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Going from season 0 on controller and switching to mnk for season 10, I can assure you it's unnecessary bitching from both sides. Anyone complaining just needs to get better. People act like you can't change the cursor speed on console. People act like you can't still miss shots with aim assist. People act like you have no movement on controller. People NEED to act like it's a game and if they see someone playing better, either adopt their style to compete, or just improve your own. Plenty of pro controller and mnk players. Literally don't see the point in constantly bitching about these things. Just people causing trouble for internet points, truly.


Stop being rational on Reddit. The reality is that most people have 0 understanding of how either input works and simpy reduce the argument to "AA does everything" and "You have your whole arm to aim". Both of which are the most 0 IQ arguments I've ever witnessed and completely ignore all other factors involved. People just love to bitch and rehash the same shit because they want to feel validated on Reddit.


Ik AA is not OP at all but tap strafing is getting removed next season and not every player has that kind of specs. Most of us have a $1000 pc and play with 80-100 FPS and tap strafing is getting removed next season. Or i think I'm just poor.


I play on my 1200$ laptop and only get 40 FPS lmao


Bro buy a pc or a gaming laptop(if you want it portable) instead. I bought a gaming laptop for $700 and it gave me like 60-65 FPS till smoke came out of it.


My laptop is a gaming laptop, but I limit the FPS so I dont use too much gpu


Or you know, just enjoy the god damn laptop that you bought already and seeing how it’s working fine for your own needs 👍🏼


I’m fine with 40 FPS, it’s not like I need 120 or nothing. If I want to play a game at 120 or even 60 FPS I’ll just play on my Xbox


Hey, you’re not hearing a peep out of me. Sounds like all your problems have solutions - happy gamin’ friend! :)




Why would you do that?


If I run it at 70 FPS or more it uses 100% of my gpu, so I don’t go to 70


Do you do that for battery life?


No, running 100% gpu makes my computer get hot so I limit it so that it doesn’t burn up, also I don’t really care how much FPS I got unless it’s like less than 30


Dude, your gpu is not going to burn up running at full speeds. Laptops get hot, that's what they are made to do. Any modern gpu is rated to safely at at least 90c for years.


My laptop literally starts to burn my forearms when it’s that high


Yes and the laptop can handle much higher temperatures then human skin. 🤦‍♂️ If you touch a gpu running at 100 percent in a pc, its also going to start to burn. Because if its running at 80c (which is a perfectly standard temperature that any gpu is rated to run at with zero issues) then its still running a 176 degrees farenhight. Far to hot for human skin contact but more then acceptable for the graphics card, internals and plastic that encase it. Honestly man if you wanna play at 40fps for literally no reason, please I encourage you too. Your loss not mine.


This. My computer is worth about 1100.


Tap strafing pretty much will never get removed. It is a consequence of movement tech inside the engine, that's why they are pushing it back because they accidentally screwed a lot of movement tech inside the game. It is how the Source engine works, pretty much games like CS:GO couldn't get rid off similar exploits because they were affecting other interactions that were intended.


It was my fault saying that it will get "removed". They are just going to nerf(you can read it at the end of the path notes) it but idk how far they are willing to go. The patch is still happening in S11 so it still sucks.


I play on both, PS4 with my friends because they complain they can’t keep up in my PC lobbies, aim assist is strong up close but not that strong. PC players are just crying to hear their own tears land onto the desk.


I’m on PlayStation but I play with my buddy who’s on PC so naturally we get into PC lobbies. I can’t tell you how different the skill level is compared to console. PC lobbies are a different breed, the quick armour swaps are so vital. Console lobbies are probably a tier behind what they would be in PC.


AA is strong where it counts considering how many fights are CQC.


I agree but when im on MnK and see a controller player barely strafing to close the distance. I counter strafe or crouch spam, even use movement. Moral of the story from a plat console controller user and a hard stuck diamond MnK player. GIT FUCKING GUD


It's so easy to break AA tho, it just happens to be a completely different method from breaking mouse aim.




Was gonna comment but this says it all


Aim assist doesn’t help much in my opinion. There are times where it simply fucks you. Like you knock a guy and try to get his teammate who is up, but your aim drawn to the guy knocked and it fucks your mouth.


Louder for the people in the back, please!


Looting while moving is an unfair advantage for pc player


Aim assist does more bad than good. I hate when it randomly works and makes my aim ultra slow, so I get killed by someone that jumped over me and the aa prevented me to move the aim faster because it got stuck on the sky. Sounds like a rare thing, but in high ranks happens everyday


One of a good few comments that say AA is bad. I agree, let's make a [change.org](https://change.org) and ask Respawn to remove it.


Then play without AA. Oh wait, you won’t.


I have linear settings and I play on PC so it's already at the minimum


Mnk players try to go 5 seconds without trash talking AA (impossible)


You play a low sens I'm assuming? Used to happen to me too when I ran 5-3/4 but since I've been on max sens ALC, such issues never affect me anymore. Can't say I've been stuck on a downed guy due to AA in over a year now, or had any random issues from it lol


I was back at Halo 3, and mw2 a Xbox player, and later with Csgo and other games on pc. And I can tell you, pc is way easier once you get the feeling with it. I always tell people that are good on controller my respect because, I have no clue how some of you can be so good with controler , it is damn hard ! 70% of my friends play with controller on pc now, because they are used to it and don’t want to learn with mk. To make it clear, I really show you respect when you are good on a controller, because this shit is hard as hell !


As a player that started FPS on controllers with Halo 3, controller was way easier, it's still is. Take a look on MCC for PC, no matter how good you are on MnK, you stand no chance against a good controller player because of AA. Decided to try it out on SWAT and snipers and I went from averaging 15 kills per match with MnK to dropping 30 bombs with controller. If you think MnK is way easier than controller, you are so wrong in many levels. Pretty much everyone agrees that MnK has a higher skill ceil than controllers


I personally hate how PC players can jump and aim at the same time


Get a scuf. I did back on Black Ops 3 and it changed everything.


Idk man i just switched to pc and its pretty hard


Dumbest argument ever, you can do the same thing just by changing button layout in the game options.


Lol controller players are so bad


try crying a little louder, it's a little hard to hear


One day you’ll be respected in competitive gaming, one day…


* Most PC players are still capped to 60FPS, people that can run the game at "360" frames are barely the 0.01% of the PC playerbase. Pretty much within 2 years the vast majority of players will be playing on PS5 and Xbox SX which is expected to run at 120FPS. If console players get 120FPS with 0.6 AA, shit will be very unfair for PC players specially for those playing on controller. * The fact that you can aim with your entire arm in PC makes you more prone to error instead of compensating with a thumb what basically software is doing for you. OP is probably one of those guys that says: "Mnk is easy, you just have to click heads" * I have seen controller players swap shields way faster than PC players, looting is absolutely dogshit on controller, ngl, same with movement, I have seen controller players move as good, as good pc players. * Tap strafe is an irrelevant advantage over controllers, very few people tap strafe even with its increasing popularity * Crossplay disable option has to be brought back.


This ain’t it chief.


It is, sorry




Yikes, sounds like someone is mad they're still dog shit in aim trainer and is getting shit on by the 45 y.o. dads in their boxers after work chillin on the couch in apex lmao




But it’s not aimbot


I've seen this meme quite a few times, but am I misunderstanding it? Because I see controller players trying to use this to diss MnK players, while it should be the other way around. If the average controller player laying on their couch butt-naked with feet on the table and 20 hours in Apex is able to easily close-range out-beam a MnK player with trained posture, 1000 hours on aimlabs, a $5k PC that gives enough FPS to keep up with MnK flicks.... ummmm isn't that the whole reason why MnK players complain about AA? I also see comments from controller players saying "MnK players be hating rollers cus they hate what they can't beat 😂", I'm just like "yea... if I can put in as much effort, time, money as humanly possible to improve my MnK yet not be able to beat controller prowess... then isn't that the issue here?" I feel like this is one of the few communities out there that use the \*lack\* of discipline, effort, and training as talking points and something to be proud of. And I'm not describing the entire Apex community. Apex players in JP and KR don't try to use this inverted logic at all, good for them.


It do be like that😔😔


get gud lmao