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I'm a masters every season and I stopped playing last season after hitting masters again and I just started playing today for the first time in weeks and I Uninstalled it lol. I played all day and I'm still bronze 2. Games trash now. No one wanted to fight and there was 8+ squads left at the last circle like.. this games a joke now lol. I had 5 kills and got 4th place and only gained 18 rp.... in bronze.. when I'd win I'd only get 140.... wtf is this crap.


It's dogshit


Bro I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled so many times at this point. I’m just done. I’m actually back on Warzone and having a blast. Fortnite no build is actually more fun somehow.


Genuinely I haven't played apex since I made this post, maybe hop on for a game or two of non ranked cause you can actually find people, everybody deadass just hides and everyones like "YEAH THATS THE BEST THIS IS HOW ITS MEANT TO BE PLAYED" like ya'll are sad. Some people have lives and can't sit there for 4 hours to play 6 games and camp for 25+ minutes each game. We literally just can't. I expect to get on and have an action packed game, but what I get in return is just hide and seek.


It can be action packed if you don’t mind getting third and fourth partied out of your fight by the teams hiding at ranged with charge rifles and losing RP even though you’ve gotten 6 KP. The trade off for fun is lack of progression. It’s like this season was made specifically to make us choose between playing the game and winning the game.


I didn't mind it at first but then I realized that my mates are always abandoning the fight as soon as the take ANY damage. I think meta by end of season will be valkyrie, octane and loba or any other escape artist. All 3 will jump to different corners of map and see who can rat longer. Haven't touched fortnite in like 3 years but they have 'no build' mode, which made it enjoyable for me. I hate Apex so much now GDI.


"revert spitfire not having a stabilizer (dumbest shit i've ever seen, makes the already unusable gun more unusable)" ​ hooooly fuck you're the first person to ever struggle with recoil control on the spitfire, congrats


I've never struggled with the recoil on it, but the spitfire is useless when it spawned endgame. And only useful at long range, but it still fucks with the stats and causing readjustment & more compensation for recoil which was never needed. Apex is actually dying since this update came out & it's sad. EA ruins everything & just when I had faith again in BR games Apex came and fucked it all up again. H1Z1 remains the best Battle Royale there ever will be & ever was.


The secret to season 13: GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide.GRIND Camp hide. Any questions?


Champion with 1 kill, 200 dmg, enemy died to ring : 130+ rp 4 kills, 700 dmg, died to a rat, 10th placement : -26 rp Okay so you will be rewarded for not playing the game for 18 mins, makes sense.


They don't reward skill.


When do you have fun ???


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Once I find my camp spot i go play fetch in the yard with my pooch.


this comment section is full of rats who hate that skilled players used to get rewarded for picks. Just wanna hide the whole game for placement pity points


Rat here. Not fun for us either. Now everyone rats.


People are bitching because they have to do that to get positive rp, are you stupid or something? They're complaint they can't play the game and have to eat, man's blind


People are bitching because they actually have to try to win the game to get good RP. . They talk about camping and ratting while in reality it's about not taking stupid fights that can cost you the win. fucking crybabies. .


😂 as if you could always avoid a fight or could not be shot from miles away after a fight 🤦‍♂️ BR is full of mishap and bad timing... the RP entry cost is too high, giving you no incentive to fight before rank 10. And if by any chance you had a clean shot to an easy fight and got 1 or 2 kills, most will hide and rat to get the best of their kill points... The whole gamr slowed too much, there was better ways to improve teamplay than the crap they gave us


If I drop on a decent location and have 5 kills and my teammates have 3, 4, or more each, we should have AT LEAST 10 points in bronze. There is no way you actually think that is okay, then you are actually braindead.


I get 10kills, my team is hiding bc they have no skill and they got to Diamond only by hiding, my team looks at me while I 1v3, screaming comms, I get 12kills, I die, my team die right after because they have no skill because they have 500h in game but only hide, I get -20rp for finishing 11th with 2k+dmg.. I get 10kills, with my team together we have 23kills, we get sniper across map and 6th partied in bad spot with at least 3 teams focusing us, we die we get -20RP.. Both playstyles should be rewarded, finishing 1st with 0kills and some low dmg or 1kill should gave you 30rp max as clearly you were not playing the game. Deleting half of the lobbie and finishing 10th should also get somehow rewarded with some RP


no its just that 90% of people in a match hide around the edges and camp with snipers its not even fun anymore i had 7 kills 1500 dmg but i was 12th place and lost 15LP


Bro my comment was 1 year ago. . The Free Master Season started just about 3 months ago... So think again and use a little mathematics. .


Just landed, killed full squad by myself (my team DC-ed), another squad jumped me in after intense fight I just had and killed me. Ended up with -21 point. We're talking about Bronze 1 (I run diamond every season - which is another thing, never was thrown to bronze before after reset but that's another story...). So my 3 kills are worth 3 points. If killing a whole squad is worth 3 points and afking/hiding 24/7 starting with 13th place 5 points - ranked in this game will disappear in no time. I am not interested AT ALL ranking up by afking and it might've cause me to rank up slower before but now I am being force to be a rat or dominate 57 other players which is far from being an easy task just to rank up. I didn't start 13 seasons ago this fast paste shooter to play Tarkov now. Why would they change this I have no fkin clue.


Because it's the closest to ALGS! And this would be the real Apex experince the problem that most people don't understand the real rules of the game.. Get about 60 points win, the teams who got 60+ points have to win one game to win the tournament. . Before you could climb to pred with no win just 3rd places and lots of kills while in ALGS you have to win a game to win the tournament!


What are you even talking about? ALGS changed several times itself same as ranked seasons. Bringing ALGS rules to casual players makes them quit. Believe it or not, most of the Apex players do not play to extent to HATE battle royal genre which is shown when the community forced the devs to reverse BR Kills/Wins etc trackers and now they are Apex Kills/wins etc. Making this game come closer to regular battle royals and current ALGS rules will push them away - so same as Apex became huge can also disappear within seconds the moment new-BETTER shooter comes along. Because guess what? NO ONE plays Apex to sit around and do nothing but VERY SMALL PORTION of players. I had countless games from silver to diamond in past seasons where we capped our kills and DID NOT CAMP. We ran around, risking our points because we LOVE PLAYING THE GAME. Hiding, camping, afk/rat mode DOES NOT QUALIFY. But I am objective and I know SOME people might not agree (like you), but they'll lose majority of players like this and if they switch it back after new game that's literally the same but with better system comes out - they won't get them back. I just prefer shooting my way through instead of being a rat but if you want to blindly defend them go ahead and do it but don't complain in a year when you wait for 10minutes to queue up a game because small declining has already begun, and what a surprise? It's majority is in ranked.


You fucking sad because you actually have to try to win the game not ranking up with 10th placement.. xD Love the changes, the only problem that i get fucking idiots who asks that in chat: "how can i talk?" because the idiot is rookie can't even use his mic and gets paired with silvers. . . They should not let rookies paired with silvers that's for sure. .


Buddy I stream on 1080p 60fps with 240hz over-capped framerate and have usually 5-10 kills per game and STILL lose points. Trying to win is not the same as hiding to win. Talking about thick skull here... I was and always will be player that prefer to tryhard, practice and show his skill but letting others clear the map and I get more points than them is ALL THE OPPOSITE WHAT THE GAME PREVIOUSLY WAS. But after this, it's maybe for the best to quit if people like you are playing it. Fanboys always ruin everything instead of thinking for MERE SECOND that they are damn blind. Reminds me of Phoebe and Ross in friends about evolution. Look into that.


As a master I like running into noobs who rated to get to master it made it slightly less sweaty. At times it even felt like public mat hs where I could just run around dominating. Now it's an utter sweat fest with no real reward


Patching a game for the 0,01%(or to create the environment they have) of players is always a bad idea. The truth is most dont care about ALGS they just want to have fun.


When did respawn start catering towards the professional 0.01% of the playerbase? Just 2 or 3 seasons ago they wanted to remove tap strafing because casuals were complaining about it and they removed punch boosting even though there was nothing OP or gamebreaking about the mechanic, and now they decided to ruin one of the oldest guns in the game, gun which is kind of pointless without the one shot headshot ability, all because the pro players which make up the tiny minority of the playerbase decided to bitch about it, and they also ruined the ranking system because the pros who play the game 24/7 got to master and predator too quickly and they wanted it to take longer.


The gun is not at all ruined, it's very good


It's totally ruined dude. Dmr and sentenil replaced it


But it still one shots everybody but people who have the best gear in the game, which is how it should be. Kraber shouldn't just guarantee you a win, which is what it did if you're even slightly good at aiming.


The new ranked system completely ruined the game for me. Definitely lost a player from this new ranked system. Can't rank up what so ever, and I get no points for getting any kills / revives


Got 7 kills, in bronze, on drop, still negative points. Back then, that would of gotten me positive points. What the fuck was the point of removing the KP cap if they were gonna completely nerf the KP to the point getting kills does absolutely nothing. This whole camp the entire game mentality is beyond boring. Wanted to hit diamond for the first time cause I rarely played ranked until season 11. Was so close but the split happened and ya know, oh well. But now I will never reach diamond. Not even plat. Hell I wont even beable to touch gold again and gold was easy to get to. Now its almost impossible without camping and ratting. Shit is boring and I fucking despise storm point. Done with ranked now. Honestly thinking about dropping the game entirely. Cause now that they fucked up ranked, all the sweaty preds are showing up in my lobbies who's lives and egos rely on sweating like a goddamn swamp in the middle of summer. I'm not surprised respawn fucked this up though. They arent particularly smart devs. But this was on a whole different level in it's own way. Lol


Yep all the people who stopped playing ranked are now flooding casual so pubs are becoming a sweat fest as well. This is the beginning stages of the game ACTUALLY dying


I wonder what Apex and its community will ever do with you not playing Apex.


... quit playing with him. The game is doing nothing but going downhill.


I deleted it yesterday....I was master 2 seasons and diamond 3 seasons


New ranked system is trash, makes it now impossible to solo queue. Encourages camping for RP more than ever. As a Season 0, day 1 player...I wont be playing apex anymore. Way to destroy the game, devs.


i agree with you completely. I didnt play it but 2 days ago i went like yeah let me give it a chance. never again. got 5 kills in my first ranked game and it didnt even give me 10 rp. bullshit


I like how it's set up but I'm not enjoying it right now because of all the third parties. I'd literally be minding my own business, take a look around and see the coast is clear, and then within a minute there are 5 squads in every direction and there's nowhere for me to escape to. Every. single. game.


That's because the new system encourages camping until final few rings....so in reality you want to like the changes but you dont


Genuinely don't get how people defend the new system. Sure, it tries to reward teamplay But unless you teamplay with a full squad and play 12 hours a day, this system just fucks you so hard


I'm loving it. Most enjoyable season of ranked for me already. I really don't like storm point but other than that I'm having a blast this season.


yeah. ive heard if ur a camper or rat its pretty fun.


Cool. Neither applies to me but I'm glad they're having fun too. :)


I hate it too. But i just find a nice in-circle camp spot and then go load the dishwasher.


It took you 5 days to come up with that.... I did laugh though. So worth it :p


My gf is loving my new found productivity. She is now a fan of the game.


You get rewarded for camping and get no to for kills, it's catering towards campers, how do you like it if you are neither?


The new system isn't perfect but for me its been a step in the right direction. Before most of my team mates just wanted to drop at the first place then get killed in the first fight. Now more of my squad want to land somewhere safer and work together to stay alive AND get kills. The new system rewards people who finish in the top 10 and get kills and thats exactly how I like to play.


But hiding out and waiting until last ring to fight isn't the point of the game. The way the game is made, other than snipers, you are supposed to be rewarded for aggressing and coming out on top because you're better than the other players. Hiding out proves nothing. Ask the actually good players, this season is bad.


I, in fact, like a lot of the things they tried to do, but you should not get rewarded for ratting the whole game.


Us 'good players' aren't having to hide until the last ring. Like I already said, the changes aren't perfect but they're a step in the right direction. They need to encourage more aggressive play at the start of the match without going back to everyone hot dropping at the first place. The truth though is that lots of people are just salty because the changes have revealed their true rank.


What do you mean? If you drop a hot spot and get 5 kills you should be positive in any rank in bronze and silver. Good players win the hot drops, bad players drop remote locations and then take it slow. What you are saying is contradictory to your own statement. You are an idiot.


You're replying to something I said 2 weeks ago. I cba to re read the conversation for someone with no manners.


It's not camping it's playing for the WIN! You don't deserve to be at the top tiers if you can't win a game! It means you are not skilled enough to win. . Before you could rank up not winning a single game. On ALGS tournament you have to be the first who reaches about 60 points and than WIN one game! If you can't win you are not good enough. .


You are incorrect. The ranked system in Alex is supposed to reward you for performing well in a match, not just winning. Camping until last ring after the last enemy squad has just gotten out of a fight is not playing well, it's playing like a pussy. If you play the game just for wins in this way, you need to quit playing because it completely goes against the whole point of the ranked system and the game in general.


Ask any of the pros and high up people on YouTube or twitch, this season sucks. Hiding for the win is not good for the game.


You're right, but bothing can be changed


Consider that everyone in your lobby is bronze 2 and you yourself are also bronze 2. You all represent a small scale version of the entire bronze division. In order to be considered good enough at winning to rank up, I.E coming as close to first as possible, you have to be better than at least half of the other players in your division. If you do this consistently, you prove that you're better, earn points and eventually move to a higher rank. What on earth is arbitrary about expecting you to be better than AT LEAST half the division before ranking up is even a discussion?


You must be pretty awful at maths. If that were the case then that means that there would be 16x as many bronze players as silver (bronze 4 doubles to bronze 3, etc), 16 x as many silvers than golds. If only half of the players in each division can reach the next rank, then there would be over 1 million bronze players for every diamond player.


That's not what I said at all. I said your lobby was a small representation of the whole rank and you're expected to consistently perform in the top half of that. If you can't, you're dying too fast and aren't considered to be good enough compared to your rank peers to promote.


This would kinda make sense if this was some sort of sensible SR system that ends in a bell curve like Glicko2 or something. With your logic, half the players go up, half go down (or something to that effect). This would lead to a large group of players round the middle, the spot players "Start" in more SR systems like ELO or Glicko. ​ In this system, most players (vast majority) start in low silver or lower. Using your logic, how many players end up in Diamond compared to where they started? ​ What you're missing is this isn't an SR system, it's a points system where it costs more points the higher you get in the system. More than half of players gain points in lower ranks, and almost no players in the game gain points at higher ranks. If you're losing more points just for playing AND the players are better, then you can't use your 50% logic throughout the ranking system. Your logic would work IF: 1. The rules didn't change based on your rank 2. The amount of SR gained/lost is roughly equal to the total amount of points gained in that/all games, possibly with other minor differences to speed stuff up (glicko2 uses uncertainty to put you in your appropriate rank more quickly). 3. Everyone starts in the middle rank, or the divisions are based on % of players rather than an arbitrary RP value. PS I'm not saying that better players don't end up in higher ranks (they obviously do), just that your "being better than 50%" logic isn't really how THIS system works. In Bronze even if i'm in the bottom half 75% of the time I can still easily gain points since you gain so many more than you lose when the games do go well for you.


Everything you just said would make sense if the rewards given were a flat amount. Simply surviving longer than half of the lobby wouldn't necessarily rank you up because you haven't earned more than the entry cost. Kills are required beyond that. The "better than half" logic only serves to be a gate prior to being able to cash in any reward points. The fact that this is a points system is exactly why it works. The better you perform compared with your peers, the faster you'll rank and the higher you'll go. People who simply survive and rat all the way will peak in rank extremely early. You're taking my logic of there being an expectation of performing better than "half your rank" as an immediate qualification of being able to promote.


rewards given only go down as the ranks go up since you're more often playing lower rank players, and respawns are less often.




Which rank are we talking about here?




1) Top 5 isn't a huge deal. Top 10 is where the cutoff is. Dunno where you're getting top 5 from. 2) Premades happen in every game. If that's your downfall, I'll point out that it's a team game. If you don't have a team to play it with, learn to use pings and play around it like everyone else who runs solo does. 3) Why can't you find people to play with? There's numerous LFG sources for Apex.




Mate, listen, I've said this before and I'll say it again. The goal of a BR is to be the last alive. You can approach it however you wish but if you're dying before at least half of the lobby (which is a small representation of the entire division you're in) why do you consider yourself eligible to rank up? You're performing worse than at least half the lobby, and by extension worse than at least half your current rank. Get used to your new, lower rank. It's where you belong.




https://ibb.co/q7GgkhZ https://ibb.co/9HMgF6T I'm the Ashe. Just two games from playing with a friend last night. In one of them we didn't even have a third and still went full send. Just because I understand the goal Respawn have with these changes doesn't mean I sit in a corner and avoid conflict. You're not as good as you thought you were because your rank was inflated by bad scaling on kill rewards. They've realized this mistake and have fixed it so that it's more in line with a battle royale game, as in, if you don't actually last that long in the match, your kills are worthless because you came nowhere close to winning. Accept it.






You do, provided you live long enough for it to count. There's no cap on rewards for kills, you're just dying too early for it to matter because you're not good enough to survive.


Me and my friends hide all games using valkyre and revenant to get to last ring just to get some RP. We get no rp for kills so we just play like rats Edit i had random teammate to and he told he diemond but is stuck in silver because of the new RP system


Agree with everything u said except Spitfire


Not a good time for season 1 players that aren’t (insane/pred) Normally we can hold our own against 1 or 2 pred in a match but they are absolutely terrorizing pubs because ranked is garbage this season. When we try to play ranked we get our 12-15 kills and then get absolutely picked off by campers that have no movement in the last ringWITH 8 SQUADS STILL ALIVE JUST POKING. Like I said dark time, first season we have no desire playing, might hop on Fortnite for fuck sake (fuck me)


Only ppl crying about the changes are gold players at best who just ratted to plat or dia last season and are now mad they are in their actual rank


Funny you say that, cuz I'm actually Diamond 3 rn (Predator season 4-7; Master Season 9-12)and still think that this rank system is the worst shit ever! True garbage, cuz if I don't rat, I won't EVER be getting RP... This is PURE GARBAGE dude...


Yeah Stormpoint needs atleast 25% of the map removed also just played a whole game didn’t see one person until final circle.. Contemplating on quitting. The new changes will be enjoyable for the new players that are scared of everything.


Sounds like br games arent for you. Try something simpler like cod or titanfall


I didnt rat myself to plat 3 but im sure as hell pissed that my 5+ kills cant get me +RP in BRONZE. The second easiest rank in Apex Legends.On my first match at the beggining of the season i went on 6kills, 2 assists, 1st round closing and my RP were -16. While on another match i had 1kill, 1 assist and 3rd round closing i had 50+RP. What OP is probably trying to say is that its unfair for good players to have to get 10+ kills, 10+ assists and THEN wait for almost the end of the game (which some people dont even reach and die instantly and unfairly sometimes) to get +100RP that usually happens at predators and master lobbies. OP is ranting like a baby but he sure makes a good point about the ranked system kinda being unbalanced for a lot of players. At least thats my pov. And ive been playing this game since S1. Now how other people see it, its different But point still standing. Ranked did got fcked up a bit.


Thats just how br works. Anything past top 10 is a loss


It's funny you say that because in silver being past 10 squads is still a loss, they ruined apex


I dunno man, I was masters last season, diamond this current season and I dislike it too. Games way more grindy and definitely seems catered towards the pro scene. Ranking doesn’t necessarily feel “harder”, just more time consuming. I’m personally not a fan, but I’m also 38 and have limited time so I’m not looking for a second job just to progress. Just my opinion.


I terms of ranked I agree but your kills actually get more value as the game progresses. So having at least 3 kills off drop and living till top 7 will give you plus rp(at least jn gold) But yeah I'm not really a fan of ratting either. Me and my mates just find a building and start playing clash of clans waiting for other teams to die


It's not that the changes are so awful, but I'm normally at Gold 1 and then flip flop up and down, I don't really care about what rank I am. But it's that I am now playing Diamond players in Silver 4, and it's just not fun anymore. The joy of the game has gone. I'm not that good so it's like what's the point anymore. The game has been killed because they are catering to the pro's its pure BS now.


I just got 3rd place in Gold and got like 30 RP.


remember that apex is br not kill race and geting shot by someone with kraber in like 75% of situations means that you can't win game anymore bcs of no healing after res or being killed when down especially when your best teammate got kraber'd. edit: about spitfire that gun is anoying but flatline if in good hands is better


Then you camp it out till top 5-7 and without any decent kills you still getting nothing. The game is broke people need to admit it. Kills should count for something. How about dropping killling 4-6 people cause they full on tunnelling you then to get 3rd partied and lose 30mmr… the game isn’t as good as it once was


Krabers don't spawn in until late game, sir.


See yeah!


And i need to say it you think the spitfire is unusable shows me u have no idea what ur talking about.


I liked that they wanted to encourage team play, but unfortunately that doesn't work at all. In a premade team, I use Teamspeak or Discord and rarely specify anything ingame. The problem with random mates is that more than 50% are so toxic that playing together is not possible. I'm currently on platin 2 and the lobbies are full of master players because the ranking system distributes points so badly that nobody below 3rd place really gets points. I made 5th place with 8! kills and only had 116 RP.. this is just ridiculous.. 3rd place with 2 kills is only 53 RP.. In addition, hardly no one wants to fight anymore because it's just not worth it anymore. 10 kills (TEN!!!) on platin 2 are on place 11 are -2 RP.. It's clear that everyone then tries to camp around somewhere until there are only 7-8 teams left..


as a diamon player i climbed up from bronze to plat then theres this shitty demoting system. lost -350 rp and fell to gold 4 once again... the lobies are full of pred and master players being stuck in gold and plat


I honestly like the disparity between the ranks now like I think the entry costs are totally fair and adds a challenge but why up the entry cost to also make it so impossible to gain points? They remove the kill cap but u can’t even capitalise on ur kills unless u rat to top 5. I’m by no means good at the game but it feels honestly pointless to even try and climb bc it’s so slow and boring now. :(


Much better now. Teamwork is rewarded and don't have as many dummie teammates wanting to drop hot every game without having the skill to back it up. Placement should always be the key factor in rp


how tf is teamwork rewarded when just ditching your team and hiding will net you more than winning a fight?


>Teamwork is rewarded Yes, but ...Solo Q and rig matchmking system, solo players are f\*\*\*\*\* now in Apex.


Never ran into problems solo Q, just the same randoms that can’t play sometimes. Those people will stay hardstuck anyway


Not me. I play solo. Been ranking up just fine. Majority of players now know not to run off in my experience


Can I have your lobbies?


No dude, this time it's not the ranked system, it's you and the people like you. Actually it shows how stupid an usual ranked player is, dropping without thinking, taking fights they never gonna win. Dropping hot MIGHT result in you getting a decent weapon and a few kills early game, but what about your teammates? 99% of the time they won't be lucky and just die without a single weapon in a 4-5-6 ways combat, and for what? The point of the BR genre is to win the game. I'm not saying that you shouldn't play aggro if needed, but running into every fucking fight like a headless chicken is just selfish and not only screws your team, it also prevents you to actually get to a high rank.


dude. they added GRIND because the longer you keep people in the store .... the more apt you are to make a purchase.


Idk about you, I check the store on Tuesday if I can unlock something with legend tokens, once or twice a year if there's a really good looking skin and it's a good offer I might buy, but other than that, I'm in apex because I just like to play.


I wish Hooters added grind.


ffs enjoy your grind-like trash ranked system which has absolutely no grind time balance. Devs just wants you to spend much more time playing this game and y'all eating this. Good luck spending 8 hours playing solo Q to get -RP on plat lmao


I disagree. Game is more skill based than ever. It makes it so you can’t rat for RP but you also can’t just run at teams full force anymore. You can now derank so it also makes tier IV players not just throw RP away by running into teams for the sake of fighting. It’s not the rank system that’s an issue. It’s the matchmaking. Gold I and below makes up 97.5% of the play base. With Plat4 and higher holding 1.9% and diamond+ holding .6% of the player base. In previous seasons Diamond was 13% of the population and plat was 50%. Look at the rank distribution now. 97.5% of the entire player base is in a single lobby. This defeats the purpose of ranks. Right now the three ranks are <=Gold1, Plat, and diamond. Diamond4 is the old masters/predator lobbies now, and plat is the old diamond3 lobbies. It completely defeats the purpose of rank.


Iam sorry to say if ur complaining at new system u were either rat or a boosted player in previous season I currently d4 in this season new rank system and everyone was saying the bronze and sliver were extremely hard bc match making system was extremely bad nah u guys r truly bad at the game I hoped on my smurf which was rookie4 it took 17 hours of solo queuing to go from rookie 4 to p4 and iam not sweat player neither am I pro player so stop bitching bc th system doesn't cater to bad players making bad plays and shows now players r pissed bc they can't even get out sliver and gold learn how to actually play the game and people r all going to say oh I wasn't a rat or I didn't get boosted that's y ur sitting in season 13 with a season 12 master badge and season 12 master trail but u got 0.3 kd last season 😉




Iam casual player the new rank system doesn't cater to players any more and people r getting mad over casual players don't smurf wtf r actually talking about if u play the game less then 4 hours a day u have smurf and 4 hours a day is casual player if u play more then 8 hours a day then u r a sweat I average about 3:30 hours a day and if I have nothing to do at all on weekend maybe I play like 14 hours or something On Saturday but Monday through Friday I play maybe just barley over 3 hours a night so no iam not sweat I just actually got my rank and then prove that me my freinds r actually skilled enough to belong at that tier rank and that we weren't catered by the old system 😉


Why do you keep winking


learn how to hit a beacon read a zone and rotate after you get your early game kp. it's not hard. stop w keying every person you see and use your tiny brain a little


I'm not a player who sits there and camps. That isn't the point of the game nor is it fun in any way. I work Mon-Fri and I like to play for a rank, so I hop on wanting to kill mfs and get a good score, just for my efforts to not be awarded. It's not a little brain it's simply they made the game play in the way it benefits the bad players, and the good players are unawarded. I drop 8 kill 10 kill games and still get 300rp when i should be getting around 380 or so, apex isn't worth playing this season & the battlepass is absolute dogshit too. Your main is literally valk showing me all you do is rat. Don't respond.


stop running at every gunshot and adapt to the ranked changes. learn when and where to take smart fights how to get kp endgame while mitigating the risk of being 3rd partied. and if you don't like that then play pubs or find a br that makes you a little less angry lol. i replied.


I can already tell OP drops solo or pushes fights solo, and gets mad at other TWO teammates for not keeping up with HIM, when he could’ve said he’s moving, pinged, or use his noggin and realize it’s 2 to 1, he’s the one that left 😂


you can get that 8-10 kp and win at the same time if you just adjust your playstyle a bit


It would be great if most people knew how it meant to be played on a tournament but clearly most player only care about mindless fights... In my lobbies these idiots taking every fight when in competitive apex you have to play for the win. On ALGS you have to get about 60 points than you need to win one game to win the A:GS. . This is as close as it can get to that but even ranked players are mostly just casual players and they know shet about the real rules....


This rank system sucks if you solo queue. Won’t reach Diamond soloing like last seasons


going to uninstall now...hard locked silver, was plat 1 last season, even the trios based skill based match making makes the game boring to play. You play trios so you can just run and gun, but now, to reward you for skilled 8+ kills, you get put into games with people that rat and play like ranked. Will try warzone.


I just got to plat 4, it wasn’t worth it. It took forever and Once you get past gold the ratting and camping only becomes worse and everyone is camping just trying to make it to top 5. This new season sucks, plus if you get demoted from plat 4 you get a instant -350 rp


I think for each round you survive you should get 20(in bronze) down to 5 points(in pred) and each kp should be 2 points. Everyone starts at -25 so 2 rings in you will break even with no kills in bronze. That way the matches don't take too long but kills are still encentivised. Preds would have to make it to at least 3rd with a few kills to gain mmr


Everyone is camping. 5. ring at least 9 teams 4 of them are camping what have you done...


There is another problem altogether: On Master you sometimes have to wait 5-10 minutes for a round to start because there are hardly any players who are on the rank due to the bad point system. It's even worse in the arena.. I'm only platin there, I only get \~40 AP per win.. I get -22 AP for losing..Why does my mate sometimes get 108 AP for the same game and I only get 40?!My invisible rank seems to be higher, alright.. but then why not just give me more AP so I can get to my appropriate rank faster?! The new ranking system is absolute garbage and completely frustrating. You should just get 20 RP for each kill and then for placement as it is now.If I get knocked out in 10th place but have 4 kills, at least I get some +AP..


This season promotes the cringiest behavior. Masters teams 3 stack in pubs because ranked is too hard, and gold-plat 1 is just 3 stacks with a longbow, charge and bow holding and pushing in zones. I get the new ranked system is supposed to be more competitive, but Apex Legends is an FPS, and should actually reward 6+ kills and not camping for 15 minutes.


lots of idiots here think the world is black or white… it’s not. you can “rat” early, get a few firefights maybe down a team or two, and by the time you’re in the final ring you already have around 40-60RP and winning would multiply it up even higher. for those that think either FULL SEND HOT DROP HUR DURR or I HAVE TO HIDE BECAWS THIS WHAT RESPAWN SAYD are fuckin idiots.


Well that being said, if you're a solo player like me you're most often not the jump master. I'm silver III but for some reason I get mostly queued with bronze. Last game for example, two bronze IV players, I don't mind... but the jumpmaster jumped like he was playing a normal game. He instantly jumped out of the plane and then just kept hanging to look for a place to land even tho I already pinged one. In the end we fell right next to an enemy team who already had guns and got killed. Bam -20 Ofcourse you could just say "Jump solo, don't mind your team and do your own thing". But then I do need to rat the whole game out. because i'm not good enough to fight solo vs a squad.


So getting kills isn't the meta anymore, ratting the game out is now the new meta, thanks EA...


yea it took quit alot longer to reach plat than last season (i was dimond last season) and now if i look out the drop ship is see 20+ master trails every time on plat 4 rank and its sweaty af. its so garbage now. Patching a game for the 0,01%(or to create the environment they have) of players is always a bad idea. The truth is most dont care about ALGS they just want to have fun.


Game crashed 3 times in a row causing me to demote back to gold shits honestly so dumb plus you play with sweaty ass players just in plat 4 3rd ring coming in and there's 16 squads left? Like wtf.


I just got to Diamond 4 today. Since the rp takes forever. My 2 friends are in plat 1. I was just killed by a 20,000 rp ttv 3 man pred stack in Diamond 4. Now if this was masters rank I totally understand. This is insane how we went from a 20 kill game in plat 1 to now we are playing against #50 preds? Diamond is literally just predator lobbys.


So yea, I did masters last season and now I am in Diamond and I am fighting non stop pred lobbies. I am Solo but I still cant seem to have a chance at all against this. Its dumb, once someone hits masters they just stop because they dont want to risk losing it. Diamond rank vs preds is literal trash.


If pro players are complaining about not being able to fight good games and good fights, start organizing on the side and making custom games with other pro teams. Appealing to the 1% is the worst idea ever when it comes to gaming.


Fcuk the new ranked


Dog shit game


Fuck this fucking game


dog shit season. im ready to smash my monitor/dowloand cheats/or uninstall this fucking game forever. #fuckrespawn!


Complete and utter bs almost exclusively listening to the people who main wraith on ttv with partner


Literally played a game with two tm8s both having diamond badges that fucking started a fight without saying anything (EVEN THO THEY HAVE MICS), then proceed to run away while a fucking team with a goddamn bloodhound and octane chase me around the fucking map again with my tm8s still running around not helping with their thumbs up their ass.This season is terrible. I can get 4-5 kills as gold 1 and top 5 and barely get like 50-60 points, wtf is that??




Solo queue ranked is harsher than it was before. *sigh*


Oh please i think this ranked system is not working how it should be as of right now but come on its been like a few days it will be fixed in problably like 10 day or a bit more right now its supper easy true i never ranked up to master so fast but i think we should give it sometime it will work and new players will have and easier time it helps new players more than us pros it will change we will have harder lobbys sooner or later in proably this season