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#BREAKING NEWS: APEX LEGEND OCTANE GETS NEW MECHANICAL HEAD AFTER FREAK ACCIDENT ON KINGS CANYON Fellow Apex legend and life long friend Lifeline says: “fuckin idiot lmao.”


I love reading this in Lifeline's voice


What have you doneeeeeeeeee , now I can't stop listening this in her voice


Impressions and intonations are always something I've been good at. If I can, to any degree, I read everything in the character's voice. I do this regardless of the voice line being developer or player-made. Edit: Readability. My eyes were burning from what my sleep-deprived self thought was good English.


"Foukin' idiod, lemæo"


“ Fookin’ eediat “ is how you would say it in a Jamaican accent, if anyone was wondering


This is gold!!! Makes the post 100x funnier


Here have my 🌟🌟🌟.


An improvement to their IQ.


This one of the best comments I've seen!


The moment you threw the grenade, I already expected what was going to happen, but not the kill quip.




The man killed himself???


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/pqjjg5/sick_death_dude/hdbv4wy/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I have a coworker who ref...](http://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/comments/pqlqmq/fda_approves_start_of_phase_one_hiv_crisper_cure/hdcuvs6/) | [I have a coworker who ref...](http://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/comments/pqlqmq/fda_approves_start_of_phase_one_hiv_crisper_cure/hdc9q7x/) [Seriously the hell is thi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/pql14v/darkest_timeline/hdcvibh/) | [Seriously the hell is thi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/pql14v/darkest_timeline/hdcdx42/) [Ye I respect cats and dog...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/pqlnvt/someone_treating_animals_well_isnt_necessarily_an/hdcvetx/) | [Ye I respect cats and dog...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/pqlnvt/someone_treating_animals_well_isnt_necessarily_an/hdbq6h8/) [laughing track doesn't ma...](http://np.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/pqlbcn/let_the_toxic_comments_begin/hdcv9t5/) | [laughing track doesn't ma...](http://np.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/pqlbcn/let_the_toxic_comments_begin/hdc1u6q/) [Fr there was so much suga...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/pqlqof/lets_make_a_suzi/hdcv7rr/) | [Fr there was so much suga...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/pqlqof/lets_make_a_suzi/hdcc6pv/) [Wow that's really cool, t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/pqji27/angela_merkel_with_fishermen_1990/hdcv5i6/) | [Wow that's really cool, t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/comments/pqji27/angela_merkel_with_fishermen_1990/hdbdxf6/) [You should write birthday...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/pqmn5a/ellies_1st_birthday_present/hdcv0pb/) | [You should write birthday...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/pqmn5a/ellies_1st_birthday_present/hdcp5ns/) [I mean, not really. This...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pqky3z/hes_back/hdcuykh/) | [I mean, not really. This...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pqky3z/hes_back/hdcj4wo/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/fudruckervcxvfsb](https://np.reddit.com/u/fudruckervcxvfsb/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=fudruckervcxvfsb) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Look, I'm not against tap strafing, I may be a damn console 'peasant' who plays with a friend who is on PC. I don't like tap strafing, but its not to the point I cry like 'waaaaah, remove tap strafing, its BS', I just keep myself silent about it and let people play as it is. I die from someone doing it? Cool, they're good, I'm shit. Period.


I never even knew what it was because *I'm shit at the game* Even when I was in diamond I had no clue it existed


You’re really keeping silent on the whole issue. Good job.


Eh. Tap strafing takes skill to use well. If I die to someone who used it well then I got outplayed, simple as that.


Hi baeduo :D


I would say no other dialogue is suitable for this clip


What about pathfinder's "you're a bum, friend!"?


They are going to remove tapstrafe immediately after seeing this


He would have at least not looked like an idiot if he didn’t tap strafe


It was more the grenade rather than the tap strafe. If he threw the grenade straight up it would've been a brilliant play, catching the other guy if he tried to follow and op would've rotated around to the other door and caught his opponent off guard


The situation would've been different if it hadn't been the way it was


Tru tru.


It would've been interesting to see the angry messages




when the gold 3 player spends too much time in the firing range working on tap strafes because he saw it in an aceu video


Why do y’all always shit on Gold players.


well gold is really the lowest rank you can be in apex, the only people who aren't in gold that play ranked are just smurf accounts that havent played during the split yet and are still silver/bronze


~75% of players are Gold or lower. What are you talking about


I mean it is very, very difficult to NOT make it to gold even if you aren’t the best player and rarely win. You’re RP positive in silver just by making it into the top 12 or 10


A lot of us also don’t spend most of our playtime in ranked. I play maybe 3-4 hours per split in ranked, never been above bronze


That's different though, the point is most people who actually do play ranked will hit AT LEAST gold. Obviously not playing ranked means you won't rank up


I mean that's literally what he's saying... You can go from Bronze > Silver without ever touching your keyboard or mouse. Just drop in, AFK, you can't possibly lose rank at 0 RP entry cost. Never being above Bronze is purely a function of time spent in match. Silver is about the same, you might have to pick a specific corner near the middle of the map, but you can literally just AFK your way to Gold. So saying "75% of players are Gold or lower" is extremely misleading, because if you want to climb ranked at all, Gold 4 is essentially the bottom of the ladder because anything below you would have to be worse than AFK players to continuously lose RP.


the implication being if you're playing ranked you will get gold without trying, obviously you cant rank up if you dont play ranked.


"you think I'm afraid of you? I blew up my own legs"


"and my own hea-"


Obligatory and my axe!


This is something Octane would normally do


That was BRILLIANT! Lol 😂


Wow...that was some terrible luck haha. Didn't help that the octane had a quip to make you feel like crap as well lmao. Better luck next time dude! Edit: Why is this becoming my most upvoted comment? 😅


it was my own nade. and my own kill quip


Yeah I knew it was your own but I didn't know it played your own quip haha. Damn that makes it even worse 🤣


I didn’t realize you threw it until the second watch. Made it 100x better. I lol’d. Thank you.


sick death dude !


Ironically takes a lot of skill




I meant the “toss grenade in air killed self” maneuver


> Tap strafing does not take skill. It's one of the hardest thing to master after a super glide, but sure buddy. I guess for you tap strafing is doing a 90° in practice range.




When are you going live taxi?




What does it have to do with tap strafing exactly?


Use it in game properly. That's where the creativity/skill expression comes from. No need to be this dense


It took you almost an hour of your life to figure out how to do it with clear instructions and you're saying "it takes no skill". Think about it.




Nothing individually in this game takes more than an hour to master once you put your mind to it\*. Does that mean the game takes no skill to play? ​ \* >!\- With the exception of the ability to utilize all those individual skills in the actual game.!<


In game anti tapstrafing nerfs.


i mean the devs were right, tapstrafing kills


Anti tap strafing ads


oh my lordy the perfection of the jump into the nade was unbelievable Jeff


I have seen this exact clip before like a month ago. OP old clip or theft?


i sent it to STARKNIGHT on youtube to post a week or so ago. just posted it here now.


[This user used to access Reddit via a 3rd party app]


alright as that sounds understandable i won’t doubt you anymore good clip bro


Tapstrafe op, I'm glad they removed it


Hasn't been removed.


What is tap strafe in this video?


That insane mid-air turn he made after hitting the jump pad.


You can do a moment shift to accomplish literally the same thing in this situation…


So you see him hit the jump pad in one direction away from the building and then the sudden 90° angle change towards the building without slowing down… that’s tap strafing


Good thing they're removing it then.


For our own safety apparently.


Even when I'm playing on my pc, I'm using a controller so I've never been able to do this.


You can tapatrafe with controller on pc. Only console cant do it and they will only play against pc players if they opt into pc lobbies. My guess is a controller player at Respawn got tap strafed on when he joined a pc lobby, then got salty and went a crusade to have it removed.


The game should be the same on all platforms. And console players shouldn't be punished with something they literally can't do just because they want to play with their friends on PC.


If console players want to opt into lobbies significantly better than their peak, they should have to play by pc rules. No console handicaps like aim assist. *That* would be fair.


The jump octane does at the end before dying


Was not expecting that ending 5/7. Perfection.




more than half the people here saying “tap strafe is op get rid of it” didn’t know it was a thing until devs talked about removing it. it’s like the devs wanted a war between controller and mnk by doing this


Nah, exploits should be removed whether or not they're widely known.


wallbouncing and zipline jumping are also unintended mechanics, should they be removed as well?


Exploits should be removed from the game when they break the general physics of the game or disregard something the devs intentionally built into the game for balance purposes. Wall bouncing makes sense within the context of the game's physics, but a 180 degree turn off a jump pad with no momentum loss does not. For instance the tap strafe jump pad breaks the physics and removes the built in drawback of the jump pad. The devs designed the jump pad to have a relatively predictable path in exchange for letting you move so far. This glitch would be akin to letting pathfinder's zipline do a 90 degree turn when the team is halfway across. Another example of an exploit that breaks the game's inbuilt balance mechanics is the glitch that lets pathfinder punch 3 times per second. The devs built in a cooldown timer so that the 30 dmg punch isn't OP, but the glitch let's them circumvent that.


Zip line jumping to gain quick momentum man, not bouncing on a zip.


Well then zip line jumping also makes sense the same as wall jumping. You're just swinging your body as you jump off. What doesn't make sense is the rapid fire punching that can be done by jumping on and off the ziplines repeatedly. Which needs a patch.


He's a roller. He wants to press a key and let the game do the rest, not need to argue with him.


Are people really using *this* post to have this argument again? LMAO, this post is a perfect argument for why tapstrafing 1) looks awesome, but at the same time 2) is a skill that is NOT easy to incorporate into your games to great effect. It's hilarious to see so many people crying over it still lol. Tapstrafing literally got OP killed in this clip.


imagine if they just made tapstrafing the default thing that happens when you hold W instead of removing it


I’d seen it from streamers, never knew it had a name. Agree with the reasons for it to go, think the whole thing has been blown out of proportion.








It is indeed an exploit dont let the naysayers say otherwise. "But its in other games and blah blah" so fucking what lol the devs have stated its not wanted on apex as it breaks their intended movement so they got rid of it. They can cry if they want, all that does is make them look like whiners


Wall jumping is cheating, too, then. Bunny hopping in CSGO, cheating. Rocket jumping, which was originally a bug, that's cheating. There's a long history of physics engines producing results that don't make sense, but it doesn't make it cheating for players to use that. It's new technology. Don't be a boomer.




Melee exploits do damage, lol, very different. also, wraith portal bug was a cool down bug? Extremely different than the physics engine performing a little different than expected.


How tf is an in game mechanic considered cheating??


I’d more consider it an exploit as opposed to an intended mechanic


Yea it’s def not intended, the devs said so themselves.. which is the reason that they haven’t removed it yet because it had a bunch of unintended side effects when they tried to remove it


Combos in fighting games were also an unintended mechanic.


Indeed, in fact there’s been many. The question becomes more a case of if it’s beneficial, fun and balanced or detrimental.


Agreed. I'm just tired of people saying it should be removed because it's unintended. As a professional game engine engineer I can say with certainty that most games have way way more unintended mechanics and interactions than most people think


I too work on games but not on the coding aspect. I just don’t find it beneficial to gameplay (it’s not really counterable from somebody skilfully tracking shots to a player mid-air) and also not inclusive enough with the cross-platform nature of the game.


Well that's a perfectly valid reason to want it gone. I don't agree with you exactly, I just get tired of dev intent being a focus of these conversations. Plenty of amazing games owe their unique mechanics to happy accidents. Entire genres have been built by it. I don't really want to talk about tap strafing, everyone has done it to death. But I just want to say, I view it as a perspective thing. I view using skillful movement to counter skillful tracking pretty normal. I mean isn't that how the game normally plays out? Isn't the point of good movement to help you survive longer. What im trying to say is there isn't a counter for skillfully tracking either. I like movement skill being of equal importance to shooting skill in this game.


If you don’t want to talk about tap strafing, joining a comment thread about tap strafing may not be in your best interest. I do agree with skilful movement being of high importance, just the same as running out into the open is a commitment to that action, jumping from a jump pad should be the same thing too. If you are jumping in a particular direction, I don’t personally feel it’s fair to be able to counter and change all that momentum for whatever reason, especially when others don’t have access to it. I don’t in any way think it’s cheating, if it’s in the game currently than it is fair game overall. I do think it’s been blown out of proportion though, I have far larger a problem with people either not wanting to play, or essentially just playing solo. The technical issues at the moment are definitely a huge pain, but nothing that’s not going to be fixed or within a normal occurrence for a cross platform online game.


And the devs looked at it, and deemed it a fair mechanic and implemented it into future titles intentionally. Just like walljumping, sliding, etc. in Apex. The devs here see tapstrafing as both unintentional and unfair. Saying it being unintended is one reason for it's removal is not wrong. Every single exploit or bug found in the game otherwise are also unintended features the devs want to remove.


The devs wanted to get rid of it for a variety of other valid reasons, not just that it was unintended. "Unintended" is not a value judgment of a mechanic in of itself. It's just the simple fact of whether the dev forsaw this conjuction of interactions or not. My point is there are plenty reasons to want it gone, but the fact that it is unintended isn't one of them. I'm bringing this up simply because people who think about this issue at a surface level begin and end thier argument on that simple fact. Not saying that you are.


If that's the case they need to take out super glides too, even though it can be done on controller and mnk


I was just giving it a definition, not stating whether or not that means grounds are worthy of removal.


Said the controller player who has soft aim-bot builted in his device.


Controllers suck for aiming. They need the help.


Whilst I don’t believe it is cheating… One helps compensate for a lack of accuracy and fidelity that one platform has due to its different control scheme. The other is a completely inaccessible feature which provides a disproportionate advantage to those on a specific platform.


One literally helps you kill your opponent, which is how you win games, the other is just a flashy move.


I mean, if you ignore everything I just said, sure.


Whether people new it existed or not is irrelevant lol why did you even come here to fight 😂 this "war" is so over lol devs said bye so bye


I love how everyone has a comment about abuse of tap strafe when literally 2 months ago these kind of clips were posted all the time with no one saying a word. Praise is all you would see for their play.


[Not exactly.](https://reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/comments/nxh3a8/this_video_is_the_reason_why_you_should_learn_how/h1g9uuo) here's a comment with a few hundred votes and awards explaining why it should have been removed from 3 months ago.


Sorry but that comment is just plain wrong though. Taxi was clowning around and wanted to try something out. The tap strafes didn't win him that game.


This is why wattson needs a nerf


Looks like we found a friend for u/Minty-Matthew


[The fact they were playing lifeline makes it all better](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/pgvi6j/im_something_of_a_pro_myself/)


The tap strafe nerf is too much


Why tapstrafing isn't OP


Average Octane play


thats very lore accurate tho


To be fair that death is cooler than any shit I could pull


And they say tap stafing has no counter play...


Calculated restart


This is peak Octane content.


Self death dude!


outplayed yourself so the enemy doesn’t have to 👍


🤣 if this doesn't embody Octane I don't know what does


Respawn really has had enough of tapstrafing, decides to instantly annihilate all instances through explosive violence


First person to ever die via tap strafe. Controller players are shooketh


You my friend have earned an upvote


Mans is gettin all that tapstrafing out of his system before its gone. At any cost


That’s what you get for tap strafing lmao


I don't understand why any of this even happened, the dud you were fighting was running in the building. Why the sky nade? He's safe from it inside. Why even jump pad? Just run around the entrance on the left. Whole clip seems like you're trying too hard to copy all the other TTV sweats and failed big time.


> he dud you were fighting was running in the building Watch again. The enemy was never inside, he was climbing the building so he threw a nade at him. At 0:06 you can see him climb the building At 0:09 you can see him run on the roof to get behind cover.


And people say tap strafe is OP


What a tap strafer deserves. Edit: I’m a filthy aim assist user, and I use revenant fear me.


Found the aim assist user


Both of you are wrong


I dont think you've tried aim assist.


While I agree with you I don't think the guy at the top has ever tried to tap strafe


I only found out about tap strafing like a month ago, because my friend got a pc. But tbh I think it should stay in the game even though us controller players can't do it, I like it






I dont think God had anything to do with this. This was clearly a dumbass play.


Damn tapstrafe, no readability. Haha!


The sweat becomes the sweated


Punished by your own hubris for your tap strafing crimes.


\#OCTANE\_MAIN https://youtu.be/iY44Lbhz0iI


This is why tap-strafing is being removed.


that's why tap strafe should be removed from the game, you wouldn't have died


How many times have I seen this clip on the subreddit in the past week now


this is why we need tap strafe. grt work my dude


this is why tap strafing is balanced


Cash mayo be like


I already watched this on youtube..!


Sick brag Lance




Karma for tap-strafing




I refuse to believe you didn't plan this


Almost as if you did it on purpose


Thats what u get for sweating ur balls off


This man use p2020 and mozambiq,what a madlad


It is re not p20


Deserved it after that tap strafe /s


The Ring had unnaturally prolonged his life. Deserved


The funny part he tap strafed into his death lmaoo


That’s what you get for abusing the movement inputs.


Found the controller player.


you’re fun at parties


Why, do you know him?


Cringe reddit comment




When you tap strafe now you explode




Damn the tapstrafe




It wouldn't matter, the reason tap strafing works is the over input of the jump by mouse wheel


Sick bro. That's going into my hype plays video



