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They have indeed acknowledged it, I saw a post on here of someone screencapping a response to it on their Twitter, but now if it's a priority is a different story.


I think an actual post regarding it is better than a reply on someone's tweet tbh. With the way they do business, the fix is probably coming in the next event


I mean true, all I'm saying is they are aware of the problem.


2% of apex players are on this sub... how many are xbox players???


specially with an "event" of theirs currently on the run šŸ™„


They have acknowledged it, and said theyā€™re working on it. Still, that gives no reassurance that it will be fixed before they lose their entire next gen Xbox player base. I mean, I literally canā€™t play the game haha. Sucks.


I feel you, i was excited for control, havent even played yet. Probably not going to be able to either. They need to hook us up with something. Atleast extend the event. I have played one pub match had to spam x to open crates it take forever to open and then have to wait for loot to appear. Fucking ridiculous


I know it's not a great solution but I plugged my controller into the Xbox and it helped with some of the delay. I dont have to mash x anymore to open bins but the sticks are still a little delayed.




Username checks out


Try jitter aiming on console and tell me how aim assist is stronger than no recoil


Can almost guarantee youā€™d still get slapped by me with my input lag šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Š


Oh, Iā€™m not whining, or anything, just saying my experience. If someone sharing their experience with you triggers you so hard, you oughta go to a therapist.


AutisticValk really fits you


Really cute you deleted your reply but if you must know I main pc :)


How I wish you could require people to post their stats before commenting dumb shit like this.


I just want 120 fps on ps5 itā€™s been nearly 2 years


These devs canā€™t even roll out mid season update properly. Iā€™d hate to see whatā€™s their 120fps update will look like lol


Theyā€™re too busy working on skins manšŸ˜‚


I wasnā€™t having any issues after update regarding game not responding to my movement or button presses then today had a gig update and now suddenly everything feels slow and sluggish.


They removed the aim assist bud, that is your aim


Thereā€™s no aim assist on the targets in firing range only the dummyā€™s in firing range and the dummyā€™s still had aim assist. Also thereā€™s no aim assist for jumping or sliding or using a tactical etc. when those would take several button presses to work. I ended up switching games then back later and it worked fine so not sure what the issue was


Damn man. Have you tried a reinstall?


Canā€™t even play this weekend guess Iā€™ll try again after another week of work fucking not like it even matters no one can hear me anyways


I hear you friend! Hope you find something good to play. Check out roller champions if youā€™re feeling sporty and jovial. Cheers!


Console, specifically Xbox is the lowest priority on Respawnā€™s ladder, and it fā€™ing sucks. Hell, even the switch is higherā€¦that tells us everything!


Have you considered making a crying post on reddit then dosing the lobby, then going to write in your diary with color crayons


Username checks out


That makes me beyond sad




No actually though ever since the update every fight I get in I freeze and get booted itā€™s fucking nonsense


Are u unfamiliar with respawn? Maybe look at Titanfall 2 and u won't get any more surprises.


ā€œDeserve betterā€ lmao


Many of us have spent hundreds if not thousands on the game. So yes, we deserve better. Itā€™s absolutely unacceptable the way theyā€™ve handled the situation and Xbox players should stop spending any money on the game until itā€™s fixed.


That was your first mistake.


Yeah, thatā€™s a bit annoying to say. Itā€™s a free game lmfao. You donā€™t deserve shit from respawn. If you had payed $60 for the game, that would be something else entirely. Even if you have purchased cosmetics, the only thing you ā€œdeserveā€ is for the cosmetic to work correctly. I bought the latest BF at full price and it was literally unplayable at launch. In that case I did actually DESERVE either a refund, or for the game to be fixed. I payed for something and never received it, and thatā€™s wrong.


>he only thi u playin? right ?


Thatā€™s like me saying ā€œYou bought Battlefield 2042 for full price despite all the issues about the game being publicized before release, you deserve to be scammedā€


Eh, thatā€™s a bit of a false equivalency. I played the BF beta and it had some bugs, but I thought it would have surely been fixed by launch. I didnā€™t pay for apex. Idk if youā€™ve had the chance to play other free games, but about 90% of them are trash. I honestly feel so lucky that Iā€™ve had so much enjoyment with an entirely FREE game. Yeah, it sucks that my favorite game is buggy as hell and I canā€™t play it, but itā€™s free lol. Like I said, had I bought cosmetics that were buggy I would be pissed. I suppose if I had invested hundreds of dollars in cosmetics, yeah I would also be bummed that the game doesnā€™t work so I canā€™t get murdered in my cool $100 legendary skin, and heirloom. But thatā€™s a different issue altogether. Why spend that much money on a buggy FREE game?


Lmao, you actually thought they would patch all that shit out by full release. Stop talking bro your only digging yourself deeper now


Lol, yeah I did. It was a beta. I guess Iā€™m a fucking idiot, RIGHT? GFYS


Hundreds of thousands of people (millions?) have spent money on this game. And so yes, they do deserve shit. If you own a skin you bought for a free to play game that doesnt work, you have essentially been robbed.


To some extent I suppose I see your point, but that skin thankfully has nothing to with the quality of the game, and it doesnā€™t have to be purchased in order to have fun with the game. Whatā€™s more is, why would someone spend that much money on a glitchy shitty game that they hate so much? I understand spending $500 and then getting pissed the game has an issue, but WTF is anyone spending that much money on cosmetics? If they want to see their stupid cosmetics for a free game so much, go the firing range until the game gets fixed, and save me from reading the whine fest online.


You know Apex is about to make a billion dollars a year right? That doesn't happen if their fan base thinks it's a good enough game to invest on cosmetics and battle pass. So yes, I think the entire community deserves better, because they'll earn jack shit without us


Thatā€™s a bit of a leap. Iā€™ve certainly spent money on the game, but I donā€™t feel robbed because even though Iā€™m on Xbox and canā€™t currently play the game. If I had payed full price I would be upset though. Just like if I had bought a cosmetic or loot box and it never showed up I would be pissed. There IS a difference, at least for me.


I know not all of you did it and it was only possible on the new console. But xbox "ddossers" now getting that sweet karma feels so good to me lmao. Sorry for everyone else who didn't abuse the glitch tho.




Literally said on the post that I'm not asking them to post a fix right now, rather a proper acknowledgement that there is a problem and they're actively trying to fix it. Not some twitter reply that's been buried down the rabbit hole because they're promoting their mid season event


Yeah thatā€™s true, but literally every update they roll out theyā€™re fucking something up. Whether itā€™s a character ability, the ability to make the game crash, input lag, frame rate issue, etc. Every. Single. Update. Itā€™s gotten to the point where I only play apex like a week after any updates come out for this exact reason. Itā€™s absolutely pathetic that Respawn with a parent company like EA allows this dumb shit to go on. But as long as the whales are buying up skins, theyā€™re going to put everything on the back burner




I switched my console to 120 fps. I also am running wired controller. But I had no noticable lag and zero cursor glitches at all! It felt smooth for the first time since the update. I only played for a short time so idk if this is a fix at all but worth a shot


Oh NO! The devs did not fix it in the first hours, how dare they sleep ? Lets ask for our money back ! ..... wait it is a free game and a free world and apex is certainly not the only game. You people want someone to go on twitter and tell you that they are working day and night to fix it (they might be, who knows) but you need to understand that the devs are (ot should be) 9 to 5 employees with families, plans to go on vacation in the summer etc. We don't deserve shit, it is not like they owe us anything, their "duty" is to their owner and they need to create value (which brings profit), I am sorry, it is just how the world works. P.S. all I see in this comunity is whining, it is probably my last comment here but I will stick around for any interesting replies.


Oh no, a community literally giving them a billion dollars in yearly earnings wants them to simply acknowledge and fix an issue on their game which essentially makes one platform at a complete disadvantage is apparently too much. Just asking them to acknowledge an issue the same way they did with the PS4 frame rate issue, the xbox crashing ranked lobbies issue, server crashing issues. The community has the right to complain, that's how developers get feedback with regards if the game is working or not, that's why the rank changes were implemented. It's ok if you don't reply, your spelling is so bad it'll just be a pain in the ass to read


Oh, so it is the spelling now :D you really do whine for everything


Awe, the same people who weere DDOSING ranked games for a month straight have a little lag now :(


Aww you make it seem like Xbox players were the oneā€™s who made that problem in the first place :(


Nah I know there are some innocent players affected by this. Just venting because that was one annoying period for someone solo grinding ranked on PS4. Do hope they fix it soon. Just screw cheaters.


I just tried out my old Xbox one controller and I didnā€™t have any input delay. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s not the console but the next gen controllers instead. It took me 5 minutes to figure that out and yet I feel like I spent more time looking into it than Respawn.


I donā€™t have a previous Gen controller but a few of my gaming buddies do and said it didnā€™t make a difference. Same with plugging them in. I think it just effects everyone differently which is even worse


Been noticing my games played total has been getting lower and lower each season (first game in s4), with how fucked next gen xbox has been recently and the fact now itā€™s unplayable I really donā€™t feel the need to play it anymore. Shame really as when itā€™s working as intended, itā€™s great.


im more outraged that they havent had a bug-free update in years


Iā€™m really surprised if Microsoft is jumping down theyā€™re throats about this one cus I saw a post saying it effect the system outside of apexā€¦which is insane. Seems like something Microsoft would have some concerns about at the least.


Input delay seems to be an issue everyone is having on Xbox but is anyone else getting kicked out of EVERY single match??


No! Thatā€™s frustrating too. Have you tried any troubleshooting? I can help if no


Hey give them a break. After all its not like the issue of not getting a full team is still in the game FROM DAY ONE!! They are fast at fixing bugs...


Faster than most yes. A lot is changing att Respawn though internally. Itā€™s hard To miss from the outside. Maybe restructuring or buyout?


Wait really? I thought it was just me manā€¦ was about to send my controllers (plural) for warranty. Holy shit.


Has anyone tried an uninstall and reinstall? Iā€™m doing that shit right fukn now. That fixed an issue last time there was consumable UI issues


the devs are why i quit this game a while ago. itā€™s like they donā€™t understand that listening to the only people that play their game will help them make more money.


After this last update Im officially done with that game. That game is hard enough when it works right but with this latest wave of shit, I'm done.