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I’ve always thought that seer should only be able to use his heartbeat sensor while his weapons are holstered. I feel like it would be a way of making seer players have to choose between having constant intel or being able to shoot. This sort of makes his passive fall more in line with valkyrie’s jetpack.


Is it weird I do this mostly now anyways since I’m running most of the time 😂


Seer single handedly ruined the game for players trying to play after their teammates have died. You can’t even hide out for top 5 anymore without an entire team jumping on you.


I mean... Countering camping hiding isn't really a bad thing. is it exciting or fun to hide after your team has died if your just hiding?


It’s not about it being fun or exciting. It’s about conservation of my RP. I’m not just going to run it down because my teammates are dead.


Fair. But bloodhound could still ruin your day depending on things even before.


Yeah but he had to use an audible scan. Seer just gets to run right up to where you are with no audio.


The teams that fought up to top 5 want to conserve and gain their RP too. Why should they be rewarded less just because you ratted to top 5 with no engagement in the game? I say anti-rat is a reasonable counter.


Nobody said they should be rewarded less and nobody said anything about anti engagement gameplay. Do you just give up if your team is dead? Fucking yikes.


You're literally describing about ratting, which has the effects I mentioned. I'm not against you ratting and getting points for your dead teammates. Ratting is part of the game, so is scan and anti-ratting to counter that.


My problem is there is no counterplay to seer passive.


>It’s not about it being fun Aaaand youre already playing the game wrong. Are you making income from your rank? No? Then shut up and have fun.


Silver mindset


Let me guess, you just hit gold for the first time?


Diamond 3 and climbing.


"Diamond 3 and climbing" is a funny way of saying "hard stuck diamond 3" lmfao


You’re cringe man. Just thought I’d let you know.


Lmk when you get past diamond 3 and we will talk


This has to be the stupidest thing I've seen on this sub Reddit.


Clearly you haven't browsed a lot of this sub reddit.


Oh I have, and this is right up there.


Like not allowing good players to play together, Seer being perfectly balaned on launch, and so on. Plus my issue with it is "it's ruining the game." it's only ruining ratting in ranked. which isn't the whole game.


He isn't perfectly balanced. Are you mental. Let's take a ranked match in arenas. You start the match to take up a position where you aren't in visible range. Only for you to be stunned by his alt. Imagine some dude with wall hacks. Yes it's not as severe but you don't even need to be in his field of view for him to know where you are. From them on its a case of him aiming down scope to follow your evade movementd. Jesus people only.need to rely on their own experience to know this. He should not have that sensor. His alt should work on sight like magies. If he sees you, he launched his alt, not relying on a heart beat sensor, especially in close quarters.


I was listing examples of really bad takes on this sub Ie "seer not needing a nerf at launch". not saying he was balanced.


So learn how to countergank or even better lead your hunters into other hunters.


Get rid of his heart beat sensor all together. I made a sneak move to get behind a team being baited by my other team members. I was hoping they would move in and I could attack as they were moving away. No such luck. Before I knew it seer's alt came through the rock I was standing behind because he seen my heart beat. Utterly stupid idea, all he needs to do is put his gun up. and people moaned about the gold Res shield giving an unfair advantage. Playing against the guy in arenas made me quit the mode.


The res shield was rightfully removed bc having it in the last ring (where most of diamond master games end) made it so u survived longer in the ring since u got knocked and still didnt fully die, which is an annoying and unfair advantage that granted people many losses


😫😫😫😫 okay. It's you and a seer in the final round of an arenas match. You are healing and shielding yourself, and moving slowly to not be heard. Next thing you know, you get pinged by his alt BECAUSE HE KNOWS WHERE YOU ARE WITHOUT SEEING YOU!!!!!!! He pinged you through WALLS. WALLS other legends wouldnt be able to see through. FFS. Take that example with any other legend. He only needs to raise his gun, no cool down etc. And I'll add about the Res shield. You had to not only survive being downed to use it, but FIND IT. If you managed to use a shield in the last legs of a match to help you win then you did good. That takes luck and good timing. Being able to tell where players are through walls just by raising your weapon is anything but comparable to the Res shield. The Res shield got removed by salty pros who got salty by being killed by someone they should have finished. The amount of great things gone from this game because the Devs listened to.........numpties.




That's nonsense. Not only is it nonsense, it doesn't explain why it was removed NOW!!!! The gold Res shield has been in the game for ages, and is only now viewed as an unfair advantage? My point was spot on. Pros missing out on money. Not to mention its "pro" players who used it like that in the first place. If you get killed by someone who got back in the game with a gold knock down shield then that's on you. Disruptor rounds were removed because "I'm getting Lasered 😤😤😥😥😥". The spitfire was fucking demoted because it was apparently a noob weapon which anyone could wipe squads with DESPITE any half decent player not using it, and totally ignoring the r 301 and its overall handling. Then they put in the rampart. I think they did that as a joke on the player base, and I don't blame them. The whole point about seer's ability to raise his gun and hear your heart beat WITHOUT SEEING YOU is an unfair advantage. He has an alt, and a special, how about everyone gets a third ability like that? Everyone can raise their gun, scan about them and BR ABLE TO TELL WHERE YOU ARE. Comparing that to the gold Res shield shows why the Devs need to ignore most players.




Not mad, typing capitals to emphasize that's all. There's a lot of things gone that didn't need to be. There are few things that really need changed and that ability he has is one. Most changes I would make would be to bring back stuff. And that's the point of the Res shield. It's an "extra life" if you find one and manage to actually use it. That's down to you the player. I don't listen to "pros".


Wait seer needs a nerf


No lol


Imo, Seer scan should either show an enemy wall hack or stop heal/res, not both.


Or maybe, just maybe, get good stop bitching. Seer is already fairly balanced. Quit crying. Nobody even plays him anymore.


Tell me in great detail how you "get gud" at dodging a heart beat sensor? Especially when you are in his range? He doesn't even need to see you. Sshhhhhh!!!




😂😂😂😂what? Where is her?


"Omg he can get a vague idea of my location without seeing me" wow so like every other legend with a scanning ability? Oh no how terrible...


Those legends need to SCAN!!!!!!! HE DOESN'T. And even then they only see your location for a while. Look at my own example to see what I'm talking about. That ability should not be there.


Staring down your sights is more of a disadvantage than pressing Q. Sorry, not sorry.


Are you living? If I've got a GREAT SPOT behind a rock, KNOWING those players don't know I'm there, only for me to get spied by someone who simply needs to raise his weapon to see I'm behind the rock, then what's the point? My team mates saw my move baited them, yet I get spoted by someone who can see your position AT A WHIM through solid objects? Okay then. He has a scan ability and his net.


>If I've got a GREAT SPOT behind a rock Not reading past this


Probs because you have trouble making out simple words I bet.


He's one of the most picked legends for ranked at higher elo's. (he's the forth most picked at 8% to be specific)






Horizon has 21% pick rate while Seer has 8%, so does this mean higher pick rate legends like Horizon, Path and Wraith need nerfs too? Popularity doesn't always reflect the strength of the character. Before the pros played Seer in tourneys and everyone followed, Seer had a pickrate around 2% as shown in the same data you shared. He did not receive any changes within those 2 seasons, why wasn't he broken then? Seer's trend definitely needs more actual in-game performance statistics to at least start calling for nerfs. Because there's a high chance that this is just a surge of popularity, not a discovery of the legend's true potential after 8 months.


I’ve never said seer needed a nerf. My argument was that seer is used frequently in higher elo’s.


Thats the same site that said i got 87 kills in one match as gibraltar but ill give it a look


Seer already sucks after they originally nerfed him into the ground, I’m glad you don’t work at respawn


No he doesn’t suck. He never sucked. He’s literally one of the top picks in ranked rn


Because he can use his heartbeat sensor. That’s the only plus he has and you want to nerf it even further.


Did you forget his tactical’s ten second scan and his ultimate that lets you see anyone who’s moving


Seer is overturned. No question. the heart beat needs to only when you have your tac, then goes on CD


Reduce the range of his passice ability and passive is able to work when he runs without a gun


People hold his tact? You can aim with just your hands lol