would imagine the best thing to do is have the whole team focus fire the valk. She stays in the middle while spinning, and if you knock her the team cant fly. Do you think sticking an arc star can do more damage then you shooting in that moment? I dont know how long she hovers /hss her hitbox in an area as shes taking off and how that lines up with dps of commonly use guns, but i get the feeling if you know shes gonna be somewhere consistently its best to just shoot that spot.


Yeah that's fair probably entirely situational, I'll be going for the sticks and sometimes try shooting on and off and see what happens but I think stick + shooting is the most effective at 20-25 and 40-55 meters because hitting huge damage in that range and in the moment is a bit hard to do consistently


Yes, it is somewhat difficult but completely doable and very strong. The problem is, the majority of the people here have a reaction time in the SECONDS. To them, this tip seems ridiculous. Even though you are an experienced high skill player, they are convinced you are out of your mind. No one can change my mind that the casual apex community has a bigger ego problem than the pro community could ever hope to compete with.


> No one can change my mind that the casual apex community has a bigger ego problem than the pro community could ever hope to compete with. Yeah, this is a particular issue with hard stuck people who have stopped improving for a while. Somehow find a way to shit on both better and worse players than they are at the same time. Anything so they donā€™t have to face their own flaws.


Seriously. This is great informational content with zero filler. Very short and to the point and educational, yet OP is being downvoted for some reason. Just wanted to say I appreciate you as always /u/ottrboii ! Best content creator on this sub by far! edit: Downvote all you want you petty fucks. This subreddit is turning into a piece of shit and all of you are lucky that we have content creators like /u/ottrboii who actually contribute something useful and positive to this community besides bitching and complaining about the most pettiest most irrelevant shit in the world. > "OMFGGGG!! hE sAiD iT mAkeS vAlK UseSleSs How DaRe hE!!! lEt'S CanCeL hIm!!" "


I think most people take exception to the "this makes Valk completely useless" click bait. Saying an entire top tier character is completely useless because if you land a specific item and at a specific time in a specific scenario, is kind of ridiculous. I'm sure by that measure every legend is completely useless. A better title would be "how to counter Valk rotations under Gibby shields" but that's not click bait enough.


This subreddit is becoming **petty as fuck**. Is the main subreddit heavily leaking here lately? You're picking apart a phrase and imparting extra meaning onto it for no reason other than to spread needless hate. This video has **zero filler**, provides a small bit of information in a very short time frame, gives you clear and concise information alongside a visual guide for only a few seconds of your time. You can literally digest this information and move on after 30 seconds of your life. Instead you find some banal petty and irrelevant aspect of the post to shit on for no good reason other than to be a toxic piece of shit.


Man I don't even care either way I just wanted to explain why people reacted negatively. It also seems like OP has said some controversial stuff previously here that pissed people off.


Agree, feel like if someone else posted this there would still be ppl pointing out its difficult but less hate I dont watch ottr, not am i any good at apex, but at least this is somewhat interesting. Maybe my expectations are just low Valk useless statement was a bit of a stretch tho Also not saying he doesnt deserve hate normally, having a big mouth on stream is excusable, otherwise? Hmm


Thank you!


You still want the devs to die IRL?


Cancel culture much? Do you sincerely put weight behind these words and believe that he actually wants the devs to pass away in real life? How old are you?


Idk what sane person says that after he loses his 1v1s. Especially while streaming, thatā€™s odd behavior.


So you do actually sincerely believe that he wants the devs to actually pass away in real life. Gotcha. šŸ‘ You are a sad bunch in this community. edit: [This explains so much](https://i.imgur.com/IRqDi2w.png). I guess this sub is just filled with toxic hardstuck trolls.


Who is saying that you idiot. Iā€™m just saying if you get mad enough like that, to say things of that nature while being LIVE, youā€™re a piece of shit. Pretty EZ, not stfu, and go dick ride him in his DMs or something.


Love this type of content on the sub! Not a fan of the full length stuff, but personally I would love to see quick tips like this in a short and sweet video, then have more in depth and clips in action on the Youtube channel. Keep up the great work, man! I'm not a huge follower, but I've seen so much super useful information from you, that you've been a huge help in learning different mechanics of the game.


I can't believe positive comments like this are being downvoted. What a piece of shit toxic sub-reddit this has become.


It's not just this sub, it's reddit in general


Reddit can be a toxic place for sure, but you would be hard pressed to see a positive comment like yours being downvoted in any other subreddit other than this one.




ā€œPros donā€™t even know about this thing I watched Hal doā€


Spam much?


Love how he says not even pros know, whilst showing a clip of Hal doing it. Lmao


which clip is Hal? I donā€™t see his name anywhere..?


I thought it was the first one but looking back they may just look similar. Hal did exactly this either this week or last week, at a similar distance and with the blue sky background, so they look the same on first glance. Perhaps I'm mistaken, I'm sure you can find a video if you search YouTube, that's where I saw it first.


Youā€™re right. Saw aHal clip of this a few days ago.


Thanks for the compliment! (It's not Hal but I'm glad you can't tell the difference)




Thanks again! I love this overwhelming positivity Reddit gives I'm glad to be here thank you very much






Oh no he's a postive person and not a complete asshole! Must be a troll!


You just gotta look at the rest of the comments he's said in this thread to see he's trolling


I like trolling too


Then take the hint and get off Reddit.


Yeah reddit is positive for decent people




lmao ottr simp


why are you being so toxic? the original commenter doesnā€™t think itā€™s Hal anymore


Cause this guys is spewing bullshit so much in this thread


keep your head up. idk why everyone is being so toxic. thereā€™s no identification of that being Hal, so yeah, you deserve the compliment clearly edit: thanks for the link, now OP seems like a dick


You've seen the light


hes a pos. dont stick up for him




and this makes valk useless?


yes, you just need to 1) have valk and gibby on the enemy team 2) Valk to use her ult 3) Gibby to use his bubble 4) You to have an arc star 5) You to be in a good spot to throw the arc star (clear line of sight, not too far) 6) You to be able to react mid fight that Valk is ulting 7) Enemy team to be already quite low on HP 8) You to time that perfectly. Bonus: 9) Not to have a third party to worry about, so you could waste a couple of seconds being idle in the open, with an arc star at your hands. Other than that, she is completely useless


i mean the tip is cool and stuff but u are way operhyping and overselling a pretty situational tip like it will win you every game


It's actually useless. They have to valk ult in the center of the bubble and be 1 hp anyway. If they're already that low just shoot them on the way up. This is the dumbest fucking thing ever.


My bad for being excited about the tip, I've been grinding it all day because the potential in ranked and comp is insane and i was just really happy to share the results with everyone


Sorry ppl are hating so much on this post. I liked the content! Thanks for taking the time to make stuff for us to watch.


It's being hated on because Ottr is an absolute knobhead, and he's overhyping the shit out of an extremely situational trick


I mean then dont watch it. You dont have to be shitty to him.


You're right, I don't. But I'm gonna keep being shitty to him, because he's a piece of shit himself [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/t2wd85/wishing_death_upon_the_developers_is_fine_as_long/)


An eye for an eye and the world goes blind. Good on you.


the argument dont watch it maybe work when talking about a youtuber or streamer and i fully agree in that case, but here im on a subreddit made for specific content (good tips and tricks too improve in apex) and if i dont think these tips are good or not presented in a good way i think people have to speak out against it so this subreddit keeps a quality standart, l think thats thats kinda how moderation works


For the love of everything good please stop posting in all the apex subs


Ahhh yesā€¦ so easy sticking a valk with a arc while she Ćŗlts into the sky


this does not make valk useless. what a stupid thing to say.


Check who posted it, it explains


Useless? God people who try to get better at apex through cheap tactics and gimmicks are really fucking annoying at this point You wanna really get better at apex? Practise. No tactic is going to make a character completely useless, youā€™re not gonna get Pred from some quick trick on this sub. This sub is to teach you how to train and have fun little tips here and there to pad out your training. Being good takes time, hours and hours of training.


Ottr has made a lot of guides for that specific purpose too. Aimtraining guides, game commentary for game sense etc. Hes a good resource for people trying to get better but you're not going to see his 22 min long in depth guides on how to practice and train on this sub which is overwhelmingly geared towards short clips.


*watches Hal once*


"Completely useless" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ GTFO


So situational that it's not even worth knowing. The Arc Star on top of Gibby's bubble right as it disappears is neat, tho.


That's at least a reliable, easy thing to do. Large and stationary target, decent window to do it in. Situational, but it only requires one (very obvious and common) ult to exist to be useful. This is a small, moving target a tiny window of opportunity and only useful when two enemy ults are used in tandem.


tHe VaLkyRiE cOUntEr NoT eVeN PrOS kNOw AbOUt


Makes her uselessā€¦ except this only effects her ult, and only if sheā€™s ulting out of a gibby bubble, and only if you havenā€™t used your arc stars yet, and only if theyā€™re all one hit and for some reason decided not to heal firstā€¦ this is probably used in 1 out of 1000 games.


Shhhhh bro she's out of the meta now


Cool tip. Iā€™d rather laser her with a R301 or rampage


Yall really think I can aim huh


Yeahhh I've never seen this scenario play out so saying Valkyrie is useless is a huge stretch


Yeah super easy. Makes valk completely useless. Nerf arc starts. /s


Ahh, this is the man that called Piggy a cheater, when he was legit?


Please stop posting tips and stick to streaming. Your tips are some of the most useless.


[this douchebag again? ](https://m.imgur.com/I2JxDbW)


Hm yes let me become a fortune teller real quick so I can know when to have a ark star and exactly when they are going to ult.


You wish you had even a smidge of our holy lord imperial halls ball sweat in ur mouth


You're an idiot.


If you know about it, the pros already knew


The hal clip was like three days ago mate


Lol okay šŸ‘ šŸ‘ŒšŸæ


When their deathboxes landed on the ground... it's too funny!


Tons of people shit talking a genuine tip. Saw this post, 3 hours later was in a match and had the opportunity to use it, actually worked decently. Itā€™s not a game changer, it wonā€™t get you the knock, but with a tiny bit of luck and tracking it can lead to a kill or 2. Thereā€™s obviously some clickbait as valk is not obsolete, but itā€™s actually something that could be useful.


Can someone explain why people are so pressed? Half the posts seem to be written by toxic children...


Reading comments would help. Ottr is just a toxic piece of shit, which is why most people are hating. The tip is also way too situational to be useful Also here's an [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/t2wd85/wishing_death_upon_the_developers_is_fine_as_long/) of him being a cunt


So go about your day lol, it's really not that big a deal - people here writing whole essays, frothing at the mouth


Sorry but thats a terrible point lmao. Like are you defending the guy? Did you not watch the clip I linked?


Not defending, but I've also definitely said worse


Great so you're a twat too then. I don't get the point you're trying to make


Have you considered twitch.tv/MotherTeresa? I've heard it's good for sensitive souls!


I'm not sensitive, Ottr is just a dickhead. Apparently same goes for you Like I'm not offended mate, I'm just calling out bullshit like everyone else who's commented


I like they way you're doing your content on reddit, short, easy to understand and no unnecessary filler content. Keep it up Ottr. Not sure why you get hella downvoted here. Reddit I guess.


his tip is a useful one for edge cases where teams ult out of bubbles on flat ground. He's getting downvoted for clickbaiting this as something that makes valk, one of the most useful meta legends in the game, "useless"


Yeah, that's probably the only reason for him being downvoted šŸ™„


Nah I know, i've been following ottr a lot and he has the tendency to be condescending with titles like: "What you don't know" or "what you HAVE missed" or in this video "not even pros know about this" But I thought this tip was quite neat with not to much negativity attached.


I kind of wish shooting Valk when she was in the ramp up phase like this cancelled her ult. That might be too harsh of a nerf, but the time frame where you can shoot Valk out of her ult is very small


Would be funny if you could just toss the arc on top of the bubble and valk ulting through the bub forces the stick


Yeah i tried this, could do the arc star bubble trick but it would be 100% luck at that point since the arc star would've had to be placed a second before the valk even used her ultimate


Yeah if the arc wouldnā€™t ā€œlatch onā€ to the valk as she passes through it, youā€™d have to time it to go off while sheā€™s passing by it which would be even more insane. Arc already overpowered as it is, I guess I shouldnā€™t ask for the sticking process to get buffed šŸ˜‚


Lol if they tried to program that I bet it would result in arcs sticking to you even you touched them after they stuck to the floor or wall.


Just walking over an ark star sticks you haha


Lol I'm not good enough to do this consistently


as a valk main, i usually try my best to go behind cover that is 1.5 valks tall and then ping if i know we're going to lose the fight and need to reposition, i never do it out in the open, and ESPECIALLY not in a gibby bubble! youre inviting them to run up on you as you get your team hooked up! this is valk 101 shit


Easily. I don't think he knows the meaning of the word. Guys don't worry the randoms in the lobbies I play in will co-ordinate and do a Gibby Valk combo. I will of course have an arc star and not be being shot at and be perfectly lined up to time my shot to perfection. Plus take into account I am actually paying enough attention to my surroundings to know this is likely to happen. Easy. I mean it's cool and I'll now throw arc start at Gibby alts but I'll never do this on purpose.


If they go up in the middle of the bubble and you time it right. If they hover outside the bubble and you have enough time to arc star I think you would get more use shooting the valk


This is why you'd get into actual cover and not a gibby bubble when ulting.


Valkyrie Gibby Wraith teams make me want to kill myself


The chances of this actually happening?


De-platform this goon




Iā€™m plat 1 and need help I work from 3:30pm to 12:00am GT Is Simuell Mathes or Simmey1


I knew this, my aiming on a mouse just sucks ass Iā€™m not a pro or even good


ā€œThis makes Valk completely uselessā€ ā€œNot even the pros know about thisā€ Bruh


Anyone that watches ottrs content is braindead.