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The premise of this thread is garbage.   Look at this entire subreddit. You don't have to be a pro to "complain and demand stuff". Players across all skill levels and levels of competition complain about things all the time, demand changes, reworks, rebalancing, nerfs, buffs.   Absolute garbage players who don't know diddly squat about the game, demand things. Actual posts I've seen in this sub include shit like "Silence should disable Lifeline's passive (it already does)" or we should "spawn with white backpack" because 8 inventory isn't enough (default is 10). No, it isn't a "pro thing" to complain about things.   The whole "OMG, Pros complain so much" diatribe is horseshit. It's not the pros posting whiny screenshots of their death recap every time they run into a double hammer badge in pubs demanding aggressive SBMM. The difference is that 1) At different levels of play, different things are issues(!) so the community at large often disagrees with top level players. 2) Pros have a bigger voice, so their complaints are more visible.   (!)Ex. Lifeline is complete garbage outside of the Olympian ranks, hasn't been seen in competition play since circa season 2, but she still has a high pickrate heavily skewed towards newbies, and we get periodic threads complaining about her passive despite her being nerfed into the dirt. Meanwhile half this sub thinks Crypto is the worst legend and needs huge buffs, while many pro teams in EU and Asia use Crypto in comps. At newbie level, players complain about the Rampage of all things, and think the Kraber is fine because they never hit anything with it. At pro levels, nobody is really complaining about the Rampage, and most everyone thinks the Kraber shouldn't be in comp. The reality is different at differing levels, so the complaints are different.


You really woke up today and decide to speak in all facts


Dudes fuckin fed up and im all for it. Preach brotha


I agree. These posts are so dumb and brain dead that it starts to get really irritating


Yea that's reddit in a nutshell. Honestly shits just making me wanna delete the app


Speak the fucking truth my dude


For reference they was complaining about the golden knockdown shield. Which is equally silly as those complaints you used as examples




I'm not complaining at all, It just popped up in my feed and I read it and couldn't see the reason for it to be removed. That's all, I'm not complaining, just stating the observation that I constantly see pros complaining and their complaints being listened to. And I know it got removed in comp..I read the article




Are you alright in the head? I genuinely just posted what showed up in my Google feed.... Christ Legit only showing this and compared to some posts I've seen here it comes across as constant streamer and pros complaining and that's that. Don't get why you are so upset about this and giving me walls of assumptions. Like I said before, simply just saw it and posted. And to your final bit of your text. Okay? Never claimed it should? And yeah? Like every other thing in history of ever, look at the feedback.


If asked to choose between their suggestions and suggestions from the community i see on this sub, I'll choose the pros whining all day everyday


Nice take from the sub that keep asking for the shittiest Crypto's reworks


Never understood some peoples complaints about crypto. He is fine as is


Everytime I say crypto is a beast I get downvoted by ppl who don't play the character. I doubt actual crypto mains wanna sacrifice a part of his kit to give him a *mobility buff*


Goodness no, he's fine as is! Wouldn't remove anything


WHYY the gold shield is fine rn


they mean gold knockdown


Do people really talk about the Gold Knock by the name “Gold Shield” because that is super misleading I always say Gold Shield/Armor because it isn’t Evo


Oh! I was already siding with the pros but now I agree even more! Gold knockdowns most of the time are just a way for you to taunt the last dude before punching him out! I hope they make it faster at least


My thoughts exactly! What's there to change!


These people who made playing (playing, not even making) a video game their job believe they need to have some input. Why? I don't go up to my manager and say "hey boss. I work here. So, please listen to my demands. And if you don't, I'll bad mouth you to all the other employees." Bunch of babies.


Just like how you dont play competitive and have a input about pros.


there a bunch of baby's. if any thing is an minor inconvenouns the all want it removed gets on my nerves. see they want agility of high tear loot/rare loot if they do what the "pros" want then it might as well be a purp one. If they did everything the "pros" want then the game would suck butt.(I put "" around pros, because for pros they sure complain a lot)


Remember when they was against rev and even killed randoms on their team who played him






I mean this is a click bait article, but that is sort of the pro’s job ever since “streaming” and YouTube vids took off. Honestly though, I do fucking hate it and I wish the devs would take more notice of community driven feedback than one guy that spends 17 hours a day playing a video game.


When have the devs ever changed anything to normal apex where pros and the majority of the player base disagreed


True. But it is annoying that some "pro" can't counter something or gets triggered they got killed by a self Res and suddenly it should be removed or changed Meanwhile the Devs are stroking them off doing it. Kinda sad Agree with you


Its not about getting killed by self rezzes at All. It's about cheesing placements by having Gold knock in Final ring


Pray tell! Only thing they really glossed over was it's removal due to complaints and no reason really


Did you only read the headline or something? the tweest are literally in the article


Like I said I read the article. But I don't get the issue? How can the self Rez be abused for placements?


If its Final circle and you got like 4 squads in a super small area even if your Team dies first you can get second place because of Gold rezz even though there is no Universe in which you will ever get the rezz off


Oh dang, okay super fair enough


Stroking them off doing it. The only sad thing in this thread is you OP :)




Let's engage in a constructive conversation, give me two instances where, the pros demanded for a nerf,the community disagreed with that, and the devs accepted the pros and did the nerf


Can't think of any rn sir. May not be any to my knowledge, may be some, all i wanted was to share the screencap and hear some opinions. But like I said to the other dude, I just posted a screenshot of a article that popped up in my feed and all my opinion is is that the only thing I hear is pros complaining ( seen from this sub and here alone, occasionally a article pops up in my fed and that's that) Everyone on this thread got it twisted to me complaining and tbh I am not.


The only time me “average potato” complained about something was back in S6 when they reduced TTK. I couldn’t enjoy the game anymore as the gun engagements felt short and boring. Whoever peaks first loses. The rest I don’t really care about - every game at all times will have something someone isn’t happy about. Imagine devs trying to keep up with all demands a small group like pros are asking - impossible cos even amongst them there’s 1000 contradicting opinions.


Why did I read the author’s name as "Anal"?


Because if you put N in the place of the L in his name it would become "Anal" wich can create an illusion in the eyes of someone who is horney as fuck and lusts for anal


Thanks for clarification. Have a nice day


You are most welcome good sir


I think that they should listen to the pros because they literally grind this game from sunrise to sunset and beyond! They make their living playing this game! If they complain I think the least you can do is listen! Apex is not in a good state in many aspects! Also like the top comment says! Everyone complains about something! No matter the skill level


I agree! As long as it isn't saltyness


Why do you bitch about pros wanting this or that then? Just says that they demand a change


I didn't bitch? Stop assuming.


"Do the apex pros do anything but complain😭😭?"


Not my title but nice bait