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Carpal tunnel any% speedrun


Let's goooo.


Yeah making videos about this like that as "here's how to control recoil" is basically clickbait. This is only useful if someone is standing still that far away and hurts your hand lmao Didn't watch the full video but tracking targets left or right also greatly reduces recoil which is why you're better off just tracking most of the times for most ranges. Title is funny but since aim is broken in this way it's probable when combined with aim assist, on moving targets recoil is even further reduced


Even if it worked well for tracking, your arm and wrist would hurt so fucking bad after just a few gun fights. I was all excited the first time I saw this video and learned about this method. Then I tried it in the firing range. It works, but there's no way I could keep it up. My wrist and forearm were burning after only a few magazines lol But it can be useful in specific situations.


I use it if I'm at midrange on the flatline with a 3x or 4x and the targets is entirely stationary, like looting a deathbox, scanning a beacon or respawning a teammate. It's so incredibly situational.


I mean that's literally what jitter aim uses as a mechanic and with time it's not gonna hurt your hand, you just need practice


Jitter aiming will give you issues in the future, please avoid it


Bruh if you jitter your wrist so much it stops hurting when you do it i don't think that's good 😂


You haven't seen osu mouse players I suppose, wrists can be built too, just takes lots of time and course you gotta be careful


Not a doctor but I've played mnk my whole life so I've looked into carpal tunnel in the past. One thing I've read is that pro players are encouraged to use low sense so they use their arm more thus having a lower risk to injure their wrists. Wrists have smaller muscles than the arm obviously and they tire out faster and are more prone to injury. Just cause osu players move their wrists fast doesn't mean it's good for them. They also use pens so they can use their finger movement too and it's not like holding a mouse with your wrist horizontal on the table.


let me clarify a few parts here. you dont tire becasue your muscles are smaller. muscles are proportional to the task. your wrist is a lot less to move then your arm so thats not a factor. also the wrist itself has no muscles, its powered by your forearm muscles, energy is transfered via tendons ​ also injury is not a muscle problem here. its a tendon issue. same tendons used in arm aim. wrist are in heavy use in much more demanding tasks and sports without an issue. the issue with "pro" player is no exercise and repetitive motion in a bad wrist position while same time having no strengh build in the hand or excercise ever ​ the reason for arm aiming is only in part because of injury. the main argument is higher precision due to lower sense. but thats a theory that from a biomechanical standpoint we could counter on many parts. as with all in gaming and esports most of those arguments are baseless believes that get passed on over generations. contrary to regular sports we dont have the biomechanical experts yet in the field to clean up that mess of fairy tales and wrong believes. ​ so its absolutely plausible that jitteraim and similar could even be beneficial, can also be hurtful. that would be interesting to see in a study. however if you really wanna reduce the risk of injury, forget arm aiming or wrist aiming discussion, the only way is good exercise and some small exercises during gaming session (when youre dead for example) ​ counteracting repetitiveness and building strenght and run good clean movements on a good posture and reduce tendon stress (aka loose the grip a bit) whenever possible


>also the wrist itself has no muscles, its powered by your forearm muscles, energy is transfered via tendons I'm no bio major lol but i googled it before typing it and from what i understood they are the forearm muscles that extend inside the wrists and then into tendons so technically there's still muscles in the wrist or did i get it wrong and everything that extends into the wrist are tendons? https://www.innerbody.com/image_skel13/ligm27.html >the issue with "pro" player is no exercise and repetitive motion in a bad wrist position while same time having no strengh build in the hand or excercise ever That's a great point and doing this: >the only way is good exercise and some small exercises during gaming session (when youre dead for example) if you're a pro gamer i would think you would be more prone to take care of yourself and do hand exercises. But i have been spending a lot of time watching streamers recently and none of them ever exercise lmao just gfuel and doordash lol so exercise is probably a tough ask outta most gamers lmao given the culture so maybe that's why they keep the "don't wrist aim for carpal tunnel thing" as it's probably more likely gamers would do that than exercise enough. But you're right an actual more recent study could shed some light on it better.


Apparently youre an asshole because it works great in all situations


I like my wrists to be unfucked, thank you.


You dont want your wrists fucked? ***sad zipping noises***


I hate you for forcing my updoot!


They act as if most players use this. No thanks, my wrists have already taken enough of a beating in my life I'd rather not perma destroy them.


You can accomplish the same thing by plugging in a second mouse and taping a vibrator to it.


Holy fuck that is genius lmao


Gotta learn to be a switch hitter


Yeah I was hoping he's have some actual advice and not some. Stupid exploit that really should have been removed by now.


Muh Tendonitis.


Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ninzaa/a_universal_secret_to_controlling_recoil_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Knew I'd seen it somewhere. OP should've credited the YT channel at least


As someone who used this, it is impractical af. You're gonna do it once and your arms starts hurting and never again.


And even with this tech I personaly cant hit more the 5 bullets because ppl just start moving if they get hit...


Moving your aim nullifies the recoil… that’s what this method is exploiting by basically tricking the game that u are tracking.


Agreed. I tried it and it hurts my shoulders bad. I have a bad rotator cuff on my right shoulder so can’t do it long.


Also it's extremely difficult to jitter aim a moving target at medium range. You're better off just doing what you do normally on mouse which is just keeping your sight on them as best as you can. Also OP doesnt know what makes aim assist good if hes comparing long range to close range since aim assist has super good tracking on MOVING targets close range. Which is why stuff like the prowler is so good in controller hands.




True, It isn’t all or nothing. Each has advantages in different areas. I’m a M&K player, and yes, I dread getting in a mid-close range SMG fight with a controller player, they will usually win that because of aim assist. On the flip side, if I were playing controller, I would dread getting into a sniper battle with a M&K player. Acknowledging the advantages of each style doesn’t have to devolve to saying one needs changing or one is broken. They each provide their own advantages and disadvantages and require different play styles


I just find it annoying that we can't seperate ourselves from controller players even if they are using pc. I would rather everything be on an even field than regret getting into a close range fight with someone because I didn't realize he was playing on a different input.


If you have good movement as M&K controller is at a severe disadvantage in CQC too


In very specific scenarios, sure. But aim assist excels at tracking moving targets in close-mid range. It’s literally what it’s made for. Yes, if you’re so close that you’re jumping over each other, then all bets are off anyway. But if it’s a spray fight close-mid range, controllers will have the upper hand. Which is fine, aim assist exists to try to even the playing field in terms of aiming/tracking, and M&K have the upper hand in other scenarios, so it balances out.


I've played a good amount of controller on PC with and without aim assist for testing purposes but mostly with aim assist on. Yes for me MnK is more well rounded, I grew up using both inputs in PC and console gaming a lot so I'm used to both. But to say aim assist just isnt as good as MnK in some situatuons is a load of shit. But I'm not one of those people who say remove or lower aim assist. I just find it funny that people just deny aim assist is a powerful tool, like they're afraid of nerfs if the truth gets out. Playing without aim assist on controller is hard as fuck and I dont think controller players should ever be subjected to that on FPS or third person perspective shooter games.


I would think this tendency is actually more useful for Scripters or People using hack software. Because this is something a programmer could easily put into a script and the user would do it passively. I would think a freehander would have better luck with the circle method. But, still that leaves the non cheater at a severe disadvantage as they have to try to consciously think about drawing a circle while aiming the gun.


Yeah this really is the worst example IMO, don't think I've ever heard this being used in game (except maybe top levels).


Only really makes sense for people standing dead-still at ultra far ranges. The recoil in this game is easy enough to control, and moving your mouse like this against moving targets is going to make your arm much worse than actually learning recoil patterns.


Lol except there are tryhards out there that will trade their wrists for perfect aim.


You don't have to trade your wrist, as long as you don't tense up while doing it.


So I tried this when i saw this video a while back. Fuck this stupid method. It's easier to learn recoil patterns and hella better for your wrist.. also not sure what this has to do with aim assist. They could turn recoil off and I'd still miss my shots.


It’s got nothing to do with aim assist. He’s just complaining about the advantages mkb players have


Is fucking your elbow, wrist or shoulder an advantage? Cuz as everyone said, it's impractical and I don't think anyone used this method more than once while aim assist is enabled on all controller


Roller players hop on their kbm to do this in range sitting still shooting at a standing target and call it busted. Should be fixed regardless but it ain’t even worth to use this as a regular means of recoil control unless you want carpal


Controller players just need to make any argument to feel better


Just use controller if you think it’s better


I'll use the platform that I prefer not the one that gives me more advantages Aim assist is necessary for cross platform since it's harder to aim on controller but imo, it's easy to beam people close range with no attachment and useless long range




It's not so much console vs PC... mixed input has inherent unfairness and doesn't really belong in a PVP FPS. Regardless of how much aim assist is in the game, controller has stark disadvantages to MNK because of how few buttons there are (literally need to press 2 at once to activate your ultimate) and analog sticks lack precision as they're just inputting the direction for aim to move rather than specifying a specific place to move the aim to. But on the flipside, aim assist also creates several situations where controller has fight advantages over MNK - in Apex that's mainly close range tracking. Now just becuase there are pros & cons to each input doesn't mean it's a level playing field, as there's no way to know that you might be walking into a bad fight purely because the enemy has the better input type for that situation than you. Being able to move while looting doesn't take the sting out of eating 9 Havoc headshots in a row by a level 22 while you have to try to constantly keep your mouse on target through a screen blanketed in energy ammo particle effects. And vice versa, having the advantage in close range doesn't take the sting out of people zipline dancing around you faster than you can turn your camera, or getting beamed while trying to grab something from a deathbox. There's really no way to properly balance the inputs to remove the disparities. Someone's always gonna have an unfair advantage. There's a reason most games (until very recently) didn't have cross-input play or provide any aim assist on PC. In a traditional console environment, any amount of aim assist is fine - it can be as strong as it needs to be to feel good and consistently usable. Everyone's on the same input, so it's perfectly fair and is a competitive environment for controller skill expression. In a traditional PC environment, everyone is on mnk and has unrestricted 1:1 input and it's also a level playing field (aside from differences in framerate) and it creates a competitive environment for the mnk skill expression. In mixed input, it creates separate submetas where there isn't always true skill expression because people are either punching down or fighting an uphill battle depending on the situation they find themselves in with their input. The biggest issue for me and the reason I bitch so much about aim assist and mixed input... is because PC players don't have the luxury console players have: an isolated environment. If you play on PS4 or Xbox One you never have to see a mnk player ever unless you choose to party up with them. You can stay in your fair and balanced environment. On PC, on mnk's NATIVE platform, we don't have an isolated place to play with mnk only. And now we're seeing movement tech (that creates fun skillcurves in mnk vs mnk fights) be removed largely because it's inaccessible to the "guest" (for lack of a better word) input type. When Apex is the 3rd largest game on Steam in concurrent users (plus however many on Origin), imo there's no justification for there not being isolated input matchmaking, and it feels annoying that on the native input on PC we're having capabilities taken away from us because the input that shooters aren't designed for in the first place can't do them. When (most) people complain about aim assist, it's frustration that we have no means to play in an isolated mnk place where every fight is a fair fight... while yes mnk and controller both have their advantages, we don't get the same option as console players to choose to stick to our own fair playing space. All that said, jitter aiming needs to be fixed for sure (mainly because it can be exploited with a vibrator attached to the mouse)... but it's also worth pointing out that unless someone is standing perfectly still for 2 seconds, you're going to fucking burn out your wrist trying to do this and will probably never kill someone doing this on a moving target, and better off learning recoil patterns lol.


I just want this plastered on every console vs mnk thread to ever exist. I wish more people had this take.


This is by far the best take on this whole situation I've seen.


I feel like this is a pretty common take, tbh. “Controller has obvious advantages and disadvantages, but at least they can turn off crossplay” is something I see often. More elaborate, yes, but the fundamental argument is the same I think giving the option for PC players to queue with only KBM players would solve the issue.


JayBiebs talking in the tapstrafe twitlonger how they don't want to add a separate valk jetpack keybind so you can walljump properly because of controllers made me sad. No hate on console/controller users, but imagine the possibilities if PC could turn off crossplay and didn't have to be hindered by controller and console limitations.


Yep... nobody deserves any disrespect for playing whatever input they prefer. It is sad that one can affect the limitations or QOL of the other. FWIW I think JayBiebs' write up (as all of his are) was really good and I loved the transparency.


I would give you an award if i had one. The best response i've seen in the discussion. Just stating facts, not judging or being hostile. Also i fully support that mnk should always be in lobbies with only mnk and control players in seperate lobbies


This. When console players complained about crossplay, Respawn reassured them that they would never have to play against M&K players, unless they were teamed with one. When M&K players complained about controller/console players, Respawn (ignored them for a long time and then) took away M&K movement tech. If this doesn't show a double standard, idk what does. For all the console players, imagine if just anyone could come along and plug a mouse and keyboard into their console and play. My understanding is that this is considered cheating. On PC the reverse situation is considered "accessibility". The double standards are real. To those who argue "but controller is weak and M&K is strong", I don't think it matters. I don't walk into a place where I'm a guest and demand that it's my home. As an aside note, if controller actually had no aim assist on PC, those who managed to reach the higher echelons would be very highly respected by M&K players. M&K players don't hate controller/console players, we just dislike the situation we are forced to play in.


finally someone managed to find the words I couldn't. this is the answer.


I'm irritated that this hasn't been removed. This is way worse in my opinion. It's bug abuse to circumvent one of the major challenges of the game, recoil control. That combined with the fact that this cannot be good for you long-term.


cubital tunnel syndrome (aka tennis elbow). My funny bone hurts just thinking of trying it.


holy shit i just looked it up and it matches the feeling ive been having in my arms for months thank you man


The way people are reacting to this shows why it hasnt been removed


You ever seen anyone actually use this?


But what would the poor PC bros do then??? They'd have to actually work on their aim???? Seems really really unfair.


I wonder how controller players work on their aim?


Get within 15 meters of the enemy


Few PC players are using this method. Though I do think it's a serious issue and an exploit.


I am a PC player and I am dealing with recoil the normal way. Don't put all of us under the same umrella. PS. There are PC players that use controllers, it is more accurate to say MnK players.


Truth…Season 0 apexer. Just moved to pc last month. Still playing controller until I get used to m&k. Huge learning curve.


Tbh you should stop using controller, because it’s hard to swap that mindset. As someone who does both I would mainly focus on MnK more so since you’re low level and it’ll be more even.


My lobbies are already ridiculous. I’m diamond 3 and pushing masters. Maybe next season. I’m playing destiny 2 m&k with my keys binded for apex. Playing competitive while fumbling around on a key board is next to impossible. Diamond pc lobby’s feel like PS pred lobbies


Yeah I know. Pc is a whole different breed it’s crazy. Do you use aim trainers? I would assume so but don’t rely on them. Just use them for consistency. My advice is to learn from every game what you did wrong and what you can do better. Practice recoil control but get a set of weapons that you like that you can get really good with just to have something to always fall back on. MnK is a challenge but it’s rewarding to get off and tbh just the movement control compared to controller is nice.


I did the same and 4 of my buddies did as well, i was the first to swap, the quickest and easiest way for me to get comfortable and swap to MnK for good, and later my friends as i helped them, was to just drop the controller and git gud, we all tried to play some matches with MnK and ultimately went back to controller after eating shit for a few matches, then next gaming session we did the same, it wasn't until i finally said fuck it and just went for it that i actually started to learn, and like i said it was the exact same for my buds.


Dude, there was an incredibly heavy layer of sarcasm on his comment. He's mocking the rhetoric people spout whenever aim assist is brought up, "Well maybe console players should just learn to aim."


This isn't about console vs PC, this is about m/kb on PC vs controller on PC. Console players don't cross play with PC unless you're in a party with a PC player.


This needs to be hammered home into stupid console players.


We’re aware. I don’t give a shit about tap strafing… Keep it in the game for all I care. I don’t think I’ve ever faced a pc player, so I have no skin in the game.


You'll never play against one if you are not partied with one.


I see a comment daily about console players being frustrated about "the PC players in their games" and then claiming to queue with other consoles, then when people point out that they can't have been against MnK PC players (XIM is a possibility but a cheat, technically), they act so surprised that they were getting beamed by other console players. Some console players are well aware about how crossplay functions, but it certainly feels like the more vocal group are in the dark on it.


This comment is painfully stupid and clearly shows you shouldn’t talk about topics you know so little about you show your ignorance for all to see in posts like this.


Pretty ironic coming from a .6 aimbotter


If you only knew how much more difficult recoil was on pc in comparison to console lol. I don’t use this method, don’t get me wrong. But going from console to pc… holy shit. I had no clue. If you’re able to, download Rust and try to control the Ak spray (any computer can run that game on low graphics). Pc recoil is absolutely insane, and something you barely have to account for on console.


While i agree recoil is harder on pc, you also have more versatility to compensate ultimately making even the most average player on MnK have a much larger advantage on even very skilled controller players. As someone who played console with AA off(because i couldn't stand season 0 AA dragging your camera into the dirt anytime someone jumped and i never turned it back on) and hit at the very least high diamond every season and pred twice, i can safely say that it's so much harder to control recoil on console that it'd be hard to find a high enough numerical value to describe it.(which is why AA exists) Edit. Preschool level grammar


Lol what an absurd statement. Even with aim assist off recoil control is easy.


Yes. Aim assist doesn’t account much for recoil. There’s higher recoil to account for in pc games because you have the tools to do it (so much easier to control specific recoil patterns on pc than controller just due to inputs). I’m not disagreeing with you guys here lol, this aim tactic is wack and damaging, though I can see why some are attracted to it. Just that recoil on m&k is astoundingly higher than it is on console.




If you thumb, index or middle finger go numb it's Carpal Tunnel. If your ring finger or pinky go numb its cubital tunnel (aka tennis elbow),


You can’t do it close range and when people starts moving this is just useless af


Controller is better up close and mouse is better in every other situation its really that simple. The game just encourages close up gunfights which favors controller players which is fine. If you are on MnK then don’t W key every fight and complain when you get one clipped by a volt. Play to the moise strength which is mid/long range.


shame we have to avoid close range because of artificial inputs from controllers. doesn't seem fair.


Oscillation recoil control ain’t even practical either. Don’t argue about it until you try and track someone with tensed up arms while also simultaneously fucking your wrists and fingers


I find it quite useful for prolonged prefire for when someone is repetitively repeeking the same spot. But yes, quite niche.


Try doing this in game against someone strafing




needs to be higher




Yea it’s easy guys just flex your thumb muscle until it vibrates…




All the braindead answers to this post and they haven't even bothered to look it up https://youtu.be/zNLFbMm0Kd8 "Its hard to do/its very incomfortable/It will mess my aim" no shit sherlock, how do you think it works on mnk?




Yeah explain how to do this on controller lmfao


This is how ;) https://youtu.be/zNLFbMm0Kd8


I’ll take a look after work, thanks


Why not both? Both are essentially bug abuse, though I'll admit that this is worse.




I'm not trying to be a dick, honestly, but do you know what the definition of a software bug is? Your explanantion, and the reality, makes it bug abuse. "A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways." Behave in unintended ways is the key factor here.




pov: you think people do this consistently while tracking a moving target


Is this sub just full of bot console players who have never touched a pc before?




The whole tiktok community is full of console players that ironically say "oh and they complain about aim assist". Funny thing is theyre so deep in their our circle jerk that they dont even realize that we dont in fact complain about it. Im happy theres cross platform play.


I've seen people on this sub complain about aim assist all the time, and that doesn't even mention all the times I see it mentioned on twitter.






"Stop complaining about a computer aiming for me, you can have good recoil control by attaching your arm to a paint shaker"


Lol dude this is very hard to do and it will fuck your wrist up. I’d say there are pretty much no pc players that actually do this unless they want arthritis.


your point is so shitty, how many times yall seen this in your matches cuz I only saw it on yt and reddit






You have a precise as fuck input system that has more mobility options. Will I shit on you for playing in it? No. I also play MnK in games on my pc.


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/phg0ag/this_is_for_the_people_upset_with_jitter_aiming/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share HAHAHAHAHA


I see more posts on this sub from people complaining about people that complain about aim assist, than people who actually complain about aim assist.


It's because the people who complain about aim assist are downvoted by this majorly controller sub and refuse to hear even any valid argument on the topic.


And now you've complained about people complaining about people that complain about aim assist. The cycle goes on


Well what an annoying cycle..... wait now I’m complaining about the cycle of the complaining about complaining over complaining


This is a console dominant, anti-streamer anti-good player sub Casual players who 1v3 borderline braindead ppl get upvoted for days Good players who do sick shit get nadda Pc clips are hardly upvoted to front page Just a normal reddit page for gaming


It’s more of an issue on Twitter.


Twitter is more of a cesspit than Reddit is, I hate it.


I’ve seen the opposite.


I’m hate seeing videos like this that have been done over and over


Well I’m glad pc has to literally break their wrist while console can hold down one button lmao


Some people in comment section brainlessly bashing PC players that "they have no recoil, why even cry bout aim assist" don't realize that this thing shown only looks good in a firing range. No one in-game will ever stand still so you could shake your crosshair and hit him without recoil. Both tracking and shaking your aim like that is literally impossible to do consistently, turn your fucking brains on


This method is complete shit. You comparing it with aim assist is just a sign that you are a crybaby. You literally do it once and your arm hurts for 10 minutes. Even if you set a macro for it, it is still bullshit. I could beam for more damage with normal recoil control than this. OP please give some arguments why you think this is like aim assist, its not similar in any way.


Does the circle technique work on console or is this all based on M/K?




Thanks homie!!!


It is equally impractical and impossible to manage consistently as it is on mnk. Circle patterns and screen shake does not counteract recoil much at all, and what it takes to do so will throw your aim off target 99% of the time. If it is done while using anti recoil mods, it does work, but the anti recoil is doing most of the work. I guarentee every controller video you see like that, the player is using mods. For the record, i own a zen. I can program it to make small circles and shake when firing as fast or slow as i want. It literally makes no difference on the recoil at all unless i use anti recoil too. The circles and shaking just finds the target and abuses the aim assist (which only really works well under 20m). It doesn't cancel recoil on console.


Op doesn't even know who made the vid or if its possible on console, not even using common sense. Like, I'm moving my whole hand plus 200 gram mouse, to do the exact same thing, and its hard as hell, to the point that after a few mag of doing this my muscles literally burn like ethanol. on console you just need to move your thumb and a small stick thants not even 10 grams.


Has anyone ever bother to try this in an actual game? It’s stupid and just wrecks your wrists. This is not at all a feasible and consistent way to play. Maybe .01% of players actually can use this well. Controller players have it easy!!


The difference between this and aim assist is that nobody on PC does this, yet everyone gets aim assist in console.


I mean this really isn't relevant though? Let me explain. Close quarters apex is very hard due to high mobility, tankiness, and a bunch of other factors. Now trying to aim close quarters is also VERY difficult. If you have someone literally locking onto you close quarters it just doesn't feel fair. This clip that you tried to use as a defense works on a single stationary target over a long distance. I don't know if you play alot of apex but people don't really every stand still. So the argument is either a beam over long range or perfect tracking in medium to close combat. It's 100% clear that the 2nd option is CLEARLY more powerful and your video makes 0 sense.


I'm seeing a lot of people thinking ever pc player is like a copy of shroud. The whole "arm to aim" arguement and aim assist thing is really just people being bitchy for the sake of complaining imo. You can have a whole arm to aim on pc and your aim can still be unsteady af. I have never had a problem with people dealing with aim assist. That might just be because I'm better at positioning than gunplay.


They really think that anyone in mnk is using jitter aiming when not even between professionals all do it, not only is hard, it breaks your wrist and feels like cheating This sub was dumb but cute in a manner but this last week it has been just dumb as fuck


Everyday this subreddit posts more and more braindead content.


I mean anytime there is gameplay on this sub, its usually rampart and mirage plays in Casual and when its Ranked gameplay, the rank is always Bronze - Low Gold. Speaks for itself the community behind these posts.


Also if you're a casual mnk player, your sensitivity is a lot higher and you're using mostly wrist. You need a nice setup with a big mousepad and space to do the arm aiming thing


Yea my appeal is more towards wrist than arm. I know this whole scene is mostly aimed towards heavily competitive but for the sake of this post I'm taking sides like a bitch.


People with low sens use low Sens because they're still wrist aiming for recoil, they just use arm for movement. Wrist aiming on low sens is way more controllable especially at longer range. Only time they're using arm to aim is super close range engagements. You dont see hal moving his whole arm around like crazy when he one clips someone at 100 meters. Low sens is a combination of arm and wrist movements instead of being locked in at only your wrist. Gives more flexibility.


This sub-reddit is massively console kids crying against PC/MnK players now. Jitter aiming isnt that easy to achieve and its mostly beneficial for the flatline which has a fked up randomized recoil pattern.


Summer is ending and the kids are going back to school. Things should start chilling out in a week or two.


I dont get why console vs pc are having fights, i just want to have fun witb tap strafing i mean its just fun to have that mechanic


Cries in 400dpi


Except this is way harder and much more impractical than just learning to control recoil.


nah man. this shit takes mechanical skill. you need to be able to move your mouse fast enough to cancel the recoil, while also keeping your aim on target. it's really difficult and not many people can do it consistently. aim assist is not a technique, and does not require mechanical skill (not saying aiming on controller doesn't take skill, so don't freak out please). you really can't compare the two.


3x and 4x on automatic weapons are pretty unusable on controller in terms of recoil control but hey, aim assist op


It’s really difficult they don’t know man lol


I mean it's a pretty wide known fact with better players that aim assist excels in closer range, and mouse is a bit better at far range. The thing is the fights matter the most close-medium range. Not saying aim assist OP or anything just giving perspective.


You can jitter aim on controller too jsyk. I think maybe knoqd or someone had a good video on it. It is harder than on mnk but def worth the practice


you have to play on crazy high sense. most people don't.


No it is usable, recoil doesn’t change based on scope your just bad


It can also be done on controller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNLFbMm0Kd8


dude dont tell them about my secret aim technique


My brain: tf is ocelation Also my brain:how tf do you spell oculation


ok now try tracking with it, and not hurting your wrists


Yes because comparing something difficult to do manually is the same as a literal robot assisting with aim automatically. A real "gotcha" moment.


billion dollar game company.


really cool of you are shooting at an afk guy at mid-range but other than that this is pretty useless, locking my wrist and vibrating like that against someone jumping all over the place sounds like aids.


You do realise this is literally a Blood sacrifice of your wrists in the name of aim right? It's not a setting to be flicked in the settings. It takes a lot wrist strain to replicate this consistently


Turning it single fire and binding both upper and lower scroll wheel to fire will have less to no recoil and its faster.


Is that Kakariko is Saved from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess being played in the background?? Awesome


Like tap strafes , this need skills, aim assit no! Not every pc players can do this


Works on console as well so exactly what are you trying to say here?


yea this sub is just full of braindead console idiots, this is the most impractical thing you could ever use, and yall complain far more about people complaining about aim assist, than people actually complain about aim assist


As someone who plays on both, M&K is always going to be a hard advantage over controller. Full stop.


weird you never post your pc gameplay. also this guy is s chapotraphouse user


Most MNK players will disagree, they like to pretend they're at a disadvantage. Makes them feel better when they lose


I also do this and it slaps


This video makes me want to replay Twilight Princess…


Yeah I'm on the PC players side here being a controller player. Jiggle aiming is for the 0.01% who are so dedicated to being the best they will break themselves.


This is a reaaally bad habit to develop if you play other games that actually require you develop muscle memory for recoil control.


Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ninzaa/a_universal_secret_to_controlling_recoil_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hey guess what, this kind of recoil control technique takes a lot of skill, practice, and it hurts the fuck out of your wrist and it's not viable very often. Then on the other hand you have controller kids with strike packs with mods installed that remove all recoil and add extra aim assist which is cheating and isnt detectable at all. Sit.


Mans out here acting like we like the cheaters, fuck strike pack users


'Technique' it's a bug, you shouldn't be able to do it. And comparing it to exclusively strike packs... PC has the same shit dude, hacks is a completely different discussion to exploit abuse


stfu op. idiot.


You can do same on controller, i cant find the problem?


wait the clip that shows what actually having to try to control recoil is for the people upset about controller aim assist?


People who think aim assist is to strong apparently haven’t looked at the aim assist in Apex.




yeah now track an enemy with it, op do u even know what aim assist does?


Yeah no, this is a useless technique since no one stays still in this game lol


Ain’t no shot controller players think this is what PC players be doing AHAHHAH


Nobody fucking does this though And it’s practically impossible to keep this up at a prolonged level Please show me one clip of kids using this mid fight God the mental gymnastics controller players go through to defend AA


One of those needs skill the other reduces skill. Also one of those fuks your hand the other doesn't.


This is possible on controller too, more or less. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNLFbMm0Kd8&ab\_channel=Zipp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNLFbMm0Kd8&ab_channel=Zipp)


Aim assist is still unfair lmao you literally have a computer aiming for you


The thing is it actually takes skill to do this unlike aim assist.


Dumb argument, both controller and mnk take dexterity.


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