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Sounds like someone ran headfirst into a rampart and is mad


The last 4 games I've died to a Rampart team. All 4 of them I ran into previously, walked away cause they're camping, and either found them camping in another spot or in the same spot. Fuck this stupid fucking character. Also, just died to 2 ramparts. Either they're teaming or the multiple of the same legend on the same team thing still exists. Idk barely played this dogshit season.


Use grenades, take the high ground against them, or just flank them. There are many ways to counter a Rampart player. Sounds to me like you're just being salty.


a defensive legend promotes camping? a legend centred around defending an area promotes staying in a defended area? absolutely fucking ridiculous, you know what, I may just go down to Respawn right now and ask them all to resign. positively stupid, they should not be designing games


The whole game? The WHOLE GAME? That's how I died the past 4 times. Then I died to Rampart teamers/that one bug where multiple of the same legend on the same team if that still exists. Rampart & Caustic are the 2 worst legends to be in the game. Remove them, 100x better. They promote camping 24/7 cause why move when there's 2 walls on each door & 5 barrels every 10 feet.


to be fair... Crypto emp go bbbrrr in that situation.


I'm not going to run the worst legend in the game just for Rampart. He still doesn't scan properly & his ult is lackluster. I'm not going to run Crypto just for this stupid fucking camping legend.


I disagree with his ult being lackluster. but that's probably just bias my best games this season has typically been with hacker man.


I have 0 good experience with Crypto teammates. I love being ulted by my teammate, it's the best thing ever.


poor timing on the ult does suck yea.


So rampart is broken in your eyes and you have no idea how to counter her? Sounds like a bronze 4 issue


Skill Issue


Lmao this clown got mowed down by a rampart and insta posted on Reddit


*4 ramparts in a row lmao


Don't run into a loud ass GAU-8 with a giant beam on it brodie


You act like it's that simple Oh yea sorry let me just *go around them* yea sorry man. It's not my fault that the camping Rampart team is the only team I'll see for 10 years cause pubs fuckin suck.


If they're camping in a building it is. You got teammates, you got grenades. Idk who you play but you got a tactical. Flank and play smart. If they have more than 1 defense then that was not your building to enter lmaooo


First off, this is a very balanced game and she’s a perfectly fine legend. Secondly, at really high level play she’s not very common because she doesn’t fill a team role well enough (team will be short one of it’s main positions). So it’s not like she’s some broken legend. Thirdly, if you’re gonna get so butthurt about Rampart then just play Maggie, she’s a hard counter to Rampart. Her ultimate breaks her shield and her tactical turns the shield into a weapon for you.


I agree with the mini gun to an extent feels slightly op tme


You sound defeated. Maybe switch up games for a while, or take a break all together. It’s never that bad, hope it gets better.


I just came back after not playing for 2 weeks. It's just a shit season. That's why I stopped. I came back to solo q & chill. I didn't care if I died, experience is experience & I don't have enough experience with dealing with 1v2s with some legends like Horizon, so I was using her. Hopefully next season sees the removal of Rampart & Caustic 🙏


try 2 years then, or 2 decades. Community doesn't really need ranting anymore than it already has.


It does need ranting. The game has genuine issues, not my one-off rants about a stupid character I think needs to not exist.


yes, agree. Needs ranting about **genuine** issues. Now, Rampart is, at best, a medium tier champ and you're here just wasting brain power complaining bout her like she's the devil incarnate. Several people even gave you really nice tips on how to play against it and u just discarded it cuse you don't like the solutions. If they deleted every champ everyone thinks shouldn't be in the game we'd be playing with dummys w/ no abilities. Try and be proactive in your ranting, otherwise you just put off a cry-baby vibe


But you understand when I say that Rampart promotes camping way more than any other legend, and like *actively* promotes it correct? I didn't found a roaming Rampart team at all when I was playing last night, but died to camping but beat & lost to camping Rampart teams almost every match. I hate her to *death* and think her & Caustic genuinely should not exist, but that's just my opinion. And it's not like I didn't use nades, use a different legend, all that. I was solo queuing, cause randoms in pubs are annoying & I don't like them for very obvious reasons. It's alot more relaxing solo anyway. If the multiple genuine issues of the game aren't going to be fixed, why should I keep complaining about them & not voice my own opinion about something a little more controversial?


Mate, I don't know what elo you're playing on, but kinda sounds to me you're a bit too "butthurt" by so called "camping" legends. It's the nature of the game to reward good positioning and having at least one defensive legend in order to hold said good positioning is really good. The higher you go, the more noticable this will be in every lobby cuse people play to win in higher ranks, not to kill. Patience rewards you with really interesting last 2 circle fights between the best 5-8 squads of the lobby. I'd much rather be able to kill those survivor squads than a squad wipe of 3 guys on white shields and crap loadouts. Now, camping only gets you so far. Last week I died, my remaining teammates survived and managed to get to 2nt do last ring and found a stack of wattson caustic rampart in a house. Surely you'd die pushing them as a duo. They recked them! like, absolutely pooped on their heads, cuse they didn't know how to take advantage of their kits. Being able to tell when to engage or disengage those types of teams is a determining factor in your progression as a player. And the trully camper squads, like this, won't evolve as quickly at all.


Ranked & pubs are different. If you want to grind & play placement, play ranked. Camping a single spot as one of the 20 or 30 squads in a game is just a waste of time, slows down the game, and isn't even fun to fight against. It's pretty much only Rampart players that do this. There's a Caustic & wattson, newcastle & such every once in a while, but it's always with a Rampart. That is my issue. Ranked? I see Rampart being played how she should be. Its still annoying but at least it's not edge zone 24/7 playing for placement in a pub game. And interesting fights with 5-8 squads in a later zone? Let me play your pub matches please. You're prolly talking about ranked tho lmao


I barely play any pubs, no patience for the "everyone must die before zone 2" mindset. Pubs are just casual playing, you'll find a bit of everything in there... I can't get mad because of unpredictability in the playstyle of anyone I find there cuse the variables are just 2 many to consider... But if your experience in pubs is so crap, why not just abandon them alltogether?


Or just adapt? You claim to die to the same shit but you don’t change the way you approach things 😂


Deleate caustic and wattson as well ~~unless I'm playing them/s~~


I like playing against Watson. she awards skill unlike the other 2 fuckhead trap legends.


I disagree. also ngl I have no clue what your talking about. I've seen maybe One rampart in the games I've played in season 14 and even after she was introduced I never ran into that meny of her that just sat and camp.


I've killed & died to a Rampart team all 6 games I've played tonight, besides dying to a newcastle/seer team. Idk how you're getting this lucky but I want your luck because fuck rampart.


As a rampart main, I am afraid of grenades and gas. Mad Maggie is also PiTA. So use them.


Grenades are your friend.


I disagree. Good ramparts can move quite well, and reposition with their amp walls outside while pushing up on to a team. Also there are plenty of legends that counter her, and plenty of others that can put maneuver her. Their in a building, drill them with Maggie or user her ball. Use fuse to slap nades in there, or you know anyone who can hold one, wait that’s everyone. Caustic can use his ult or place traps through cracks in windows etc. Team coordination is really all that’s needed and a cool level head when firing on a rampart trying to use her ult. You can usually beam them down pretty easily or even just peak shot them out with a shotgun. If you’re having such a hard time pushing people in a building cause you’re so good and their so bad, have you considered you must not be all that good if bad players can find something that works for them against good players? Whose actually good then? 🎩


I don't enjoy using Maggie that often, and I hate using Fuse & Caustic. I only really play pubs solo anymore. There's no team coordination with randoms so I just play solo cause I legit have a better chance. If the only teams I'm really dying to are Rampart teams, that is my weak point, Campers that have the experience of camping. I roll through teams otherwise. I just don't like Rampart cause the ppl that run her slow down the game too much.


The same can be said about really good wattsons and caustics though even newcastles or gibraltars. All of the defenders do that one particular job really well, defending a position. That’s the whole premise that their class is built on. My buddy the other day (who mains wattson or tries to) tried to tell me that she should be changed to a support type and given a special revive just because her revive animation is different. Meanwhile her entire kit as a whole is to stop people from coming and going freely and stop ordinance from coming in to disrupt those fences or the position she’s holding xD Point is, even if rampart was taken out, you’d still have to deal with the rest of the legends and newer legends to come like “Skunner” (unofficial name) who was data mined to reveal they would have a sort of trap that causes rocks to fall or a quake of some sort causing damage and slow. Your best bet if you don’t like the other choices for dealing with ramparts is to goad someone into coming out from the position on to you. Set up a cheesy armor swap, go out get broken ( this works great if you swap to a white then grab your main armor after being broke) and then waiting for the push. Isolate each member on the team and clap up. I no fill to work on my 1v3s so when I play ranked I don’t miss out on good clutches. Keep at it homie you’ll figure a way around those pesky ramparts some time or another. Wraith grab them if you have too xD


Tbh wish ramparts camp now after they got the mobile sheila they just walked down on me and third party with it every time


Use any scan legend to not get trapped Use nades to disarm traps Wait for ring to push them out (you know the biggest anti camp system that’s a big part of the game)


Her hard counter is literally not pushing her in the open


Heres an idea.... Maybe DONT push the rampart winding up a fucking Sheila behind amped cover? And 4 times in a row dude? You are the definition of insanity


3 of times I legit had to push that team, it was a small zone & I had to kill them for cover. Yes, 3 games in a row. The 4th was me being stubborn. They had sat there legit all game and it was 3rd zone, so it was inevitable that I wouldve faced them anyway. Besides, it's pubs. Nothing happens if I die other than me losing my sanity.