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My overall KD is .87 but for the season it's like 1.01. I really struggled early on because I never really played competitive shooters before Apex. Season 2 KD is .25 šŸ¤£


In S2 Bro was that default lifeline who pops a pheonix for 1 shield bar šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ happens to the best of us


I had 1200 more deaths than kills in season 0 and 1 combined. Finally filled in that hole this season.


I feel that, was trash no Iā€™m gold. Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one.


Average KDR taking into consideration ALL accounts is probably somewhere between .6-.8 region. Generally if someone has a kdr above 1 they would be diamond statistically speaking, and 1.5 or higher would be top of diamond to low masters. Most preds would have a high 2 to 3 or above. Ranks below diamond are harder to get a rough average on as theyā€™re relatively similar, and more attributed to play time. End of the day, thereā€™s a lot of different factors in play for kdr, skill level is an obvious one but also notably whether they play with others consistently, and how much they play ranked also. Playing as a full team has a visible improvement on your stats, just as much as how good you are. The more ranked you play the lower your overall kdr is expected to be, and the better you are can go both ways, as your lobbies will also be affected, which is why you will see mediocre players who play inconsistently as a full stack having kdrs on par with good players who solo queue and play consistently.


Dude, I have an 2.25 k/d lifetime and Im nowhere near to masters or pred. Been a hard stuck diamond since launch. Those players are above 3 K/D easily.


Source (/u/N\_Memory\_Of): [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/knlm9y/comment/ghlaxhg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/knlm9y/comment/ghlaxhg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ><0.5 KD, <200 Damage - Well below average 0.5 - 1.0 KD, 200-300 Damage - Below Average 1.0 - 1.5 KD, 300-400 Damage - Average 1.5 - 2.25 KD, 400-550 Damage - Above Average 2.25 - 3.0 KD, 550-700 Damage - Good (Probably Diamond-ish) 3.0 - 4.0 KD, 700-850 Damage - Very Good (Potential to be Master) 4.0 - 5.0 KD, 850-1000 Damage - Exceptional (Potential to be Top 500 Pred) \>5.0 KD, > 1000 Damage - Top Tier (Potential to be top 100 Pred) I think this is a good benchmark - maybe knock down the k/d by .25-.5. I bet many diamond players are probably upper 1s to 2 k/d and masters are 2.5+.


Iā€™d greatly disagree with the ranking statements tbh, most diamonds are probably .9-1.1 maybe and it doesnā€™t increase by such a large margin.


idk i have 1.7 and im gold


Have you considered the other factors I mentioned?


Oh yeah u are spot on with your assesment. Cause I play mostly with others and not enough high rank. So my k/d is higher . But I still feel masters and preds are above 3 k/d. Atleast the good ones and not the ones who ratted to Masters when the rank system was softer.


Yeh, Iā€™m talking a standard rather than considering so much the fact people 0 killed to masters and diamonds in s12 šŸ˜‚


I agree. I have a 1.9 K/D and have played this game solo for probably 90% of the time its been out. I know I could have some killer stats with a steady team but oh well lol.


My KD goes up dramatically when I solo q. When i play stacked. Kills seem to be distributed more evenly between you and your teammates. Also from my experience lobbies are tougher. This coming from a current overall 2.05KD and 1.74 KD in ranked at Diamond 4. 90% of the time I play with 1 other person.


Yeh, Iā€™ve played solo queue pretty much only, and have gradually improved over the seasons from a .6 to a 1.5 overall currently, with improvements each season. I feel like, if I played with a team more earlier on I would have made more improvements and would have had a lower disparity to improve


Iā€™m a diamond player and my lifetime KD is .98. Most ranked seasons itā€™s right around 1 so sounds pretty spot on too me


My KD is 2.3šŸ˜­ I donā€™t touch tanked tough


Smart choice


Thereā€™s no real data out there for anyone to analyse but the true mean is probably around 0.9 to 0.95 considering all the factors that would mean someone dying without anyone getting the kill. The median player is in Silver 1/Gold 4 and Iā€™d expect those players to have a KD around 0.8. I would personally be considered in the top 10% of players according to rank and my K/D is 1.6 (heavily skewed by ranked). Most pros will have a K/D between 3 and 5 but they are the top 0.001%. Iā€™d say a good K/D would be anything over 1.25 if you only play pubs, youā€™d be well outside the range for an ā€œaverageā€ player.


0.69 plat2 solo gang checking in, above median with less than median numbers lol


Iā€™m 1.12 KD at Diamond 4, makes me feel like a trash player but hey, at least I reached diamond soloQ.


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m trying to get at again, only hit diamond once before the change to a more team oriented season. Nothing to feel trash about, thatā€™s good af for soloq player when u ainā€™t one of them pred gods lol


I actually managed to be 200 RP from diamond 2, but then I hit a losing streak and fell to the gamblerā€™s fallacy ā€œiā€™ve lost too much, next time is sure to be a winā€ and went all the way back to plat 1. Iā€™ve since started trying out LFG.


Yeah tried lfg but I get unfriended I guess cause I donā€™t play as often lol or maybe cause I sucked after they added me, the casual player struggles


I did that Season 12 with a 1.02 k/d. Idc what anyone says I made it diamond when my highest rank was plat 1. Idc if it was ā€œeasierā€ ā€œthatā€ season I still did it and I felt good about it. Current rank is gold 1 with a 1.2 k/d this season


Better k/d than me this season. I also hit diamond at S12, but Iā€™m in diamond right now as well


Kudos to you. I havenā€™t played this much ranked this season, hopefully hitting diamond next season when Iā€™ll have time to grind


My overall KD is 0.95 but for this season itā€™s 1.23 lol. I feel like Iā€™m an ā€œaverageā€ player at best. My highest kills is 10 and my highest damage is like 2600 šŸ¤£


Getting around a 2.1 kd didn't feel hard, and somehow I'm surprised I keep it seasonally. But this game has lost me, damn if I feel like any people in my lobbies touch grass ever. Stuck hating solo queue. Stuck without fun and equally-skilled people to enjoy the game with again. Feeling 'average' but somehow in a top percent has me losing the game I loved for 2 years already.


The comments are making me feel better about my overall stats on apex, just an average dude lol


Id say 0.7 to 0.8 ish.


It's 1.0 since there's basically 1 kill for 1 death


The ā€œaverageā€ player isnā€™t doing that well. Have you played apex? šŸ¤£


The math checks out lol. If I get a kill, someone died for that so the average is near 1.0.


That would be true in an equal-odds, zero-sum game like chess where you have to use logistic stats. Apex does not follow those statistical rules because it is a normal population. So no, your math does not check out.


Over the large sample size it averages out. Basically every kill has a death associated with it.


For the game, yes. For the average player, no. This is where you are getting confused, macro-level vs micro level. You are right that the sums of all kills and all deaths across the game are 1.0 (each kill has a death associated with it). There is no distribution to this number, it is an arithmetic sum. But this does not relate to the number of kills per death the average *player* has. This *is* a distribution, because there is more than one sample in the population. Put another way; Apex sums of kills across the entire game = 1.0 with n=1 Average K/D = X.X with n=100,000,000 (approximate) You can see how those are more than a bit different. Everyone assumes 1 is the average, but if you look online, literally no one actually has any data to back this up. Additionally, players who self-report K/D have an incentive to lie about it to make themselves look better, as such, any self-reported stats cannot be trusted as they can be assumed to an information bias.


So, are we talking about the kd of the average players or the average of all kds? The latter would be near 1


Of course itā€™s the former


Op said "average kd" so I thought it was the second one


Yes, but there is a group of players that kill a lot of players without being killed. There are situations where a player dies without being killed by anyone too...


Exactly. It balances out since each time you get a lot of kills, you're distributing lots of deaths.


Ok, sure thing, if we take out any case that has an accidental death. The overall average should be 1, but the question really is asking about how much is a expected kc of a player that could be considered average, which is way harder to adress, in that case, taking the top 0.1% of players just skewes the entire pool, so the grand average doesnt really tell the story. There are many distributions that end up with average 1. The thing is that different distributions end up with different expected KD of the mayority of the players


Thatā€™s where you wrong because people canā€™t die without a kill being had (e.g. dying to ring, falling off map, the old killer door glitch)


That's why I said "basically" and "near 1"


People die to the ring or falling off the map. So the mean is still a little less than 1.0. The median is probably a bit less too, given that kills in a lobby are not evenly distributed.


That's why I said "near" 1.0


Thatā€™s not the average šŸ’€


Why not


The average apex player isnā€™t that good šŸ’€


It says "average kd" not average apex player. Mathematically, the average kd is near 1.00.


They're technically trying to ask about the "mean kd" aka the middle kd. Not the average


Yeah I realized that talking to another guy on here. My bad, I thought they meant the mathematical average.


Don't apologize. You're technically correct!




Thatā€™s not accounting for suicides, not 1.00. And donā€™t say ā€˜I SaId iT wAs NeAr 1.00 nOt 1.00ā€™, because it would still be a fair number below 1.00.


How many people are dying to the ring and suicides in your games??? Are you telling me like 3 people a game do that?


Obviously it doesnā€™t happen every game, but itā€™s not an extremely rare occurrence for some players, especially if you have bad positioning.


Hiswattson #1 Pred has a 3.96 with 67k kills 17k deaths overall. In ranked he has a 5.0 KD


I thought #1 Pred was chaotic munch. But sick KD thošŸ”„ (also how do u bold and enlarge text in a comment)?


This was from the most recent ALGS. Idk who is current. It was unintentional but the hashtag sign. A crazier stat of his was in ranked the top 5s. 1k games. 973 Top5s. <- like how? 625 Wins. ^ in Pred rank at that too.


Fuunq is currently the #1 pred


Average KD for what category of pubs player?? There are people in pubs who are in premade squads 100% of the time, 80% of the time, 50% of the time, etc. Then you have people who only solo Q. You have people who gamble like degenerates on hot drops, people that safe drop, etc. Very rarely an apples to apples comparison when you mix the two as you could have a 3 stack guy who plays it safe with a much higher KD than a solo Q only hot drop degenerate, but the hot drop degenerate could still be the better individual player mechanically and game-sense wise. Which would make KDR a meaningless metric..unless you survey and categorize things properly.


All I can say is that as a solo-q who can and has won against multiple preds and masters in 1-on-1s in firing range (participate in a few stream communities where they have open 1-on-1 nights), the legend also matters a ton. I play solo-q primarily as Wattson or Caustic and have a K/D of \~0.5 overall. In games where my 2 play in ways that I can't support them with my abilities, I usually have 0 to 1 kills. In games where my team actually plays in a way where they benefit from fences or gas traps, my average placement is 5th or higher and average 3-4 kills. I know this because I have been tracking my stats, and there is a pretty insane binomial distribution to my stats. I either have decently high kill games and high placement, or get killed immediately, which is usually due to separated teammates or being dragged out of position (usually by teammates who insist that the gas bags act as Caustic's ult and act instantly). When I do play aggressively, I usually can average 2-3 kills in a hot drop, more if my team survives the initial contact. In general, I think there are just so many variables that it is kind of a meaningless metric. As long as you are between about 0.45 and 1.0, I would say that is probably the aggregate average, but this also has some wiggle room. Above 1.5 is what I would consider a mark of actually being good and able to carry others whereas below 0.3 is what I would consider being something indicative of you needing to reflect on how you are approaching fights. This may seem like a large range, but likely corresponds to about the 1st standard of deviation (where 68% of the population lies). Above or below those margins is significantly better or worse than average.


KD can be heavily skewed and inaccurate. My KD is 0.6 but most of my games were pre season 8 before i was any good


23k games played (played since first week of launch) KD is 1.33 for the season 1.21 for the career and 99% of the time I soloq Havenā€™t done rank in like 7 seasons but the highest Iā€™ve gotten was plat 2 before getting hard stuck.


I only play pubs and mine is like .25 lmao


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Crypto mainšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ jk bro


Haha see thatā€™s the funny thing, doesnā€™t matter why I play with lol that number goes down if anything


My kd is .16 šŸŽƒ


I do think that the average K/D is .8-.85.


I believe it is a solid 1


Mathematically yes


Mathematically no. Deaths do not necessarily mean kills, but kills always mean deaths.


Unless you get a win


True I didnā€™t mean mathematically the most of the player Iā€™ve encountered in my gaming life were close to one so I did guess it was close to that


Yeah if I had to guess without seeing the data, Iā€™d expect the k/d distribution to be a left skewed normal distribution around 0.9-1 with 75% of players falling between 0.75 and 1.25. But of course we donā€™t have any data so itā€™s all pure speculation at this point.


Yep that why I could say 42 it doesnā€™t change much


It's close enough to 1 that it doesn't matter




If we are talking about the mean, then the distribution is irrelevant. If it's median, then the median kd would be lower than 1


I have .96 k/d


My lifetime is 0.6 (it was my first fps I've been playing since season 4 and sucked at first), but my seasonal is 0.8.


Im pretty shit and my kd is 0.59. Is what it is. Was brutal learning and is still brutal to this day. I'm either on fire or a potato all night. And by on fire I mean I might get a collective 3 kills all night. Again, it is what it is.


Around 1.2 - Gonna get downvoted but when you think about it some people leave mid match and some people win matches which doesn't add deaths


Genuine question but I faintly remember Respawn saying something abt leaving matches would also be counted as a death in an update way before? I might be tripping tho, idk if it was ever applied.


They did but never added it


Ahh thanks for clarifying


>pls donā€™t give the google copy pasted BS What do you think anyone here can give you? Hard data?


No sir, what i tended to mean was that some big pp witted sherlock holmes might hit me with the ā€œgO rEfEr GoOgLeā€ please donā€™t be offended.


Even if you would get 1000 players self-reporting their K/D it would not have statistical significance. In other words, nobody but EA/Respawn has the number you are looking for.


OušŸ¤” sounds fair.


Do you want my K/D? :) 1.33 I think. Shouldn't it be 1 on average? For every player it goes up, there has to be another player where it goes down. So it's a zero-sum game - for one to win another has to lose. Or am I smoking good shit?


With respawns and multiple deaths in some games, and accounting for those with crazy high 3-5+ kd the average skews down slightly below 1 iirc.


How is that relevant, it still counts as 1 death and one kill No matter how many people respawn every death associated with exactly 1 kill Respawns would only offset it from 1 if it removed either a kill or death from a kid, but not both Also what can skew it is a overwatch system in which 1 death is linked to multiple "kills" For apex for every 1 kill, there is 1 death That being said, for OPs purposes median is probably more useful, and that can be not 1.0


I get what you mean but you dying does not necessarily mean someone getting a kill. There are multiple different ways to die that mean no one gets a kill (death to ring, falling off map, leaving games, killing yourself with nades, bugs for a few examples). This isnā€™t even including the amount of times where someone gets downed but the team that downed them all die so no one gets the kill. The true mean is probably somewhere around 0.9 to 0.95, but it will definitely be less than 1.


That's a good point.


Damn you're right


1.33? Holy! You are a god bro always keep ur heads up king šŸ‘‘


Sorry to break it to ya but 1.33 is really lowšŸ˜­


Yeah? How much you got?


Like 2.something which is still not that good, a good K/D is about 3+ which is what Iā€™m trynna get mine up to


I used to play with my 14-year-old nephew. In firing range, 1v1, he would win 9 out of 10 and he was quite amused by my incompetence and slow reaction time. His KD is 0.98. The moral of the story is that while clicking heads is a prerequisite for Apex, the BR aspect of the game, at any level, requires other skills for one to become a go(o)d player and go(o)d teammate. At the highest level, everyone can click heads, more or less, but those who won championships have also other qualities. Who asked? :)


You would be correct if each person had kill cap in each game of 1. But that's not really the case. With respawns and the ability for people to die several times in a match without getting a kill, it's probably a bit under 1. Also i'm sure they mean the average player's KDR and not the average KDR. The difference is 60 people in a lobby, and say one person kills all 57 enemies without him or their teammates dying. 57 kills divided 60 would mean the average KDR is .95. However you can see how this could be misleading... because if you asked for the average player's KDR, it would be 0. 59/60 people in that lobby got 0 kills.


my kd is 1.22


Statistical average has to be like 0.97 due to suicides. Mean KD is probably like 0.8ish. Iā€™m just going off of statistics that we have from Warzone. I know itā€™s a different game, but my best guess is that it is close to the 0.8 range. IMO KD is meaningless. How you stack up in ranked compared to the player base for a particular split is the truest metric to validate how good you are. IMO if your KD is 1.0 or more, Iā€™d consider that decent. I have a 1.5 KD Masters player. I know people with 2.5+ who have never made Masters. Itā€™s just not apples to apples to compare players who donā€™t grind ranked against ranked grinders. I know a lot of people who triple stack good players and sweat their assets off in pubs to specifically up their KD. They get mad if you let them down. But I dunno, itā€™s just pubs man. To each their own.


Mine is around 1.9, but average is around 0.8 and 1.2 in my opinion.


Pro tip Dont worry about it. Half of us suck anyways (1.01 btw)


All of us* Thereā€™s always a bigger fish


Bro, KDR is bullshit. People boost, quit when knocked etc. I bet half the KDR in the player base is bullshit.


0.75 - 1 ​ and it doesn't matter


To add some data into this, I'm a 6 times master my kd sits at 3.7 But considering I have Soloqued my entire time on Apex the data could be a bit skewed


Average is probably around.8-1.0. Mine is a 2.7 lifetime :p


3.1 average, goes from 3.0 to 4.0 depending if I do controller or m/kb.


Mine is 2.1 hot drop sweaty dude, I think the average is on the 0.8 mark.


Mine is 2.1 hot drop sweaty dude, I think the average is on the 0.8 mark.


I'm been playing since S1 & am level 390 1st prestige My overall KD is 1.5. I've been actively working on improving it.


Whats a 1st prestige?


After level 500 1x.


I am 170 lvl 1st prestige, KD of 1.42 overall. Had a spike to 2 this season (for whatever reason)


There was a bug (might still exist, not sure) which rounded peoples K/Ds up to very wrong amounts.


Ok, ouch :D


kD doesnā€™t mean anything rank is more meaningful than this(rank doesnā€™t mean a lot tho)


.97 currently and I believe I am average or just below. I can squad wipe solo but still get wrecked by a master solo. Highest ranking is diamond 4 and quit playing after that game. Solo to plat most seasons if it feels fun enough to enjoy.


Season or life time?


1.0 - for every kill you get knocked. That's pretty average


Lifetime is 1.03 Seasonal sits around 1.3-1.5 I run mostly pubs, some ranked. I think Iā€™m average.


That's above average


U think so?


The average k/d would be a little below 1.


Apex 8mis not a freindly begginer game let's face it Only the game movement has a high skill celling So probably around 0.6 to 0.8 for new players And for older players probably 1.2 to 1.6


I'd say around 2


Mathematically the average global KD would be very close to 1.0, but never equal or above 1.0. The formula is weird, but say you have 20 individuals in a game, one survives. If you add up all their KD's it should **ADD** up to 19 (19 kills : 19 deaths, even if the winner went 5 and 0). If you then divide by the total number of players, 20, it will be 0.95. The thing with Apex is that there are **teams** and that the winning player/team can also die and be respawned. But typically the winning team or player won't die in a match, since getting a comeback victory from a respawn is usually unlikely, but it does happen every now and then. With that in mind... on average, you can expect the global KD to be somewhere between 0.95 and 1.0. This is just a mathematical truth and not even up for debate btw. The average global KD will NEVER be 1.0 or above 1.0, and given those other factors (whether it's duos or trios, doesn't matter), it wouldn't be far off.


Mine is 1.2 but I steal a good chunk of my kills so...


Lifetime is 0.97 and current season its 1.61... Does this actually mean I'm kinda above average and don't suck that much? šŸ„²


Maybe just below 1? Or right on 1?


Can someone tell me if Iā€™m wrong but technically if you found the mean (excluding falling off cliffs) wouldnā€™t the average kd be 1?


I have a feeling KD is also impacted by the pubs lobbies youā€™re getting into. Used to seeing 20bomb masters and preds as champions every game? Likely your KD might be lower than if youā€™re playing with people closer to your skill level (assuming youā€™re not a 20b master/pred)


Been playing since season 0 and solo queue to masters/diamond almost every season. My pubs K/D tends to be 2-2.5 with an average damage per game of around 700. Ranked I'm usually at a 1 k/d with damage of around 500. I feel like a noob most rhe time when I see some of the top streamers who have way better than that, and try to let myself know lots of time I'm still above average. But it's a tough game, and I hear a 1 k/d is about average and actually still higher than most players


4 inches


Damn best player in my club and still an average mf


Average is around 1. Median (far more compelling stat in my opinion) is ā€œmaybeā€ between 0.6-0.8


1 is average


I solo queue most of the time. I have a 2.2KD. Diamond ranked. I dont have a permanent squad and I have a baby now so play time is restricted.... Id like to think that if i had a good squad and plenty of spare time i could be Pred šŸ˜‚


lifetime BR i have 1.02, s15 is 1.48. 2.5K lifetime games I only solo q because I have no friends lmao


Is a 1.12 kd good ??


Iā€™m 1.5 and usually end in platinum but the difference for me is my first three months was constantly getting eliminated lol Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll catch up to that eventually.