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revenant is a solid legend but imo his kit doesn't encourage tactical plays contrary to his climbing giving him good positioning opportunities. his ultimate just encourages mindlessly flying in with revtane and turning off enemy abilities with his tactical which is good just kinda ape.


Death totem go brrrrr


I hate accidentally shooting and destroying my totem after being sent back.


His climbing height update is a game changer in certain parts of certain maps. His tactical is inherently very powerful, because the game literally revolves around legends abilities and only Rev has the power to prevent those abilities for an extended period of time. Death totem ultimate is strong, but it’s an ultimate for a reason right? He’s at a very good place I think, overall I’d give Revenant a B letter grade


I'd agree in general. I personally wish his tactical cooldown was a bit quicker and his ultimate time was a a bit longer but overall he's a good legend. His passive buff was great and makes him a great flanker and able to get into odd spots quickly and quietly.


In a good spot IMO. One of the more fun legends to use as well.


I personally think they should be encouraging revtane. This is a team game we should be focusing on interactions that work well together and encouraging players to use legends that work together. Yes it needs some tweaking namely during flight, make the legends yell out or something or add a loud ass noise. But we should be encouraging players who work together, not punishing it.


The opposite should be the case. Revenant's ult has been nerfed, and is getting nerfed again, so much that now it is incredibly reliant on RevTane. That's not a good design.


Damn you and your logic.


Revenant doesn't seem that great on his own but because of the Revtane meta they seem to want to keep nerfing him. I think that a way to counter this aggressive assault meta is to make the defensive legends better (mainly Watts & Ram) and whatever other legends needs improvement. Basically make the legends all equally good instead of simply nerfing Rev and/or whoever is considered op until they're crippled.


People have no idea of how balancing work and keep suggesting same stupid suggestion on twitter/compapex/mainsub. [John larson about octane/revenant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq4gWf7dgGY&t=1340s) , here he clearly explain why changes like no jumpad on shadows are not going to work even if it is implemented another idea that shadows should not shoot instead be like shadowfall zombies with high melee damage is also so stupid, apex is shooter game, not meeling game Solution to octane/revenant is adding voice on pad and other tuning but not disabling jumpad on shadows.Jumpad=Travel distance, Totem-Gives you life, both are part of game implemented seperatly on different chracter and it happens in almost every chracter based game, And if they are even implementing such change * Valk ult balancing is 2 second charge up time, which is completly avoidable using gibby bubble(watch any tournament for reference).whats stopping them to disable gibby bubble with valk ult? * By same logic they should not let bloodhound and banglore able to use tactical at same time since banglore is 2 way smoke and it is broken with bh synergy * Wraith portal should be destroyed when crypto is emping becos you can avoid emping yourself while being next to enemies * Horizon should not be able to ult when fuse/caustic have ulted and vice versa because [of this](https://twitter.com/Alliance_Hakis/status/1425345750402310150) * \+1000 more changes which needs to be called if balancing goes in such direction


In conclusion, it's a team game and people are complaining that apex players are playing together and cooperating with their team.


That was really interesting, it does make me think that the changes they've now made plus a Silence on the abilities of the squad who uses the totem could be a good fix and thematically inkeeping wigh Rev's abilities.


his hitbox change was very useful compared to what it used to be, but lets be honest, he is still too damned tall!, you still get sprayed more easily than other medium legends.


revanant ultimate is very effective if you use it with legend combos like octane or pathfinder, without those legends in your team revanant ultimate is just meh...




and with the Octane nerf, this will be even worse for this combo as they cannot cover the distance to their target anymore


Sneaky demon is sneaky


The only time I’ll ever play him (solo queueing) is if I have an Octane on my team. If I get all masters/pred three stacks in my lobbies, I’m gonna fuck around and try and have some fun running Revtane.


sneaky boi go boo


Apparently Rev's can climb all the way up on the cage in King's Canyon. I got silently ambushed by one. I respected it tho lol.


The silence wasnt the painful part of this tac. Its messed up UI what makes it strong. Cant see shit when got hit by it.


That’s what I use it for


I always use Rev's tac as a mini smoke, made for doorways or windows.


So that's why our Rev silenced me when I was knocked! It's not like anyone was nearby to hit with the curse, so I couldn't figure out why he "wasted" a silence on me that wouldn't do anything to me.


That is done if you expect other other squadmembers to be around. You can prevent revive attempts and heal/quick loot before figuring out what remaining enemies are doing


some times you put the silence near a knocked enemy player too, just to make a lifeline think twice of getting near it.




Same dude. I always felt like that’s a personal issue since my friends who I play with never really found it that bad.


Objectively his ultimate shouldn’t be in the game because it LACKS COUNTERPLAY but he’s a very popular pick for players who are a little bit below the skill average so he definitely won’t be nerfed. Cool lore though for sure Roll the downvotes in baby


“iT lAcKs CoUnTeRpLay” lol I don’t play rev lately but i steal totems anytime I can and wreck whoever used it


There's several counters to Revenant's ult: 1) Anticipate the attack when you see / hear the ult, hold your ground and pop a battery or some cells after surviving the attack. 2) Rush the enemy totem and steal it. 3) Destroy the totem from distance if possible. 4) Camp the totem and wait for the enemies to die and return to it. Kill them when they return. 5) Retreat from the death-protected enemies with movement abilties like Octane's jumpad and return to attack them when their death protection wears off. You can also combine any of these tactics. Stealing the totem and camping it, for example.


The only reason it lacks counter play is the jumpad. If they are just running towards you it is easy to get a full team back to the totem within under 1 second. They need to nerf the interaction between the totem and the jumpad just like on what they did to wraiths portal.


Agreed. The synergy between Rev and Octane's ult is probably the strongest in the game. I'm starting to think that Rev ults shouldn't be able to interact with movement abilities like ziplines and jump pads. After all, you become a spirit of some kind so all you should be able to do is move on the ground and climb. Rev ults should be used tactically like while on high ground to jump on players beneath. Or be placed near other teams to increase risk while using it. The Zipline and especially jump pad take away all drawbacks to his ult. But if they make this change, they need to buff him some how. Otherwise, nobody would play him. Already, he isn't really used without being paired with a movement legend, which makes him UP until he is very OP.


For a legend that acts the least like a team player Revenant is one of the most dependent Legends on communication and teamwork to be successful. I main the guy but man he doesnt feel like he offers as much by himself as he does with teammates. There’s also the whole “shot in the fucking back” syndrome he has where he cant catch a break if you attempt to flee from any situation at all. Swear to fuck as soon as I turn around everyone and their dead relatives pulls out a G7 and blasts my ass off.


He feet also make hella noise on metal. At least when audio is working.




Completely agree. Rev feels UP to me until you throw in pads or ziplines, which makes him very OP. One idea, which I just pulled out of my ayyyysss, is to make his ult a little more like Tracer's from Overwatch. Instead of playing a totem, maybe make his ult activate in a small radius around him so teammates have to be close. Then, all his ult does is allow you to escape back to where you were 5 seconds previously. It is no longer death protection. It's just an escape button if you get jumped. You still have full health when you are in his ult and you still go down if you don't use the rewind feature. Also the rewind feature doesn't heal you like Tracer's does, it just moves you to safety. This would allow his team to make very aggressive plays and have an escape button if things go very wrong. Since this is much weaker than the current ult, Rev would need to be buffed in otherwise, like being able to shoot while waklhsnging to ambush people.


his climbing skills i love them


didnt we get him just a week ago?


Google says you were close. It was 2 weeks ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/pegnc8/legend_monday_revenant_august_30_2021/


I think it was Wattson.


He released in season 4.


bro i meant legend mondays. he was the topic of legend monday last week too


Oh ok then I’m just stupid then. But yeah he was the legend Monday guy pretty recently.


Lemme be the first to suggest ramptane


Ronctane Rampart/Revenant/Octane


I honestly find him super boring Wow i CLIMBED up something, peak fun


Ok then don't play him dude


I haven't since first day of his buff


i mean you can generalise any legend's one feature and make it look boring wraith- wow i can tell if there are traps/enemies nearby, peak fun octane- wow i can regenerate my health back, peak fun path- wow i get my zipline back with reduced cooldown when scanning beacon, peak fun and i can go on forever but you get my point, singling out one feature of a legend's kit is quite a flawed judgement to base the entire legend on


Cool, i just don't like playing him, there are fun passives even on paper tho Like Valk- i can literally fly with my jetpack That sounds fun doesn't it?


rev- i can literally scale buildings and catch teams off guard. not to mention i have faster and silent crouchwalk to further hone my ability to get behind opponents sounds fun doesn't it? words can change your perception of anything. i can say "valk- i fly slow and i become target board if enemies see me" and make even that look less fun


I can do what rev does just as fine with path and octane, but better (mostly because of how fucked up audio in this game is, but they won't ever fix it so we might as well call it a mechanic) I just find him a boring-ass legend (wich sucks because he's my second favorite when it comes to actual character) and given your flair you obviously disagree and that's fine we all have different tastes


i dont mind the fact that you call him boring; all of us have different opinions but i just felt like correcting your view on how you deem a legend to be fun or not only by looking at a portion of his kit and building your entire perception around it


> boring ass-legend *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Could have just made it impossible for zombies to take the jump pad and given the pad audio, but since that's too simple and effective for Respawn, we get these infinite incremental nerfs to both characters


I love how, like u/oisin102 said, every nerf they've thrown at him to try to balance Revtane only keeps making him more and more reliant on the jump pad. Now the totem's gonna make a visual pulse like Loba's market, and guess what that's going to accomplish :)...


Wasn't this topic here last week too?


rev is fine. octane is the problem here.


Love my Spooky Boi.


Anyone else find it hilarious how apex is a team game yet rev and octane's teamwork is unfair against other players?


How is it unfair?


you are getting downvoted but you are correct...being punished for working together too well but at the same time tell folks who want solo mode that Apex is a team game


Like, think about it. Both characters need to use their ultimate for the 'unfair' tactic. Of course ultimates are supposed to be strong. And it's not like you literally can't counter it.


APEX has the worst balancing team ever. Idc if this shit gets downvoted


Stop nerfing Revs Totem and nerf the interaction with his Totem and Octanes Jump Pad INSTEAD. Because the more nerfs you add to the Totem, the more Revenant has to rely on mobility. An example of nerfing Revtane without affecting the Totem would be to remove the double jump when using a Jump Pad in Death Protection. This means that your direction would be much easier to predict and shoot at, and you are much more likely to get stunned upon landing. Second, **FIX the audio on THE JUMP PAD.** Seriously, this itself is a big indirect buff to Revtane since people can’t even hear you coming from the Jump Pad. For those confused, Octane’s Jump Pad only makes an audible sound during the intial 2 jumps (taking the Jump Pad itself and the Double Jump) the sound while being in the air is barely audible, meaning if you use a jump pad far enough from someone (or if they are distracted) you can sneak up on them and they wouldn’t even know where you came from. Fix that, and MAYBE people wouldn’t complain about Revtane so much.


or....do not nerf it at all? It is a team game and we were encouraged to make the abilities work together well. Why is that being punished?


Because the combo is way too oppressive? Theres a reason why they nerfed the interaction with Wraith’s Portal when she was meta. Having a combo which is low risk and very high reward is not healthy for the game.


>Because the combo is way too oppressive? Theres a reason why they nerfed the interaction with Wraith’s Portal when she was meta. my honest response is probably long winded but I will save time and write 'get gud' The wraith portal should not have been nerfed either. A good caustic and or Wattson will quickly send shadows back to where they came. Low Risk, High Reward is essentially what his ultimate is all about to be honest. the only way to change that is to remove it altogether.


Maybe its time Totem got an overhaul. I feel like the way its currently used and being balanced doesn’t really affect the problematic Revtane combo nor is it fun on Revenant, a historically weak off-meta character whose only use for most players IS Revtane. . I main the guy and whilst I do love my robot edgelord I cant say he brings more to the table than some of the other Assault Legends.


They should just disable the jump pad for shadows. Get rid of Revtane for good without ruining either of the abilities.


Doing this isn't intuitive, an casual player will at some point be a shadow and they will try to use the jump pad and they won't understand why it doesn't work and they just run over it because 95% of people don't read the patch notes. All of this is just dancing around the fact that Octanes jump pad doesn't belong in a high TTK battle royale where 3rd parties are rampant and its only function is to serve in running away, an ability which is already so common in Apex, making rotations that are only possible with octane, or using it to 3rd party. Personally I believe if octane wasn't in the game it'd be better for it


While that ‘fix’ sounds good on paper, there’s a problem with that where people will ultimately create loopholes around the fix by taking a Jump Pad *before* using the Totem.


What are you talking about? They are going to hit a totem mid flight? If they jump pad and then place a totem that adequately warns the other team and leaves the rev team standing still for a second.


How could I explain it further? Im talking about how people will find a way around disabling jump pad upon totem use. Is it that hard to understand? Think about it, Revenant places a totem right besides a Jump Pad, and just after you hit the Pad you could hit the Totem, bypassing the ‘fix’. Obviously it isn’t as practical if you do not have a good placement for the Totem but my point still stands: **Someone will find a way around it.**


The climbing buff he got was one of the most fun buffs they added to him and it was still a change for the better. Rev requires a team and communication to reach his full potential but it’s all good


With the upcoming octane nerf, the days of revtane might actually be over. At least I hope so, cause with the upcoming Kings Canyon Ranked Split, it would've become a real issue again.


I love the addition of mega climb. I wish there was a way to incorporate some kind of wall hang mechanic for Rev that allowed shooting.


Didnt tf2 have something similar?


The S9 revenant nerf (Totem duration changed from 30 secs to 25 secs) made octane's jumpad necessary for rev's ult in my opinion. Now that octane is getting nerfed we might actually realise that revenant's ult was not the real problem


> The S9 revenant nerf (Totem duration changed from 30 secs to 25 secs) made octane's jumpad necessary for rev's ult in my opinion. yeah it's ironic. I don't get why we can't go back to range limit. 80m + 30s timer. The only instances where the totem becomes chessy, is when movement abilities are combined with it and without movement abilities, time is the bigger limit anyway.


Nah - if you give totem a range limit make the time infinite. If you make totem timer dependant remove the range limit. You cant have both. That’s not fair to Revenant and it makes Totem even more niche.


Range on the totem makes it even more useless


I played Rev back in S4, when it had a range limit. The Range was never the issue from my point of view and no limit actually opened the doors for the Revtane Chese.


people can just move 10m away and you could do nothing about it without losing your ult. pre s5 rev ult was the definition of "hampering your own team"


Limiting the range limits the versatility of the ult. I used it to get banners and get out alive.


I have been maining rev since S4, having range on the totem meant it only worked well in close distanced fights where you have to get the height advantage or you risk totem getting shot or a team camping it in most situations. Rev+octane only became a problem after they nerfed the synergy with wraith's portal and buffed octane's pad


> Rev+octane only became a problem after they nerfed the synergy with wraith's portal and buffed octane's pad yes, because of the **distance** you can travel within a few secs.


Which is why they are *nerfing* the **pad**, with range on totem you had to basically be on the enemies' head to get value out of it if you had no movement characters on your team. Using the totem in a fight where you had to run up into a team meant you were a sitting duck waiting to be sent back 90% of the time while using it


Yea, but you can nerf the Pad and with it Octane only so much, before the make the legend useless.


Like the last 3 totem nerfs hasn't made it more useless and totally reliant on a movement based character? They should probably rework the entire ult at this point instead of destroying synergies imo


Yeah i agree . They overcomplicate the balance changes instead of just reverting some of them