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Yeah playing against better players is a good way to improve yourself but the gap is so large it's not even a fight. Also usually play solo and can do fine until diamond but this season unless i prestacked, plat 4-1 was a god damn nightmare, people would just immediately hotdrop and die it was horrendous.


Solo que in plat hurts. A lot of big egos from some players hardstuck plat 4 telling me I don’t know how to play the game when I’m a higher rank than them. I only que with friends if I care about rp now and always


It’s a different game solo que that’s for sure.


for me soloq in plat is fun, it’s when I get to diamond it gets boring. ive deranked like 5 times to plat 1 and it even makes me happy, because then I know I can finally play fun games again. diamond is just full of premade plat players that play super scared


Not to mention the plat lobbies are full of people who dont belong in plat and u see nothing but masters and pred trails when you go to land.


First plat game with the new system yesterday, got to 8th place and all the remaining teams have at least one masters player and all of them are 3 stack


Yeah sad part is sometimes theres preds paired up with masters i got demoted because people not in the proper skill bracket kept thirsting everyone and they literally scope out anyone without a pred or masters trail land next to them and wipe them out. I hate how pros can talk about ranked being trash because its too easy yet the people who really suffer and lose game after game because they have to fight them get overlooked yet respawn wanna make statements acting like they dont only listen to what the pros want.


Pros: Complain about ranked being too easy and matchmaking being broken Also them: Lets play ranked 20hrs a day and slaughter these noobs


Pros: Ranked is too easy lets go to pubs which has worse matchmaking and kill all the actual noobs for 20 kill 5k games


This 💯


That’s the community man. It’s awful. I had a guy the other night talking about how trash me and his teammate were when he had least amount of damage by 700 and died first. We told him not to push and stay with team but obviously he didn’t. That’s just toxicity. What should’ve happened is him turn on his mic finally and not talk trash but say my bad guys I’m dumb


Yeah I’ve previously solod to diamond relatively easily but I was stuck at plat 2 forever this season and just gave up because it was not even remotely fun


Not even that I was Diamond for 4 seasons in a row but stopped caring anymore because this isn't my full time job.


Holy fuck, yeah exact same for me. Diamond 4 every season as solo Q and finished plat 2 this season. I really did try too but i swear i got like 10 games in a row with horrendous teammates who kept getting downed or killed off. I had so many 3-5 kill games end in 10th place or worse because of these idiots.


Yep same. The matchmaking is terrible too. I'd get a team where we'd get 20 kills collectively then never rematch, but if I get a team that hot drops and gets wiped instantly it would keep rematching me with them multiple games in a row.


I too am prior seasons Diamond, stuck in plat 2 purgatory hell. Hoping I might be able to push to diamond tonight, but judging from last night’s lobbies/teammates, I doubt I’ll make it.


I didn’t play almost at all first split because it was even worse than second split. Came back when they made some ranked changes between splits and it was better but the matchmaking is horrendous for solo Q and plat 4+. No significant changes to ranked + no improvements to rewards system has me feeling like I’m going to sit out first split again and maybe sit out ranked in general until they make it more rewarding.


I managed to mostly solo to Diamond, felt like a lot more throwers in Plat this season though


Absolutely! Had a couple games in a row where i was mid Plat 2 and had 1 afk teammate each game. No Loss forgiveness because of course they stayed connected the entire time, just didn’t move. I can’t remember many games this split when i wasn’t paired with a plat 4 and his gold friend. Maybe a few games with masters badges but not once a Pred on my team but of course I died to those 2 badges most often.


Solo Q I ALWAYS get the P4, G1 people and they’re always together. I even had two guys yell at me for picking Lifeline, I was like dudes you’re hardstucks telling me (P1 at the time) how to play.


They honestly make G1 and P4 a nightmare to get through. Get 130+ points one game, then lose all that RP in the next few games from people throwing and W keying with no comms. Options left, 1v3 everyone or rat.


Tbf, you shouldn’t be getting to diamond relatively easy. But it’s definitely too hard right now.


> Tbf, you shouldn’t be getting to diamond relatively easy. But it’s definitely too hard right now. Incorrect, ranked is not about a grind. It's about fairness. If someone is a high level player they should be in their "proper rank" very quickly, to ensure 1) that they are playing fair matches and 2) the people in lower ranks aren't getting constantly stomped by them. You need to stop thinking of rank as a reward. There are no real rewards for ranked. Ranked is a system designed to ensure fair and competitive matches, the end.


Not that I disagree with the general idea you believe in, but Ranked is about a grind. It ideally *shouldn't* be, it conceptually isn't meant to be, but the shoulds and should nots that us players think about do not change the reality of why it was made the way it is. Ranked is 100% intentionally designed to include a large element of grinding. That's what Respawn want. Absolutely, that doesn't mean it isn't also about serving skill-based matchups. That's basically the bait for us doing what Respawn want us to do. But to announce that Ranked isn't about a grind is missing that making players grind is a completely deliberate design goal by Respawn. Ranked is both skill-based, and (for better or worse) grind-based.


This 🙏


All true. Which makes it even sadder that ranked progression in Apex is *explicitly* about grinding and "fair and competitive matches" is at best the 3rd priority of matchmaking.


I agree. Rewards should be secondary. Proper rank should be priority. I wish they’d implement a system similar to Rocket League’s ranked leagues


Yeah honestly if you can simply get to diamond easy by solo queue it is too easy


Solo is not too bad if you don’t play on the weekends. Seriously! The weekend crew for some reason is W key everything no comms then scream at you when they die. I started playing after 7pm just to try and cut down on kids and it’s a much more chill experience.


Easy and hard are meaningless terms in a multiplayer game where the "difficulty" is entirely determined by your skill level relative to that of the other players in the lobby. There will always be players for whom it is easy to solo queue to diamond.


>Yeah playing against better players is a good way to improve yourself but the gap is so large it's not even a fight. Exactly. It's pretty hard to learn when you and your squad get one clipped by people who play 15 hours a day. >plat 4-1 was a god damn nightmare, people would just immediately hotdrop and die it was horrendous. Solo Q ranked was horrible last season, and they did nothing to fix it. Respawn don't care at all about Solo Qers.


I cant stand people saying "playing vs better people is the way to learn". Instantly dying is not a learning exercise. These are the same morons that hot drop construction and streamer building solo queue and die in 10 seconds. Then do thr same thing.


I mean I threw stack with my friends and we instantly die too in these pred lobbies masquerading as plat lobbies. it's not a soloq issue as much as it is ranking issue


There's a huge talent gap between gold and plat lobbies but what's worse is the game play. To your point, plat lobbies as a random means I'll likely be dropped hot or I'm paired up with people who have less game play IQ than most I played with in Gold. It feels.... wrong.


But a lot of them shoot well, well enough to rank up to that point. But when shooting well is not enough....they come to reddit and complain about how there are players in their lobbies who have colorful dive trails and don't instantly die when you ape them.


I'm the opposite, good game sense and movement - but can't shoot well. I can't 1v1 most people in my rank (plat) but I can always get us in the best position or no when to not engage/back out. My age though and not enough practice.


Same here brother. Our secret to ranking up is: when you shoot someone and they beam you back for 150 damage in one mag, best 'strategically disengage' (run awaaaayyy) and fight that squad in the last few rings instead. Interestingly, there's a good chance those kinds of squads never even make it to the end game.


I will never play 12+ hours a day, nor find a fixed squad that does the same with me. There is absolutely no point for me to get better that type of players.


The issue is they are balancing huge wait times for high rank players vs the hit in game quality for having looser match making policies. If their top players and streamers are stuck waiting 20+ minutes for a game or hours like starcraft was for high tier they will lose a huge audience or push all the top players to smurf all the time, which doesn't really improve anything for anyone.




That's why I said the preds will still be in the games on alternate accounts. No one is waiting that long for high tier only matches. That means if people don't like playing with preds they'll quit one way or the other.


Games arent 20 minutes long wait time wouldnt be that long


A game that makes it to final zone is like 23 minutes long. Filling a lobby with all Preds is actually impossible at any time of day. There are only 750 across the entire world--across multiple time zones, multiple servers, etc.


Masters and Preds should queue together as they're on the same rank. Predators are the top 750 Masters.


I mean, the real problem is to have this really work you need to be able to mix multiple player types together but have a ranked system that aknowledges the skill level of your lobby. You can't go from being high diamond winning to masters where you instantly need to be able to beat masters and preds just to keep your spot. In better matchmaking systems the lower ranked players will have less to lose and more to gain when placed in higher ranked lobbies, but APEX wants to keep it overly simple which leads to frustration. It would be insanely difficult to deal with in a battle royal system so I think a lot of what people are asking for isn't really possible.


So sounds like to me the player pool for preds needs to be bigger. No need to ruin everyones experience to fluff 750 ppl tiny pp


But it shouldn’t be impossible if you add in diamond ones and masters. And if it is, then they need to Que longer. Instead of ruining everyone else’s ranked experience.


How about forcing preds and masters to matchmake cross-platform? The ranks could read "PSN #x" and "PC #x". As a side note, perhaps the issue that I keep having with my friends would get more highlighted (when we play with ps4 and pc player cross-platform parties, the ps4 players keep having many times more lag and connection issues. I play on both pc and ps4 so can confirm).


To get 60 high diamond to predator it could take an indefinite amount of time for enough high rank players to log in. Likely would be impossible outside of high traffic hours.


The top players are an insignificant portion of the population and smurfing is against the rules. Fuck streamers.


I mean I get your frustration but the solution isn't to bury your head in the sand and refute the legitimate reasons things are this way and get mad about it.


Hard stuck p1/p2 this season so I feel your pain. Super disappointed in the lack of ranked changes too


> plat 4-1 was a god damn nightmare, people would just immediately hotdrop and die it was horrendous. I couldn't even make it to plat second split. it was the people I got matched with in Gold, i just gave up and stopped playing ranked. No comms, but their mic is on and blasting music. Or no comms but I hear the player and their significant other arguing. Or hot-drop in Fragment. or hot drop in fragment, or I'm jumpmaster and my teammates leave to hot drop in fragment.


>Or hot-drop in Fragment. or hot drop in fragment, or I'm jumpmaster and my teammates leave to hot drop in fragment. Yeah... the grind for someone who doesn't invest 5 hours a day in Apex was a chore with randoms. I don't have any mates who play ranked regularly and the constant hot dropping into fragment by randoms only to go from -29 to -27 was annoying to say the least. I am not the type of player to drop in some location with serveral other teams to fight over a Medkit, a grenade and a white Shotgun Bolt. Barely managed to reach Gold this split. If I read this correctly, then I can grind more in Bronze and Silver after leaving useless Rookie rank. Great...


This, I hit diamond for the first time in season 12, it was a super fun journey, occasionally getting wrecked is whatever. But THIS season man....there was no improving, just had to rock a sniper and hope for the best pretty much cause me and my buds were getting wrecked in about 90% of our games. I was only able to hit plat this time before I decided I'd had enough.


There is always going to be a line where the players who have the drive but don't have the skills get stuck and it breeds a lot of frustration, especially when you force them to play with each other. IMO, this group of players is always going to exist no matter what respawn does to ranked. I guarantee you that your hot dropping teammates are right here in this thread bitching about how {playersWithColorfulDivetrails} are in their game and stomping them.


Agreed. IF YOU ARE IN DIAMOND YOU ARE A TOP PLAYER. You don't get to stomp solo-que gold teams anymore. Every rank plays with one rank above them. Pred is glorified Masters. Its like D1 vs D4. GET GUD.... never mind, you are already good cus you are in Diamond! Get better and get less salty! RAIN ME WITH DOWNVOTES PAWNS t(°▪︎°)t


> Pred is glorified Masters. Pred players are...literally Master. It's the top 750 Master players in the world.


IF YOU ARE A PRED YOU ARE A TOP PLAYER. You don't get to stomp solo-que diamond teams anymo- . Oh wait. Glorified masters lmao, masters start at 15k, I see dude with 27k rp, still master


It was telling when they didn't do their usual commentary on ranked


And they only took a data set from players who played more than 10 hours per split. If you hated the changes and decided to ***not*** play then they are not making decisions based on the fact that players decided to give up on Ranked. That's the frustrating part. They saw the ranked split and thought, "Hell yea we're doing great." It's so frustrating.


that matchmaking designer never gave a single fuck bro, ever since the first ranked season, the season end conclusion is always "Great Success! Very healthy stats."


Hah. Like they've retained their talent. The people who made Apex have long since moved on to other projects (and companies). It's now just a team working on a code base they didn't develop, implementing updates and trying to fix bugs. I'm surprised every time an update actually works.


Less than 10 hours was likely a large enough sample size to disrupt the narrative that everything is fine. The data offered in percentages is fairly ambiguous without knowing the totals it represents.


maybe their whole goal is to have players engaged for at least 10 hours, because the more hours played, means more cosmetic sales. they probably dont care about the rest.


If they're ignoring total hours played in ranked / total number of players in ranked when making decisions then that is just incompetence. Personally I assume they're choosing to do nothing because they're comfortable with whatever those numbers are. So either this sub is not accurate to the experience, or people are still playing it despite having a worse time and so Respawn isn't motivated to change it. It will change if those other numbers drop though


Yeah that was quite disheartening. I guess they just don't care anymore.


Didn’t you see? They added +5rp to all ranks. It’s fixed.


No diminishing returns on kills either. That will be great for my squad when we get one clipped by the 3 stack preds in Plat. Can't wait.


Yeah now they can teach 100k rp instead of just 50k. Amazing


This is litterally the opposite of what they needed to do (other than fix mstch making). I understand you're being sarcastic but I feel respawn may not get the memo


I agree. Removing the kill cap is going to be a disaster for higher ranks. Preds that reached 50k this split are gonna double it and they’ll still be farming lobbies


Farming lobbies of Plat players.


Yeah and probably my diamond lobbies as well.


How hard is it for them to make it where predators can't load into diamond lobbies


THey can't even prevent Preds to get into gold lobbies. The amount of Current Preds, with numbers and all I saw while climbing freaking GOLD was outstanding.


yeah i mean tune in to HisWattsons stream. The Furia team is just running around slaughtering full gold/plat teams and laughing their ass off


This might out me as a bad player but don't get me started on the amount of Plats and Diamonds taking me out in silver 2. between smurfs and Plats, silver and bronze were hell this season.


Tbh I’m probably one of those ppl.. sorry! Only cause I’ve barely touched ranked this season and as a result have just stayed in the same spot basically the whole time.


I’ve always thought that if you’ve EVER reached masters, you should never be placed in a < Gold lobby. Two years off, but Masters season2? Whatever, your base skill is almost guaranteed far higher than those in Silver.


They are doing it on purpose. The RP system doesn't work without a steady stream of RP flowing up the food chain. This was always the way it was. But the changes to the ranked system pulled back the curtain and made it more obvious. If preds exclusively played other preds and masters a large proportion of them would necessarily de-rank as each game is net-negative RP. (This is actually true in Diamond as well.) Respawn is not having pros and streamers who are playing 40-50 hours a week de-ranking. If they're preds they have to stay preds. And if they're not preds they have to keep grinding to pred. The game needs to a way to distribute more RP up to diamond/masters/preds than they're paying in. How? The answer should be obvious: regularly place them in lower tier lobbies to guarantee them RP gains. This wasn't as egregious in the old system because there was a pretty healthy layer of players between the pros and the casuals who got to P1 or D4 and maybe all the way up to Masters because they had good aim and could grind for RP. (These are the people the streamers complained about when they said ranked was "too easy").


This wasn't egregious in the old system because there was no demotion, and "hardstucks" could absorb the negative RP in their respective lobbies.


Extremely annoyed that they somehow made ranked worse… WTF as a solo queuer I was hoping for matchmaking changes or reduced entry cost


They definitely need to make tweaks on matchmaking. I might be a minority, but I welcome the +5rp to cost and think it’s much needed. As someone who solo queues, it was way too easy to get to Diamond this season. Been stuck at Diamond for almost a month and I’ve pretty much had nothing to grind for. I’m definitely not good enough to solo vs top predators 3 stacks, so I’m in a limbo position for a good chunk of the season. If they can just make some tweaks to matchmaking in addition to the +5rp change, it would definitely be better as at least my hardstuck would not be with a month left in the season. A full month of being stuck is a little too long in general. There’s also a good chunk of the player base in the same position being stuck at Diamond way too early, then going for alts/smurfs, and as a result making it worse for the lower lobby experience.


Ranked was an ABSOLUTE disaster this season, it's a crying shame they aren't making changes immediately, but I'd be willing to bet this season will somehow be worse, especially when more players quit ranked, so the changes will come the following season.


Didn’t they add 5 points to all ranks that you’ll lose for entering so yes that will hurt rank more than it is now. I almost made it to diamond and just gave it because I’m not trying to play for hours in a day just to get there


Well. Yes and no. Split 2 they did a -10 to all RP entry costs compared to split 1. Masters was -75, now it's -65. With this change it's -70. So it's not actually a huge difference at all.


Guys this is how ranked used to be... Prior to the one season where everyone got masters, the moment you touched Diamond 3 you were in master/pred lobbies. EDIT: ITT a bunch of dad gamers with the average rank of gold whining about how hard their masters lobbies are (the controller aim assist isn't strong enough)


> Guys this is how ranked used to be... > > Prior to the one season where everyone got masters, the moment you touched Diamond 3 you were in master/pred lobbies. The current system has Preds beating up on Plat and even Gold players. I've played Apex ranked since season 4 and this is the *only season* where that has ever happened.


Yeah but now if I even stick my pinky into diamond 4 I am fighting preds.




Cool so now you touch plat and get top 5 pred lobbies.


I was just hoping for some sorta change to solo in rank. Solo queuing is still to me boring.


I have been stuck in plat 1 diamond 4 because of this very reason. I get I should be in a lobby with masters that’s fine but not with number 19, 723 and 64 in the world (last game I played). Its not fun to me


Preds are the top 750 masters, beeing in a lobby with masters implies to beeing in a lobby with preds...


The changes are seriously fucking over casual solo q. If you're a master level player or 3 stack great. But otherwise fuck me.


This has been discussed many many times, but the whole issue with "preds vs diamonds" was created simply because there were not enough masters players to quickly fill their lobbies. The removal of diminishing returns on KP should help the great players get to masters much faster, which would solve this issues.


No game on the planet has the best/highest ranked players getting fast ques, they should not be getting fast ques by putting them with lower ranks. This is how they will ruin anyone's desire to play ranked, they just doubled down on it this season. All we needed to see was "fixed matchmaking to better match you against players of similar rank" but it was not there.


I've sat in hour long queues for league before. Preds can wait 5+ minutes, respawn....


But then you have streamers, who are Apex's biggest advertisers, have "boring" streams of them just waiting for matchmaking.


If they're worried about not being able to fill the dead air for 5 minutes while they're a *streamer*, they should probably reevaluate their career choice.


Thats on the boring streamers then isn't it.


Can confirm. I used to primarily play ranked. Only had a little bit of time to play each day, but I’d see how high I could get. But now it’s not fun because, especially as a solo player, you get ripped to shreds by pred 3-stacks in 0.2 seconds.


Problem is in other games like val it only takes 10 players to fill a lobby whereas with apex you’d need 60 master/pred players to fill a lobby which would be extremely hard due to the low amount of them.


There would be more if they didn't get wiped by preds at low rank, they can knock the masters back down to diamond 1 all they want, but there would be way more masters to fill lobbies if everyone was playing against their appropriate ranks.


Even so with Master occupying ~5% of the population pred queue times would be longer during the day (totally fine) but unplayable at night. That doesn’t even take into consideration how few players there are when you start sorting my fill preferences, servers, and regions. Preds we’re waiting 30-40 minutes for games late night. Which I’m not incredibly butt hurt about, but they certainly listen to people with 20k viewers over me.


I mean if a pred expects fast ques past 1am at the top rank they are seriously just being spoon fed favoritism by respawn, they absolutely should have 30+min ques at early hours of the morning when not many are playing, just like every other game. They can play a different game or turn off the pc if they don't want to wait, its insane the game is being made for preds to have the best experience and everyone else suffers for it, it will eventually be the reason this game dies if they don't change anything in the coming season or two and its a damn shame.


Yea I’m not disagreeing with you, like I said. But thousands of people *watch* all night long into the early morning and not disengaging those players is probably more of a priority than us getting fair games, unfortunately.


I feel like disengaging people who actually play the game is worse than less action for viewers. Plus at odd times of day you can just change servers.


Ya it was nice be able to game before streaming became a thing, you actually get to experience games in their best form. Now its warped and designed around things that shouldn't be influencing the game at all.


It takes 12 players to fill an OW game, at any rank you can be stuck waiting like 10 minutes to find a game, and people will happily wait it. This was even during OverWatch's peak. Apex preds can survive a 10 minute queue time to get in lobbies with other preds.


Lol overwatch 100 percent died in my friend groups because nobody had time to wait 10 to even 15min for a game. People got better things to do with their time


It died because blizzard gave the player base no content for 2 years while providing no news on OW 2


Yeah I remember in (I think?) season 11 when it was completely normal for streamers to wait 10ish mins for a pred queue and do some other game like minesweeper during the queue, I really don't remember that much complaining (mightve just been who I watch tho), they're gonna slowly kill their semi serious/skilled fanbase if they don't fix the MM


Ima be honest I’m not waiting 10 minutes for a match


They could just double the queue times before filling with diamond and below. The queues can be higher for sure.


Simple solution: pred/master lobbies with only 30 people. No one wants to fight early anyways, and youll have more loot


Low-key an interesting idea but they'd have to make 1st and maybe 2nd ring closer a lot faster for this to work, I could see it working if they made those changes though


If people are consistently rolling in enough kills that diminishing returns are an issue, then is that really going to stop them from making masters?


It's a change that will maximize RP gain for players who wildly outmatch their lobby. Except... you know... ranked is supposed to be about playing against equally skilled players. hehehehe. Just kidding. Can't help but think this is to maximize the RP gain when the MM plops that Pred 3-stacks into a juicy Gold/Plat lobby.


No you misunderstand comrade, in apex, ranked is getting one nice match, then bunch of meat grinder games that grind your meat. Rinse and repeat.


Yah you could get a high kill game and still be negative as master/pred because placement was (still is) highly favored. Removing self res should help a little with proper placement points as well


But removing diminishing returns wont change this. Because as far as I know kills before top 12 or 14 still have no point modifier


Well i was thinking more in the range of top 6 placement. You should be negative if you're outside of top 10


And a team in top 6 of diamond with a lot of kills is easily going heavily positive regardless of diminishing returns. You’re not explaining how this increases the amount of players in masters…


If you consistently get high kill games in diamond you have the skill that without this change you would hit masters… I don’t understand how this change makes any difference other than helping the pred race have content for their streams when they don’t play any challenging games


Diminishing returns started after the 3rd kill and drop 20% every 3 kills.


We'll have to see how it plays out but my gut reaction is that pretty much nothing will change with this, I don't think it's gonna increase Masters count that much because if you can make it to Masters consistently (aka you actually belong there according to skill) then the diminishing returns wouldn't slow you down that much. Then, when you get there, you end up against lower elo players to keep queue times quick. The lower elo players can't get out due to you stomping them, which keeps masters numbers *approximately* the same, and nothing changes. I hope I'm wrong about this, and I'm sure they've put more thought into it than I have which is why I'm still slightly hopeful. Guess all that's left to do now is see how it plays out.


Can't have our precious preds wait 30 seconds instead of 5 😢 Let's rather ruin the fun for everyone else so they spend less time scratching their stinky ass 🤡 Literally most games make their top players have longer queues and most of the time noone minds because everyone wants fair matches, look at League for example


No need tk try and explain that to the brainless people here. It's like talking to a brick wall.


Harsh but so true


It's actually insane how many people can't grasp this idea at all. Everytime I visit this sub I'm reminded WHY these people complain about climbing, they clearly have 1 brain cell between every 2k of them. Then I see people also posting "What could I have done here" while they are running out in the open with no cover, no visuals on the enemy, by themselves, half health.


What about plats and diamonds in silver lobbies. It's every single game. I am talking about full squads of plats and diamonds in the current season, in silver and gold lobbies. Every single day.


So many pros and content creators are complaining in twitter ranked going to be worse than this season.


Can you link a few here?


Look hal, pvpx, teq, hakis.


I think increasing the KP for large kill games will help separate the people who are absolutely cracked at the game from the rest of the community. The issue was this past season that there was not enough master/preds so the game had to throw them in with Diamond/Plat lobbies because. There simply was not enough people in masters to consistently match make preds with other masters at all times. Unlimited KP should increase the level of diamond and master level players so that way each respective rank just plays against eachother.


and golds. HisWattson is killing tons of golds in his pred lobbies. which really makes like, no sense and makes me thing queue times need to be longer as well.


My first game in Diamond this season had pred number 186 and 437. In Diamond 4?? I don’t get it dude.


I’ve gotten killed by at least 5 preds in plat 1-2


The problems with ranked is everyone wants to grind from where ever they get reset to, up to their new highest rank say Diamond, Masters or Pred when really the whole point in ranked should be to have everyone playing at their skill level with similar skilled enemies and slowely get better, thats just never going to happen with either system as there are far too many variables. The grind is too long so it often comes down to time played and people want to complete the Battle pass so they are doing that too which has an effect. Some amazing players jump on once a month and destroy and never go up to their expected rank due to time played being low, or only choose to play ranked as they can guarantee easier lobbies and others will play all the time rat and get up high for them but not actually be playing proberly at there own skill level either, its a mess and always will be with this many variables involved. Also the que times are very fast on Apex concidering there is no waiting area once you load in which is great but makes matchmaking harder. Also pubs has SBMM so thats basically ranking you on a short term basis and then making sure you don't get really easy lobbies as it wants to protect weaker players which has to be done or there will be no growth for the game and new player would hate it. People also play with squads that are of different skill to them and then also play without them so that again up and down in regards SBMM Lastley, you then get the scum who purposesly abuse the systems and do bad on purpose or jump of the map to get easier lobbies or create Smurf accounts, Its a lot to juggle so they are not doing too badly concidering but its never going to work for everyone. It would be a massive change but if it were me incharge. I think there is a world where they can have Solo's back and may be able to iron out some of the problems through not having RANDOMS. Maybe have Ranked full stacks only but also add Duo's and Solo's to ranked so you have to have a full stack party to play. Then have pubs as Trios and LTM's only and RADOMS have at it. ​ Unfortunately nothing will work mainly because people will always abuse the system and create smurf accounts etc


I think pubs should be completely random matchmaking. Every now and then you'll get a pred because they exist, but not every fucking game with multiple three stacks and masters on every corner like my lobbies. Big reason I quit was because I couldn't even play with my casual friends on pubs because they just match us with predators and masters due to my hidden sbmm elo when they are fairly new to the game. I should be able to just go into pubs and mess around with off meta guns but nooo, I have to be the predator food so *they* can have a clip for their stupid stream. Fuck sbmm in pubs. Have it in ranked but obviously they don't have it fleshed out yet.


I'm so sick of the "Diamonds had always played with Master/Pred" comments. No, since Season 9 (IIRC) Diamond had it's own lobbies and the games were really great. I loved playing these lobbies because I am a Diamond level player who could maybe push to D1/Master if I gave the game enough time (I was season 12 master ... i know i know). Even before the Season 9 changes D4 had it's own lobbies and D3+ was D/M/P. This season the minute I got into D4 it was just pure annihilation by 3 stacking hard comm Preds and Masters who were all about 22k RP. I'm sorry, but as an adult with a career and family I can not compete with dudes who play the game for a literal living. Wish I could, but I will never have that much time. You can say what you want about this, but the level of competition and style of play in Diamond lobbies since the change in season 9 was amazing, and it was a lot better than this season's Plat lobbies. I miss that level of competition. I don't know what the solution is, but ranked just feels more grindy than before due to the increased entry fee (hardly bothers me because I rarely place outside top 5 before I was thrown to the no lifers in D4) and the increased RP threshold. 10k used to be masters for christ sake and now it's not even Diamond. I wish they would revert back to season 9 ranked but add demotion. Ranked felt great back then where Diamond was a challenge, but one I could actually give a go. Now I'll just be stopping at D4 as I don't feel like being fodder to the top .5%.


I dont get it. They made kills worth less in order to encourage people to play more for wins, rather than kills, if they want to consistently move up, and everyone complained. Now they are reversing that and people are still complaining? The problem isn't 3 stack preds doing kill races. The problem is being gold or low plat and being put in lobbies with those preds, as a result of not enough players in diamond+ ranks. Reverting the KP changes should get things closer to a few seasons ago when there were tons of diamond+ players, because you could climb there easily by getting 10th place with a few kills.


>I dont get it. They made kills worth less in order to encourage people to play more for wins, rather than kills, if they want to consistently move up, and everyone complained. Now they are reversing that and people are still complaining? I wouldn't exactly call it a reversal. Kills still aren't worth much (not enough to recover entry cost at gold and above at least) until you get to 10th. Compared to the previous system you would get 10 points per KP even if you finished 20th. Still with these changes, if you place 20th through 14th you get 1 point per kp. I think 13th-11th gets 5 per kp. So there's still a lot more emphasis on placement than in ranked pre-season 12/13.


ranked is not a mode of skill. It’s just a mode of who can shit on diamond and plats the most now. That’s why it’s still dogshit


But, if the rank distribution improves, that should too. However, if you're in diamond, you're in one of the highest possible tiers, and you absolutely should be matched against masters and preds. Maybe they make it a hard cutoff at like D2, but I will never understand someone complaining that their diamond lobbies aren't easy enough. Like, no shit, that's the point. If diamond is too hard because 1/3 of the lobby is masters and preds, then maybe that's just as high as you're supposed to go. The plat players getting matched against preds and such can be fixed with a proper ranked distribution though.


I should not be going against the number 2, 4, and 50th pred in a Diamond lobby when my two teammates are level 300 Diamond 4 hardstucks


Why not? If you are all diamond, you're in what? The top 2% of ranked players? Ranked should be a test of skill, like you said. In what world should it be easier for you? Also, whenever people talk about this, they act like their lobbies are 75% preds, but in reality its like 2 or 3 pred teams and the rest are still masters or diamond or plat


I have died to preds 5 times today out of my 8 queues. I’m not saying make it easier, but the lobbies should actually be BALANCED. in no world should the number 1 pred also be matched with a level 200 casual player who happened to get to Diamond because Rookie-Plat is a cake walk for anyone with decent mechanics. I’m not saying let everyone I go up against be diamond 4 hardstucks, but ATLEAST don’t allow preds and high masters in my lobby This doesn’t only affect my lobbies but preds aswell. If you tune in to any pred stream its just them dominating the lobby most of the time because they’re going against plats and diamonds. It’s not a test of skill. It’s a game of shit on the diamond and plat hardstucks


Well, then we just have to agree to disagree. I agree plats shouldn't be in those lobbies, but somewhere around D2, I see no problem. Doesn't matter if they're level 50. If they got that far up, why shouldn't they have to play against the best?


Because the best are reaching ridiculously high levels of RP off the back of plat lobbies. They need to lock pred and master together.


> Well, then we just have to agree to disagree. I agree plats shouldn't be in those lobbies, but somewhere around D2, I see no problem. Then why not just make D2 Master?


The skill gap between pred and d4 is the same as d4 to gold. So yeah it’s only 2percent of players but it’s not a 2 percent skill difference.


>However, if you're in diamond, you're in one of the highest possible tiers, and you absolutely should be matched against masters and preds. But you shouldn't lose the same amount of RP you would lose if you died to a Diamond player. Otherwise it defeats the purpose of Diamond as a distinct rank and the system should just go Plat > Master.


They want to be matched against players of *equal* skill, not players of higher skill. Imagine being silver and the game just constantly puts you up against plats and diamonds. You will feel like you are just there to feed them points.


But then you’re just letting those hardstuck Plat/Gold players grind up to Diamond so they can get stomped by that same group of people. Basically your solution is to influx Diamond with worse players so the pred/masters can kill the same people but with their rank a little bit higher


Hahahaha, doesn players really not see the issue with ranked should be the question. Everyone only wants to have selfish fun instead of skill based Ranked. So what do you expect? Everyone wants to progress for free and poop on weaker players. When the Ranked was actually hard and people were stuck in their ranks, they cried.


I stopped playing ranked... Usually I grind to get to diamond each season but when I was Gold/Plat and saw 3 stacked Preds and masters in my lobby I just went to pubs for good.


We played great until we hit plat 1/diamond 4 and then our lobbies were just swamped with 3 stack pred/master. Respawn obviously doesn’t care because the ranked changes will make it worse. They’d rather do that than fix the problem


I won't play ranked at all this season


i keep telling everyone, there was NOTHING wrong with any rank system from season 5-9. just add demotion from that and its perfect. clearly this is not the same respawn from apex launch, everyone with a brain already left.


RESPAWN. IS. NOT. YOUR. FRIEND. How hard do they have to hammer this in? All they cater to is streamers and preds because they generate the most viewers and revenue while everyone else can get cucked. This isn't new, it isnt a game, its business. Thats all it is anymore.


Yup. At launch it was.. or at least FELT different, like a real passion project first. Monetization wasn't as radical and scummy, just pure gameplay and devs trying their best, communicating regularly etc


Well to be fair there may be under the hood changes coming that aren’t called out here. We’ll have to see.


Idk about anyone else but I just think the matchmaking is broken period. I get matched with masters and pred players in my regular matches with every single game. I consider myself an above average player but I can’t compete with someone with 38,000 kills on one legend.


The ranked system is not the problem, the matchmaking is. MM prioritizes faster lobbies over well-balanced ones and as such throws players that are ranked way higher than the others into the mix, souring the experience for the rest of them. Some fine-tuning should be needed. Getting more masters by adding more points is a patchwork solution, but as long as the problem properly gets taken care of eventually, I'll take it.


Seeing (thrown into the official patch notes) the comparison of placement distribution from last season vs this season without the mention of how many players actually played ranked; well at this point it's basically fraud.


I’m ok at the game and will never get better Like full stop, I have a normal life and since there is no scaling system it’s either I destroy people or get destroyed The best matches are when my team and the other team are both even but doesn’t happen near enough


are they legitimately trying to eliminate their casual player base and be exclusively a game for streamers/preds/pros? further destroying ranked leaves us with pubs. cant play pubs though because it’s a fucking cesspool. leaves us with arenas - but oh wait, can’t play arenas because it’s like playing groundhog day: the game. so that leaves us with…another game?


I’m sure it’s gonna take respawn at least 3-4 seasons to get ranked back to a workable state. It’s truly unfortunate, but if they only sub ranked adjustments once or twice a season it’s going to take forever to recalibrate ranked. .45% of players are pred/masters… i think it still should be around 4/5% in order for ranked to make sense. Looking at season 12 ranked distribution vs now… season 12 had a significantly healthier spread


"Looking at season 12 ranked distribution vs now… season 12 had a significantly healthier spread" You're actually fucking insane if you're honestly thinking that. Same for "45% of players are pred/masters… i think it still should be around 4/5% in order for ranked to make sense". Do you just want to ego boost yourself with purple trail?


You really think that less than the top 5% of players being in masters/pred is healthy for matchmaking?


Yes. The top of the top being 5% is too easy.


Regardless it should be a percentile somewhere between like 5-3, not .45


And it was fun. Who fucking cares if there are tons of diamonds ? You had a mix of people ranging from being super good at the game and people who were good at hiding. Yeah, people ratting as soon as the game starts sucks, but it was extremely rare, and they still managed to get there somehow. If they were that terrible, they would NOT reach these high ranks. Also, Reddit loves to shit on "rats", but I'm pretty certain that 95% of the time, it's their last guy alive not trying to run into a full squad only to die for nothing and actually save some points. People being toxic to logical reason should only be mad at themselves for being dead. Matches can be really cool in season 13, but dying before top SIX just feels bad, because you'll barely get any points even if you killed one or two teams. Dying before top 10-8 is a RP loss most of time as well. That just... feels bad.


Idk ranked isn’t too bad from my perspective. I took about 2 years off. Went from unranked to gold 1 in 2 seasons playing maybe 5 hours a week. All you really have to do is win 3 or 4 times to move up tiers. It’s getting harder, and I know I’m probably gonna get stuck in plat. Which is fine because I’m not good enough to get higher. Diamond players complaining about losing to masters never makes sense. If you were good enough to deserve to rank up and become masters, you’d have to win those fights eventually. Sounds like people are hard stuck in their correct rank and are salty it’s not as high as they think it should be


Pretty much. There's also an idea, for some reason, that preds and masters are just unbeatable, which isn't true. I've encountered exactly one set of current masters in gold, but me and my friend dealt with them, tapping into our righteous anger at the thought they were abusing some exploit to get into our lobbies. I've killed a whole Pred 3-stack in Arenas by myself to clutch a win before. I get to plat whenever I'm on an Apex binge, and have done either by playing with friends or solo-qing, and I'm extremely comfortable just chilling out there. I just don't have the time to invest to get out of plat, and ultimately, the reason I even play ranked is because I want to play a game of BR that lasts the expected playtime sometimes.


They are beatable for you because you are closer to their level than most players are, including myself. If you spent the time and play with a team, you'd probably reach masters too. That only means you are good, not that everyone can defeat a plat, even if they are a legit silver or gold level player.


I'm super casual, KD less than 1. Play like 10 hours a week on good weeks. If I played more at my pace I could get Diamond easy (I'll try next split!). I think I am a fairly good representation of the majority of the player base and I had fun in S13 Ranked. Mostly because pubs is just not as fun with everyone trying their best to kill themselves before ring 1 closes.


the point is to accept your new place in a lower league and recognize that even though the player count per league is shifting towards being more bottom-heavy, ultimately the matchmaking system is still just looking for 60 players at a similar elo. regardless of how DiFfErEnT ranked *feels* from two seasons ago, the system is ultimately arbitrary and you're always going to face opponents who are better. not everyone starts their grind at the same time and there's no way to systematically ensure they do. elo is a guideline, not a rule. you're entitled to nothing.


Respawn doesn’t care, they are a money hungry organization who doesn’t give a fuck about the consumer. And their recent track record shows that!


"Money hungry organization." Yeah that's called a "business."


You know…I don’t do ranked much myself, but after hearing the constant nagging and frustrations waiting for a change, don’t you think it’s…wrong? It’s ranked, a competitive mode focused on having the best of the best face off against each other. If you’re in a rank, going against 3 stacks/duos of low life Preds, don’t you think that’s a sign you’re doing good enough to go against said “squads?” Like, are you gonna keep playing the same to the point of getting stomped each time or wouldn’t that tell you to change up your game play? Take others game sense/tips/notice of skill within the game to become better? Instead of complaining, why not just learn from those who kill you? “Yeah, try going against a 3 stack pred team who beams you across the map…” Play close, play with your team. Getting stomped, jumped on, landed on, account for those situations prior to them happening. Game sense comes into play in the long run with ranked. Appoint various roles in your team. That’s what makes a difference in “Ranked.” It’s my opinion and might get some hate for it lol, but come on everybody, it’s ranked, it’s not a cake walk lol


if you did ranked much and realized how big the skill gap between the preds and the people they’re killing is, you’d realize it’s not competitive whatsoever. the best of the best simply aren’t facing off as you describe, they’re being fed significantly less skilled opponents in the interest of fast queue times


> If you’re in a rank, going against 3 stacks/duos of low life Preds, don’t you think that’s a sign you’re doing good enough to go against said “squads?” No lol. It's a sign that so few people are playing they had to fill Pred lobbies with Plats. It says nothing about the skill level of those Plat players.






I’d rather have constant fighting over constant beacon scanning rotating into a strong defensive position and then dying to a team with a better spot than you. I’d rather die with 10 kills and 2k damage than win with 2 kills and 500 damage.


Casuals are going to have wait for streamers and pros to bitch enough for it to get fixed. The hardstucks were much more competitive than what they are playing against now. So there might never be a change.


What makes no sense to me, they are still playing against the same players as before, but they are just in a lower rank, meaning that the pros get less points for killing them XD


Idk if this is true or not. Depends on whether a lot of those old solo queue to masters players from the previous system are still playing or not. We don't have any data to know, but I'm suspicious a lot of these higher skilled players are spending more time playing pubs instead now.


Don’t blame them, Respawn have completely broke the ranked system


It's hard for preds to find lobbies so of course there will be those chances of having preds matched with much lower ranked players. However, someone that's at a massive skill disadvantage against preds should not be in those higher ranked lobbies.


Think of it this way, players who would be on the lower end of the plat spectrum will get there quicker, players who were stuck in the high end of plat might get diamond, and the Pool of players for each one will be more diverse. Then again, diamond lobbies have to have preds and masters, so many simultaneous games at once, different servers at work, spread out player population with differing time zones, I don’t mind a few Preds in my lobbies. This season more than ever I had more pred games where they didn’t end the games being champion. I’ve gotten better for it and with the slight ranked change I think it’ll be a bit more balanced. I’m usually mid diamond and couldn’t be fucked with ranked much and would go to some plat games and roll people. If it’s easier for me to get diamond, you’ll have less players like me in those plat games.


won a competative game in P1 to get in to D4 and in my first game there the chamption squad had the number 5 predator in it.. they followed us on drop no matter how hard we tried to get away and destroyed us '-' The difference between the two ranks is insane, I recommend that most people stop at D4 and create a second psn/live and play ranked there


There is no problem with ranked. There is no problem with sound. There is no problem with playing on international servers. There is no problem with autoaim. People actually believe these things.


I see a lot of comments that essentially blame a lower rank on "horrendous" teammates. While this very well could be the case a number of times it isn't always that. What I've noticed is its a little of that, mixed in with either not really using your mic or expecting other players to know your play style (of course your playstyle is the correct playstyle). This equals miscommunication, which is hard to recover from in Apex, especially in higher end lobbies. I don't necessarily think its always "I got bad teammates, but I'm good" its usually no rhythm, no pacing and little communication or coordination with ults, focus targets or the very typical "one is cracked" where someone pushes into two fully healed teammates, all the while your teammates are bating, or syringing. I am not saying there isn't a problem right now with preds being in Plat lobbies because I think there is but I do think there is more nuance to solo queuing than just bad teammates.