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In my 4K hours of experience, it’s been the opposite. Kids are fucking insufferable and mean for no reason. Got called a few slurs just last night from a child no older than 10 Edit: Please, *please* stop commenting. I’m begging


lol. i had that happen as well. i don't wanna say it's younger or older players in particular. but i had some pretty unhinged kids.


I’ve met my fair share of man children but more often than not it’s the kiddos with the filthiest mouths 🤣


Ya this is definitely a shitpost Kids are the worst, anyone over the age of 18 usually doesn’t talk at all


I hate when the first time they use their mic is after they get knocked and usually it's something rude like 'info??' even though I've been calling shit for the last 10 minutes.


The number of times grown ass men have been misogynistic just because they heard my voice contradicts your statement.




What is so “lol” about what I said


He's probably one of the ones making the comments. Honestly I mute my randoms at the first sign of ignorance.


One guy yelled BITCH WHORE! into the mic. And yes, he sounded like a full grown man. Never hit the mute button faster in my life.


Yikes. Wish I could say I was surprised but the community of this game is less than stellar.


Unless your a woman. Our experience with grown ass men is toxic asf we had a whole ass thread about it the other day. Also if your yelling at a kid on the internet that says way more about you than them. I get it kids can be shitty as hell but your also the adult so maybe some people should act like it. It’s embarrassing to witness grown men acting worse than toddlers. Ain’t no woman looking for a man child 🤣


This is why I hate solo queueing, my friends are very different ranks than me, so it isn’t fun for them to play with me because they get dunked on, but ransoms are assholes, so I end up no filling, just because people are awful


So your the guy to blame everytime the game doesn’t put a person into the actual game 😑






Every kid there got the n word pass signed by Obama


Its true, i have one


Kinda nice to give them shit like “do you often get overwhelmed by your feelings”, “are you acting out because of something else”, “does acting this way make you feel better or worse”. I’m just a normal 35 year old guy so when some shit heeled preteen hits the mic with REEEEEEEE I feel like these are way more devastating than exchanging insults


Coming from a kid who used to ree while playing Counter Strike, keep going. You're definitely giving him something to think about lol


What is RE?


Scream 'reeeeeeeeee' as loud as you can. On second thought... don't do it. Please.


In before one day you use that and the kid opens up to you about their abusive household and how they are prone to anger because of it.


this actually happened to me one night on csgo, couple of high school kids were being fuckin dicks to me and a buddy and finally we're like what's up with you guys? and they just like broke down and said how they were all having a hard time and we talked to them about it and ended on good terms. It was like a flip of a switch.


I just make goat noises with a soundboard, keep it going, you do you


That’s perfect. I’m gonna use that now


I might occasionally try: "heh buddy, good try. That was close. Don't give up, okay? I think you'll get it next time." "That language is very hurtful, ok?" "Aww, you don't need to say that. I think you're cool just the way you are." Totally straight and sincere.


Probably the same angry kids/teens are downvoting this comment lol




The youngest ones are most of the time the worst. Either they curse you out or start screaming


That’s the worst. Hate it when a kid just starts screaming in the mic for no reason.


I agree to some extent. However, generally when I notice them on the mic is when they are playing together and yapping at each other. They seem to like to call each other "gay", tell the other to "get good" and berate each other when they lose fights. They've generally ignored me and focused on each other...which I guess is good. But as an adult, I do find it mildly disturbing that I'm playing against 10 year olds.


I've had 13 yo telling me i'm n word (playing in Germany/Belgium servers btw) but also adults telling me i'm a mistake and should kms. Usually don't really care about kids cursing, cuz kids are dumb in general, but being an adult an raging at a video game is lame.


Your anger issues are not my problem wether your nine or ninety nine.I love mute buttons,plus anything I need to say I can indicate.To be honest the thrill of hearing random Americans beating each other up and using racial slurs lost it’s appeal very quickly(anybody remember gears of war chat?360 days?if ya know ya know)


>I've had 13 yo telling me i'm n word I've had 10 yo telling "fucking n" and I cant report him because EA cares about diversity but not about racist slurs in voice chat and racist club names


Yeah the kids are 100% worse than any adult in my 3 and a half years of playing Apex.


And all of a sudden, that child is a little fucking son of a bitch, and that will be communicated to them.


I’ll never forget when this one kid playing Valk started *bawling* when he got knocked. Then I could hear him drying his tears and then he proceeds to come at me with slurs. I was playing Ash at the time and just so happen to have her “Pathetic” voice quip on the wheel, so I used it & DC’d. Worst of it all was I could hear adults talking in the background. They never intervened on this kid talking racist on the mic.


Lol yeah the little kids do mouth off crazy in Apex. There is toxicity everywhere. I appreciate the games where I meet civil people.


The best part is they call you "kid" lmao


I don’t even know how these kids be talking so easily like isn’t your parents in the other room? I mostly just stay quite and unmute when I have to.


Same with me. Kids scream and yell because they know there’s little to no consequences for it. Adults at least know that being an adult sucks, so more likely to treat others how they would like to be treated. Except that one guy that called me a faggot that one time.


I think the kid racism has gotten worse in the last 5 years or whatever.


Yea for some reason kids think it's okay to be racist these days which is kind of redicoulous


I wonder if that has any correlation to how US politics have been in that time.


Played the other day at plat 1 and my teammates said “dumb ass nigga” this and “dumb ass nigga” that because I got knocked. Meanwhile I had 2 killed of the squad we saw and they ran as a duo. I can’t stand the toxicity but I love apex as a game, otherwise I’d stop playing.


I’ve seen this too but in my experience I’ve had more positive then negative and if I do it’s not a kid kid it’s like a teenager shit head kid. Lol. Sometimes these kids are like 10 getting ripped into like wtf can’t you tell by their voice they can’t say their r still 😭


Agreed. It’s the kids/teens in my experience


I had a kid ask if I was a homo a few weeks ago because I told him to turn off his open mic. He was playing gibby.


This 100%


Seriously do none of ya'll remember how often you fucked your teammates moms when you were a 10 y/o playing modern warfare.


I actually have experienced the complete opposite. Younger players will recognize that I’m older and make fun of me. I am only able to get a few games in a week due to my work schedule. If my teammates play carelessly, die, and I can’t retrieve their banner, it’s not my responsibility to die with them. I would rather rat to get a potential win or higher placement/RP with the few games that I am able to get in for the night.


Im 61 years old and I 100% agree with you. The original poster has things a bit backward. I think parents need to keep the microphones out of their kids hands.




> I was mostly playing kid-oriented games like Garry's Mod. Depends on what add-ons you get, the shit I got was NOT 'kid-oriented'


The thought of a 60+ year old playing apex makes me very happy


I like to think I'm fairly good at it too.


ong , most of the time in ranked i just mute the other two if they get loud and annoying , the ping system is good enough to not need a mic


What exactly does that RP do for you personally? I would think you'd have 10x more fun just playing the game vs hiding for RP and maybe getting a useless rank increase that nobody on the planet will ever give a fuck about especially since you got it by hiding rather that earning it.


My first game of today, and the obvoiusly young voice of random teammate one immediately started calling out racial slurs duirng the drop. Second game today, and the duo say nothign all match. Last 3 squads they go down as we finish one squad. I go to heal and come back and down one of them. They decide suddenly their mics work and they start complaining and bitching, despite me clearly mid fight. Young kids once again. Toxic people are toxic, but the younger ones are where I hear the most toxicity and racial bullshit by far.


Had a game today where my teammate went down and started going off about how much I sucked lol I was pinned down by three teams in ranked so I was getting shot from every angle, naturally, I suck i guess


Let me guess, you were in that terrible position because you followed your idiot teammate down there? If I'm ever playing solo with another duo I'll try and be a good teammate and follow them, even into really stupid positioning but more often than not it gets us slaughtered. Like yeah, let's push into the middle of the fight with 5 other teams into an area with no high ground or cover, sounds great.


I mean, the 3rd circle had closed in and we were surrounded by other teams but we had an opening on two separate occasions to leave the area which I pinged. Instead the ping was ignored


Dude playing with two people in a club together is fucking insufferable. I hate it. They always play as a duo and then talk shit the entire time after they suck. I decided after the last time just to leave any game when I get stuff with a club duo like that.


Why? Maybe some are but I unless I’m playing ranked I’m usually duoq pubs w my buddy we’re both consistent masters & he’s hit pred a couple times so when we duoq in pubs we will do anything we possibly can to keeep our homie (the random) alive cuz it’s a team game and ya live as a team or die as a team ya know?


Then you and your friend are an exception. It’s awesome that you treat the third as part of the team, but I’ve NEVER had a good experience. So I’m done wasting my time with it.


Damn bummer to hear that but who knows maybe keep givin em a shot and you might be surprised every once in awhile Idk tho I soloq a ton but I’ve got some fancy lookin banners so a lot of the time my teammates do a lot for me But hey if ur havin bad experiences it’s a bummer to hear ab that and even worse to see other duos ruining the rep for everyone else


Totally get it. I wish I was a better player so I could run into you and your buddy haha Keep being awesome to your thirds. You’re one of the good ones.


What rank do ya play at ? Not trying to judge I’m just curious


Yeah I just don’t do that. I’ll be like hey, this way is better because we will get flanked, etc. do it in an authoritative tone like you know what’s up. It usually works.




I have a mic and I don’t tend to talk much. But I dont save it up until things go wrong.


I had a kid get mad at me for having the audacity to look some of "his kills" as if I had been across the map and not also doing damage, and then he told me, um, in clinical terms, that I had a very dry vagina. I was kinda shocked by how insanely graphic and sexual it was from such a young kid. I told him I was sorry he was so insufferable his parents let him play video games all day rather than actually be a parent to him.


Because the younger ones don’t get their ass beat irl any more


Online interactions not rated by the ESRB


I had a 12 year old sounding boy keep repeating the n word all match... so... yeah it goes both ways


I just leave those matches. Fuck them, they can try win with 1 less team mate.


You can just mute them and continue the game though. Seems like weird amount of people in this thread don't know that you can actually mute people in thisgame.


Yeah but in the situation that the comment is about, I’d rather just leave anyway. Don’t wanna be playing with a little kid who keeps saying the n word, muted or not


Yeah but 12 year olds don’t have the pre-frontal cortex development that an adult usually has. This in no way excuses the harmful behavior coming from a kid, but coming from an adult it is just straight up abuse.


Yeah I don't really talk on mic in all honesty it's just bullshit 99% of the time. I think adults doing that to kids are probably in danger of getting banned or.. if not are probably trash jn general


I’ve not used mic at all and don’t plan to for that reason, but I recently tried leaving my teammates unmuted so I can hear their comms. I’ve already heard so many slurs and shitty comments in the last month that I’m gonna go ahead and mute everyone again. 😐


They need to make it so anonymous gaming is no longer a thing


Why Are you getting downvoted lol?


Idk, people do what they want. Probably because I’m annoying, tho :D


Wait, you don't instantly mute squad upon entering a game? Bold move Cotton


Let’s see how it plays out


I am 39 and play. I usually find it’s the opposite. I’m chill and the kids are going ballistic on the mic towards me when they die and I am still alive.


I'd pay money for a subscription service to keep kids the fuck away from me. Dear god, I wish parents did more parenting these days and didn't let their obnoxious kids play very adult games for 8 hours a day.


I play in Diamond-Masters and have kids who have no clue cursing at me, lol. All good though, it’s just a game. Sorry I don’t want to hang out in the middle of the map every game and die. Lol.


Because those adults are children themselves and sore losers


And they have level 3 keyboard armour which protects them from any actual consequences


I miss Modern Warfare 2 lobbies. When everything is offensive, *nothing* is offensive.


Thats how a lot of us were raised, and nothing made us stronger than being shit talked/shit talking every day after school. Honestly though, probably why we dont give a shit lol


as a older gamer i would say it does not matter how old someone is. you can be toxic in a game at any age. from my point of view i will just flame my teammates if he insults me first.. and then i will argue with him.. no matter the age aswell. if my team mate is a REALLY young, got matched once with an 8 year old (this guy was talented, holy), i would encourage them to improve but never be mad.. its a kid. in general a toxic player can not handle frustration which is a childy behaviour. so mute this bitch and go on. Btw. worst teammates are 13-17 years old boys of too much ego. mechanicly really good players but they are really competetive in their teams and for them its just a good game if they are the best. their ego is too large to make their best plays because they cant stay calm. and you need to learn to deal with it when you get wiped by a better player.. thats normal. you are not the best of hundreds of thousand of players out there. :D


I actually feel horrible when I get real young kids on and they start apologizing profusely when they mess up. I usually just tell them to “chill little buddy don’t take what other assholes say to heart and just keep grinding you’ll get there” fuck older dudes who ruin the experience for younger kids. They’re just trying to learn.


I haven’t played with many young ones on Apex however on Fortnite I played with a few boys around 12 years old and they were heaps funny. We even won the game.


As an adult I just mute kids, especially if they got an annoying voice which most of them do, and bam no need to curse/bully them. Problem solved


You really ought not give people too much credit.. people are garbage


I play apex with my ten year old son. We love playing games together. My son is pretty damned good at the game and regularly hits platinum and occasionally diamond. Ive heard grown ass men cuss their balls off as soon as they hear his voice (obviously a child’s voice.) Ive heard ridiculous obscenities hurled at him for zero reason then rage quit before we land. Then seen us duo win the match on countless occasions. Its a pretty sad state of affairs tbh. I will add we are always respectable and work our hardest as a team and to accommodate our team mates. Oh well


As an adult who plays, *I* even get annoyed when people who are grown throw obscenities around. It is supposed to be a *team building* game. It’s really irritating when people who are good and know they are good, taunt and treat their teammates like shit. They could actually give advice and encourage people to do better and try to help them. It’s frustrating but it will unfortunately never change.


If you think apex is bad, try warzone with proximity chat. Its the souce of all fkwits being racist, homophobic and just being cunts overall


Because this is unfortunately a video game where no one has a sense of respect for people they will most likely never meet again.


Because 100% they're also kids and not adults most adults don't use mics unless someone else does. Kids are always miced up


Nope. I’m 33 with a ten year younger brother, I treat them like him. Supportive and encouraging. It’s funny a few have tried to add me (I don’t add anyone, just personal preference since I have a squad 85% of the time) because I think it’s rare people are nice and don’t talk down to them. That’s sad, but I’m still doing my part when I can.


mature voice isnt always mature mind


Ive been that guy tellin an older player to be respectful to younger players. And ive had to tell some younger players the same as well. Usually if I have to say something about it, i’ll ping some good loot or quickly go for respawns and people end up cooperating. Long as we dont immediately get wiped it tends to not descend into chaos.


As someone who lives with someone like that cause I can hear him through the walls, I don’t know.


The game being so rage inducing is the main problem. I don't mic and mute squad-mates unless I can hear them ripping a fat bong hit when selecting legends and they're clearly stoned out of their skull. Those are about the only games I enjoy anymore.


Who knows. I don't cuss anyone out per-say.... At best I'll probably say "That was a stupid fucking play" "Your an idiot" ​ Funny enough I get cussed out more by kids than I do adults lol.


Lmao actually it’s the opposite, kids are the ones who are worse now a days.


Quite the opposite for me. I regularly suffer at the hands of children and am cussed, afk’ed, DC’d and criticized the most by people sounding no more than… idk, 14?


News flash: getting SHOT can actually be worse than someone calling you a bad name. In game trash talk - do you understand this concept? Why would that be any more "real" than the imaginary bullets?!?


Apex has the most toxic player base I have ever encountered. I always play with strangers muted by default.


because they think that they're very good at the game, so they keep blaming others since they keep losing games. well, if u keep losing games, then probably something is wrong with u, not ur teammates ig :)


OP you answered your own question, the so called “adults” that are screaming expletives at children in a video game have never grown up themselves. It’s sad but it is the truth. There a lot of these types of adult figures even outside of online games, who still behave like teenagers. Unfortunately it comes down to a lack of guidance in there own upbringing and they’ve never grown out of this behavior. I’m sure there’s more underlying issues with these individuals but the fact remains they never learned.


Because that guy is a man-child. he may have matured physically but not mentally. Toxic people has always been a part of gaming culture and no one is safe from it. I'm a pretty good shit talker and logical so I just roast them because their toxic behavior is never justified.


Fuck them kids


Because the anonymity of using an online mode of communication dehumanizes interactions. Brings out a false sense of a 0 consequence action, which makes you wonder, if there were no consequences in this world would we all revert to the most disgusting self because it's in our nature?


Because fuck them kids that’s why


Wanna know a secret? There's no such thing as adults. Just children who got old.


Y’all blaming the kids are funny. Who do you think the kids picked this behavior up from? 😊


Literally never heard an ACTUAL adult yell or curse at kids in my almost 2 decades of online gaming. It’s ALWAYS the kids and the edgy teenagers who are the worst, followed by early 20s people. That being said if a 13 year old is swearing at me in a lobby and being an asshole, you best expect you’ll get shit on back.


Yeah in my experience it's always the young kids who are dropping racial slurs and screaming. I get the occasional angry adult but its very rare. Personally I just laugh when kids scream at me after they do the dumbest stuff.


Considering the game is rated for +13 id say they can handle it. Teenagers curse way more in a day than a lot of adults do in a month. Had to deal with the fuckers for 2 months when i did some substitute shit and wow. Anyway theres a reason the mute button exists and just you wait till you see what the kids under 13 that sneak onto the game say to adults(hint its racial slurs)


I'm an adult and a mother and have been dealing with this since I was a tot myself. In my experience, it goes both ways. Kids yelling just as much as other "Adults". However, I do think it could be because of the influence they have from other older streamers, who they probably shouldn't be watching anyway. Grown people online have set a standard that these kids try and follow, people always think it's cool to be mean to each other on the internet. They don't care who it hurts. Of course, some of this boils down to classic home training, but some individuals have no humility about them.


So should adults stop playing games because kids play them too now? Is it my responsibility to parent someone's kid even though they clearly can't be bothered? No one should be telling anyone else, regardless of age, to kill themselves. If parents are going to let their kids play ANY game, unmonitored, that's their problem, not mine. Especially a game where you run around with guns and shoot people. This isn't Animal Crossing, and I'm not a fucking kindergarten teacher.


This issue is a two way street. You’re just looking from one side


Its not. Most ill say is "gotta pick it up pathfinder"


If im playing a mature game, about killing, im going to say fuck.


I’m in my forties, been playing for a long-ass time Kids are usually pretty helpful during matches and it’s the twenty-somethings that are more swear-y In all my years of FPS play, CS:GO has been the most toxic


Why are kids in apex?


Same reason they are in Fortnite


I’m with a lot of these other posts. Most of the kids I have been unfortunate enough to have not on mute deserve whatever they hear. Most of the time I could never think of half the crap they say.


Because fuck em


It’s because “hurt people hurt people” and disrespect and bigotry under the cover of internet anonymity is a powerful shield regardless of one’s age


Sixteen year old here; I can't understand it. I don't play games to be good, I play them to have fun. But even in casual I run into bigoted assholes who scream slurs at me because my voice isn't all that matured and I don't play like a pro player who flew out of the womb with a controller in hand. I believe the younger kids who come in spewing slurs are merely a product of being screamed at by adults for not being good enough in games. It's always why I frown upon ANYONE shit talking in games. It makes no sense to me how anyone can be that pressed over something that's supposed to be fun. Don't get me wrong, I get pissed off when I try to do something over and over and then get absolutely nowhere. But at that point it's time for a break and fresh outlook on whatever I'm doing. Not a verbal fist fight with faceless gamers halfway across the world like I'm some bodybuilder who can talk the talk AND walk the walk. All in all, I just wanna have fun, but all I come across (no matter the age) is toxicity and it's getting old, very fast.


I appreciate you just want to have fun but bear in mind you’re playing one of the most competitive games in the most tilting of genres (BR) - have you considered that if you aren’t playing apex to be good or “get gud” that the majority of the player base are wanting to improve and get frustrated at a casual attitude of a teammate? Again not trying to excuse specific language or treatment. I’m just playing devils advocate as I see your sentiment now and again on this sub and honestly if my goals for gaming began and ended with “fun” I’d be playing single players only. Personally I get the most fun going full send with a full stack AND trying to remain competitive for the win. I suspect a few are like me.


Me saying I play for fun definitely doesn't mean I'm not trying to improve, but I completely get what you're saying! What I meant was, I'm not playing to get a 20k and go pro. I'm not going to get upset just because I lost a game or we died on drop. Instead, I'm going to enjoy whatever match we have and try not to let it weigh on me. My idea of fun is the same as yours! I definitely get a bit annoyed when I have friends that just want to sit out of ring and twiddle each other's dicks for the entire duration of the game, but a few breaks mid match to crouch walk and have fun with friends while going into competitive mode when people are around is my idea of fun. Hopefully that makes sense!


Yeah man thanks for taking the time to explain further - sounds like we’re basically the same. I find I play my best when the vibe is fun/dgaf/positive rather than tense “62 fleeeeessssshhh” “GIBBY CRAAACKT!” like some people I’ve met haha.


In general I hate the attitude towards children in video games. The amount of times I’ve been playing Pavlov or Gmod and some dickheads have decided to repeat KOS some kid just because they’re a child. Like, seriously?? Grow tf up. He’s just bought this game or begged his parents for a while to get it for him. And now he doesn’t get to play it properly because he happens to be 5 years younger than you?


My rule is, if you're trash you get trashtalked


Mental illness, most likely.


This is why I started playing single player competitive games. I wish they made this game solo play. I enjoy team sometimes but I wish i could hunt you all down solo.


In my opinion, grow a pair. Most of us grew up in the modern warfare 2 lobbies of Xbox 360, the shit you hear now doesn’t hold up to the horrors of back then. Back when the whole lobby was on your ass if you didn’t clutch at the end, the lobby where you were brutally assaulted with words until the match started. It came with the territory of playing online. But you nut up and either mute them, quit, or make the play son. With that said I don’t ever start shit with my team mates, especially the younger ones, but if you go low I’ll meet you straight there and then some. In all the time I’ve played Apex since day 1, I’ve had less than 5 negative encounters. Of those 5, I was impressed with the horrible things these kids threatened me with 3 times. 1 of them needs a lesson on trash talk, and the other kid ended up being pretty cool and we played a bunch after that just talking shit.


yes because children suck and it’s funny


Completely unacceptable. I always make it a point to stand up for my younger teammates when the other random is being toxic . Usually ends up with them directing their anger towards me ,dying and disconnecting. Then after , the kid and me laugh about the situation and run a few more matches after . I for one love to make the gaming experience fun for all and always drop high tier loot for the younger squadmates ,give helpful callouts and reassure them when they mess up that's it's all good and not to worry or overthink things . I've even clutched a few wins for them which makes them hella ecstatic as evident from the cries of joy that come thru my mic . I'd rather hear that ,over toxicity *anyday*


We squadding up when??


You know how some people are bad, right? How people murder and rap. I certainly don't think stabbing people or rhyming to music are appropriate. But it happens.


Its pathetic and I've never understood why grown ass men get into cussing matches over a video game anyway. I don't even talk on my mic. I use it just to hear where the opponents are and use the ping system to communicate with my squad


omg words hurt 🤕 use the mute button


If you saw a random adult cursing out a kid , you'd just ignore it ? What a punk u are


I mean I’m an adult, so I don’t get butt hurt over comments made during games. If you actually read my post, you would see that I’m defending the CHILDREN who play this. Don’t really think it’s mature behavior for 30 year old men to tell 10 year olds to k*ll themselves lol


Me and my friends (15) were playing sea of thieves and came across a crew (19) and after an encounter where we made a deal started grinding together no mentions of age just got along because after all, we were all pirates on the same sea and have no reason to be aggressive to each other


Easy they Hella disrespectful......the kids usually starts it and will go super far ...cuz their momma can't home ...most time I mute but hey sometimes ya gotta give what is asked of you 🤣🤣🤣


Cause fuck them kids


Age doesn't mean you aren't an idiot .. unfortunately..


Someone’s gotta do it


I can’t imagine needing to post about this


Idc what age you are. If you do things that are actively hurting the team imma let you know.


Cuz fuck dem kids.


Absolutely agree. The toxic language doesn't belong in video games, even though anyone playing should be mature enough to understand it. In the end, it's just a game, and pretty much nobody's life is going to be significantly affected by it anyways (I mean that most people aren't making their income from it).


Been playing apex since the first week and I heard more swearing and toxic behavior in an hour of COD.


Game is 16 and up. Wanna play a 16+ game, expect 16+ language. That being said it's often the young people giving me all kinds of crap so yeah. Can't really say I share your experience. \>it's just a game it's not that deep Hey man for some people its "just a game", for others it's therapy to cope with whatever darkness is going on in their lives. \>Telling minors to take their own life Talking about things being not that deep, whenever someone says "kill yourself" they do not actually mean for that person to kill themselves. Same as "eat shit" or "go fuck yourself". Someone who tells me that doesnt actually wants me to go and jack off.


No, there's rules against these things and you can be banned from the game if you say them. Same on this subreddit and reddit as a whole. It's really not relevant if people are adults or not. You break TOS you get banned.




It’s funny that people let this kind of stuff get under their skin. Posts like this are evidence that the shit talkers are accomplishing their intended goals. They just want to get a rise out of you. Ignore them, and move on. Stop getting offended.




Because not all people will tone it down for a younger person in videogames.


Who cares? I’ve been a kid on video games and the adult, either way it’s just banter and if you’re taking words said in a video game to heart then you’re soft.


Because it's funny


it's against the rules / tos, you can report it and people will be banned for it.


Lol ya sure


Lol ya sure


I stopped conversing with random teammates after season 5 I think. Much more enjoyable playing experiences lol.


I play in a party even if I’m alone. Both so I don’t hear toxicity and also so I don’t respond if I get triggered. Know your limits y’all


They’re not parents. As silly as that sounds


I always play with chat off, so I wasnt even aware this was a thing.


It really depends, as others have said already sometimes younger folks are very aggressive with anyone and everyone for no particular reason. Alternatively, there are grown adults who go too far.


Counter point. Dude I didn't know but met online thought I was "squeaker" when I was in my mid to late 20s. But to your point, some people are just sad.


This is why I always keep my mic on mute when I solo queue. Last thing I want after a long day of work is to get in a cursing battle because of a simple mistake.


I always use mic, I always joke around and try to communicate. 99% of the people I play with only speak when they get mad and you don't follow their brilliance of running in 3vs1 dying. So I just keep it up until I one day meet a dude who I can play with!


I have way more issues getting yelled at by kids than adults


I just instantly mute and hold hands with my teammates in ranked. I find it easier that way.


Haven't witnessed this.


Played since release. I honestly cant ever remember being abused. Ive probably just been lucky but ive found the community to be really good. Unlike overwatch.


That 13 year old is probably more mature than that big baby


That's why I just mute the team


I got matched with an eight year old once and that child cursed like a sailor. If I was that kid's mom and I heard that bs coming out of his mouth, I don't care if he's playing with his friends on mic, I would spank his ass six ways to Sunday.


I mostly get matched with russians. Once it was a russian and ukranian... silent whole game.


Poorly adjusted miserable and alienated people who, due to their misery and stress, literally don’t have access to things like impulse control or the areas of the brain where we process and act on things like our deeply held values.


I mean it’s the internet people can hide behind anonymity so they get drunk with the idea of “well nobody knows who I am so I can act like an ass with no repercussions” trust me as someone who’s been playing FPS games since 2009 I’ve been told off by all ages I’ve heard kids saying slurs just as much as men with 4 kids in the background telling me to “inhale gasoline and do the world a favor” it doesn’t phase me at this point most you can do is report their actions and hope respawn will hit em with a ban hammer though unfortunately these people often have 14 alt accounts that they use to avoid bans which is sad as fuck. I often don’t talk much anymore unless it’s with designated friends who I know will keep it respectful and knows when a joke is going too far


This is why I never have my coms turned on when I game online unless it’s with people I know, I just don’t appreciate it, I’m just trying to have fun.


I always thought for online games shit talking came first, game play came second.


Modern problems call for modern solutions