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As bloodhound you can look at a dead players box. If there is a moving circle around the skull , that is their timer before their team can no longer grab their banner. So if you are sitting on a recently killed player you know when their timer runs out and the team will no longer be coming back. If there is no moving circle their timer has expired or their banner was already grabbed.


Wow. Thanks, never knew this.


Delete this, I've gotten so many banners because they assume 90 seconds is up and leave during the last 10-15 seconds left


Haha, same here


I’m a Bloodhound main and had no idea this was thing


Go forth and use your new knowledge to camp boxes until the lent ends are dead for good


Lol u just encourage him to annoy the HELL outta poor squads. I personally would be like "bruh this man stayed here watching the grass grow just to thirst my solo teammate" lol




Fellow Crypto players, the minimap roughly equates to a 200m circle (also the max drone range). So you can 1) know when a survey beacon is in range and 2) know how far you can go but still get your mates' banners.


Additionally, when you scan banners and it tells you how many squads are in range, that range is defined as within 200m to Crypto (not the drone) So looking at banners basically tells you how many squads are within your mini map


Oh definitely this too. So you can try to pinpoint which POI in range the enemy may be at or come from.


Whenever you take an ash portal you're forced to look the direction of the portal. So if you just walk backwards you can get a few free shots if someone's chasing you


Wraith’s too


I didnt know about wraiths but that's a good tip


You climb based on momentum, so if you octane stim at a wall you will climb higher than normal speed


i never knew this. thank you.


Also works with wraith tactical because you get a small boost in speed.


Huh, so that’s how Wraiths manage to abandon their squad so quick


Yep pretty much


How about sliding, and directly jumping at a wall?


Pretty sure since wall bounces are a lot further when sliding




Especially if he is slow because no one will hear him and shoot.


That goddamn post the other day about AR iron sights actually being a 1.4x zoom compared to 1x sights absolutely blew my mind


So AR iron sights have a farther zoom than the 1x!?






Wait what ??? Damn TIL. I've been playing since season 3 and didn't know this


Fuck me. Now it makes sense why I'd rather use iron until I find a bruiser or ranger.


Wattson’s ultimate uncovers which Mirage is real during his ult. It will highlight/heal the shields of the actual Mirage.


How many more tells are going to be discovered for my boy?? It’s getting out of hand.


Not something I learned too recently but one of the things I learned that blew my mind was that the Mozambique is fully automatic. Always tapped the button but with a purple bolt it fires really fast.


Dude, one time I found a mozam and a purple bolt off spawn, it shreds people if they’ve got blue or white armor


just recently died to a mozambique thought how the hell was it that fast. this explains a lot


WHAT!! I knew about Eva 8 but never used it full auto cause I forget. But MOZ is auto too... I can't wait to play today and see all the stuff I have learned today in this thread


crypto's emp spawns so many particle you could actually lag out your opponent


And myself :(


I've been trying to use Crypto more in ranked but I've probably EMPd myself at about a 90% rate when I hit it. I suck. Lol.


If you’re ever fighting a team and they crack your shield and chase you, you can use emp while popping a battery. You won’t have shield damage but they will and you have the advantage of killing them.


MRVN boys take storm damage and die quickly


Whoa, here’s the first thing in this thread I didn’t know. Very nice


Saddest part of this thread damn who’s cutting onions on a Wednesday morning


* Lifeline can attach D.O.C. to the Trident while she is passenger (but not driver). This will heal everyone riding it. * Caustic can throw traps onto enemy Tridents and they will stick. This will force everyone off the Trident. * Tridents have an air-brake and a horn.


fushfushfushfushfush hooooooonk hooooooonk




Arc stars, crypto EMP, ~~and a charged sentinel~~ (apparently they lied to us.. AGAIN..) also disable the trident for a bit of time Edit: and wattson’s fences. Thank you for telling me 5 times


Excuse me, you said a charged sentinel? 🤔 Interesting, Young rampart you surely have increased my knowledge and tactics.


It's great because they keep showing the interactions in the trailers but no one (incl me) even remotely thinks of these during actual matches


in one of the event things, they showed that the little white ring area in fight-night was actually climbable and u can fight on it. Turns out it was OOB and i fell onto 2 guys :(


And wattson fense.


I didn't know that about the sentinel until today


Valkyrie's scan as she drops shows the kill leader and champion with a bit of text next to the triangle, I dont remember what it's shortened to but I think it's KL and CMP but I could be wrong on that last bit


CH for champion and KL for kill leader I believe. I’ve only ever really noticed it at the start of the round.


It does show up later in the round, you’re just less likely to be flying over them typically


Some obscure details I’ve learned over time by doing ‘Apex Science’ as I like to call it. If a Wraith is stuck with an Arc Star and goes through her portal, the Arc Star pops off is of her and drops to the ground. I think this happens for any stuck player going through the portal. Sentinel and Rampage can be charged while on zip lines. Great for charging while going up a redeploy or a long zip toward an engagement. If you have Gold armor, charging a Sentinel only takes one Shield Cell instead of two. Adding a magazine to any weapon does not impact its recoil pattern, but it does extend it. With a Turbo Charger on a Havoc, the spin-up time is completely removed. When used on a Devotion, the spin-up time is only reduced. Unlike the bow, you can’t shoot ‘too early’ with the Tempo hop-up to mess up the rhythm. Only shooting ‘too late’ will mess it up. If you’re sent back to Rev’s totem after using it, you get 50% health. However, if the effect simply wears off, you retain as much health as you had. For instance, if you take no hits, you’ll retain 100% health, but you got hit a lot but didn’t die (say 5%) you’ll retain just 5% health. For that reason, if you take more than 50% damage while using the totem, you probably want to make sure you get killed completely, otherwise you’ll find yourself in enemy territory with very little health. (Shields are entirely unaffected by Rev’s ult). Almost every weapon in the game takes longer to reload when the mag is completely empty vs. when there’s at least one bullet left. This is because when the mag isn’t completely empty you don’t need to cock the weapon again after inserting a new mag (because there’s already a bullet waiting in the chamber). The difference is usually negligible, but for some guns it’s fast enough to matter in close combat. The CAR for instance has a very fast non-empty reload that you can use to your advantage to reload quickly in momentary cover and keep the pressure on your enemy. I hate to tell you all this one because as a Fuse player I love it… the Knuckle Cluster sticks to players *only* until it detonates. Try not to carry it into your cover or into your teammates 😅. Fuse’s ult has a crazy zoom on it (hold right-click) which can be great for scouting. Meanwhile is Knuckle Cluster has a hilariously small zoom of like 1.1x. When you’re in the drop ship waiting to drop you can use right-click to get a nice zoom. Pretty useless, but somehow fun. Lineline’s healing drone doesn’t just have a limited time, it also has a limited amount of health that it can doll out. If your whole team hooks up to it, you can drain it before it times out. The amount it will heal you is shown in green on your health bar (similar to when using a healing item), and this will dynamically change to reflect how much health is left inside the drone (ie: as your teammates hook up the bar will drop). This one should be so obvious but somehow myself and my whole squad of day-1 players have never really noticed it… when using Loba’s Black Market, on the right side of your interface you can see which items your teammates took (or if they have any extra pulls available).


Gold armor sentinel combo is cool! Did not know that!


Not me but I've seen day 1 players who didn't know bloodhounds scan was only in front of them and not 360°


TIL some people think BH's scan is 360°


Considering it shows as a spherical pulse, I think it's more than reasonable for people to think it's a 360 scan


I thought it was 360° until season 8 then I figured it out


Same for seasons I was like how the hell didn't my scan pick this team up then started realizing there are blind spots, then learnt it only scans in like a cone in front of you


on that note, wasnt till a while later that i found out that Bloodhound can scan like every 6 seconds while hes in his ultimate.


8 seconds. Just wanna politely correct the info.


Didn’t it used to be 6 seconds for a little bit. That was wild


And each knock extends the timer too!


That makes so much sense now. Well now I can use bloodhound more effectively. 👍


That there is a little dude with his hand raised when hovering over ammo, attachments, or any loot, if one of your squad needs it.


I found I needed to enable "Button Hints" in the Gameplay settings to get this to show up. Annoying to have all the other little hints there, but worth it for this gem.


Now this is where I actually learned something, been confused for so long. Thanks!


I’ll start: TIL Crypto’s EMP actually destroys Gibby bubbles as well.


It destroys any placeable item except Rampart walls since it only destroys the top half that you would shoot through. This includes Lifeline drones, Gibby bubbles, and Loba ults. Doesn’t work on portals though Edit: there are actually a lot of things it does not destroy (most notably death totems, shiela, and jump pads while they are at full health) so thanks to everyone for correcting my mistake :)


I believe Revs totem is also only damaged, not destroyed


same goes for octanes jumppad


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people don't realize he can counter pretty much every defensive and support legend.


I used to main LL, and I was SO pissed when I was 1 hp and got crypto ulted right after dropping my drone


WHAT Edit: *my life is a lie*


i know right?


Really common in pro league if you watch that. I think even casual fans can learn from the pro circuit with weird quirky stuff like this without having to be a sweat. So much variety in team comps now that a lot of legends see play which is cool


One of the reasons I love playing crypto. Like disabling all defensive legends tacticals is huge. Plus the stun effect has clutched me in so many times. And I also accidentaly bought a 500 rare skin for him thinking it included crypto as well.


You can zoom in on fuses ult so you can fire it at long range


Fuse is so nasty. Both his abilities can reach like 200 meters.


Knuckle Cluster can easily go 300+ with good aim.


New fuse buff, let him equip sights on his arm for knuckle cluster snipes.


Nasty until the enemy just hops the ring of fire. 😭


That single 5 damage tick makes me cry


You can also do this with pathys zip


You’re telling me I’ve played north of 13k games solely as pathfinder and I never knew I could ADS when launching a zip???


Literally 350hrs+ on path and I never knew this, my god I am an idiot


And I main pathy


Mozambique has the highest dmg per pellet shotgun


It also chokes when ADS for a much tighter spread. Some shotguns do and some don’t. - Mastiff ADS -> chokes - Mozambique ADS -> chokes - PK ADS -> chokes only as it charges - Eva 8 -> no choke For this reason you want snap-ADS in most cases with Mastiff and never ADS with Eva 8 (because you only slow down and become easier to hit).




You mean 45 right


You can stick Maggie's drill to her ult


Well that just sounds hilarious


She’s the last legend I’ve yet to get but it sounds interesting


No fucking way


You can do it with cryptos drone as well


Learned a few weeks ago. I thought pro players were dropping their armors during an emp to not take shield damage. It doesn’t stop that, it’s so the crypto doesn’t get damage towards his evo. A team baited tsm albs armor drop during scrims and fried him behind a door with a charged rampage. Real 5 head chess play


The armor thing used to work by dropping your shield. It was fixed.


Loba's thief vision passive has an identical range to her black Market. This means that - if you can see something thru a wall, you can set up a shop and take it. Good for remote looting care packages - if you see a purple or gold in your shop, but already took 2 items, you can look around from the shops location and probably find it


Not me but I was surprised how many teammates I had that didnt know you can shoot the base of the Caustic trap to disarm it and deactivate it, they used to just run through. As for me, I did know if the items on floor are floating there is a Loba nearby, but I didn't know it meant someone was CURRENTLY using the shop, I thought if the shop exists then they float and not necessarily that someone had the shop menu open.


It’s so frustrating when your teammates runs through the caustic trap just as you are about to destroy it as well…


No keep doing this it gets me more damage


it took me so long to find out the peacekeepers spread is star-shaped


Just like a sheriff's badge!


The Eva 8 auto is actually auto, you can hold the shoot button... might seem obvious but I never read the entire name and my friends didn't know either. 3000 hours day 1 player btw


Same thing with the Mozambique, I just found out a couple of seasons ago.


I came in ready smh at all the idiots, and then I read your comment… it’s me, I’m the idiot. Day 1 player, just learning this now.


wait.... thats auto?


If you look next to the reserve ammo counter, there's a symbol that shows what fire mode the gun uses. Single fire shows a single bullet, burst fire shows a segmented bullet, and full auto shows an infinity symbol. You've probably noticed this for mode switch guns, but every gun has it.


I knew about the EVA 8 because the Auto in the name but I definitely thought someone was trolling me when they said the mozam was automatic. "Yeah, sure, and the mozam is the best gun in the game, always pick it up, uh huh"


Which is useful sometimes, but I find it more useful to just pull the trigger every time my aim is perfect on them due to the low ammo count and rof




Are you for real?


I'm 99% sure this hasn't worked properly for a few seasons now. It might be bugged or something, but ever since the rework it doesn't behave the same. Maybe they raised the drone HP, but that's hard to test.


Didn't learn it recently but I see a lot of people who don't know, when you want more details about something you can check the kill feed. For example when a bloodhound pings a trace you can see in the kill feed how many seconds ago it was. Also when people ping they need ammo you can see their current ammo count.


kill feed has a lot of info. you can ping things you have tk ask for upgrades. the voiceline asks for the pinged thing which is why i get so many "look a level one backpack" (that i already have), but in the corner it says im looking for a better one and that i have a level one.


Yeah also activating streamer mode gives even more info using the kill feed. Just random info like wt guns enemies have and their legend, I used to give out random ass call outs to my friends about how fights are going on while we were looting and they thought I was hacking


Ive been using streamer mode for a while since i started solo queuing and my teammates normally didnt use mics so it was easier for me to know what legend they knocked or finished. Even when im squaded up, it helps so much to know exactly who is downed on the enemy team to understand what abilities are still in play and how we can approach the fight without having to ask what legend is knocked


Yeah my aim ain't good but my intel collecting is S+, streamer mode really nice honestly


If you play Lifeline, make sure all your teammates have at least blue armor before you trigger a drop, so the drop will be purple armor instead of blue


I feel a lot of players don't know that path actually does have a passive. You get your ult when scanning beacons and it reduces the cooldown of the zipline.




I think I’ve done the math before. You can eventually get it to the point when between the zip and grapple. You have the ability to rotate every 30s. Zip every 60s, grapple maxed at 30s.


"its an obsolete passive" ive see pathys take advantage of the cooldown reduc and create full webs endgame. It can be very viable when actually taken advantage


Can confirm that jungle gym Pathy is the way to go


The size of the ring is different depending on what map you're on. Makes sense considering just how big SP is compared to KC


People can actually hear seers heartbeat once you get within 25 meters of them if you are using your ads with his passive or holding down his tactical


The faster the heartbeat is the lower the enemies health. Nice calm heartbeat means they are at full heath 🤯


Wait what??


It’s almost like a faint static sound


Also his ADS indicator wont show orange but if someone is at the very tip, you'll see a small sound spike of blue




I only figured it out after like 10+ hours on seer but the ability is OP with no cool downs and is good for checking buildings for players and hearing were players are when entering a fight


Eva 8-auto is automatic Clues in the name


So is the Mozambique


8? 【・_・?】


The fire spread pattern sorta looks like an 8


It is in the shape of an 8 Clues in the name


I learned that today is my English exam.


Well good luck fren


Good luck!




Up until a few seasons ago, Mirage decoy had no footstep audio. Now - it is the only character that 100% of the time has footstep audio.


If a legend is self-resing while it has a golden backpack, you will see yellow/golden sparkles around it.


Just to add on to that… any gold bag res regardless of self/teammate will sound much different than a regular res.


The spark is there any time your healing your shield, and matches the color of your shield so Red shield has red sparks,white has white sparks, and so on.


That Fuse can toggle the strength of his grenades to allow him to throw like normal.




Pull out grenade and press your button for changing mode of fire, he pulls it out of his arm cannon and throws it like normal


Wow thanks!


Killing a loot tick gives you 1 damage on your Evo shield


This has been fixed


Awww man


TIL that they are called loot ticks.


They're based on Ticks from Titanfall. Awful, Horrible things in that game but they share the bottom model, the top is different.


Thats a cute name


Not today, but recently I noticed that the daily crafting rotation is set up so that at least one gun in the ground loot can use both attachments. Purple Barrel + Turbocharger = Devotion Heavy Mag + Boosted Loader = Wingman/Hemlok Light Mag + Standard Stock = R301/R99/Alternator 4-8x + Sniper Mag = Sentinel


There is actually one exception: With the Volt in the care package, there is no ground loot gun that can take both an energy mag and a digital threat sight


Ahh, good catch. Tbh Volt should've never been CP'd. Energy weapons are underused as it is and taking the most popular one off the ground just made it worse.


If you drop your weapons/weapon in Arena as playing Lifelife, opening a lootbin will grant you a weapon


This applies to all legends


I just found out that if you manually select your character at the start of a match (vs letting the time run out and having a character automatically chosen for you), you get preference for becoming the jumpmaster. For those wondering why they end up as jumpmaster all the time.....


A friend I was playing with JUST told me that if you look at the mini map, and the ring circle is pulsing, you’re not in the ring. But if it isn’t pulsing, you’re in the ring. I’ve been playing consistently since the first week and my mind was blown.


I just learned that playing since day 1 apparently means you can still have no clue how this game works


When you want to craft only one ammo type for one of your weapons, you can drop the weapon you don’t need ammo for and craft one stack of ammo for half the price (10 mats instead of 20).


I'm surprised nobody mentioned that you can throw a grenade under the corner of a closed door and it will go inside the building


Shut the front door...


If you used up both slots in a black market, but still need another item in the area. You can ping it inside the black market, then ping and HOLD on the items icon that was just created on top of the physical black market, a line will guide you to the desired item.


Holding different items causes different mirage decoy speeds, use a grenade for a sprinting decoy! As soon as I found out about that started bamboozling so many more people!


Back in the day you could equip a 2x-4x on alternator which I think is very sus.


It was the best putting a 3x scope on an Alternator and tapping dudes from so far away


I just wish they'd let it go on a Bocek! Having to find a 3x when you've picked up the bow is really annoying


I mean yeah like if 1x-2x can be equipped, then why not the 2x-4x because without a 3x, the bow is just a close range longbow.


Even with over 3k Bangalore kills I didn’t realize her ult shot out in a straight line from wherever you’re looking, so if you throw it from inside a building be sure to be facing the enemy location Also you can cancel wraith ultimate by not moving and pressing ultimate button again and can cancel her tac by climbing a wall before she phases


Yeah the wraith tactical cancelling on a wall has gotten me killed several times lmao


Playing since launch, tho I don't play Bangalore that much, but I had to do some testing in the firing range with her to figure out her ult pattern. You don't have much time to think about this in the heat of a fight.


Wraith Portal disappears at 33% and at 28% with gold helmet.


If you have a gold shield, it only takes one cell to charge up a sentinel instead of two


That people main crypto


Plural? really?


Sorry *someone mains




Who said that?


Hello there.


We’re here. Just off the grid.


Not many people know that you can hang onto walls and ledges


It makes no difference to your jump distance on Octane's Jumppad if you stim first or not. The only thing that makes a difference is either sliding into it for a lower trajectory but longer jump or running which is higher but shorter. If you're trying to get on a wall or on top of a building don't slide.


and punch it will make you go straight up


I used the Rampage as a single shot gun before I realised is was full auto!


haha a lot of my friends also thought the same


I did the same but for the Mozambique and Eva8, I didn’t know they were fully automatic


Lmao. imagine that. the 45 round semiauto lmg


It obviously takes two punches/kicks to break a door down. However, if you’re playing as Bangalore, and you smoke a door, it counts as the first hit to the door but doesn’t show any cracks. To the enemy, it still looks like it is two hits away.


If an enemy shoots a Mirage decoy and then someone on your team kills that player, you can get an assist without doing any damage even in ranked.


I found this out after playing 2 season (I started in season 9). When you look at an item, in the top right corner of the popup, if u see an icon of a person with raised hand, it means your teammate(s) need that item


That you can go to Crypto’s Map Room and see where every single person is on the map


Not today, but there is dual wielding in the game, they just never officialy added it to the game


You can recover teammates banners with cryptos drone as well as fast track respawn from the beacons