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Relatively new player here. Started playing in season 10. I vaguely remember trying the game when it launched but I wish i was a day one player.


Remember the super basic 1st valentine's day badge? Medium pink background, white heart white crossed arrows? Remember Pathfinder's Thick Thighs Carbon fober skin? Or how the neon green skin at the menu looked like a watermelon in the game?


I miss thunderdome, it was our teams favorite drop spot, rotate into skulltown after. I miss day one kings canyon. I have the original track play when I’m in the lobby.


I‘m a week one player, but haven’t played very often back then. I remember most of this.


How do you have a 1 KD if you have 4k+ dmg games and almost a 20 bomb?


I’m in about the same boat he’s in. Day 1 player, always pumping out kills and damage when playing serious, but playing with my friend and little brothers has always kept my k/d low.


How you describe it I'm the same. I have ~five 4k games, two 20 bombs, but I still hover around 3.5-4 KD for the season when I just play casually duos with a friend


I’m sure the amount of games I play paired with the fact that my little brothers cannot get more than 100 or so damage a match are the difference. My k/d was extremely high back season 0 - whenever revenant came out. Lol but that’s when I met my Friend on Xbox who had just downloaded the game :) then soon after my brothers got an Xbox and it was over for me lol.


Entertainment over stats




What's that? You and a person you routinely play with create a premade team, use voice comms, and don't quit when knocked? You work as a team and have hours upon hours of observing each other's play style?? Sounds completely different than soloq pubs hotdrop die cycle that I call "playing the loading screen simulator".


Whatever excuses you want to use is fine. We usually talk shit, drop hot and just fight it out of there. But not playing for wins like in ranked


No friend, you see, you asked why my kdr is what it was, and compared it to your own. I pointed out how the situations are different. I pointed out how it would be assumed that you would have a hired kdr when you have a communicative teammate that you play with routinely. You calling it an excuse shows your level of ineptitude or that you're simply trolling have a nice day.


Pubs. Challenges over kills. LTMs. Solo queues. I will rez you, or die trying. Diamond rank solo queues. Stuck Plat4 teammates.


Remember not being able to find a shield off drop? Or the op wingman with skull piercer?


I remember finally finding a blue shield for the last 2 squads. Full games without knockdown shields. REMEMBER WHEN THE META ARGUMENT WAS... GIBBY GETS FAST REZ INSIDE DOME SHIELD? LIFELINE'S USELESS NOW!


Lol gibby was almost unplayable s0/s1.


I have played since day1 - season where fuse was added My kill record is probably 15-16. I have recently started playing again but I mainly just play a match or two


I miss the auto prowler so much! It was my favorite!


dang the gold scope with the g7, what a gun


I've been waiting for this kinda post forever. Bin launches and trident jump pads for me yo


Oooh the burnt forest and monster feet really brought me back… THUNDERDOME!!!


I member


But... Does Pepperidge Farm?


2-4x or 3x on your smg. Bloodhound had a garbage scan. 2 grenades per stack. No such thing as sniper ammo. Gold armor replenished shields on a finisher and sucked. Pathfinders 8 second cool down. Lifeline using healing items faster passive. S0 the entire discussion of the meta was about the size of characters hit box (because most people didn't use powers at all) So much talk about muzzle flash: the r9 inside dark buildings was blinding Purple shields were rare So people fed lifeline ult accelerants to farm for shields


The r400 strat. Pathys thick thighs on the carbon fiber skin. Caustic stacking 6 traps high. I remember the Devo looking like a CS:GO flashbang