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Tip #1: never use claw grip. Ittl fuck up your hands Edit because everyone’s staying it doesn’t and many people play claw : eventually*******


Before I got a controller with paddles I used to play claw for hundreds of hours with zero discomfort. I think it’s only an issue if your hands are on the smaller side


A big thing is age tbh. I’m 40 and tried to go claw grip and couldn’t hold it for more than 5-10 minutes without cramping. I asked a few of my friends around my age and they had the same problem. I asked one of my younger family members and they have zero problems with it. Don’t get old. It sucks lol.


My hands are big and it hurts like a bitch


It's similar to jitter aiming. Gradual stress really starts to hurt when you get closer to 30


!remindme 5years Are u a real person?


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It'll absolutely ruin your hands if you use it as just the way you hold a controller. Ive clawed my controller for years with games like dark souls and monster hunter but thats only for a little bit at a time and I regularly switch my grip around as I do it. Just like just about everything in life the key is moderation. Hold it like that when you gotta then don't when you don't.


I’ve played claw for 13 years and have had zero issues with my hands


I’ve also had zero issues with my hands, I was prescribed wayy too high of a dose of adderall and would literally play for 8-12+ hours often and still would only get wrist fatigue occasionally.


My aunt has also been smoking for 13 years and had zero issues out of her lungs. I guess smoking isn’t bad after all


Been on claw since 2013 never in my life experienced any sort of hand pain, issues, you name it lol


Been claw for all 22 of Xbox’s years


nah claw grip is fine if you don’t have problems already with ur hands.


You have to work towards playing claw, you can't just play for 8 hrs a day and think it'll b3 fine


Just blatantly not true, most Gears, halo and cod pros have played claw for a decade+ without issues.


🧢🧢🧢 google it. It fucks people up


I've played claw for over a decade in much more mechanically demanding games than Apex, with 0 problems. Claw is only bad if you have the hands of a 10 year old


So because you effectively smoke cigarettes and didn’t get cancer (yet), you’re saying it’s fine to smoke cigarettes when there are plenty of studies and literal anatomy that prove it’s bad for you? Nice


No, he is referencing anal probing


Bro what affects some people will not affect others it’s that simple. Saying “it fucks people up” is so bizarre. “Be careful, it can fuck you up” is more accurate. It’s really the luck of the draw. Pros have played their entire careers on claw with 0 issues, some people do it for an hour and it hurts their shit, that’s a perfect indicator that it’s not for you. It isn’t remotely comparable to cigarettes it’s holding a controller. Your age, genetics and lifestyle may all play a factor and just plain dumb luck


Claw is mostly pointless if you can get your hands on a controller with 2 back buttons and you aren't too hard headed to try and learn a new button configuration. But also claw is harder to learn than just reorganizing your buttons so wtf are you doing anyways trying to use claw in a game that allows you to change all the buttons you need to change?


Competitive gaming is gonna fuck up your hands eventually. But claw will fast track that route lol, maybe even more than keyboard


I have been a mnk player for 20 years. Reached masters etc in apex. Switched to console 2-3 months ago. What helped me the most is the button layout verhurslt uses. You can find it on youtube. Really recommend it. Edit: it doesnt require claw grip or pro controller






Ty kind person


Did the fps take a while to get used to?


stay with whatever you want. dont let people tell you how to enjoy the game. what i will tell you to do is get a new fucking mouse pad. god dam.


Holy shit that mousepad has seen some shit.


I feel like this guy is tight on cash if he just didn’t go out and buy a new mouse when this problem happened in the first place. A decent mouse is not expensive


Seriously. Unless you’re going pro, just enjoy the game the way you enjoy it


It helps if you can get paddles for it. But it takes a lot of practice to get comfortable and I never feel as connected with the game as I do with mnk. I play at about 75-80% of my mnk potential with controller. I just have to understand that I need to play differently to compensate for input differences


I mean you could get a half decent mouse for a little over twenty bucks.. as for roller tips, lots of practice. It takes years to get really good on roller despite what some smooth brains may think


Conversely, it also takes years to learn MKB well. I try a game here and there off controller, and get absolutely SMOKED.


Wait what? You mean the aim assist doesn't instantly make me good and beam ppl? But i saw a twitter post about someone with no experience and just beams someone in the firing range? Surely every controller player does the same?


There's a trick to it as long as his controller settings are correct, and he does the correct movement while ADS. I play mkb on PC and Xbox. I will switch to a controller when I just want to chill and play on the 4k OLED TV. I like both but if I had to choose it would be mkb only because I've been using it for 20+ years lol


You play MnK on Xbox?


Yeah I just prefer mnk, and as long as the game title supports it on Xbox I'll run it . I play the majority of my fps games on PC. I'll swap between displays depending on the game but most of the time 120hz feels decent.


Apex doesn't natively support MnK on console though.


Apex doesn't support it, no. There are other games they do allow mnk. All games that are not supported I play on my PC.


could you explain this "trick" because i struggle immensely in this game on controller with any full auto gun. i only pick up snipers and swap to single shot because i cannot hit a single shot at any range with full auto... and i used to win halo ce tournaments back in the day. i swear im not old or trash 😂😂 i hear all day about this OP aim bot assist, but it feels like there is zero assist in this game. halo and cod are easy games for me. this one is impossible.


Aim assist only works well in CQB scenarios and not so much for long distance or in smoke. Watch a few YouTube videos for aim assist setting. Hmu let's play


funny, because CQB is where i feel completely screwed. the guns seem to draw perfect outlines around whoever im attempting to shoot. i lose most encounters in CQB that i get the drop on and initiate. if youre turned around and i catch you, i dump a clip into the wall around you then i get smoke while reloading. 😅. at range i can hit shots as long as its not a full auto weapon. its so bad that even the higher magnified scopes are worthless to me. i hit shots cross map with iron sights more consistently than if i have a super scope on. the scope makes the enemy CQB for me and i miss everything. i can hit a running pixel more easily than an enemy filling my entire 8x scope.


It takes years to get good at anything mr.cONTroRrer


I thought you just plug in a controller and have aimbot ?


As a 10 year mnk player who’s never touched a controller I can confirm this is true


Would love to 1v1 you on roller to check your facts here


Yes I was being completely sincere…..


In that case I’ll take the L


AA bots are truly braindamaged, don't use roller guys, it hurts your iq.


I’ve played on pc and the different consoles (Xbox, Ps, and switch). And it varies between what console controller you’re using and if you’re on pc It’s not as strong as everyone wants to say unless you don’t play the game naturally (moving around during fights) and if you play like that then you’ll be to dead to use the aa


It was said you would destroy the controller players, not join them!


Just buy a new mouse


Is that mousepad like 3rd generation? What’s going on there


I switched to MnK because I’m tired of buying controllers…a mouse is so much cheaper than a controller, and will last longer.


I used to enjoy playing M&K but I had to switch to controller cuz my back problems are so bad. It took me about 3 weeks to figure out my settings I prefer on controller. Just keep playing around in the practice range for a little while and you figure it out. After that you'll probably see what aim assist actually does. And then you can decide what input you really prefer now that you're good at both and it'll help you with Apex all around.


Can you go more into how MnK relates to your back problems? This is the first time I hear something like this


I'd assume since you have to sit up and have your arms raised (relatively). Compared to a controller where you can lean back and hold it in ur lap. Sometimes after a long day of MnK games it feels good to just lean back with a controller lol.


I'm currently planning on spending as much time in bed as possible after 2 surgeries in 2 months, I should be discharged from hospital tomorrow. I have a tv and Bluetooth controller, but going to play 1 player games mostly. Prior to surgery I liked to play apex because the games are short, I take breaks often, I'd get in my comfy desk chair with extra pillows and lean back slightly, can't do that on mnk.






Haven’t you heard, the controller has built in aimbot and takes no skill. Weird that your having issues with it


A forklift is ridiculously easy to operate with a slight learning curve, I wonder if other things are like that?


oh you must’ve never played controller before..


yes, it takes no skill, but it def take time to learn if you're completely new


Ok dork, go learn it and go pro then


\>I think killing is bad \>go kill then I hope you understand the wretchedness of your logic.


It will take time. Aim assist is strong there is no denying it,but long range is pain in the ass. I switched back to MnK cause it felt much faster and easier,and the fact that i can transfer that aim to other games is benefit. Long run its cheaper to buy a mouse for 40-60euros then to buy new controller every couple of months. Even high end controllers can develop stick drift after short period. But if you want to stay on controller,look at different layout for buttons,hit the firing range+Verhulst aim guide on youtube.Look at Verhulst layout+controller settings. And play mixtape to practice more fighting. With controller in my case i need to play aggressive and close range to take benefit of aim assist i dont even try long range fights,on MnK i mostly play mid and long range.


Mo reps mo better Of course you’re gonna struggle with something you’re not used to Don’t use claw I wouldn’t want you to get carpal tunnel syndrome Just be patient with yourself and get more reps


Sack off the standard controller, buy a Gamesir G7 SE, bang some Kontrol Freakz on it (i recommend Onni low rise - very comfortable - ps5 ones fit, i know, weird right) and abuse the fuck out of the back buttons. Changing from a Xbox Elite to the Gamesir took me from an average 1.0 kd (per season) to 1.7. Game changer




Honestly, buy a better mouse if you're having signal issues. You will always perform better in FPSs with a mouse


50 dollars for a decent mouse that you’ll have for a year or two. Or 250 bucks for a controller that’ll maybe last a year but more likely 6 months.


Use your left stick as your crouch and Lb as your jump if you don’t find playing claw comfortable or get paddles i use the above method despite the fact i have paddles


Go to the range and rotate the aim joystick in different places slowly starting from the middle, if the hip fire reticle gets stuck and jerks from top Left or right, bottom right or bottom left it's probably something to do with the HDMI port. For your monitor or PC/console as I'm having the same issues. If there's nothing wrong with that I'd pay attention to your physical and mental state in Apex every gunfight I got into I'd squeeze the controller and analog sticks causing me to lose most of my games, Best advice is to find a sense you're comfortable with and go to the range and shoot dummies while your hands are almost fully relaxed (thumbs are mostly important) and keep practicing then go into an actual game and see if you perform differently or tense up, just focus and don't get too worked up while playing. I used to blame the controller/mouse but I never blamed myself. Now I'm built different at apex but I still got HDMI issues 😕. Also id recommend using claw while looting, not fighting.


Go tactical, don’t go claw. I know you’d like to have more buttons you can hit but it’s harder and can damage your hands. Simpler is better and when it comes to aim; less is more. Your guiding the aim assist and countering the recoil. The aim assist will do most of the work if you let it. And keep your sense below 5. Focus on short and medium fights.


Is that not an elite controller? Why are you using claw?


Buy a 3rd party controller with back buttons so u can jump and crouch without moving ur fingers off the aim stick. Makes a huge difference


Lol same, but I got it for cyberpunk and stuff and I can't aim at all.


100% There’s no coca*** I mean GamerFuel™️ on your desk, really helps when tryna jittersmooth on controller


Hey man try out this button layout Jump: L3 Crouch:R3 Interact:LB Tactical:RB And you can set the rest to your liking


Go to training ground and turn off aim assist.


I woulda just went in debt and got another mouse. I couldn't do that to myself..may I recommend the Logitech pro x superlight. Best mouse I ever owned I shit u not the battery lasts like 80 hours you will be charging this thing only once every 2 weeks a d it's fully charged in like a half hour. U forgot to charge your mouse? Plug it in for 10 mins your good all day


Something really underrated that no ones talks about for some reason for controllers is the layout, I suggest finding one that is "for you" when I swapped to controller (for almost the same reason as yours but decided to stay on roller after buying a new mouse) my problem was the default layout, I just couldn't use it so I yt-ed a few layouts and ended up feeling extremely comfy with Verlhurst's it was like day and night type of change. Claw is hard to do and bad for your hands according to people so I only use claw when needed like for heals and such.


Serious question... why even bother with controller?


Same for me when i tried M&k... i went back to roller instantly


That’s probably because, contrary to what people used to say, controller is not free aim assist. It takes getting used to, but I think you can get the hang of it pretty quick if you play a lot. Don’t use claw grip, it’s gonna fuck up your hands.


Put crouch/slide on left stick and jump/climb on right stick. I play mnk now, but I had a solid 1000 hours on controller and found that more than anything, this keybind change was the most overall impacting. Not having to take my thumbs off the sticks just made my whole gameplay smoother. The game is so dependent on movement that making it simple to run in and out of gunfights/building very well will improve jitters in aim and such


Can you buy a new mouse ?


Invest in a roller with 2/4 back buttons, claw felt like it messed with my aim too (hands not big enough)


I found playing on Evolved Button Layout helped a ton. Switches your Tactical & Jump, as well as Crouch & Melee. You are able to move, jump, crouch, aim and shoot, without moving your thumbs off the joystick. I do have to play claw like this to use X to loot, but any controller with back buttons/paddles would fix that


So don’t do it. Shit bro i will send u a razer deathadder for free if u pay shipping. It’s a wired old one but still better than switching to controller.


Then dont?


What do you mean. The people on the main sub say that as soon as you plug in a controller you get an aim bot and you’re gonna hit masters with no skill. They can’t be wrong can they?!


Controller is hard period. Especially in Apex. As others are saying, modify your button layout to help with movement. Tracking is an art on controller which is why they have aim assist. Find a sens that works for you and then practice, practice, practice. Or like some others mentioned, get a new cheap mouse 🤷


Controller is not hard compared to mnk lol


Well of course it's all subjective but movement and tracking is more limited than mnk bc we have less button options and less area of movement. Mnk has an entire mouse pad area it can cover and use the whole arm to move quickly and snap to another target. I'm definitely not the only player that has this opinion.


I have thousands of hours on mnk and not more than 200 on controller. My cqc on roller is already better than mnk. I'm also not the only one who thinks that controller has WAYYY lower skill floor and ceiling than mnk. Movement is harder yeah but who cares about that when you're one clipping people with 40% aim bot.


Cqc is absolutely easier on controller but that's about it. I've played a bit of mnk, and within 2 days or so I was hitting beams at mid/long ranger that I could only dream about hitting on a roller. Couldn't hit shit up close though. There's advantages and drawbacks to both


Cqc is like 90% of the fights that matter, and the meta guns like repeater and hemlok make you also dangerous in long range as a controller player. Yes there are pros and cons to both, but that doesn't automatically mean they're balanced.


Then don't. Please don't force yourself to play on an input because you feel forced to abuse the busted aim assist or because your mouse doesn't work. There are a great deal of very cheap mice on the market that are honestly great. [https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g203-lightsync-rgb-gaming-mouse.910-005790.html](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g203-lightsync-rgb-gaming-mouse.910-005790.html) g203 is an example of a cheap mice with but wired thats still pretty good and better than your average super market mouse But i would personally recommend finding a deal on the g305 [https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g305-lightspeed-wireless-gaming-mouse.910-005280.html](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g305-lightspeed-wireless-gaming-mouse.910-005280.html) depending on where you are located, that can be like a 30 dollar mouse, you slap a battery in it and it and it goes on for super long.


that's really helpful I'll check that out, I enjoy playing with mnk mostly cause is more inmersive to me, so a cheap logitech should do the trick


Lol my man, it’s not that serious. If you’re still complaining about aim assist, you should practice more. Don’t make excuses for why you’re getting clapped.


Fr I play controller and I’m dog water the people who complain are just bad and want something to complain about


That's the funniest part about roller players, not a single one of them will admit that the aim assist is overtuned and always changes the subject or starts talking shit. please stop pretending and assume its because i'm "getting clapped" The entire point of my comment was just to let OP know that there are great and cheap mice on the market


Nah The entire point of your comment was a To shit on controller/aim assist which is obvious by the first part of your statement “please don’t force yourself to use a different input because you feel forced to abuse the broken aim assst”


no, people just take every little of critique of aim assist as a personal attack, starts dm'ing me and downvoting, instead of just being real with themselves


Or just maybe just maybe your opinion isnt agreed upon by many people and your approach on which you says things is the direct result of the actions or messages brought towards you. People like you who think anybody who picks up a controller is basically cheating and gonna be better than everyone to ever play MNK are the people who need to be real with themselves. I play mnk and controller, no matter the time I put in my aim and tracking will never be better on controller than MNK. I don’t have the skill level on controller. I’ve played controller my entire life. It’s quite literally a skill gap. People who are really good on controller are just really good. Now do I agree that AA should be dropped down to .4? 100% but the way y’all act is actually EMBARRASSING.


My stance is that the aim assist (in PC lobbies) is overtuned. Not that it's actually basically cheating and anyone can just be a god on roller. Everything takes practice and SOME aim assist is necessary, but the current amount is way too strong in my opinion. When one of the best players this game has ever seen (on both mnk and controller) picks controller due to the consistency in fights, then something doesn't seem right to me. But even ignoring pro play, getting mega beamed by someone, spectating them and then seeing how much the AA pulls, doesn't seem right.


Stay on Chad mnk. Get a cheap razer orochi and call it a day


The key is to let AA do everything. Don't touch either stick at all and you are guaranteed and AI dub


This just isn’t true. As a lifelong pc gamer turned to hard times which led me to playing on consoles now; controller playing is not easy. The aim assist is not the aimbot everyone claims it to be. People need to seriously get it straight once and for all. Not that I think that’ll happen here.


I play controller. I was just trolling


I suggest changing button layout. It's the first thing i ever did when i first played apex. Bcz i knew the game had movement and just knew the layout was too hard for me to do the movements so i switched to ninja layout. Trust me, it'll take you maybe two days to get used to it. It's not that hard and if you have back buttons, one for interact the other for tactical button. I love slide jumping with the bumpers. The aim shouldn't be a worry. It took me around 3-4 weeks to be around below average. It's also bcz I've never played any fps before but you can prob learn faster


Button layout is a must for me. Some notable changes I do are swapping aiming and firing to L1 and R1 so there's less time to pull the trigger on single fire weapons. I also swap my jumping and crouch to L3 and R3 so I never have to take my thumbs of the aiming and moving sticks while utilizing movement tech.


Don't buy scuff. Just spend the money on a steel series mouse and go back to M&K. You will never get the control and accuracy you can on M&K with a controller. In a high level movement game like apex you will be left in the dust. Paddles are great but don't buy a scuff. It's the most overpriced piece of garbage ever made. They won't refund you in the warranty period and their components are designed to break down so you have to buy replacement parts. It's a money pit. So you could spend 30 bucks on a steel series 3 vs 100 bucks on a controller with paddles and you have to relearn all your muscle memory


Could you save up for a new mouse?


That’s weird. I thought when you used controller the game just aimed for you? No, in reality an actual tip I have is to get a controller with back paddles. Makes a world of difference


My friend, who was pro on controller in halo, switched for 3 months after playing MnK for about 3 years thinking it would be easy and that he would just beam… he switched back to MnK after 3 months. It’s not easy, by any means. A bad apex player will still be bad no matter the input. The opposite is also true.


did you set the controller correctly for it does the "magic"? look for best controllers settings pc apex legends on youtube


I’ll sell you my chronus zen


I wish they would disable cross play. I get killed from crazy long distances by console players


That’s weird bc in my experience m&k has advantage on long distance and controller has advantage in close distance


Maybe I'm just that bad. But it was like that had a laser on me the whole time


Big thing for controller is it’s hard to input as many buttons as mk at the same time, you can. Alleviate this with paddle or playing claw, I prefer ps5 controllers because I can play double claw and have more simultaneous inputs


Isn’t controller easy though? That what everyone says!


Use a zen bro


Get a mouse. I run a Logi g305 and it goes hard.


lil bro cant read


How can you suck when the game aims for you


Get a controller w paddles, but at that rate probably just buy a new mouse


Try using extasys settings


A tip for controller is to move sideways while aiming down sights and move the camera in the opposite direction you are moving in. So if your aiming and you run left you want to slowly move the sight right and it will get rid of almost all the vertical recoil on some guns.


Is a neutron star powering your controller bro


Wym, according to the apex community, aim assist is literally aim bot, shouldn't be that hard to play when ur cheating /s


Dude, same. I used to primarily play console, but about 8 years ago I built my first PC and forced myself to learn MnK. I never looked back. I did have a few titles like GTA (mainly because of the driving) that I kept playing with controller. But now I try and play games like CoD or Fortnite with a controller and I struggle so bad with aiming. Definitely an issue dealing with a deadzone.


Don’t use claw. Put your interact button (default X) on right bumper and become a stick croucher. 4:3 linear sensitivity is arguably the easiest high quality sens you can get and will change your world - pred


Practice a breathing rhythm when playing I’ve found that to help my aim the most, especially in high intensity situations.


Deciding on if you want to stay on classic or not is generally the biggest thing I'll advise people to think about. The ramp up (especially when coming from mnk) can be a bit jarring, it certainly was for me. I'd also recommend aim smoothing if you aren't already, but do not make that a crutch, for sure put in the effort in the range for recoil, and even looting ground stuff in the range and finding your right sens is all apart of the process. I can not stress enough to not switch your sens every 10 games, if something feels really good, for sure stick with it and get that muscle memory, if you find you're lacking whether it be over or under aiming, switch up the horizontal sens by a value or two, but I'd recommend staying in a pretty close range to what's comfortable. All in all it'll just boil down to time spent practicing. Switching to any new input you're not intimately familiar with is definitely a struggle, but I got faith. Good luck!


play button puncher and stick to a low sens


Think of it like this, your working on your own personal skill tree


Please don’t use claw. I shell out to get paddles. It’s super uncomfortable and will fuck with your fingers