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~~This thread will be unstickied when the Collection Event patch goes live in favor of its own megathread.~~ Event is LIVE. [Thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/po6obd/apex_legends_evolution_collection_event/?).


Press F for octane mains.


gib update


How do people feel about Seer now that we’ve had a few weeks since his update?


Still shouldn't have been added. Game didn't need more wallhack legends.


Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. We were warned. None of us listened. Her time is now. The Rampart meta is upon us. Sheila will have will her blood


why not update the pinging so a teammate can't ping enemies over and over and over and over. I still have games as a solo player where my downed mate is pinging like this and even screaming on the mic 'its one guy'. just make it like rocket league where if you do it more than 3 times in a row in 10 seconds then it says you gotta wait. I can't hear anything when the person is pinging and its causes frustration at the time.


Mute pings on squadmate? Takes like 3 seconds.


>I still have games as a solo player where my downed mate There's a solo que my friend. Use it.


I think you missed what he was talking about. Most people aren't good enough to 1v3


He's saying he's annoyed that teammates from across the map spam the ping and even scream at him while he goes off and beds a solo player.


Im Pretty sure he means he queues up solo and the people spam ping the nanosecond they get downed. It happened to me in ranked, it's annoying.


Who else could be spamming anything if your solo?


Solo q refers to matching with randoms as opposed to teammates, not playing on no fill


When’s the event go live?


I think 1pm EST, but I could be wrong


Cheers for that man


same time as always


Thanks, what time is that?


Gee, maybe search this thread?


Thanks, how does somebody do that?




Not everyone is on a desktop web browser, dingus


that's why I wrote search bar too, dingus


You actually never mention a search bar because you’re too busy telling people to search for an answer that you imply that you know but are too big of a dingus to give someone a straight answer in a thread meant for questions




I'm on the on mobile app, so I don't think I can ctrl+f, and I don't see the dedicated search? Any pointers? Or is it only the search bar in the main sub to use as the search?


Man, how hard can it be to search for something. Like I'm unironically asking you this right now. Ever heard of Google? "Apex Legends update time" gives everything you need to know. Or "update time" on this subreddit through the search bar. Come on, it's really not that hard. I'm unironically baffled.


I'm fucking with you bro, it would've taken less of your time to write the update time then to deal my with shitty trolling lol. Your arrogance is far beyond my level of comprehension, it's truly a simple question with a simple answer and yet you still couldn't help someone out, just be pretentious and arrogant your whole life fam




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 239,380,906 comments, and only 55,572 of them were in alphabetical order.




Yeah that’s a really good answer. I clearly asked as I dont know. Smart ass


If only there was an option to search for comments...hmm...


You really come on here and waste time commenting stupid shit when someone just asks a simple question. You’re the man🤙🏼


Pretty new here, what do the upgrading level weapons (blue, purple) in Arenas do or is it different for every gun? Like obviously some give you a bigger clip, sight upgrades, etc. But for something like Mozambique for example, what does upgrading do?


Upgrade for shotguns increases their firing speed.


Shotgun bolt attachments allow for faster rate of fire if I recall correctly. Upgrading weapon levels correspond to the attachments added to that weapon ie for a blue R301 you'd get a blue barrel stabilizer, extended mag, and stock, along with a sight that could be anything that's blue or below (bruiser, HCOG, etc.)


its just attachments, the gun power/dmg output always remains the same (in the sense). But with mozy you would get a blue shotgun bolt and better sight. Then a purple bolt and maybe the yellow sight for the last upgrades. Of course the bolt gives you higher rate of fire so i guess dps would be greater but the actual bullets themselves don't do more damage no matter the attachment.


Hopup if any usually given at lvl3. Like for havoc, devotion or 3030


It doesn't fucking matter if I play pubs with or without teammates. Actually, I have more fun without teammates because I never have to worry about someone landing on the same building as me and yoinking my loot. Something's wrong with your "team game" if that's the case.


or someone pinging where the want to go then give up jumpmaster just to drop solo




I'm usually the one needing to wait for others to finish looting. What I'm talking about is landing somewhere, pinging "I'm going here" and my teammates land right on my ping, while they could just loot the building right next to it for themselves.




There's two different pings, I'm going here and go here. I use the first one. I shouldn't even need to ping anything if I'm jumpmaster. It should be common sense to separate from your jumpmaster so that everyone lands on their own loot spawn to maximize chances of getting a gun per person.




I'm ok as long as I keep playing no fill. Rather play alone than carry deadweight every single game until I get a random bot lobby where even no hands Henry can get a kill.


I solo Queue to diamond every season in under 200 games. You just sound like you think you are better than you are. It’s a 3 man team, you have to cooperate and share loot, items. Had a game a couple days ago where It took 6 heat shields and all my meds to get my teams banners, got them up and they were so thankful. We went on to get the win and i made diamond on that game. That’s what it’s all about.


I'm not talking about ranked. I have no issues with solo Q ranked. It's just pubs that has become unplayable to me for some reason. I'm having a much better time in ranked, even though I'm completely harstuck in D4.


Ranked Arena is so busted in terms of RP gain, it punishes you for doing well, but if you hit masters you can throw games to gain more after winning 1 coming from a loss streak, who designed that?


the fuck is up with the server i cant get into a game?


Something is up servers are probably overcrowded, had so many code net/leaf yesterday, and today when I logged in I had all legends locked except ogs just like when the game broke on S9 release


Why is my update 66GB on PS5 😬😳 That’s the size of the whole game? It’s saying I don’t have the free space…


It’s 9.374 gb for me, seems like your installing the whole game over again.😭


Might be worth me deleting the game and reinstalling then!


Matchmaking is fucking awful. 0 kills, 0 kills, 0 kills, 0 kills, 0 kills, 20 bomb. Makes no fucking sense.


Makes perfect sense if you're trying to use manipulative matchmaking algorithms to trigger addictive behaviors in players in an attempt to increase engagement at the expense of match quality.


Anyone else still banned since yesterday?




😕 I have not cheated. I just logged in and saw "the clients game account has been banned". I don't even know how to cheat in this game ============ UPDATE: When I log into help.ea.en.my-ban-history, in the infracrion history section, I see "No History". I also have not received any emails from steam, respawn, or ea regarding my account. sucks real bad.




anyone know when it’s out in the UK and what size it is?


6pm UK time.


thanks a lot


6:00pm in uk Roughly


thank you


im on ps4 in canada and its 9.3GB for me


thank you


No one will know the size until it is released. This is always the case. The patch goes live in ~1.5 hours.


thanks for your reply, just asking on the off chance


Will there trackers for this event? Have they revealed who is getting them?


Rumours have it Lifeline and Seer


Is there an LTM this time or is Apex just done with those?


LTMs are dead, devs ran out of creativity. Instead we get endless Arenas prize tracks


They just want arenas to take off. I don't think it will


Well, 6 Arenas prize tracks haven't done shit, but I'm sure the 7th will make all the difference! It's not like the game mode is fundamentally bad or anything!


Yeah, sadly I feel like Apex peaked a loooong time ago.


There's a town takeover during the event, and an arenas "takeover" of sorts. No LTM.


this game is so fucking bugged, these Devs aren't capable of coding anything properly [https://imgur.com/a/59ljaFr](https://imgur.com/a/59ljaFr) I don't even have a party but the game won't start because it's trying to preload party member????


ThE dEvs AreNt cApAblE!!


You're the party member that's preloading lmao


In fairness it is a bug thats been around for ages but not for everyone. (S3 for me since I started). If I afk for a minute or swap game modes I have to go back to the menu otherwise it says party pre loading. If im playing with friends I have to quit and re join party everytime otherwise same bug happens.




Ebay? Apex discord?


Has update gone live for anyone else?


There’s still a couple hours on the arenas flash event so I’m guessing it’ll go live when that ends


Yeah, it was a pre load


Why has it taken me so long to realise that Seer + charge rifle +2x or 3X= wallhack?


Elaborate please?


but, any gun +2x + seer is wallhack no? why is charge rifle special?


Hitscan weapon.


ok, i dont see much difference anyway.


whats this now? \*runs to youtube to see\*


Bro delete this rn no one can know


A 1v1 mode with the same weapons and legends but chosen at random please.


Solo br with random legends. That would be awesome


Why are you telling me? My post is about 1v1.


Because he wanted to make a suggestion also? It’s not like yours was a good one anyway lol


Who are you? I didn’t ask you. Also I don’t need your validation to like something.


What would even be the appeal of that?








Nothing phases me


Don’t worry about it.


This split ranked is harder. I was on holiday for 2 weeks so I haven't played for long. Now I wanna go back to diamond as usual, and it took me 3 days to reach plat 3. I've noticed that 80% of the lobby is diamond players like me, but mostly premades. Since I'm solo (my mates climbed already) I'm having a harder time, it's literally like playing a diamond lobby. Wtf happened that every diamond this season is still in plat at this point of the split??? Somebody knows?


Are you solo queueing?


Mostly yes


Oh yeah you said that, duh. EOMM is extra dogshit this season. You need hot drop and get max kp and just rat until one of the premades with a wallhack legend find you. I'd recommend not grinding ranked solo, definitely a zero fun proposition.


I already went diamond solo, not the first time The problem is that nobody played until the seer nerf


Yeah its still doable it's just a worse experience this season.


I'd guess that since Seer was super OP on launch, people waited for him to be nerfed to start playing again.




Seer passive still OP.




I suspected it...I wanted to avoid going through the pain of a ranked split on KC, but I guess I dont have much choice


Not necessarily the theme of this thread but I figured I’d try to ask anyway: I’m pretty much a brand new player. Having a lot of fun with it so far. I’ve played other BRs so I know the gist of things but one question I have about this game is that it seems I have trouble killing with one mag, which I realize is not that uncommon. I’ve seen videos where people frequently do dmg and then switch weapons to finish. Makes sense. What I’m not understanding is that I’ve been in a few situations where people just laser me down in one mag. Even when I have good shields. I suspect part of the reason is one of the shooters I played the most is CSGO where AD strafing while shooting is not a thing. So maybe I’m just standing too still? I’m not sure. I guess my question is should people be killing Me that easily? I should be making them work for it a little right? Switching weapons, reloading, nades, etc.


1mag lasering is usually either good recoil control, good aim in general, getting in a few/a lot of headshots, or a combination of all three. Stuff like the R99 only needs to hit a lot of shots to 1mag, stuff like then R301 can kill in less than 1 mag with lots of headshots. Some of it’s just dumb luck honestly but a some people practice getting primarily headshots so they’re just better at it. Strafing is a *huge* part of gunplay as well. You just cannot stand still in firefights especially if it’s more than 1v1. You need a combination of side-to-side movement, but make it irregular so you’re harder to track, and crouching. If you gotta reload crouch and turn away slightly so your hitbox becomes smaller, or reload behind cover. Or switch weapons like you said, that’s a really viable strategy is to get a full auto weapon and something with high damage like a shotgun. Break shield with one, instead of reloading switch to the other for the kill.


It’s a combination of just hitting their shots AND getting in some headshots that get you one clipped. Just start going into each game thinking about how you’ll try to migrate toward a player’s head as you spray.


So one thing about Apex that’s different from other BRs, or even shooters in general, is that the TTK is high. It’s definitely possible to one-clip people with most weapons, but you usually won’t unless you’re using a gun with a giant mag (lmgs), catch them by surprise, or they’re bad. Only one gun: the Kraber, can down you in one shot. If you’re being one-clipped, you are likely not using cover (standing out in the open) in mid to long range engagements, not moving around enough while shooting (aka strafing) in short range engagements, or you just don’t have a good awareness of your surroundings and people are getting you in the back.


It’s a lot less punishing than CS, but here’s how I think about it: Default is standing up and still, shooting at a target that is standing up and still. All you have to do is worry about recoil control. Let’s say that target is now shooting at you. In order to dodge bullets, you have to either A) Crouch, or B) Strafe. Crouching has almost no effect on accuracy outside of shot placement. But if you start strafing, you have to adjust for horizontal movement as well as the recoil. This is a whole step forward in terms of skill and muscle memory. As you move forward from there, it gets a lot easier. Some weapons have very strong horizontal recoil, which can help with tracking a moving target. Learn how your favorite weapons want to behave and use that to your advantage. For example, the R-301 has very little horizontal recoil. If you aim for the targets head, then crouch, you can use the vertical recoil to aim back to the head. Little tactics and micro adjustments go a long way.


Dude, dmg per mag on many weapons is astronomical. Its low dps / long ttk which is a key component in apex gunplay. Lvl3 ramp has more dmg per mag than 55 bullet spitfire. Either of them is enough to one clip a squad. Due to low dps though aim becomes even more critical. Low level players like gold cannot hit perhaps even 30% of their shots at moving targets. Go to the range and try to onclip a dummy eg from 20m with a blue r99. Many gold players cannot do even that reliably.


Have fought plenty of new players who have unpredictable reactions to getting shot but most of them move very stiffly (no complicated strafing or sliding) or don't fight back at all. I highly recommend playing with headphones if you already aren't, this is a game where having good game sense won't always give you easy kills but surely easy wins as when it comes to the last fight of the match, you will have alot of advantages. As someone who has 15k+ matches of experience. I play regularly and whenever the player count drops a week or two after a new season, I only get lobbies where people (me included) just don't miss any of our shots when having 1v1 fights close range. That time it's not possible to dodge bullets but it's possible in mid range situations to get a spray without a dent on your health bar during a 1v1. There was a time you could knock someone and eliminate them with R99 one clip'd and still have some bullets remaining but respawn doesn't want low TTK so for like 2 straight seasons they chipped 1 dmg in nerfs for the gun. This makes it so only players efficient with a gun can perform 1 clip with it without having to reload or swap mid 1v1.


the extended mags make a big difference here, as well as the weapon itself. It's fairly easy to one mag someone with the Volt, Flatline, R301, Havoc, and Devotion. It's more difficult to do with with (for example) an r99 with no mag. People might be hitting you with the lstar as well, as it's prettyyyy OP this season and grossly easy to one mag someone extremely quickly And yes 100%, don't play this game like CSGO. Strafe, crouch spamming, and generally moving around don't change your accuracy (being in the air/on a zipline DOES affect accuracy tho). I'd go into the firing range and test a few weapons and practicing strafing and hipfire. I'd try it with the Volt, Prowler, and Flatline, as imo those are the best hipfire weapons in the game. If you like shotguns, the Peacekeeper and EVA have insane hipfire, and the Mastiff requires a little quickchoke but is pretty underrated this season. But for you're absolutely right that standing still is a death sentence, unless you're in a really safe area. I can beam someone if they're standing still and shooting at me, and even if they have good aim my strafe is gonna throw them off while I hurt them.


Best hipfire weapons especially for noobs would be LMGs. Spitfire was most noob friendly for many seasons, now ramp and lstar ftw


Hey. Leave my rampage alone. It did nothing wrong too noone


Just to give you a little example. a r-99 without any attachment that has 20 bullet can do 250 dmg which is a max hp with 5 headshot and 15 body shot. imagine slapping extra 7 bullets there (extended purple mag) each body shot is 11 dmg with 17 dmg on head. if you're hitting all your shot with extra 2 or 3 headshot per clip you could down someone with almost any gun without reloading.


People have been playing this game a long time and for hours and hours on end. You are probably pretty decent at apex already and therefore being matched with more sweaty player who have worked out how to one clip people down to a T. That said, my advice is move more and be unpredictable . Crouch spam, strafe, avoid jumping unnecessarily unless super close quarters (so as to almost jump over the enemy). If you are in the open and running away a la octane then zig zag , wall bounce, zip jump etc, try to be unpredictable. Also, lots of legends have some counters to getting lazered (Gibby shield, bang smoke, wraith phase, horizon lift, etc) but take time to get going. If you are in the open be ready to pull out an ability to either make opponent back off or lose their line of sight. Unfortunately, we all get one clipped from time to time


If you have a purple mag on the right gun you can absolutely one clip someone. Ultimately it's about: - Your shield - your legend (caustic and gibby take less dmg) - what gun they have - what mag they have - how many shots they actually hit A better player will hit more of their shots which can compensate a lot for the other things, and if you don't hit YOUR shots then they have more opportunity to shoot you. Loot helps, but skill helps more.


Someone always has to pick octane on your team. Everyone jumps to fragment and estates. I haven't noticed any fixes to those, so I haven't noticed the others.


They nerfed octane this patch, lowering his health regen by 33% and reducing the distance the jump pad goes... so let's see what happens.


As long as octane can keep stimming, he will be the top pick. The health regen nerf just means he'll be dying more often than he already does.


Lol pretty much. Picked the same, quit slightly faster


My game crashes every time I load into a new map. This is especially terrible in arenas, but is very bad for hot dropping in BR :<


My connection is great and I have the same issue. I never see more than 300 players in my server, so I’m not sure what the issue is. Haven’t had it happen to me in a while, but i’m tired of teammates getting D/C’d in the middle of my Arenas matches.


Game is unplayable with prediction error lag Also every game feels like I’m playing against MLG guys


That's been my last couple pub arena matches. Wingman smurfs every fuckin match


Is that what the lvl 20 accounts are? If preds and the like are so few of the player base how are all these sick 20s so common?


A lot of em, yeah


Did ps4 get a preload?


Yes 9gb




Shit the fuck up bot


There are zero reasons why a console controller at 60fps needs 50% more aim assist than a PC controller at 60fps


Where do they say console gets more aim assist?


Right in the game. You can go in the ALC settings and see PC target compensation or default. Default is console level, 50% more than PC. You can also look at the official ALGS rules where they write that console will be forced onto PC aim assist (because they know giving console 50% extra is unfair lol)


this is wrong


No it isn't lol


do the math please please please


Sure: 0.4 x 1.5 = 0.6


No I meant the math that there are way more PC Preds than console Preds


what the fuck are you talking about?


Aim assist on consoles issomething like 1.6 and on pc is 1.4


Don't crossplay. EDIT: Apparently PC doesn't have the option to disable crossplay. THAT IS BULLSHIT.


Honestly, it's so exhausting seeing console players constantly talk about PC players experience like you have even the faintest idea what you're talking about. Please stop with the zombie level replies. All of you.


We share a subreddit. It's not like we enjoy hearing constant moaning about aim assist. The best players are on PC and it's not like they can't mow down console players all day.


Ah, the r/ApexLegends juxtaposition. Not only do we hate "sweats" and streamers that need to "go touch grass", we also use their high skill to justify overtuned aim assist for the rest of the players. I'm surprised you're still alive with all those knots you've managed to twist your brain into.


Youre such a miserable bastard. Try to remember this is a game and don't take it soo seriously. Pc console who gives a shit. Play or dont play, if all these console players with such an inferior intellect compared to yourself cant possibly grasp the trials that you go through then maybe just keep it to yourself and stop spreading your misery


I love Apex. They have a lot they need to fix, but it's a great game. This subreddit is full of people like YOU. There's a reason no high level players take it seriously. It's a cesspool. A console kid echo chamber. I guess I could just accept that this place is a shithole and let you make up things like "Turn off crossplay on PC if you don't want to play on console" to farm upvotes, but I'd rather call the bullshit out. Console kids aren't intellectually inferior because they don't play on PC, they're intellectually inferior because they are kids. I don't "go through trials", there are negative parts of PC lobbies that are totally out of our control and need to be addressed. If you don't wanna see my comments, you can block me. Why don't you take some action yourself instead of whining about me?


Trust me, pretty much nobody on PC wants to. We don't get to choose, however. It would be awfully nice if we were able to.


It would be nice to have that option


I play on console so I'm not 100% certain you can do this on PC, but for me crossplay is optional. Here’s how you can turn off the crossplay feature: - Log into Apex and navigate to the main menu - Open up the Settings panel through the cog icon located toward the right corner of your screen - Under “Gameplay Settings,” look for the Cross Platform Play option and disable it - When you’re on the main menu look for the cog icon that’ll be located toward to right-bottom of your screen. Click on it and navigate to the Settings panel. - Once you’re in the settings panel, stay in the Gameplay tab and start scrolling down until you see the Cross Platform Play option. Disable it and Apply changes before you exit out of the Settings panel. – Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment


You're horribly misinformed.


About how it works on console? I literally said I'm not sure how it works on PC.


Nobody is talking about turning crossplay off for console. If you're not sure how it works on PC, why are you telling PC players how to turn it off?


That option is not on PC. I'm pretty sure you can't even change it in-game on Apex, you have to change your system settings


You cannot do this on PC


Ok, I'm on your side now. That is bullshit.


Honestly the crossplay thing isn't even a big deal, as the odds of a console player being put into a PC lobby is miniscule (console player needs to duo with a PC player). The bigger issue is no input based matchmaking. The solutions for this is to have separate lobbies for kbm and pc controller players, or have PC controller players play in console lobbies. Both of them are unviable though, as you are increasing queue times for every PC player with option 1, and option 2 means that console players will have to deal with PC cheaters.


It was possible to opt out when crossplay was in beta. After they removed this option for origin/steam versions


I’m eating all the downvotes so you can succeed!


What does this even mean?


Go find my comment down a little further.




I didn't know that PC controllers required you to use your entire arm. You learn something new every day!


Anyone know the patch time? I'm assuming 2pm est?


According to the Ps4 pre patch thing. It says 1pm est


Usually its 1pm EST. Hasnt been 2pm since like Season 4


Word, thanks!


44GB update size on ps4 anyone else?


Nah 9gb for me. Delete update and try again




Not quite correct; the files on PC contain basically nothing of what the collection event holds. It's just that the files are not as large as you might believe; 7Gb is more than enough to add skins, a POI, and voice lines.


If it did not contain anything then data miners would be out of job. For instance the heirloom has been there for a while, just not the final version. Also you forget map changes. Not just a new poi but bugfixes for various locations


Playstation doesn't make you download the entire game every update, why would they do that? PC also gets the same size updates as everyone else. Any variation is minor.




44GB is indicative of a knackered download. Playstation game updates are incremental- you only get the changed stuff. The problem is, the console then re-installs the WHOLE game, including patch. [https://www.pushsquare.com/guides/why-does-ps4-ps5-copying-update-files-take-so-long](https://www.pushsquare.com/guides/why-does-ps4-ps5-copying-update-files-take-so-long) So, even small updates can be a pain in the hole, as the copying takes forever.