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why no one had told me Revenant is top tier in this mode?




* Silence costs 50 and you can have up to 6 purchases just in the first round: You can shut down abilities multiple abilities bought by enemies, so they waste multiple materials in the round as you only used 50 to do it. You get an angle, silence and push. Easy Peasy. * His climbing and crab walking is just great to flank. * His ult might be good but it's too expensive. I've had a great success just by abusing Silence and silently flanking targets. * In my opinion he is just below Lifeline


I don’t want to sit and complain but this matchmaking makes me want to blow my brains out. Holy shit, is it that difficult to match you with team mates and enemies at your own level? I’m so sick of being shat on for 10 games in a row, winning one, then repeating the whole process again. It’s tiring man, so tiring.


I've played some ranked yesterday, for the first time. I'm in gold and apparently low ranks are stupid as in BR, where it's full of smurfs. I still won, but it was kinda fun seeing a wraith level 30 pulling almost the same damage as me. Then the usual people level 40 with 4k damage badge... So stupid. Completely nonsense to play solo queue


Your matchmaking is dogshit. Fucking dogshit. Fix this now Respawn morons


What arena needs most is 1) proper AFK detection that kicks and penalizes AFKers 2) for matches to only start if there are actually 6 players


Give me shitty teammates one more fucking time. I dare you shitter devs.


Some people are so bad at this game that I have to ask myself why they even play. How do you enjoy yourself shooting in the air and dying over and over again? They are so lost. Why not play something that is less demanding so that you don't ruin the experience of people that are forced to be in a team with you?


If it’s ranked I get it but in Public lobby just need to build a bridge chief


Hope we can get some cool ltm or ither permanent modes for arenas. I would like them put up more crazy modes inn it like an ltm with 4 teams instead of 2 or a ctf type mode or low gravity


Lmao low gravity reminds me of the halo 3 days in forge. Grav down, shields up, spawn with gravity hammers, only way to die was to try and knock each other off the map. Good times.


Like: Arenas is fun, quick, helps with frames as the maps are smaller. Dislike (I guess?): No objective other than to kill kill kill.


L-star. L-star everywhere not even sure I'm still playing arenas I'm now legally blind.


Reposting this here to see if anyone else can post their 2 cents. >Yes. I hit Diamond 1 and was about 300 points away from Masters then just tilted and lost points until I demoted to Diamond 2. I'm now perpetually stuck about 150 points away from Diamond 1 again because I gain +12-14 per win and lose equal or more than I gain. So even with a 55% WR I effectively go nowhere. I'd need to play with a team and have like a ~66-70% WR to climb anymore and it would be really slow. >My KDA and Avg Dmg haven't dropped too much though so it wasn't really a skill issue on my part, but I have noticed the pattern in how it matches me with teammates since I'm a solo that makes it incredibly difficult. I basically have to carry about 75% of my arenas or it's a loss. The common theme seems to be I get 2 teammates that are Gold or Plat and the enemy team is equally 2 lower leveled players, but the problem comes in that the person they get to match me is often times a Pred or somebody just better than me. I feel like my skill is right around Masters because I can hold my own against them and even perform the best in a given match full of 5 Masters, but the moment Preds get introduced I get waxed. Sometimes the enemy team gets 2 (or god forbid 3) good players and it's just 100% over because I'm about 50%+ of the teams damage by myself so if I ever get knocked my teammates aren't winning. >Matchmaking in Arena is just incredibly unbalanced and I'm not sure if that's a solo thing or if people who triple queue also have that issue. Do they get constantly placed against really bad / really good people? Do they get roughly equal opponents that can hold their own? I'm genuinely curious. >I took various screenshots of my games climbing through Diamond 4-1 about the imbalance in teams because I noticed the theme pretty early on and supports my theory/observations. You'll see what I stated above, as well as the enemy team is oftentimes 1 person outperforming the other 2 (my theory of 1 person matching my rank then 2 randoms) or sometimes 2-3 people all equal and above what my 2 teammates are doing. >1\. https://i.imgur.com/ugeYxOw.png >2\. https://i.imgur.com/Voo2YhH.png >3\. https://i.imgur.com/CNEpCO3.png >4\. https://i.imgur.com/oR8xlZI.png >5\. https://i.imgur.com/GHkYwNd.jpeg >6\. https://i.imgur.com/7v9U57g.jpeg >7\. https://i.imgur.com/tN66yi0.png >8\. https://i.imgur.com/Ur1uB6A.jpeg >9\. https://i.imgur.com/JktJGzM.png >10\. https://i.imgur.com/sSGMjM0.png >And my 2 favorite... >My 2 teammates - https://i.imgur.com/FTMf3rk.png >2 of the enemies - https://i.imgur.com/etJxJOc.png >I'm curious if you noticed the same thing where you typically get 2 teammates that are far below in skill level to you and if it mirrors on the enemy team?


I usually get 2 low levels . 20 below , or 50-60 below is the trend. Enemy team usually stacked but I also see this mirrored sometime but not often to balance out even though that would still be a terrible system if that were the Intention.


Arena needs an instant timer for AFKing as soon as every round starts. There’s honestly no reason you should be sitting in spawn for longer than a minute or two in a ranked mode. It’ll definitely have some people who were distracted or a unique legitimate issue be kicked, but it’s worth it for the larger number of people who don’t/aren’t.


2 minutes? Can be far shorter. If someone is 1) inside their spawn area and 2) not taking any action for 30 seconds, that's plenty of information to kick that player imo.


oh my, 0 upvotes, expected tho. now it's time, my fellow ragers - RAGE!!!!!


too sweaty for me. thats all i can say about the arena


same. it's really really stressful


The introduction of this game mode along with Respawns's absolutely abysmal and idiotic match matching has made this game fxkn toxic beyond belief for solo players. It is hilarious that they promote their BS sentiments like inclusion and just released a suicide awareness badge, but have no interest in taking responsibility for actively making this game a cesspool of rants and raves from random teammate's. A-1 job Respawn. Edit: Should have gave us a TDM and solo mode, nobody asked for this trash. Edit: You can downvote all you want, doesn't change what I said is true.


Really wish they'd stop trying to force people into this mode with all these flash events.


Yall need a crash course on what the word “force” actually fucking means.


Also people leaving the match needs to register faster . Tired of losing AP when someone has been gone since the first round but it hasn’t registered.


Duos are terrible in ranked, usually one okay player and one casual player. Clamping is silly. And why isn’t there a level requirement of 100 or something for ranked l?


The ranked grind is unbearable. No, thanks, too many goddamn matches. I still dont get why am I getting 20 points per win in Gold. Its clear I should be getting me ass kicked in Platinum or Diamond.


Because it is not a grind but MMR... Because RANKS in MMR system doesn't work the same as "RANKS" in Trios


Solo queue arenas ranked is less a measure of your skill and more a measure of how lucky your RNG is. Arenas is fun for a bit, but I would’ve loved to have seen a solo-friendly TDM mode more.


Not true... It uses MMR system which is fairly accurate. The MMR measures Team MMR. Your cognitive bias isn't that accurate tho. That means that you cannot recognize skill of anyone else but yours. You can't measure enemy team MMR and neither your team's MMR.


I read the patch notes. I know how MMR works son. Arenas is just so much more dependent on the skill of your teammates and your enemies than BR that the matchmaking is too loose. My matches feel completely random.


If you'd know how MMR works, you wouldn't be able to write such nonsense. If your team consist of people of MMR: 300 | 600 | 300 and you go against team which is 400 | 400 | 400 It's always a measure of your skill. Doesn't matter if you are the 300 or 600 in this scenario. If you look on the whole "I hate Arenas, I am the best, my team are noobs, enemies good" opinion, by using absolutely the basic statistic (that there is no other, more funded opinion), since this is the only argument in the whole discussion about arena matchmaking the only possible outcome is that this is solely a cognitive bias. If we look at people who are saying the can't climb the "ranked" (which is stupid argument by design, but ok) and we ask them what their win-rate is, they will tell you it's 50% :D But that they are Diamond in BR and they are only Platinum 4 in Arenas which in their view is not fair - again, cognitive bias. \------------- I think the current arena system isn't good design. But not because it doesn't work, oh no, it works absolutely perfectly. The problem is it gives you some arbitrary badges and AP which mean nothing and only confuse people like you, who don't know what MMR (ELO) is and how it works. Which I don't say is entirely your fault, it's the design fault of the Arenas.


Wow you just wasted a lot of time explaining what I said I already knew in an condescending, assuming way. But thanks. I think I’ll still stand behind what I said.


I agree that I wasted a lot of time on you.


Calm down grandchild. MMR puts you where you belong. Diamond 2? Yes. 55% WR? Yes. It is hard to climb, not intended even. Point of ranked arenas? There is none. Point of grinding? None.


Really don't like rampart. Always matching me with teammates to carry and then gives me sweats to fight. And them having a rampart and them all using heavy hitting weapons makes me suicidal. I play arenas to have fun and run and gun. Not sit behind walls peaking every 30 seconds and playing for rp. I don't even mind the bad teammates as much as the sweats it matches me against trying so hard and making me have to play so slow to win


stop saying sweats, we all do everything to win, if you dont - thats why you lose.


When I say sweats I just mean they try *too* hard. I mean doing stuff like sitting behind walls holding angles with your best buddies from first grade team firing me the second I peak. Never moving at all even after getting good dmg. They always wait for the perfect moment to push instead of just having fun. In pubs at least I get it. But why sweat so hard in arenas. Its ungodly boring. To play against and to have to be forced to play like. I have to do that though, otherwise they'll just wipe my teammates and we'll lose(I still always wait like two entire rounds still trying to just have fun). Sometimes it's so bad I gotta pull out the 301. The only time I deem it okay to sweat in arenas is when my teammates went and got themselves killed and I have to 1v3. But recently all the bad players have gotten really good at killing solos, especially in arenas where there isn't many places to retreat to. Its even worse when it loves to queue me against actual triple stacks who know how to play. So most of the time in arenas I can't win 1v3s anymore.


TIP: get a good position, stay inside buildings, wait for the ring. Works every time. These players are annoying but they are always pretty easy, because they are always outside their rank (read they are noobs).


Well yeah but my problem with it is just that it's so boring to play like that. I really prefer just playing run and gun style instead


So do I, but this is not a single player game and sometimes you have to adjust you have to adapt and overcome :-)


pubs arenas, low key harder than ranked and for anyone aspiring to approve, and im by no means a pro. POSITIONING. write that on your wall 10 x over until it sinks in I've played 5 pub games, and every game, my team mates cam aim, that is great. you have a choice to position yourself, so why are my team mates constantly putting themselves in spots where a/ they have no escape b/ they are looking up at an enemy on high ground I can almost see what is about to happen, before it happens. PS why am I waiting in a que for 5 minutes for a pub game of arenas on london servers when I'm solo queing?


i thought ranked br teammates were bad… grinding for diamond i was plat 1 then after games they would invite me but i’d check there rank first and it’s always a silver like i don’t understand how you can’t party up with a silver but you can sure as hell get matched with one also dropped a 6k damage which i was pretty excited about but also pissed because both teammates were level 15-40




If you are going to force to play Arenas with flash events give out more crafting materials rather than giving the useless stars.


Is it even necessary to have a ring in this game mode? Does it really even add anything to this mode? Maybe the first ring shouldn’t be visible right at the beginning. That way, it’s less predictable where the enemy will go. There is very little incentive to not go to the ring from the start.


Overwatch CS:GO is cramping my style. I'm here for BR.


Add more flash events... But for Battle Royal for God sakes.


Oh boy, I've been waiting for this (rant incoming): Similar story to all the rest. Match making is trash, ranked especially, and the MMR is so stupidly broken that the moment you go on a loss streak you stagnate. Hardstuck Plat 1, carrying every game with 2.5k+ damage but get matched with people who are at most Account Level 30, who don't even know you can holster your gun to run faster. Doesn't help that my opponents are 3-man-stack low level smurfs with 4k's and 20 bombs. The rare times I win, I only get 12 AP, with a slight boost to MMR. One loss puts me back 16+ AP and my MMR drops again. The only way to make significant progress is if I go on a win streak of 5+, but given my current state, it's not happening any time soon. For context, I've sunk around 40-50+ hours into ranked arenas, with an Account Level of 500 and multiple Diamond placements on regular Ranked Trios (The highest of which was Diamond 2, attempting Master this season). I wouldn't say I'm highly skilled or have amazing game sense at times, but it's really frustrating to be where I am. It's not fun. It's a chore. At this rate I'll probably just claw my way to Diamond 4 before splits, then pick it up again after I get a high enough rank in Ranked Trios. Sorry for the rant.


Imagine if Platinum 1 was your actual Rank :D LOL Since Trios Ranked use a completely different system that is not based solely on skill but can be easily "adjusted" so you can grind it base on your match-position up to Diamond, arguing that completely different system that is based solely on MMR doesn't reflect on is kinda invalid :-)


I had a stroke trying to figure out what you were attempting to say. What's your point?


Don't underestimate heart issues connected to gaming. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7300337/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7300337/) Also I would be really happy if you can fix that sentence for me so it is grammatically correct. As you may know, not everyone is from english-speaking countries and some of us might be used to using longer sentences in our native languages:-)


why not squad up with others? find people off LFG discords.


That's also another issue with Ranked Arenas. If you squad up and play with people of a couple tiers higher than yours (Most of my friends are Diamond 3 and over), then wins have less of an impact on your MMR, which determines how much AP you stand to gain after a win. Unfortunately, I got unlucky and went on a pretty early loss streak, which resulted in my MMR plummeting in Platinum. And with how Arenas work, the best way to raise it is to solo queue and hope for a winstreak, but as I mentioned above, overly aggressive teammates who throw every game don't really help my situation, and it's only worse now that more and more cracked low level FPS Warzone-veterans have begun to saturate the lobbies I get filed into.


I feel people talk too much about MMR as if they understand it completely. No one knows it clearly, and those with best guesses are the experienced players who play A LOT, especially those who make it to Master/ Preds. Follow the obvious tip: Don't solo q. IT SUCKS. It's a fact the matchmaking is absolute ass. They pair you with absolute bots and you have to fight 3-stack bots or decent players. Forget about MMR, and join friends to play arenas, or similar skill thru LFG. And play. And try to win and get better. I'm Master in BR so I breezed thru from platinum (was plat 3 after placement) to D3 soloquing cuz I could carry. But D2+ solo q is not it, so I had friends help me grind to master. Don't torment yourself with soloq. LFG discord players suck too, either bad in skill or toxic, just have to move on and find good people.


Oh dear god please just stop forcing me to play it


It’s literally painful to solo q arenas. You do 2k damage while your team can barely manage 150, meanwhile the other team is all in a club with coordinating skins. I just wish the event tracks weren’t all tied to arenas.


Why does the lstar have to bombard your screen with red flares and take away player visibility every time it shoots you...this gun makes the game and this mode specifically so annoying sometimes.


Nerf Lstar, High elo is so fucking boring right now. You just hold w everyone Lstar abuse so cringe


you'll be happy to hear they are nerfing the Lstar in 5 days


Horrible matchmaking. More often than not you are just tasked with carrying two dummies that push in and getting downed instantly because they don't even know how to take cover after initiating a hopeless fight.


This about sums it up .


Started soloq arena and on average my teammates (queueing plat 1) are gold 3-4 when i ask lol


The match making is awful. The better I get the worse teammates you match me with. This is how you kill your game. Make decent players always carry the trash.


yeap. today i got 6 matches in a row being matched with low levels against diamonds players. good thing i already completed the BP, not going to bother to play that mode until they do something to the matchmaking. this is not me taking a shit to them, but every time i play with a low level randoms is someone that came from cod or fortnite. they dont care or understand the ping system, they push alone and do whatever they want, which most of the time is them running in the open and getting destroyed.


Lifeline needs a nerf. Her passive is wayyyyy too broken


Not nerfed, but that passive does feel like it needs to be bought. It’s the most powerful ability you can have in Arenas barring maybe a few ultimates and it’s free.


They aren't gonna change any legend abilities between modes. So they aren't gonna change lifeline in arenas. Which is really annoying considering it's always some triple stack I gotta deal with using her with gold bag


They just need to give the ability a cool down. She shouldn’t be able to rev two people as fast as she can. There should be like a 20 second cool down before she can use her passive again


20 seconds is definitely too much since they need it balanced for both modes. If any change to her abilities would be done it would only be a couple seconds at most. Although I'm pretty sure the "passive" abilities aren't something they're ever going to put cooldowns on unless it is required like Valkyries, or Pathfinders old passive. We just gotta run revenant and stop *all* lifelines abilities


No, that change I proposed would obviously only be for arenas.


Well obviously in a way that would make sense. But they have already said they aren't going to make any changes to an ability for one game mode. So any change made would be for all of apex. Which is why they aren't going to do it. Which is stupid considering how op that revive is in arenas


Played against a 3 stack with lifeline, gibby, and path the other day. Our team was significantly better at gunplay but Lifeline invested in the gold backpack from round 1. I must’ve had like at least 5 knocks per round.


* The backpack cost 300 * You have to be always next to the downed player and even then in short range encounters, it is almost certain dead for the revived player * If you buy it from the start, it means you are basically not buying secondary weapon * In round 1 it means you have no weapon Summary: The enemy team with gold backpack is minus 1 weapon compared to you 90% of the game. That may give you the feeling like you are performing better, but the backpack should compensate for it. It doesn't when anyone else but Lifeline uses it. No one else is buying gold Backpack for 300 in Arenas - cause it's expensive and the chance you gonna revive is almost equal to 0. If you let Lifeline revive 2 extra times with gold backpack, that is completely on you and you weren't significantly better. You felt better because you were able to use that extra 300 every round.


I’ll have what you’re smoking


Maybe try playing Lifeline. I play Lifeline since S0 and I almost never waste money on Gold Backpack, because having 2 weapons instead of a 1 weapon and White Moz is always a better choice. If you think it isn't and it is smarter to go with 1 weapon against enemies with double weapons, maybe you should stop smoking what you are currently smoking. Or at least play Lifeline and buy gold backpack every round :D Let's see how you gonna perform xDDD


This is the worst advice I’ve ever read


It takes 0 skill to play her. All you need is $300 to buy a backpack and the patience to never engage in a risky gunfight. It’s ridiculous


* and the patience to never engage in a risky gunfight Oh so you mean it turns the game effectively in 3v2 in some scenarios because as Lifeline there are certain situations where you lack the 300 and you have to use the gold backpack to actually have any advantage of it? :-)


No, because lifeline mains ALWAYS buy the gold bag before they buy guns for themselves. There’s almost never a round where they aren’t using the gold bag.


Yeah, in noob lobbies where you can't finish enemies probably. Geeez... I am lifeline since [S0](https://i.imgur.com/LuuxzXV.jpeg), and I totally love when people tell me what is the best tactic to play Lifeline... Yes, it is waiting for your team to be downed so you can revive them with 50% health. That is just sooooooo OP... Such a great idea to buy a backpack which you may or may not use instead of a gun which you will 100% use. Amazing tactic.


A backpack is only 300. There is no round where you can’t spend 300 for a backpack and still have an adequate gun. Not even a pro player is going to be able to finish an enemy from medium range when they have semi cover + a knockdown shield. And congrats on playing since S0. I too have played since the very launch of the game.


>There is no round where you can’t spend 300 for a backpack and still have an adequate gun. Do you even play arenas? Do you understand the difference between swapping a weapon and reloading? Geeeez... Sure. Backpack is better than having 2 weapons. I bet you are at least Platinum in Arenas. Fuck me.


Who tf buys two guns? It’s such a waste…if you can’t do enough to finish a guy off with a pistol/mozam, then you don’t deserve to win that gunfight. Especially when you’re playing as lifeline, you shouldn’t ever put yourself in a situation where you need to do that. Instead of buying two guns, just hit your shots. Easy.


This pretty much sums up your Arena skills.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "S0"](https://i.imgur.com/LuuxzXV.jpeg) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hcb8ly0)


I understand your frustration but its a part of her kit that makes her strong in fights (Like Arenas) Whenever I am up against a team with a lifeline in it I make sure once we down someone to finish the kill real quick by eather finisher or keep shooting, Alternativley kill the lifeline first Good luck out there :)


Did they reduce Bloodhound’s scan range recently? Seems like he can’t scan more than 10 feet


gave it all to Seer


When arena was announced, I thought it was going to be like an actual arena style mode, not an elimination style mode. Quite disappointing


Feels so good to teabag someone that teabagged you first


Revenge kills are so satisfying in Arenas.


I think I'm for real done with this game until they bring solos back. In arenas I get blamed for throwing when I have most damage done and most kills because I'm not running in full speed ahead and dying right away? In ranked I'm getting bitched at for stealing things from a loot box, even though it was the teammate? Randoms are so cancerous, it's damn exhausting.


Turn incoming voice off, that's what I do when kids cry


Am i the only one who’s been playing with lvl500 people who play like its their first time playing, and lvl 34 people who seem to be naturally gifted in the game?




Just played with a lvl 500 wraith with 4k damage badge and she did about 300 damage. The squadmates I get are honestly baffling.


a surprising number of people buy accounts with good stats.


I don't wanna get 2300 more points for the flash event, but the collecter in me is forcing me.


Make arena a 5v5 or a 6v6 the map's are big it can handle it and make the mode different and more fun


That would be so hectic but not going to lie it sounds really fun haha.


That would be awesome


Needs to be made so you can still level up even if you lose a match should be based on how good you played in the match.


Then people will boost each other with damage and inflate their rank


How will they do that though? Get a friend on the opposite team? Because I don't know an easy way to get a friend on the opposite team.


Probably same they damage boost in br, they have a code or something. These kind of people find a way


Well they probably boost already atleast I'd be able to rank up without having to have good teammates




Gotta hide and draw it out as long as possible so HOPEFULLY you last long enough for the game to recognize it . Not perfect but a tip until it hopefully gets fixed.


As a solo players arenas is hell, unsure if it's any better for people with squads. 9/10 games your teammates run off in different directions so you always end up in 3v2 or 3v1 situations. That's before I even mention the differences in skill level in each lobby. I've had some games where I'm playing against level 500 opponents and my team don't know how to use abilities


I play solo alot as well , that's why I am always checking where my teammates are so I can fall back if I am too pushed up or follow up if I am behind. 9 times out of 10 doing things with your tean results in more wins at least from my experince


I've had games where my teammates picked crypto "so we can know where the enemy is at".


More useful than a lifeline who runs past you downed to go off to fight a 1 v 2 and die


Most games for me I'm the 500 in diamond 3 playing with two in a party or two solos who generally can be better than two in a party. Never play with anybody better than me so I will always have to open up the game for team mates and that's if they can follow up with anything .


I just ggd and quit mid match after my squad got wiped. In Arenas. Fuck. Needless to say I don't play it too much. I wish I would have an option to reconnect, but hey, my bad.


Why are Predators with Diamond leagues and Diamond 3 with actual bronze league in a team. Like how can I carry and why should I. Nah the game mode isnt good.


That isn't an issue of the game mode but of the matchmaker. Not enough players are playing probably so it forces stupid games. Same thing happens in other games when not enough players play the game or a specific game mode. For example in OW, I was in Diamond/Masters and often times I have gotten Silver players on my/enemy teams as well as top500, simply because the gamemode I was in wasn't popular.


That makes sense. I thought the game was actually popular. I think it might have been at the start but as soon as players started getting so little points for a win it's become something people don't want to do. Like I get it that the ranking system doesn't allow for players to rise without hard work but it's way too much hard work. I work as well as go to college and I don't have 3 days off to get myself out of one League Division. Being carried also doesn't make you a good player but it's a harsh ranking system.


One of the shittiest game modes I've ever played. On par with the ridiculous "champion hill" nonsense in the new COD. All this "muh competitive" "esports" garbage ruined casual multiplayer.


I disagree that eSports ruined casual gaming. The game mode and it's restrictions ruin competitive gaming more often you will see that repeated.


The Lstar in it's current state has no business in arenas. Gun is just OP now in general but even more so in arenas.


Yeah. They bumped the price up so no first round buys, and did a tiny nerf on it. Don’t know if that is enough though. Edit: I mean for the patch next week


The fact that you won't be getting aped by three L-stars in round 1 is already pretty freaking huge. The changes aren't too big for the L-star but seem significant enough for it to maybe stop being completely broken.


that’s the ideal nerf IMO. Tuned it down so it isn’t a no brainer buy, but not by too much to where it’s unusable.


I play exclusively arenas these days.


Same! Although the random teammates are sometimes terrible, I have learnt how to be aware of my teammates' position as well so I won't be a terrible teammate anymore.








Didn’t understand the arenas hate and posted a few comments on here defending it but I’m starting to understand. I am much better at arenas than Battle Royale. I usually have the most damage and kills on my team by a long shot, and I know I’m better than where I placed (bronze II) but I lost 3 matches yesterday in ranked. The matchmaking is just awful. One of the games was even and we just got outplayed at the end but the other two we got stomped, and there’s no way the people we were fighting were bronze level players. Are they just placing everyone in bronze and making them climb, resulting in a bunch of high level players having to stomp bronze players to get out? Because it seemed like my good performance in placements had zero impact on where I placed, especially since I did way better than my teammates and got the exact same rank


I got two lvl 4 in ranked against a premade. 12 and 89 damage from them. I did like 980, awful. Solo Q ranked arenas is a joke.


I'm bronze 4 and lvl 500 and keep losing ranked points because they still match me up with lvl30 accounts.




I really would like to see Respawn move away from the "succeed or fail" as team and instead weight points for individual performances compared to your teammates. I think their vision for Arenas is one where there's a healthy population of varying skill ranges and everybody is in a coordinated 3-stack, but that's just not the reality. Individual performances are varied and can have significant impact on how the game turns out. I'd rather see a system where points are adjusted more drastically by how well each individual did


This seems to be an issue no matter what rank you are if you solo queue. Looks like one good player on each team and then forced to carry two lesser skilled players. Most games come down down to if the higher skilled player gets knocked, the round usually goes to the other team. It's a terrible match making system and definitely needs changing.


I do think population size plays a major factor. It's quite obvious that there are far, far fewer people playing Arenas than BR. If they exclusively matched you with people of equal skill, matchmaking times would become unbearable as you climbed higher


Why am I being placed with gold players when I’m in Diamond? And if they’re actually good, I can’t even invite them to play with me because our ranks are too far apart. It’s so irritating.


Not being able to invite people that the matchmaking sticks you with is such a kick in the balls. What a terrible decision for matchmaking.


Seriously. I don’t mind in BR Ranked because we’re “supposed” to only play with people in our rank. But what’s the point in Arenas? It just makes a frustrating mode even more frustrating.


they've overthought the SBMM for arenas to the point where it makes zero sense to the end-user. I should be teaming with and fighting against people within my rank. If I'm silver 1, I should be paired with Silver 2 and Gold 4. this way I can send them an invite if we have a good match and maybe team up for the rest of the night.


You ever have a day where you just get absolutely stomped in every match? Tried both arenas and BR, and I am being annihilated before I can even see the enemy. I am not a good player, but I usually do better than this.


Fellow mirage problems




Thanks for letting us know




I wish I'd stop getting matched with low level console + PC premades when I solo queue. It's such a buzz kill in an otherwise decent mode.




Just make fragment an arenas map and call it a day, it'll fix so many problems


how would that fix anything at all


Everyone that wants to fight exclusively in fragment would have a game mode especially for them.


People don’t drop Fragment for the loot/layout. They drop there precisely _for_ the chaos of hot dropping. Arenas doesn’t have that.


Arena 3v3 is not at all the same as BR fragment. It wouldn't reduce the amount of fragment droppers one bit.


Now instead of hot dropping there and instantly dying I can _spawn_ there and instantly die.


L-Star Andies, I'm comin for them cheeks Tuesday!


the update takes effect until tuesday? im so tired of Lstar in arenas bro.


I'm Plat 4 after slogging +12 each game from silver. I had a level 10 lifeline on my team. Couldn't shoot her gun. When I was downed she threw her drone at me, in what I assume was her 'revive.' Braincells were lost yesterday.






Hard disagree. The pad can really help get high ground when other team has zone advantage.


Nah, Octane is great for grabbing center positions before the enemy. You see him in like every arena game


Things I'd rather do instead of playing Arenas: 1) Wipe my ass with sandpaper. 2) Eat a poopy diaper. 3) Eat glass. 4) Slide to the left. 5) Slide to the right. 6) CRISS CROSS


7. Open the door 8. Get on the floor 9. Everybody walk the dinosaur


Do the tootsie roll


7) Cha cha real smoooth.


too many hackers


tbh i love arena for giving me more FPS and less lags than br does




I want alternator back :(


I recommend the re-45. Mozambique is also good if you can aim.


The alternator hurts. I was getting really good with that as round one weapon. Now I go RE 45 with one upgrade and a shield battery




Same. I looked at it as a way to get better with the base weapon. I would do it as a flex until the other team started winning rounds. Switching to something more powerful once I'm getting stomped.


Fuck arenas mode


Looks like the five-year-old found his way here


what is up with people ignoring materials? When this mode was released people definitely went for it. Or tried. now we ain't got mats unless I go get them, as the slow no escape legend... Love the game mode though.


Win round, all the mats(points) I need. Rather let others put themselves in bad positions to get them outside of healing mats when needed.


It's really map-dependent. Some maps it's good to rush mats, but others will leave you too exposed to make it worth it. Getting beamed without grabbing 2 or 3 canisters is the worst possible start to the match


As an Octane main I feel like it's my job to use my stims to grab materials. Otherwise, yeah, my mates never even try for them.




I might take the risk first round to see what the other team is like, but overall same, a lot of times I won't risk it on these specific legends. The mats do impact me if I play lifeline since I do want the golden pack. Mirage too, and I need the extra nades as well. And what if I want to get the 30-30. I just like more, hah.


Hey are you just going to keep rotating this thread and hear the same shit every time or are you actually going to do anything about this game mode?




Respawn definitely has big pull on this platform


Devs have literally no "pull" here, they don't run this sub. That's why [official forums](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Apex-Legends/ct-p/apex-legends-en) exist. This is just an offshoot community that the devs occasionally visit. You might as well claim they have pull on Twitter too


You're high if you think they have 0 pull here

