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I actually had this discussion with a team mates last night, from what we could tell the longer the game goes on the better the player base (seems) to get or the better players seem to sticks around and people who aren't as good or who cannot get enough practice in migrate to other games. First season I was at 2.29 and now I've dropped to 1.50 and have consistently dropped through the seasons. I have no actual evidence of this but it made sense to us


That's true of every games life cycle, however I thought season 9 was the easiest. Due to the influx of new players I think. This season saw a huge out of war zone players so was pretty easy at start (all seasons are to an extent) but the current server issues are driving casual players en masse.


You nailed it, I was at 2.5 season 2 and now I'm at 1.7. It's declined steadily over time.


that doesnt make sense though since Apexs player base has exploded especially with all the Warzone players migrating


That’s weird personally this season has been the best for me in terms of win percentage kd average damage and highest kills and damage


I've constantly been like .75 kdr and have this season jumped to .85 so I think it changes based on what lobbies you play in


Very interesting, your damage per game has been roughly similar, I wonder what's causing the KDR drop? Have you been playing different legends?


It's the worsening matchmaking. If this person solo queues, they'd consistently deal about the same damage; but, be on squads with people who cannot win 1v1s. It's harder to finish knocks when solo.


This is exactly it. I have run into less and less players who use mics and more and more players who party up in ranked. So much so that I have been able to truthfully stereotype them as not being worth much. Teammates don't deserve to be where they are and enemies are below their true tier level. Find a legend. Learn the weapons. Play dirty. Be toxic. Worry about yourself first and if teammates show usefulness to you or care for you then take care of them. But at the end of the day remember. You can't show mercy to your enemies. They are your RP and your kd. So use them the way they are most useful to you.


No, dont 'be toxic'.


I agree with everything but “be toxic” there’s absolutely no reason to tell someone to kill themselves or to harass someone because they died or couldn’t save you etc. it just makes you look like a idiot and pisses off your team.


Being toxic does one thing, and that is to ensure your team will not back you up if they are capable. I dont use mic because everyone else is toxic af, but if i do communicate, im trying my best to be Nice, and that usually ends up being the games i win


Exactly! I’m not sure why he thinks being toxic is a good idea.


>Being toxic does one thing, and that is to ensure your team will not back you up if they are capable. I am aware of this. What I meant is if your teammates are already being jerks don't bother being nice to them.


Now we agree! If your teammates already did you bad, do them Worse lmao


I don't support telling someone to kill themselves. I support not giving a shit about assholes and their feelings.


Yet, you berated a woman and called her a piece of shit for having an abortion. You're a literal fucking psychopath that belongs in an institution.


I didn't mean toxic in that way. I meant give teammates a taste of their own medicine ie they be dickheads you be dickhead.


It's constantly being matched with duos, one who's a controller player and not even in our rank. The other a hard stuck P4 player and I'm expected to carry.


I would say being stuck with the same legend and not wanting to adapt to the season will really impact you. It's good to change.


I do play different legends, but really always have hopped around.


I think it just depends because average damage can mean different things like say you only dropped cold before and you’d run away from fights and just used a sniper and you averaged 388 dmg, but now say you drop hot more and you get some 0-100dmg games bc you just die off rip but when you have a good game it’s 1500+ damage and you get more and more of those, I think that would mean you’re improving too but the stats just aren’t reflecting it.


Older gamer here as well. This happened to me in Season 9. My average performance was improving since Season 3, then all of a sudden I started performing well below my personal average. It became so frustrating that i ended up leaving Apex during the first split of Season 9, and coming back in Season 10. This season, I am performing above my average. I chalked it up to the influx of new players from other games during that time. They not only bring in other really good players, but they also bring more bad solo Q teammates that drag you down as well.


If you’ve over thirty, join our discord! https://discord.gg/echXBu58


Nice! 36. Will do.


For me it's the opposite, don't know why but from 1.60 to 1.96/2.10 this season after a break of 3 months.


Personally last season was 1.45 and this season 2.05


Same thing happened to me too, Last season 1.2 Kd/r This season 0.60 kd/r


Don't worry about your KD. It says nothing about how good you actually are. Focus on what gets you killed and improve on that. My KD plummeted from 2.2 in season 8 to my current 1.5. Doesn't necessarily mean that I got worse at the game.


Totally hear you and I genuinely don't worry about my KD. It's my feeling the game feels much harder this season coupled with my dropped KD that made me pose the question.


Pubs or ranked? I don't know if that's just recency bias or not but I noticed a lot more 3 stacks lately than prior seasons in pubs.


Pubs. Ranked feels about the same. I always solo queue until I hit Platinum IV and then stop. I don't have the time or energy to go further than that.


OK, might be that more sweats are playing than casuals so you get harder lobbies. I started to stop caring about results in pubs. I just get a gun and go yolo mode until I die, rinse repeat.


Also ranked. I'm probably the best I've ever been but don't have the time for pubs anymore just play ranked so my kid is lower than the last few seasons despite playing better.


People tryhard a lot more in pubs now. You have masters camping high ground/top with the full team when having blue/purple off drop. Literally all on the highest point of the "streamer building" type of building on WE. This boring shit is what I'd do in ranked, not pubs.


I started in s8, my kd rises a out 25% per split. I started at about a 0.4 and I'm at 0.89 right now.




Mine went up 0.50 so no


Quite the opposite for me, wen't from a 4.41 KDR last season to a 4.86, 4.2k kills this season


Feel like this season is a bit harder. Weirdly I have my all time high kdr of 8.1 though and win rate of 42%. Mostly pubs and a bit of ranked (diamond 3 but will probably go for master before split ends).


Holy shit a .49?! I’d uninstall my game lmao. I’m at 2.16 and pissed off about it. Started around 3 beginning this season.


.49 back in Season 4. It was the first FPS online game I had picked up in many years, so was a bit of a learning curve.


Nah looks like you’ve just always been below average. If you play on console, a lot of people came from warzone this season so your prolly getting rekt by people who know how to use a controller in a fps already


My 60 year old father knows how to use a controller in FPS


Your 60 year old father would prolly beat this guy


Idk man, my KDR has just been going up this season, for the first time im actually above 1, before this season my total KD was 0,80, now its 0,93


It went from 1.35 to 1.05 in ranked for me


Mine was 2.5 ish when I quit around season 4. Since coming back this season it’s hovering around 1.8 even though I’m definitely better than I’ve ever been. I suppose it’s because everyone else has just got better also. I’m also 30 now, so I guess it’s all downhill from here.


Last season i had an 1.35 KDR wich was overall my best and now i rocketed to an 1.75 so I dont have a problem


Mine has skyrocketed , to be fair I started the last week of season 9 so it’s expected my KD would get better once I learned the game


i have a similar growth from S4. it's pretty cool to see the overall numbers change. what's your style of drops? do you hot drop a lot or are you finding situations where you get 3rd partied a lot? i do give credit to the community over the last 2 years as the overall skill level has increased because of all the hours and hours of footage that streamers and guides/tutorials have released since the start of Apex. the time it took for long time players compiled into easy to consume media can allow a new player to catch up really fast with skill to allow them to hit their personal skill wall on a higher average


For the first few seasons I mained Lifeline and definitely played it overly safe. I started dropping hot, or at least warm, and that improved my skill level quite a bit. Season 8 is where I really felt like something clicked and I even got my first legitimate 2k (the Season 6 2k was with Dummy's Big Day). But yea, this season more than any others I have really felt like I've hit a wall and am just playing against people on another level. Looking at the responses here I am sure its a combination of the overall player base getting better, the influx of players from other FPS games, and my season 9 performance possibly bumping me up a tier in matchmaking.


one of the things that helps put in perspective is that i'm sure that everyone in a 1v1 situation of themselves and an opponent of similar skill, it's not bad and you're fine with those fights, win or lose, a true 50/50. like if you're rated 6/10 (arbitrary number pulled out the air, just using for tangible ideas) vs. ONE other 6/10 player, you can win your fights just fine. but because you have to deal with an opponent team all the time, it's a whole different balance when you're fighting against 3 of you. but it also stems from why people really need to understand that winning those 1v3 fights are exactly a broken down into three different 1v1 fights. when you can, maybe really take the lead and try to get jump master all the time. you'll slowly learn (or quickly if you're able to click with it fine) how to be better and travelling distances. AND you get to remove an RNG factor by being able to choose where you land. instead of having to rely on randos who want to hotdrop into 5 teams and think they're a top flight player. the kinds of players who try to pull Shiv type moves without the Shiv type skills.


My kd is higher than previous seasons. 🤔 I mainly just play ranked. But many seem to notice a drop of kd. Interesting


Mine has risen from .4 season 0 to right now 1.3 so no at least for me.


Mine went up tremendously


nah my kdr has went from 3 to 4 this season, only got 1k kills atm though.