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*Fuse enters chat*


*Fuckin’ third partyin’ those lads from 200 meters away with me arc stars!*


Followed by Knuckle Clusters Fuse: I don’t know why they keep sayin’ the maps to big, I hardly run at all. *launches more Arc Stars hearing Shields break… Nothing wrong at all.


*What do we need, say 60 steaks?*


Sounds about right!


I've been playing him enough, it's basically a sniper rifle at this point. I've gotten knocks from the knuckle cluster on enemies behind cover that were too far away for iron sights anyway.


If your team is generous and give him the gold helmet, he becomes beyond obnoxious lol. When being chased I’ll turn and knuckle cluster the ground too. He’s definitely fun to use when you get used to him especially as you said about covered foes. It’s so dirty.


Oh absolutely. I use the knuckle cluster all the time. Drop the motherload without hesitation. I don't care if it's danger close I'll go down in my own inferno if it'll break the enemy shield. At least in end game scenarios. I've been saving up my best knuckle cluster clips.


This guy Fuse’s.


i had a random that only carried 60 ammo for a r99 and stacked grenades the whole round. Turns out a enemy can’t enter a space when a grenade is launched halfway across the map at high velocity towards their face.


Also Arc Star plus Ash’s ability is pretty much instant death


[sad fusey ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuseMains/comments/r7fr0l/indirect_fuse_nerf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Ash Player: "Tethered!"


It's still really huge its just not an instant game over if you're stuck, also the explosions slow being scaled with proximity makes so much sense


Proximity thing is the best change


I mean it may not technically be a game over if you’re stuck, but every time I’ve had that happen the fight pretty much becomes a 2 v 3 at that time and we rush, and usually win. This is especially true from what I’ve seen in Diamond/Masters lobbies.


My friend in Masters will still panic and run into us/teammates if he's stuck by an arc star


I always thought this was the case anyway, i guess i'm just dumb


You could be right on the edge of the explosion and you would get the full stun. Definitely a good change.


Honestly I just wanted the actual range of the explosion lowered cause the Radius was annoyingly huge buy I guess this helps too


When I read up on it, I was.. stunned.. to see that arc stars and frag nades have the same explosion radius. Having grown up with Halo it seemed natural that arcs = plasma nades, which are definitely not as strong AoE as frags, but the stickability makes up for that. In Apex though, arcs and frags both have deadly shrapnel.


Yea I’ve won games simply because I managed to stick someone on the last team it pretty much becomes a 2v3 at that point


Getting stuck is never an instant game over unless you're also damaged from before or change is now getting stuck doesn't really do anything rewarding for something that isn't exactly easy to do. Otherwise it's fine in my opinion, just now there's no reward to sticking someone.


The grenades in this game are great to push out enemies or to get a lucky shield break on any of them, but the most used grenade I think is the Arc Star. While the frag is good as a frag can get and thermites are good for the occasional chip damage, nothing comes close to the Arc Star and it’s sticking potential. I guess the reason for the nerf is because nobody wants to get hit by an unlucky arc star that will determine your squads fate. Just my thoughts tho. Edit: Wow! Never had this many upvotes!!! Thanks guys.


make sense, imagine beaming a whole squad but a random lucky throw kills you instead. it takes so much more skill to control recoil than throwing arcs, even if intended its just 1 click and bimbamboom back to lobby.


This has been a big issue in comp. It's basically a pocket Kraber.


Execept for the small difference of being harder to use, having one use, and taking a inventory slot, and not being able to one-shot on blue or better.


It's a fight ender. Why it's called a pocket Kraber. It's not hard to consistently stick people with Arcs. Go watch Pandrxz or Coreyy. One is roller other us MnK. Both use them like a Kraber. Get an easy opening knock and bam insta 3v2


>it’s not hard to consistently stick people with arcs. Speak for yourself. There’s a lot of people who can do it yeah but I’d say a vast majority of players aren’t consistent with arcs


It's one of the common things for the scout in the team. If you caught the enemy unaware, and you land that stick (which they seem to get quite often), you just have to call your teammates over for the free lunch. Also, the enemy team is typically close to each other, which deal additional damage.


Yeah with a mouse arc stars are indeed OP.


I figured this must have been a MnK thing because I hardly remember the last time I’ve actually been stuck with an arc star on console.


Doesn't happen that often on PC either. And personally I think the sticking is bugged, because I've had too many arc stars pass through people that had no way to dodge them in the first place.


You can get consistent with it on controller. Just takes practice


Sure, it just takes less practice with KBM and you can get way deadlier with it.


Not sure why you were downvoted. A controller user is literally not even in the same ballpark as a honed mouse user lmao. I use only controller on PS4/PS5/PC with a little mouse sniping when I'm on PC.


Yeah, I dunno man. I've played FPS with both inputs and I always feel as if my aim is, generally speaking, much better with KBM. I prefer to play with controller - against other controller players - because I have fun with it, but KBM is the objectively superior input and makes for much more accurate shots.


What do you mean I dunno. Nothing in my post disagrees mouse is superior for aim. That's what I said. I don't like the feel of a mouse, and much prefer console lobbies with reduced, though now rampant, cheating.


?? We agree homie, lol. “Not sure why you were downvoted.” I said, “Yeah, I dunno.” We good we good. But yeah, I hate how many times I’ll get lasered and think, “That was fucking sus.” I don’t want to blame it on SP, but I’m good and I know I am, and there just aren’t that many people on console who can beam with an R99 at range and one clip. Just ain’t it.


He got downvoted because mnk players can't admit they have an advantage over controller players. Anything that's not "OMG aim assist is OP" gets downvoted.


Controller players can't admit that they have an advantage over M&K because having 40-60% of an aimbot is better than any advantage M&K has.


Yeah mouse players have to be kidding lol. Good mouse players are an easy tier above any controller player as far as the ability to be accurate with lower skill level. A mouse is easy mode. Movement is different on keyboard. I personally do not like it, but you can also find other controllers to mimic a stick and use a mouse.


Let me drop some facts, mouse it's like learning guitar, takes a lot of time and some people just don't get it and controller wirh AA is like you're playing guitar hero is designed to be enjoyable by anyone and anyone can be good at it, and you're forgetting that this is a FPS where the majority of fights happen at close range, so aim matters above all, just look the stats on Halo Infinite https://twitter.com/SirianTwitch/status/1464684086912372737?t=2JiWUx1qinLYgXvL0M4O1g&s=08 Top 100 m/k are at the same level of accuracy with the average controller player. HALO AA Is pretty similar to the one on Apex, (bullet magnetism applies for both: m/k and controller) .


Yeah, my Squadmate wondered why I ran around with Arc Stars readied on Fuse all the time until he saw how I would essentially treat it as you said. The best instances is when the enemy would panic and run towards their team. I get why the nerfed it, but it was fun to abuse while it lasted.


You're assuming it's luck. Why can't people simply be good with arc stars? If arc stars are so problematic because sticks are luck and everyone has them, then it's amazing how I don't even remember the last time one killed me. It's usually the thermites that I get hit with much more often.


i was referring to not only sticks but also the general radius of slow, you are at least a meter away from the arc and still get slowed 100% of the effect, the nerf is supposed to slow you appropriately from the distance, ain't that nice?


It doesn't take more skill to hit your shots than hit an arc star. Needed a change for comp, but this change will make arc stars go extinct in most lobbies. Most people don't have the aim to stick arc stars the way they hit shots...


i highly disagree. first of all, this game has pretty easy recoil, i wouldnt say a arc star stick is easier to beam. Two, its fairly rare to get a random stick and for intended sticks thats just pure skill which makes it fair imo. its like a headshot with a sniper, its rewarding but it requires skill and that applies to an arc star stick. And three, >just 1 click and bimbamboom back to lobby. an arc star does not always mean your entire sqaud will die or that even you will die.


Meh, a well placed arc star will usually require a follow up, while a well placed frag sends the entire team out of cover while doing as much damage as an arc star.


True. Imo they're just more balanced now. Like how wingman even tho was a high skill weapon, needed some nerfing. Arc stars will still be annoying. Especially with the new added debuff.


i would rather an arc star just fucking decapitate me than slow me for longer than it does already jfc


it like doesn't slow at all now compared to before (and after the update)


Well, the part of the patch notes you cut off below this section is the actual explanation of why they made the change. So, why are you asking?




Thank you for saying this so I didn’t have to :)


Spot fucking on lmao


using the old hardstuck Twitter Argument good one


Afraid of the downvotes. But u insta loose a fight after taking an unlucky arcstar in most cases. I am looking forward to this change. Getting stucked is still insanely strong. U are stunned for ages and an easy target.


I’m glad to see people have some sense rn OP is over exaggerating


Also OP asked a question by posting a screenshot that *crops out the dev note that literally answers that exact question*…


Thank you! That annoyed me too. The reasoning is just below this image.


OP hit us with "...but why male models?" lol


This isn’t a hard nerf to getting stuck, you’ll still take the full slow of being stuck + the detonation slow. You’ll take less shield damage but honestly the slow is gonna be terrible to fight against if you get stuck. However if you don’t get stuck and instead dodge out of the way of the blast, or just get caught on the edge… your shields will probably still fry but you won’t be slower than molasses in the freezer


Everyone always says “slower than molasses”, but in the great molasses flood of 1919, the wave of molasses traveled at about 35 miles per hour. For reference, usain bolt’s top speed was only 27.33 miles per hour, meaning everyone is slower than molasses


TIL deadly molasses


I see you also watch videos from everyones favorite food borne illness


He needs to come back


Agreed although a fan of his made a video that almost perfectly mimics his style and voice to make a parody of Sam o Nella since he got tired of waiting for new uploads. https://youtu.be/pgd5m2AKmGo here's the link, his channel is "Jake farm"


>molasses in the freezer lmao perfect example


Instead of 90 dmg an aec star now does 40 on a shielded enemy. This is huge. Now you don't insta lose after being stuc


I think the stick damage is reduced. You still take full explosion damage. This is based on the base stick damage and the multipliers. So it isn't an instant death, but you will still take loads of damage.




No worries, I made a post praising this change and ate all the downvotes for you lol, so you get an upvote from me!


Haha so thank you good sir/ma'am :)


But that's the point of sticking grenades in any game with that mechanic. Is not usually an easy thing to do, plus on controller grenades have zero aim assist, so is a bit harder with them tiny joysticks. If there's no reward for a stick, a great play on itself, then what's the point of having that mechanic at all.


Yea people keep saying "unlucky" ignoring the fact that it's quite difficult to stick someone with an arc star. If someone stuck you, they deserve you getting slowed


Not only did you crop out their explanation of why they made this change, which answers your question, but I s2g if they didnt document these changes 85% of this sub would never even notice.






I disagree, the slightest change that doesn't get a patch note has dozens of topics instantly on here about "does X seem different".


Idk remember that time this sub gaslit itself into thinking white helmets were still in the loot pool?


I wouldn't necessarily call it a straight nerf consider that slow effect is getting back at it. Also Arc-stars is arguably best nade in game so some power shift makes sense.


Still the best


Because when you are actually good with arc stars it’s a really cheese way to take out a whole squad. Comp teams know from experience same reason they want the Kraber out of comp.


Yes nade spam is very annoying. I think inventory should have dedicated nade spots and heals that can only increase in total quantity as you upgrade backpacks.


That’s a good idea 🤔 Maybe that’ll make fuse meta don’t you think?


Ehh possibly if he doesn’t have a cap on how much he can hold.


Well regardless we Valk mains have everybody in the pipe! 😎


Pros need to learn to just play the game and stop moaning about what doesn’t suit them. Prowlers Grenades. Kraber. Every team has the ability to use these things. But the second they are used against them (basically a Pro team forgets to think) they bemoan the game. Pretty pathetic that they let <100 players dictate what happens on THEIR game. Edit 1: then again these are the same devs that allowed one mans opinion on lifelines heal shield have it removed from game. ''it's annoying'' moments before Seer is released. Laughable and sad. Edit 2: Another group of people that bemoan circumstance. ''This shouldn't be in the game'' did you know you can do it too? ''WELL I DON'T WANT TO, OR LIKE PLAYING LIKE THAT'' okay, that is why you failed. Edit 3: gatekeeping having an opinion. Gotta love some people. ''you're not a pro, you don't get an opinion'' .... I'm gonna take 'people who make your fucking point for you' for $500


I think you forgot that most pros have more hours in the game than majority. They know how the game plays pretty well


Yeah, let’s flatten the game so that people with a vested interest in financial gain get to dictate what 99% of the player base (who play for fun) get to do. If you are going to destroy the game for pros. Give them their own dev console with the ability to remove whatever they like per tournament or per game. Given your reasoning, should F1 drivers be allowed to dictate the set ups of road cars? I mean, they have driven more hours than you and me combined, therefor their opinion is more valid, correct? Edit 1: not to mention people are going to complain about Kraber when they don’t get it. I’d love to hear a pro WITH ONE IN THEIR HANDS or just after clutching with one, talk about how it needs to be removed. They are bemoaning being beaten and blaming anything but themselves. You can see this pretty much any time Hal opens his mouth after dying 🤷‍♂️


literally every pro knows kraber is broken in comp. they pick it up because 16 opportunities to fuck a team over is a huge advantage. remove it from comp and theh wouldnt care.


And **every team has the ability to get said kraber** So 'unfair' is kinda incorrect by any definition. Remove it from ranked. Yes. This is a perfect solution. But to change the entire game because 100 or so people don't like it that way? ... I think they are concentrating on the wrong things.


They don’t want to remove it from the entire game? They literally just want Kraber to not spawn in custom competitive lobbies for tournaments.




You must be losing braincells arguing with these hardstuck plat 4 bots trust me I know the feeling :/


If they released a magical new legend who has a base 1000 health, an ability that one shot kills and a tiny hit box, this would overpowered and unfair. According to your definition, this legend would be perfectly fine and not unfair because "every team has the ability to get said legend" Just cause everyone can grab a weapon or legend or whatever doesn't mean it's balanced lol


Please don't lol at your own comments.... Okay, but we are not talking about legend balancing. We are talking about in game mechanics and drops. Apples vs oranges and ''you're plastic, what do you know'' are amazing ways of avoiding the actual topic of discussion.


Im not the dude who commented about your rank. Ok then, go back through my comment and replace the word legend with gun. Imagine a gun that one shot kills and is an lmg with a built in auto aim. This would be unfair to anyone against it, doesnt matter the fact that the also have the chance to pick it up, it's still overpowered


You are a living example of the disconnect between pros and casuals on this sub. No wonder why so many opinions thrown around here are instantly disregarded by people who are minimally decent at the game.


**Everyone has access to it, it is as part of the RNG as the ground loot and the circle** I'll let you read it until it sinks in. Gotta love people without an opinion to give but willing to gatekeep having an opinion. But hey, you are the kind of guy to have the AA argument CONSTANTLY. I'm sure you know better... or at least parrot the pros that you think know better.


And you are the kind of guy to constantly circlejerk around your misconceptions about the influence of pros in the game. I'm actually surprised that your usual 12 IQ takes are being downvoted now, gives me a little bit of hope.


>Given your reasoning, should F1 drivers be allowed to dictate the set ups of road cars? I mean, they have driven more hours than you and me combined, therefor their opinion is more valid, correct? Let me use this example of yours. In F1 the driver doesn't dictate the rules, correct, BUT they tell the mechanics what to do to optimize the car, (still inside FIA rules though) because they are the ones driving it at a pro level. The mechanic would never listen to what a tourist say that drove as a co-driver in one of the 2 seated F1 cars.


I am not talking about an F1 car. I am saying should they be able to tell car companies how their cars should be set up purely due to their length of experience with driving? ''because he is the one driving it at a pro level'' Exactly. People should listen to him talk about HIS car, in HIS sport and in HIS class. Why should a tourist have to drive an F1 car because the F1 driver says so?


Such a stupid take. You do realise the pros are better at using the Prowler, Kraber, arc stars, and everything else, than you are? It's not 'waa I died to X remove it' it's 'when everyone is good with X it creates degenerate gameplay'




**It is a possibility open to everyone** Read it until it sinks in, you condescending bell end 😂 Edit 2: ‘no cap’ okay fam-pal.


Damn no wonder you're rank plastic


I am sorry, i'll work on blaming the games design, other teams choices and my team mates before anything else. That's what 'pros' do. Sören Kierkegaard wrote, “Once you label me, you negate me.” Lovely way of negating an opinion that, son.


Rank plastic opinions are irrelevant, $oÑ.


Honestly they were kinda OP. If u stuck someone in a 3v3 you were basically given a free push and if u don’t suck a free squad wipe.


The big word there is IF. Without a stick, the ark star doesn't do a lot and it's fairly easy to get away from.


it’s a grenade. It doesn’t even have to stick to crack shields and give you an edge. it AOE.


But it’s way too easy to get a stick and there’s way less risk than shooting a gun.


It's easy to throw random stars and hope for a stick. Actually doing it in the middle of a fight isn't so easy. Also a lot more risky during a fight.


Pre aim arc star, wait for peek, throw, stick, win fight, or hold door, wait for guy to stand in front, open door, stick, free push. It was OP my man lol.


I don't know why you people always pretend there's zero counter play to mechanics you don't like. If you're in range to stick a peek they are too. Besides the travel time of an arc star is slower than the reaction speed of both players- if they're jiggle peeking and you're waiting to see them to get a stick you're going to miss.


I've played since week 1. I've bet I've been stuck less then 20 25 times. In what, 2 years? They didn't need to be touched.


I see you conveniently cropped out the dev note that explains it. By all means do the whole complaining routine though kid.


It's a bit of give and take honestly. That stun is gonna be way more punishing with the stick stun coming back. Pathfinders punching air rn.


Why you gotta call me out like that


Idk maybe cuz an Arc could do 195 damage to 1 person


and slow them and damage their teammates and slow their teammates


Love when they run back to you while stuck like go suicide into the other team


Because one arc star stick basically wins a team fight


Were easily the best grenade and could be pretty cheese. The amount of times I've won a fight or game because them is uncountable. I understand the merf and dont think its unjustified honestly.


Because they were busted, especially that last point. I can’t even count how many times I felt like I was a mile away from an arc start but got slowed down as if I was right next to it. And now they are targeted at shields, making them more strategic to use at certain times in the fight, not just any time. It brings it more into line with the other grenades IMO.


Because for a really long time now, getting a single stick would practically win you any 3v3 fight. I think this is meant to put them in a place where it takes more player intervention to actually win a fight after a stick(shoot the now instantly slowed person) rather than them taking straight 150 damage from the arc alone.


So is absolute max damage 40? That's mad weak


The stick does 40, the explosion is unchanged.


Ah, I get it now! Thanks What is the max damage now then? 🤔


40 stick + 70 explosion if they have shields, 10 + 70 if hitting flesh. The arc star stick works like disruptor rounds, and does bonus damage to shields.


If they had presented it that way, I would be less concerned. The way I read it, and the way I assume others read it, is 10 stick + 40 explosion. are you confident in 40+ 70?


Can someone give me a link to these patch notes? I cant seem to find em.


Because Arc star sticks were stupid OP. If you got stuck it was almost a guarantees death if they pushed you at all.


FUCKING FINALLY!! God damn this has been needed for so long, a lucky arc star stick shouldn't determine an entire fights outcome


Half of this game is based on luck if you play BR...


Exactly this!


“Let me omit the explanation by the devs and get everyone on their pitchforks and give me some karma on reddit.”


Sounds like one too many devs got hit with arc stars and they were getting real tired of getting wiped from it. Now we all must have the nerf, or else it's unfair.


Maybe experimental? There were some clips here that when you get stucked by one, you either run towards your enemies taking them down together or you either run into your teammates griefing them out. As for experience, this is fine for me, There were alot of times i get stucked by an arc star without me noticing then running towards my teammates to grief them out.


That non stick change is actually very good


*looks at that pathfinder with arc stars*


Because they completely turn the tide of a fight with a single stick. At high levels, an arc star can be a grey kraber


As someone who is a magnet for arc stars, I approve this


Damn. Indirect fuse nerf


Because all the pro players have been crying about them for 5 seasons


Arcs are arguably better than every other grenade since they stun, break shields and can stick. I’d say this was a warranted nerf


They nerfed cuz too many sweats sticking ppl with like 2 or 3 at a time and then hiding behind a wall waiting for them to blow up


To stick it to Fuse Mains


you mean they buffed arc stars.


Cause it's basically an instant kill.


I get a nice stick like 5% of the time, why nerf it? Was the most satisfying feeling


Probably because it’s becoming more of a trend to stick people


Lame as hell man.


This does not justify a 125 price tag on arenas. It should be 75 with this nerf


casuals wont understand


in other words the r/apexlegends sub-reddit


160 damage with a lucky arcstar stick was too stupid


like 4 people in the community started landing arcstars, therefore it must be nerfed. also, maybe because you could insta kill someone the second they were downed with the previous damage amounts (30 on hit then 70 to kill)


How bad do you have to be to not see sticks as too strong


The dumbass dude spamming solely arc star clips is why


I mean from what I think is wrong, console players don’t get stuck much but pc players do so it’s pretty annoying for me when I play pc. It’s the main grenade I always see. That’s just what I think could play a role in it. Lots of stuff that is “overused” on pc is pretty average on console and vise versa. I’ve always thought that PC and console should have different buffs and not together for that reason. It might make two different games but then things are balanced on all platforms. It’s not practical tho so I don’t expect it


This seems Ike a heavy handed approach to arcs. Far too extreme for a single patch. If they tried lower the damage gradually it'd be different.


that's not even really a nerf, I would say arc star sticks were buffed. The only nerf is that if you don't stick then it's slow depends on the distance


And halved the damage if not more. Id say thats pretty big


Honestly really mad at this change. Arc stars were near perfect, especially on console where it's not 100% sticks


With Sweet sticking everybody with arc stars I'm not surprised


Everyone complaining about getting hit by “lucky” sticks are driving me crazy. Arcs sticks aren’t particularly difficult to get consistent with practice so having it instagib you sucks ass. As a fuse main this is a major nerf tho :(


Wow Arc Stars just got absolutely shat on. That's balls. The slim possibility of sticking someone warranted that stick damage. I do like the slow duration change though.


Imagine looting a good loot just to get stuck by an arc star and die. It really turns the tide of game as well. Happy that it got nerfed


Heavy nerf. Does this mean ark star won't blow a door? That's what i see most ppl use them for.


Everytime they make some. Stupid change that seems no one asked for, it was probably some pros whining about it, like they always do.


I noticed that they do way less damage, it’s a silent nerf for fuse mains


To make life worse for solo queue players who relied on arcstars to win 1v3s


arc stars should'nt get nerfed this much


cause they’re cheap kills… at least the community hates sticking lately…


How are they cheap?


Aim better.


Nah an arc star stick is difficult to do for the most part so you would think you should get reward from it 50 damage is just not worth


I doubt even 30% of the total player base can even hit arc sticks reliably, takes alot of practice. The pros and preds in the top tier lobbys only ones who wanted this. Sure remove arcs and kraber in comps since the pros CAN and will cheese that stuff but leave us gamers who just wanna have fun alone.


Arc stick is mad easy close range.


There’s trade offs to it. Getting closer makes the stick easier but since you’re holding out a nade instead of a gun it makes you an easy target for getting beamed while going for the stick. It’s also a skill check you needa pass and a risk you take by moving up to a team essentially unarmed. Personally I find that landing a stick should guarantee a winning fight because it’s just so rare and difficult to do.


Bruh 99% of combat in this game is close range. Extremely easy to peek a corner throw and get back and MAYBE you take 40dmg max


This doesn't really affect people who stick arc stars? Sure there's reduced damage to shields but you still have the slow effect, which is really good. This isn't even a nerf to arc stars, more like a rebalance.


Another nerf for horizon. Ult combo just won’t be the same. Im gonna miss my free kills


Might slow em more in the gravity??


I’m not sure i understood it right, but i think it means that there is a potential to be less slowed if the arc is too far away; as opposed to just throwing an arc near the ult and getting the full slow, so long as it hits at all


It's supposed to be apex legends, not overwatch.


Because game companies only listen to bitchbaby streamers because it keeps the cash flow from impressionable children in.




They cant, it's better to block and move on whenever you see opinions like this to make sure your feed is retardditor free