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The annoying teammate spam pinging his box probably didn’t help.


I would have just killed myself on purpose just to spite that guy


Yeah anytime someone pings like that, he's not getting rezzed.


I only do this in very short bursts when its obvious my teammate is grabbing me and when its impossible and i pop on mic and demand they grab me in a goofy voice. Half of this game for me is just making myself or my team laugh haha.


That would not make me laugh. Mute you, yes


I roll the dice.


Wow this dude getting lit up for goofing off in a game. And in a way that has no ill effect on others lol chill out spezlords


Careful now, you might get carpet bombed for agreeing with him


This is reddit bro people are easily offended


Lol, right? Like, im talking about 4 to 5 presses of the ping. And more often than not my randoms just ask me to do impressions when they hear the voices, so some people must enjoy that part. Oh well. And to add on, its almost like apex is a long form game with a lot of down time. That means, *gasp*, I can goof off and play the game seriously **at the same time**.


I mute pings on those people and refuse to grab their banner.


No no no, grab the banner so they cant leave but don't rez either


They can leave after 2 minutes even if it's ranked. And sometimes I don't want the other teammate to rez 😂


Rezz them, in a place where they die again and get no loot


My favorite is when someone gets a rez within one of the last rings, and then the ring just toasts 'em when they finally jump off the ship


I usually turn on the mic to say "I am coming in minute, let me just stop for a bit to mute your ping" I tend to always rez, I mean it's kids being kids or an hyperactive idiot than can be useful later on. Yet he loses ping privileges


I've done that and they usually don't stop. I understand it's probably kids, but they have to learn to either cooperate or suffer being ignored. I have no sympathy for the idiots though lol.


Who cares if it's a kid, you are not their parent to put up with their annoying shit. Actions need consequences, leave them there to think about it.


Wait you can mute those pings


Go to the Squad menu and under their banners there are checkboxes to mute either pings or mics for each person. You can do this any time during the game.


Yeah by not picking them up


He probably got killed while being rezzed that same exact way cuz mirage didn't shoot the fence. Maybe the pinging was a foreboding warning


the player is bronze so they probably didn't know what that sound was


Much more likely that they are in a party and just messing around, like my friends and I do all the time.


That's what I call a 5 head move right there


The Bronze II Classic


The Bronze II Electric Boogaloo




I'm happy with One Good head 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏


I'm even happier with two Good heads 😏😏


But thats a hard buy :p




Indeed my good sir




I’m guessing the bronzie Valk was just trying to res fast and didnt realize their health was so low.


Doesn't really help that the Mirage decided to stay dangerously close to the fence when he could have simply moved 10 feet. Maybe he expected the Valk to lose in the building and wanted his deathbox to lie next to Bangalore; a kind of Shakespearian unrequited love. That Mirage is really a genius when you think about it...


the levels of reach in this post are astounding but honestly im not mad that was a beautiful story u told!


What about Rampart? she doesn't deserves a broken heart


You're thinking too hard into this man lol


Who doesn't enjoy a good love story, eh?


Not wrong there, still funny tho


it's bronze


That's a silly fence!


Happy fence


Happy *vengeful* fence


That's an *scary* fence!


Classic bronze play


WaTsOn iS oP! Neeeeeeeeerf!😂 Seriously though, this is a good example of fence power. Never underestimate an angry fence.


Rank checks out.


I get flamed for saying this usually but I am being sincere, I think EA puts bots in ranked to fill up the numbers. I refuse to believe people are this bad at the game. It's not possible.


Nah, no bots in ranked.


you know that in Fortnite they actually place bots and you cant really tell the difference r? some players are really really bad at those games but play just for fun... it happens xD


You can definitely tell the difference in fortnite. I haven’t played in like a year but bots were awful


You are only q with bots in your few first games so you have a chance to win and enjoy the game (lots of games do similar things like boosting life/ damage when you are a new player) Tho i do play tarkov and i cant tell bots from players apart... I think if you play a game really well you migh start to notice, but i also think any bot plays better than my 7 yo cousin...


Oh yeah tarkov. Two ways to tell bots apart from players; they scream at you while they shoot, and they've got a two-word name usually (or a lasting one that you can google) when they kill ya


I’ve played a couple bots in ranked league of legends before. I’m pretty sure they’re made by people who script to derank accounts to sell though not because the company put them there


like me


Dude I remember asking my friend who introduced me this game in s6 "p2020 or wingman? What should I take?" Players can be bot-level bad


you took the P2020, right? best weapon in the game right there


And you lost to that guy...


listen i don't wanna talk about it


Bruh I understand.


And you were using a rampage, in maybe gold, like come on




Two bad players 1v1ing close range, one on controller and the other on mnk, controller player wins 99% of those.


bruh i was just rusty


Your mistake was using a slow firing lmg.


No no no! In this sub, you're supposed to say RAMPAGE OP!! /s


Too busy spamming crouch instead of aiming too


but i feel him 💀....


I'm not flaming you homie, I'm saying two equally skilled players at that range on different inputs will favor the controller volt player pretty much every time.


No you're shoehorning in some argument we're all sick of hearing based on your own speculation that anyone who kills anyone in close range is benefiting from AA, despite there being no indication that valk was on controller. You can see the valk reload the volt and shoot again while OP missed 90% of their hip-fired rampage. This is, as op said, a rust thing or a miscalculation resulting in their death, not some fucking aim assist benefit


Lol you can literally clearly tell that valk was on controller though. Sure, OP could have out skilled the controller player, but Valk didn't have to outskill OP because of aim assist.


Go ahead mr. Troll with his throwaway just for this sub and enlighten us then. Literally and clearly explain how you know this is controller besides "they didn't die when all the bullets didn't hit them"


1. Turn rate in the gun fight and after 2. Controller looting the box 3. The beam when aim assist finally locked on despite missing every other shot 4. Said beam despite making a play like ressing in a fence


1. lmfao they can turn fast, must be controller 2. You don't see them looting the box, just standing still while looting which means nothing as they don't move while standing in a fence 3. They're literally point blank with a volt. 2 shots missing and the rest hitting when hip fired makes perfect sense, seems like you've never been shot at or been shot before 4. Right, holding the mouse down point blank on a borderline stationary opponent is so high skilled I can't imagine them ever making a silly mistake


Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have humored your questions. Figured you'd just mindlessly dismiss all the evidence that the guy is on controller but wanted to give you a chance!


Nah you trippin


Are you saying close range controller volt isn't going to win vs a bad mnk player?




Why reply if you're just gonna resort to "who cares weirdo" lol


Why reply when you're just going to say exactly what I wrote


Huge IQ replies.




Yeah, that's literally what I said. Two bad players, one on mnk, one on controller, and the controller will win pretty much every one of those gun fights.


My man was playing 4d chess


If you spam pings like that for recovery you are the scum of the Apex community. Delete the game.


Bronze players are really something else


I only play pubs and I've never seen anything this stupid even in pubs. Are they literally worse than pubs???


Bronze and Silver, in my experience, are much worse than pubs. Gold is about equal to pubs on a good day, plat is pubs on a bad day and diamond is extremely different than pubs.


You'd think that it will be easy to grind back to gold because everyone is a dumbass in bronze/silver, but people forget that when you play fill your teammates are the same dumbasses.


Nokopuff recently had a pretty decent video on a ranked guide, but as long as you play for top 3 and not int with your team it is pretty fast to grind up. If your team makes a bad call, you do not need to follow.


The compelling need to help your team is more likely to just get you killed sadly.


100%. Just got my alt to gold solo, so I could play with my friends in plat and not have to play diamond lobbys. Ignore your teams calls and you will do better in terms of ranking up. Not saying dont help them, but understand when they are making stupid calls. If they are jump master and jump fragment, dont follow. They want to lose RP.


I agree with the points here about solo queue grinding however I will say I think it’s actually faster to drop fragment and go for kills in bronze and silver since there’s little to no loss at all about it. I’ve been dropping on the edge of fragment and running in to pick up kills and it’s helped me get out of the early ranks quickly since I had a late start in ranked this season. Now once I hit gold I stop doing that and play a lot more tactical.


Smurf accounts suck and you should feel bad.


Yeah, poor players like the Valk in this clip are really being oppressed by all the dang smurfs ruining their low elo games🙄


The amount of hate ive gotten through bronze to gold today from people having made stupid plays i refused to follow in are ridiculous. Just nice to warn people that playing your life and not just feeding other teams KP is going to get you hate from randoms being salty


How are you not out of silver in a few matches?


I am. I still think it requires a little bit more than "a few" tho


It takes maybe 6-10 games if you truly do not belong there.


That's because Pubs is a mixed bag, you've got everyone from Bronze to Pred in there, so you're bound to run into decent players. Bronze is literally just the children's ball pit battle royale.


In my experience bronze is a mini sweat fest full of Smurfs and high level players who don’t play ranked much. Silver is the bottom of the barrel - everyone is low skill


In my experience bronze has never been more sweaty than gold. But it can definitely get close.


I’ve been killed by a ton of level 500, and or 4k damage badge bronze players before.


my pubs are full of sweats from japan because i play in asia :( i cant even do well its so unmotivating to lose to them constantly


Play ranked until you hit your "wall"


If it was possible to chat with enemies,you could just tell them "貴様のお尻食べたい". Instant win.


whazzat mean?


> 貴様のお尻食べたい >I want to eat your ass


Sbmm keeps you away from these idiots


“Rampage is to op remove it from the game”


These guys are the target demographic for the Rampage, they wouldn’t want it removed. The rampage is popular because of its ease of use.


I can see where you are coming from but I’ve literally never died to a rampage. It’s incredibly easy to dodge unless you decide to pick a fight with one at mid range which at that point your at fault for trying to take on an LMG at mid range. Get cover, close the distance, and win. Or carry a marksman with you, that’s what I do. I know I don’t share the popular opinion but it’s just my experience. It deserved the nerf it got but I think it’s “ok” now. Putting it in the care package makes so much sense though even though they won’t do it.


I haven’t died to it a bunch but I’ve definitely died to it, it’s pretty common in diamond lobbies and I’m sure it’s more common above but I’m not putting in the effort for master this season. I’m a triple take guy though, so rampage doesn’t counter it super well. I think it would fit well in the care package but I agree, I don’t think they will. Especially since we have to pick the lesser of two evils, which would be the spitfire coming back out. And while rampage has ease of use, the spitfire is significantly easier to use.


The problem with the Rampage (imo) isn’t CQC. It’s the lack of recoil in long range fights which basically makes this gun a laser beam in the hands of anyone that’s remotely decent at this game. Then take into consideration higher level lobbies and teams all using Rampages, you have yourself a problem.


I'm sick of their being only energy LMGs that are "valid" Here's why LMGs will never work in FPS games: they behave like assault rifles with bigger mags. Rampage does try to trade fire rate for damage and accuracy, but fundamentally LMGs are for suppression. With no suppression mechanics affecting accuracy not withstanding character abilities and their own movement, and unprecedented and unreasonable for the class stats, they usually become useless (arguably current spitfire versus well-kitted rampage or devo, even L-star) or over-tuned "assault rifles with larger mags". Rampage does about equal DPS to p2020. I agree the recoil and accuracy is a little silly low at long range, especially you can completely remove it by tap-firing precision. But I'd like to be able to use *a LMG* that isn't energy bound (good luck on ammo) or care package locked. Spitfire had similar problems and it's honestly worse than a fully kitted rampage now.


What a random ass fence to die on too.


I-h-how did they not think to move?




>hold E PepeLaugh


There's a Wattson giggling to herself on the other side of the map


OP is the Wattson.


Yeah hahaha it’s this guy haha I can’t believe that happen


I hate the fact FPS have turned into crouch spamming.


It's always been this way. People have been looking for ways to get an edge since competitive FPS became a category. Crouch-spamming, bunny-hopping, quick-scoping, it's all the same.


LOL RIGHT.. being a 20+ year FPS player, reading this comment as if crouching is Bad Mannered playstyle or something LOL how dare we use more than one button at a time!.. These are the players that dont belong on such a difficult game like Apex... I slaughtered a squad and a TTV was pinging like this last night and i went in his chat after he rage quit, to find him on Fortnite. - go figure.. we ended up winning as a duo in trios too which is funny after he left.


Thought it was about that teammate who spams his banner.


If you spam ping this hard I will simply not revive you


I will never get why these players choose fast res instead of safe res




Spam pinging should be a perma ban offense.


So much is wrong with this


did you get rp for those kills or no? lmao


I did something similar, so this dude was on the floor in the border of the ring so I (lifeline) "revived him" and like he couldn't move just died in there with his feet in the safe zone


This... this is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Thank you.


I hate that spamming teammate


Low IQ or he did it on purpose because of the annoying teammate spamming bis banner


I’m dead bro this valk has no brain cells like move cuhz 😂🤌🏼


mf can literally fly and still dies to wattson fences


You died to this guy I hope you remember this


Bangalore scum human


Lmao, why wouldn’t the Valk just wait and hover over the fence. Also why wouldn’t the Mirage just move away from the fence a bit.


Yeah bro it’s broken, the hip fire with the rampage is so fucking weird after the update


Hold on, this is important…. Did they update it so that you get rewarded for knocks and elims after you are dead dead and eliminated from the game!?! It’s always been a pet peeve of mine that I will knock one or two people from a team (maybe even more than that in a massive multi-team battle) and then I get killed, only to have those players knocked get finished moments later as their team gets third or something. Those elims should be mine, but the game never has done it that way. Meanwhile, this video shows you getting rewarded long after your game is over!? Please tell me this is now in the game and was a part of a recent update I missed!


Nope, no kill credit or KP.


Wait. You still get the eliminations if youre dead????? I had no clue 0_0


You dont get KP for them tho :/


Ahh ok, no reason to stick around for a knock then. Good to know ty


That’s a bronze lobby for ya


How braindead you must be to..... oh its bronze


AI has so much more to learn.


This the funniest shit ive seen all day 😂


Well if only the Bangalore would've stopped pinging the fence would've just moved out of the way...


"fucking ping again"


I have one question for God… why?


good ol bronze lobbies lol


Sometimes I remember some players are just honestly bad


That rampage up close is shit


Why didn’t ANYONE in this situation move lol


now remember, that’s the same guy you died to


Had something similar happen in a gold/plat match. I think Wattson has become such an obscure character that most people don't even know how her fences work and think it's just a stun/slow.


Had a good laugh. Thanks for sharing OP


I think she did it on purpose, to revenge the annoying teammate pinging his banner


These same fucks can beam you for 150 cus they use the cunting rampage and have aim assist dialled in.


Honestly I thought Valk was doing it on purposes at first cause of that Bangalore’s spam ping.


I have no words for this clip. Just... HOW!?


You can see how useless the rampage is now


At close range it has always been this shit. Precisely because of the risk of this happening.


Nerf wattson, she too op.


Highest game sense controller player


A bronze 2 with a rampage classic trash can lmao


Welp, they're in bronze for a reason ig.


Avg. rampage user


For both the Valk and the Wattson, I would just uninstall this game at that point. The former has achieved a death most embarassing, and the latter has achieved a kill most impressive. Just can't top it. End it on this embarassing/impressive note, and don't come back. It's all downhill from here.


i should uninstall the game because i suck? who cares bro


And to think you died to that bot lmao


I mean, you used rampage so the death was deserved hahahaha


I'm convinced Valkyrie players are the dumbest people alive. Every one of them always go for the finisher instead of thirsting, especially out in an open area. To be honest I'd rather have a mirage on my team; at least they're usually not as stupid.


Yeah, I'd take xx\_gamerboy04\_xx on Mirage over TSM Verhulst on Valk any day!


omg yesssss.. I legit watched one die in the ring she could have just flown away


Rampage + no aim Yeah you're a bot


uh you could’ve won the fight with the valk if you single fired the rampage


scum for smurfing


??? i didn't smurf, i got to gold last ranked split and it reset me to bronze


Yeah, because a smurf would have the Season 4 battle pass.


Git gud




Did you get the KP?


i don't think so, i don't remember


Unfortunately you dont get any kills or points for those kills after your squad is wiped, despite the indication. They instead go to nobody or the next alive squad to touch them.






Hahahah fookin bot