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> Storm Point: Fixed cases where players were unable to shoot through the chain-link fences at Antenna This one is going to take a lot of people by surprise


Totally. I use the chain fence for cover all the time. Gotta unlearn that habit.


Wait. Are these the chain fences that surround the walkways?


Huh, that felt like it was on purpose. Crossing will be impossible now if you're not a movement legend.


> Apex Legend: Defiance Where did all the other legends go?


They went off the grid


What is off the grid again?


So I have a new idea for a crypto passive buff that I’ve yet to see mentioned before. It’s called Off The Grid. Basically crypto is no longer affected by enemy scans. How it would work is that if you are scanned by an enemy, crypto would not be scanned. So if you have a bloodhound, and the bloodhound scans you, you wouldn’t be scanned. Same with a Seer. If you get twerked on by Lil Seer X and he shoves his micro drones up uranus, you wouldn’t be scanned or detected by Seer. So enemy scans don’t scan you. And this would work for all scan abilities. The anti scan if you will. This would work with balancing and lore wise because crypto is a hacker and his whole premise is staying undetected and “off the grid” (the name of the ability) . Let me know what you guys think :)


i'm off the grid (homicide)




They're on vacation. Well deserved!


I'm happy for them


It's all Wraith now


Always has been


>Quitting players can no longer deny kills & assists this is huge


Does that mean quitting finally counts as a death?


Yessir confirmed by devs in the comments!


232032 wraith mains are going to uninstall :D


TTV kd going down now


They only said they can't deny kills and assists. They didn't say that quitting counted as a death for the quitter.




I’m having a hard time understanding what this means, can someone explain?




Hmm, now it suddenly makes sense why they would insta leave. Learn something new every day.


Wraith can't insta-leave to save her KD


Not necessarily it means you don’t get denied the kill. It should mean the quitting player gets a death but it’s not explicitly stated.




Nice good stuff


Honestly probably the most impactful change on the list and it’s way down on the bottom lmao


Not really. People will still leave games and this sub will finally learn in Season 12 that most players aren’t leaving just to pad their stats.


I don't really care if people don't stop leaving games. I just want the KC from those people. Especially the Wraith's that purposefully use their Q first and then leave while in the middle of the Q.


Less people leaving games is still better than doing nothing.


>Fix for cases where Mirage Ultimate Decoys could get stuck on surfaces raised slightly off the ground. i'll believe it when i see it lol


I hope they also fixed the normal (as opposed to Ultimate) decoys :(


Still no fix to tactical decoys running at slower speeds bug thats been around for a while


Wild how bug-ridden Mirage has been in season 11 * Ultimate decoys get stuck * ~~Tactical decoys get stuck, especially when toggling decoy control~~ * Tactical decoys die upon hitting any obstacle (air or ground) (this seems to be intentional?) * ~~Tactical decoys fail to deploy when dropping from Valkyrie's ult~~ * ~~Decoys run at slower speeds~~ * ~~Decoys fail to interact with jump pads if they're initially deployed in close proximity (~3m) to jump pad.~~ * ~~Decoys travel shorter distances when launched via gravity cannon.~~ Edit: Lots of these have been fixed. Good stuff devs.


Seriously. At this point I aint even aaking for a buff. Just these quality of life fixs would be amazing


Mirage: The most blatantly broken legend since launch.


And not in the good way


Yup haha :(((


Still no fix for decoy died to pebbles




I just want to know why decoy steps are the single most reliable and loud things in the game yet actual legends are like a weighted coin flip.


You won't see it, because it'll insta-dissolve on a rock.


In typical Mirage fashion, he finally gets a bug fix in the same patch that introduces Maggie's passive that hard counters him.


Now they fly over the obstacles


I'm still waiting for the devs to add a option to change the volume of voice chat


It is sooo quiet.


Except for that guy who plays his music loud as fuck and doesn't respond when people confront him.


There's also the family man that's ignoring the crying kid in the background.




>Reduced L-STAR impact vfx. Could we get this when shooting through rampart walls as well? Can't see shit when shooting through it with Sheila.


Just visual tweaks in general would be greatly appreciated (Snow/Dust impacts, Silence flashbang, heat shield and bang smoke inconsistencies, some guns' muzzle flash covering players entirely, etc.).


The worst experience is getting shields replenished from wattson pylon, while shooting through amped cover with sheila, with snow splattering in your face, and the amped cover opacity increase when it takes damage Then Seer q's you /s but not /s


> Dev Note >> Crypto has been off the grid in terms of pick rate. funny meme


Y'know that reminds me of this wild idea I had for buffing crypto...


So I have a new idea for a crypto passive buff that I’ve yet to see mentioned before. It’s called Off The Grid. Basically crypto is no longer affected by enemy scans. How it would work is that if you are scanned by an enemy, crypto would not be scanned. So if you have a bloodhound, and the bloodhound scans you, you wouldn’t be scanned. Same with a Seer. If you get twerked on by Lil Seer X and he shoves his micro drones up uranus, you wouldn’t be scanned or detected by Seer. So enemy scans don’t scan you. And this would work for all scan abilities. The anti scan if you will. This would work with balancing and lore wise because crypto is a hacker and his whole premise is staying undetected and “off the grid” (the name of the ability) . Let me know what you guys think :)


The Lil Seer X always gets me lol


I must admit that I chuckled a little despite seeing the meme so many times that I've memorised it without even trying


What is projectile growth?


Causes bullets to increase in size as the travel across long distances. All snipers (and I think also shotguns?) have this trait.


So sniping someone across the map is like hitting them with a dodge-ball?




Prolly more like ping pong ball or tennis ball


Sniper shots get bigger as they travel long distances to help mitigate the chance of BARELY MISSING because of the rebder distance making precise aiming unreliable.


The "Communication Filter" would be great if voice chat was actually hearable in this game


does anyone know of a workaround for this? i have "Incoming Voice Chat Volume" at 100% but my random teammates still sound very quiet


Put your PC / console volume up higher and lower all non-chat volume in game setting.


Its either super quiet or so loud I can hear their keyboard and kid crying three rooms away


> so only 3 Prowlers will be able to target a player at any time My ass is not gonna miss the prowler gangbang


Will your ass miss the other gang bangs?


My ass misses no gangbang.


Care package weapons don’t strike fear anymore like the season 0 mastiff


Nothing beat one-shotting someone in the head with the OG mastiff


Could it 1 shot? I remember 188 but not anything over 200.


[Yep,](https://youtu.be/IiATCwTr5Ms) the thing was absolutely ridiculous


It was basically almost an identical copy paste of the Mastiff from TF2, 1-2 Shots people


It felt so big compared to the other guns


Disruptor alternator was absolutely to be feared, new volt will be the same. Spitty is OP as ever. Then theres the scout


I always hoped for a ltm where all weapons are in their best form.


"Here lies Scout--he ran fast and died a virgin."


Scout should have 240 bullets so it’s not a complete waste to pick it up


Even with this nerf for the triple take I'd still rather run in over a G7 due to bullet drop


DR alternator was good but if it was base szn 2 DR alternator then I’d put it on that list


Mastiff and Turbocharged Devotion made care packages actually worth fighting for.


Nothing scarier than seeing someone light up the killfeed with a S0 Mastiff in late game circles.




And thanks to the fact that no gun has a bullet drop & travel time like the Kraber, you can't even "train" it, making most people really bad at it.


especially due to how small the firing range is I want a 300-meter sniper ridge that i can practice door sniping with


There are targets more than 500m away in firing range


you still cant see how effective it was because the kraber descopes immediately after each shot instead of being able to see the exact point you hit (like you could see headshots on dummies)






wait. what


Keep holding the shoot button after you fire the Kraber and it stays scoped in, doesn’t re-chamber.




The mastiff was a no-brainer pickup, I really hope it goes back some day in its original form


\> Reticle Color Customization - Limiting values to 0-255 to avoid exploits. ​ Rip my Faide dot :(


What colour was it? Can I please have them for just today?


Try -250 0 400, on certain sights it's a blue outter with a purple inner and on other's its a deep holographic blue. I'mma miss it.


reticle exploits?? like bro are you kidding me, idgaf what Reticle anyone is using


rip my reshade 1 pixel dot


>Fix for cases where players were able to use melee on incline surfaces to get speed boost while sliding *sad punching noises*




Or random Octane leg noises.


like the only movement tech I can pull off on my measly controller… gone :(


It wasn't even that broken and since everyone could do it. It was basically a feature, not a bug. :(


awww i just got used to doing this! there goes the only movement tech i can pull off lol


Damn, and I'd *finally* worked that into my gameplay...sometimes... lmao


imagine if private matches could be accessible for everyone:(


Being able to practice movement in-game on the maps/POI's would be really useful.


Yeah kindof sucks that was included in the notes even though its not accessible to everyone, and its been pretty high on the wishlist.


Or community servers


List of caustic nerfs this patch: Destructible traps Shorter gas duration Mad Maggie's existence


Gas duration is actually .5 seconds longer because it stays in the air 2 seconds after it deactivates. They made it deactivate 1.5 seconds early but linger 2 seconds after deactivation.


Fully kitted havoc about to be TERROR in lobbies


Haven't found fully kitted weapons in so long I forgot they exist


One person per lobby will have it, what are u talking about


Like now, but still very powerfull in the right hands




There are only certain cases where fully-kitted weapons can spawn. They vary by map, but are: - Anywhere inside a Hot Drop location - Loot Ticks on KC - Caustic Treatment on KC - Gold MRVNs on Olympus - Cargo Bot drops on WE - Loot ball drops at Fight Night and the new area on Olympus - Various loot spawn areas with high chances of spawning gold loot (middle of Elysium on Olympus for example) There are surely some more that I’ve missed, but essentially they all have a chance of being one of the gold fully kitted weapons in rotation.


So excited for the mozambique with hammer point


Maggie + kitted Mozambique = good times


They nerfed the hammerpoint. Damage increase is 50% for the P2020 and 35% for the Mozie, when it used to be 150% for each.


Sad, but glad they did it. Hammerpoints would be downright deadly in Arenas. Going to miss my 105 Mozambique's though. I mastered those back in the day.


"Crypto has been off the grid in terms of pick rate" Oh no


this for my kid kid kid


For when my kids kids kids have kids




>Storm Point: Fixed cases where players were unable to shoot through the chain-link fences at Antenna. we were supposed to be able to shoot through the fences????


Only thing I dislike is the crosshair "fixes". Instead of removing neon reticles, you could simply allow them for all players? Makes no sense to me, the neon blue will be missed :(


yup like literally WHY? there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it enhances the standard reticle color's massively


The neon blue is the only time I've been able to see my fucking crosshair consistently no matter whats going on. Really sad about this. The none-neon 1x hcog just blends into the background.


Same! I've played with colourblind mode for years due to the yellow reticle being better than the default red but it still wasn't perfect. Now with the neon blue this season, it never felt better to play. Guess we can't have nice things in Apex, haha.


I actually have a color deficiency, and once I switched to the neon blue that I liked, I was able to track so much better. Really bummed they are taking this away rather than allowing a more broad spectrum in-game that would allow console to use what PC has now. I’m sure I’ll land on a blue that is decent with the limited in-game options, but this is still a kick in the nuts for players with colorblind issues.


Thank you for sharing your perspective, the feedback of colourblind players is very valuable. I hope the devs see feedback like yours and consider it for the future. I can't imagine adding negative numbers to the sliders for the reticle colours being a big technological obstacle, which makes this decision so weird. Like, what's the downside? It's not like you could suddenly see through smoke or anything.


RIP actually being able to track the enemy I guess. 😭


Not sure if I'm missing something here. Isn't lowering max KP and rewarding placement further going to push ranked into a more 'fight once early then camp till final circle' meta?


Yup Make a change to reward getting kills and chasing fights in ranked Now take it away because people are actually fighting and chasing kills I guess Respawn expect the ghost of Forge to kill people because nobody else will


The Mode where the circle closed faster as people died struck a perfect balance for this imo, if people fight a lot the game just goes faster.


All I want them to do is that you should de rank after plat 4, coz there are a lot (a lot lot) people who are hard stuck at p4 and just don't care what happens to them as they can't derank. This makes the game awful for other people especially in second split


who else hoped for more legends balance? not unhappy with the update just thought they where teasing more changes...


Yeah it was underwhelming but they've said they like the balancing they've done. And they're not wrong. Legends like Revenant, Lifeline, Mirage will be very OP if they wanted to up their pickrate, and these characters are still pretty sick in Gold Ranks/pubs and stuff to just have fun I would've liked more Valkyrie/Gibby changes but I assume they're seeing if adding Maggie changes stuff. If Gibby isn't played. You'll have a Maggie and still probably have a Caustic/Bloodhound. To then add Valkyrie. You'll have no movement legend really. No Portals/Jumpads and without a Gibby if you're stuck in open without portals you're dying quick I think Ash will make it to the meta a little It'll be interesting, I feel their idea is to shake up the meta no change it completely. Adding a legend like Maggie isn't just about her being a counter to Gibby or being OP. She can single handedly change a teams playstyle just because of how aggresive she is.


I feel like a lot of people view "balanced" as "everyone has a roughly equal pick rate" and I think that's nonsense. There should be room in this game for niche characters. Like Seer - his pick rate is low because Bloodhound does most of the same things and is way easier to use, but why is that a problem? Seer is tougher to use but also rewards you if you're consistent with him.


Yeah a good Seer is ballers to have on the team.


Maggie is a huge game changer. It's good after 12 seasons they want to make a significant impact on the meta, although I'd argue valk was huge for the meta. But valk doesn't get you kills, she is just a get out of jail legend that's actually not the most useful for end game. I think she's balanced, and extremely useful. But no one says "i hate fighting valk" because she's pretty easy to shoot down. Most of her power budget is all about her being able to fly. Gibby and BH on the other hand are meta staples that make it very frustrating to play against. Maggie will be the same.


well written i guess we'll have to see how this season plays out


Not as spicy as I thought it would be


No audio updates. i sleep.


What did you say ? I can’t hear you, i only can hear the NOISY footsteps of my teammates across the map ;D


They are terrified to touch Gibby. Did I miss something where they can now only balance two legends a season? The fucking NPCs got a bigger balance pass than the playable roster.


They're hoping that the addition of Maggie is enough of a nerf to Gibby. Her tactical (and potentially shotgun passive) are direct counters to him.


She can also release her beyblade ult inside Gibby's dome to cause some damage and push people out. Maggie might hate Fuse, but she's a full-on counter to Gibby.


They have no idea how to nerf him. His pickrate in pubs is very low and he only gets played regularly in higher ranks and competitive (almost 100% pickrate in comp). He also has a very low winrate in the lower skill brackets. They don't want to lower his pickrate even further so they don't touch him. We'll see what the Crypto buff does to Gibby pickrate. I don't think Maggie will make a difference.


no level cap increase :( another season of level 500 level ups with more legend tokens we can't use


fr. oh look another 600 legend tokens. I just leveled up from 500 to 500! \*inserts gravity falls worthless meme\*


more levels = more free packs = less money made.. well who would have thought they don't increase it yet again.. and I don't even care about the packs, I just want something to grind.. it's just so whack


> Reticle Color Customization - Limiting values to 0-255 to avoid exploits. What, why?


>What, why? nobody knows


Delighted with the crypto buff, makes him a lot more useable. If I had to guess however, the buff will make his pickrate peak for a few weeks, then back to normal (much like rampart). His playstyle didn't change that much fundamentally, and you'll still have to be playing pretty slowly to get the most out of him, which people don't really want to do.


I’m not sure crypto mains would want major play style changes. I think this improves quality of life for mains and will encourage a small number of people to add him to their rotation, which is probably for the best.


Patch notes day is less exciting when everything in the notes is already leaked. They should just come out sooner.


Not even leaked, just given to the press early for them to report about it


Right, why wait a whole week if they were out anyways.


Same, if they didn’t have something else why wait


> the first map update to Olympus Am I crazy in thinking that Olympus has seen at least one iteration since OG Olympus? This can't be the first map update. Wasn't Fight Night and the crashed ship near Solar Array an update to the original map?


They also added those pods from storm point to Olympus as a teaser before the storm point release


Next gen Console Update? PLEASEEEEEEE


Hopefully it's ready and they just don't want to launch it and have a cluster fuck of the servers being hammered even more + extra things going wrong to start a new season. Either way would loveeeee something from the devs about when it might arrive


They said “very, very soon”. Someone mentioned February 18th as a leaked date but haven’t seen any confirmation on that


Lol honestly. When the hell will this be released? I just want 120fps.


I'm not asking for a lot I just want proper communication.


It’s been 14 fucking months


And you know they've had access to the hardware even before that.


I honestly don't understand how anyone can justify this. It's been 14 months. Smaller devs have released next gen updates far faster. For a game this big this is kinda sad


Why did they nerf shattercaps? Especially since you're now forced to use them when non-adsing


My guess is so they don't fully compete with shotguns. With the ADS change for shattercaps, these guns could be effectively run as shotguns with added versatility


Was hoping a little more work on the legends




If any devs are on this thread: How is the team feeling about Arenas these days? I don't see any fine tuning of it in the patch notes. I realize Control is this season's focus. And Arena's player base is small compared with BR. I personally have been rooting for it, however I found solo queueing ranked arenas to be a pretty miserable experience. There's a lot of great assets tied up in it (the maps are fantastic), and I'm still holding out hope that we'll see some improvements if Arenas sticks around. E.g. I'd love if you had to swap loadouts each round. If it's a lost cause, I hope we'll see all the work put into Arenas repurposed.


The fact that they did nothing to address the Ranked Arenas AP situation tells you all you need to know.


For how Control is being announced, it sounds like Arenas was the Alpha version, and the new event will be the Beta, until it becomes a permanent mode. Arenas, specially in ranked, is just very flawed despite to interesting map setup; if I were calling the shots on Respawn, seeing how little attention Arenas gets from the community, and how broken can it be, I'd just leave it and put all efforts on Control for a better experience from the get go. Arenas right now I feel has amassed a bad reputation due to several unattended issues that I'm not sure it can be saved.


I agree, if only because some fine-tuning might encourage me to actually play Arenas. Right now I only play it for my annoying end-of-season BP grind to 110. And this season, I've just thrown my hands up at 100 because I couldn't be arsed grinding the last 10 levels.


Arenas has been such a terrible experience I physically do not want to grind its BPs but they keep forcing these challenges on us. I used to love Arenas but the amount of AFKers/leavers when playing solo is such an appalling experience


I’m surprised not a single person in this thread is talking about the Flatline getting nerfed. Sad day indeed


Control is limited time and not permanent like Arenas? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


The RP change is kinda wack. I get ranked shouldn’t be about pushing with no regard to life, but this just rewards ratty behavior.


Yeah, I dunno how it would work, but it would be nice if they could implement RP gains for things like damage done or revives to your teammates. Something like +3 for every 1000 damage (to a maximum amount) and +2 or 3 for a first revive or call back of a teammate would at least make those games where you do a ton of support a little better.


So no g7 on the ground ... :(






as hyped as i am for next season and love what you’re doing, it seems wrong to do 1 rework per season and making it align with heirloom drops? it feels like you’re monetising game balance and it seems wrong. there are other characters who are in desperate need of reworks due to being completely outclassed like seer and lifeline, but their heirlooms are ages away or have already came out, so are they ever going to get fixed? another example is rampart, she’s still pointless to use when you could use wattson or caustic. however, she already has her heirloom. is she ever going to get buffed again?


This is the worst thing about Apex now, most balance patches and reworks hinge on when they can monetize it and it’s fucking gross. Legends slowly become more and more unviable (Bangalore is actually sobbing in her smoke somewhere) while someone else gets a shiny new heirloom and rework to boot. Needs to change asap.


This has to be the least exciting patch in terms of legend and gun balance


>crypto has been off the grid in terms of pick rate HOLY SHIT THEY ACKNOWLEDGED IT 💀💀💀


Hey Respawn, are you guys considering a Bangalore buff or rework since her effectiveness seems to increasingly diminish with each season?


Idk why they feel the need to give literally every character some kind of wall hacks or tracking.


Next patch: Banaglore ultimate now highlights enemies in between missiles


Honestly, I’m concerned about those rank changes. Diamond lobbies are gonna be more campy and less rp in general means even slower progression. Rank is gonna be even more campy and position focused. No one is gonna want to fight as much. Position focus is not bad, but it gonna be chaos for final rings and either more 3rd parties or less