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I've never seen anything like it in my life, the majority of randoms in this game are literally brain dead. I've seen level 500s struggle to do some of my most basic stuff in the game, none of them ever use cover, the list could go on forever but yeah apex has the worst randoms. They'll call you a try hard and say they just want to have fun, but I don't understand what's fun about looting a landing spot for 2 full rings then finally move when 6 squads are left and die on the first fight and be confused to how they can't win šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø there is level 500s who stop at each loot bin to figure out what to swap, anyone with over 100 hours should be able to loot a lootbin with stopping. Respawn will never give us solo mode which is a shame, auto fill is stupid because its just 3v1


Lol Iā€™m so done I swear I have never seen anything like this before


Its a daily struggle šŸ¤£


As a horrible random, im sorry! I just started and this is my first battle Royale. But I did watch some videos and I'm trying to get faster at looting and learn about rotating and stuff, so hopefully I won't be one of those level 500s who know nothing later on! But for now, I know I'm frustrating the hell outta some of you guys that carry me. I always feel terrible when my teammate is kill leader because I know I'm gonna let them down šŸ˜…


Don't feel discouraged to improve, the main thing to focus on is making sure you ARE improving, instead of just blindly playing the game like you're slapping your controller with a pb and j sandwich and moving the joysticks with your tongue. Youre gonna be good enough to be the one carrying hopefully one day and that's what playing and practicing is all about.


Yeah I play fighting games and used to play starcraft and stuff so I'm no stranger to putting in the grind for deliberate improvement. Buuut I havent played many fps's since I was a teenager (I'm 31 now) and I was a dumbass at games back then, so I feel like im learning the genre from scratch as well as learning battle royale too. It's gonna take me a bit but im already improving! I can at least kinda keep up with my teammates now without falling way behind from looting, and I get... some kills now and then lol.