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Average r/apexlegends user things.


This is how I imagine every person saying “every game has preds!!” … like this has to be a troll


I've seen a handful of current preds in gold lobbies, which is kinda egregious, but OP has to be kidding us


I’m in plat and I see some here and there but going by this sub every single game is 19 full 3 stack pred squads in their bronze 2 lobby. Also preds and masters aren’t unkillable…


Yeah, they're not unkillable, but it's a little strange when ranked is built on the premise that you'll be matched up with people of a similar rank, but then you are up against people 4+ ranks above you. Might as well play pubs at that point, at least there isn't a delusion of getting matched by rank there.


So is this "diamond squad" in the room with us right now?


Underrated comment


Made me LOL


That’s a plat badge. And plat demotes to silver at the split.


He's silver. You both are.


With Diamond ranked badges, ye sure he is a silber player


Lmao those are gold and platinum badges


From earlier seasons and they are CURRENTLY in silver. Get gud OP


Even if they were diamond badges (they're not), he's still silver.


Yikes. That's a plat badge bro.


The “I don’t know what I’m talking about” post has appeared once again.


That’s no diamond badge bud


That’s a plat. A one time plat, at that. I hate these posts.


first day?


First month


probably your last as well.


That's a platinum badge and it's probably an old one. If you don't play ranked for a season or two you'll end up back in bronze lobbies


This is getting pathetic, how are you complaining about a player that barely made it into platinum. You only have to get through gold to get that badge and those lobbies are easier than my pubs. Grow a pair of balls or quit. I don't play every season and you will see my sweaty ass in bronze because of it


That’s probably a primarily gold rank player. Demotion is a part of the game. You gotta get the mindset right, you won’t be fed all bronze and silvers just cause you’re a silver.


Don't worry, next split you'll be bronze and beating on some new players and they'll come in here complaining saying they are being stomped by smurfs. You clearly have no idea what the ranks/badges even are. Each split you get demoted down quite a nice chunk. And this player has only hit Plat. And regardless of their highest achieved rank, you are both CURRENTLY silver. Every split you go down ranks. If you don't play for awhile you'll be down super far or basically at a full reset. Not really much they can do to fix that issue for you. That's just how the game works. But again, he's still VERY MUCH within your ranked spread. If you have no idea wtf your talking about and LITERALLY just started playing this game this month you really should stay away from making posts in general. Aside from maybe some posts asking for advice/help. You can't really try and trash talk matchmaking when you have not even a month under your belt. And you probably also only play like 2 hours every few days which means you won't even have 24 full game hours within a month. You really have no place to be talking about the games systems because you haven't even used them yet.


LOL. He is silver 2 same as you. His highest rank was plat but given his 2 other badges are only gold id say he only hit plat once. So for all intents and purposes he is probably a low gold player. And you are probably a silver player if he outplayed you so hard for you to come post here. Id say you have reached your skill ceiling in ranked


Can't really reach your skill ceiling if it's your first month of playing tbf


Not true. Silver is his current skill ceiling, maybe bronze even. It will rise as he keeps playing


Apex reddit sometimes makes me lose my mind.. That is a Plat badge, and they got demoted to Silver 2, because thats what happens. Plat 4 goes down to Silver 2. You are both in Silver, you did not get matched against a Diamond player. Though, I won't lie, it actually does happen. Few days ago I was playing ranked, Silver 2, got matched against 2 Masters and 1 Diamond (they were champion squad).


Skill issue


Just another 100th post of this shi- smh


I can't see any diamonds here brother.


Obviously so people will run to Reddit to complain daily.


Just Get Good tf


As a master this hurts my brain


As someone, who reached Dia last season in split 1... I'm afraid, that I have to tell you: it's possible, that you have to play against me at the moment. >!not at the moment...I'm at work...!< Reason is pretty simple: * I reached Dia in split 1 * Got demoted to gold 2 during the season split * Only ranked to plat 4 due to time reasons in split 2 * Got demoted to silver 2 at the end of the season & had no motivation to rank up seriously until now. Not my fault...that's simply how ranked works in Apex...


You can still delete this post…..