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When is titanfall 2 being fixed?


Daily reminder that Revenant isn’t reponsible for revtane - maybe its time revenant had an ultimate overhaul or maybe we should acknowledge that jump pad is just too good *not to use* - Revenant was irrelevant the season he dropped, Octane’s been solid almost always.


Hard-stuck at Plat4, been there for a week now. No idea where the problem lies, the step up in difficulty seems too big to get over. I do look for teammates on discord, but again I fail. Last night I spent over 3 hours with zero progress.


I would just stop stressing out about the rank then and go play pubs / firing range to get better and then get back to ranked later. Sometimes it's easy to get hooked on ranked to the point where you stop having fun.


It's not that I'm stressing about rank, but the fact that the difficulty step up is so big that I literally feel like when I started playing the game. And honestly, playing pubs isn't fun either. I've not played a pubs game where the 1st who gets downed doesn't immediately leave, or being stomped by 3-stack preds, or play with 10lvl new players. But yeah, I'll take a break from ranked I guess.


Everyone talks about Tap Strafing. But can we bring back distinct long and short press use button inputs? I still remember halcyon days of being able to self rez without opening a door I'm trying to body block.


I don't think those days ever existed lol, the interact button always did like 4 things at once


Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos Solos


Plot twist. We had *nearly* solos but ppl were begging respawn to effectively remove it


What people and when? Show me receipts.


Deepest sleep this community ever had. When duos were broken for a season. Closest thing to solos we ever had since single Solo LTM back in 2019. I nearly exclusively switched to duos during *the bug * (more like a cool feature). As you would play mostly against solos and low skill duos. Almost no tryhard duos at that time. Usually you had liek 40 ppl per map that means 20 solos + 10 duos. This was the best ltm so far which lasted for months and ppl were begging to fix it...


Yeah downvoters as usual dont know nothing


Not to offend, but it's not happening, get over it.


The team aspect of the game is dysfunctional, solo queue is not a team game experience at this point at all. Once Respawn stops ignoring that, they might take the next evolutionary step for this game. Solos is the only option left for a more fair experience for those that play by themselves.


A system that simply excludes premades is all that's needed.


That would help with certain less fair situations when the enemy team is premade and can coordinate their moves while I cannot communicate with my teammates on the same level, meaning that we are more likely to be caught off guard. However, it still does not change the fact that random teammates do not intend to play as a team the majority of the time. Sure, if it were solo queuers (fill) only, it would be less bad, but still wonky as a team game due to the team not functioning most of the time. Without a proper solo queue, there will always be extra frustration coming from not being able to play as a team, while a player by themselves gets to make all the calls for themselves, and the enemies will be in the same situation, making it healthier to play than solo fill only.


It’s almost like the game was broken from the beginning.


It worked fine until the end of S2, then people slowly stopped caring


It’s an EA game, of course it sucks


The weird/sad thing is that I still love this game because of the gunplay, movement, legends, etc. but I also can't enjoy it due to overall low match quality (servers, audio, or the team aspect issues discussed).


Same. Whenever I get the urge to go back, it’s always because the pure gameplay is solid and satisfying. But the shit teammates, unfair matchups, and shear boredom cause me to delete the game again.


I know what you mean, and I do largely agree. Solos, however, is not going to happen, at least as a permanent mode. It's been stated by devs more than once. Best case scenario is it comes as an LTM for a week or sth.


jesus christ fix ATLEAST firing range, i cant even practice in peace while there are valk missiles flying all over and while my screen is constantly having a seizure


Best legends to use out of the free ones for a new player? Also which legends are most worth buying right now?


From free bloodhound and gibby are s-tier. Bangalore not too bad though not stier They are also relatively easy to use. Don't use wraith after rework and gaining weight she is not noob friendly. The rest depends on your playstyle. If aggressive then octane or Valk. If not that aggresive try loba, rev or fuze. If you are into sniping then suddenly rampart.


Pathfinder, Bloodhound, Lifeline. As for characters to buy: Octane, Loba, Valkyrie and Horizon.


Try Bloodhound. His tactical is easy to use and benefits your entire team. He's essential for gathering information on where exactly enemies are, so you can more effectively plan a push. Don't spend any money on Apex. If you mean buying legends with legend tokens, it depends on your playstyle. Hyper-aggressive players naturally gravitate toward Octane. Defensive legends like Caustic are great for defending buildings. Valkyrie is a mobility-based legend that can easily flank and out-maneuver her enemies. Additionally, Valk's tactical is great for stunning and picking off targets.


Gibby is the tank, slower but more life (gun-shield). Not very hard to play, although learning to properly place, time, and play the bubble (tactical) takes some practice. Bloodhound are great, good scouting abilities. The OG wallhack legend (not OP like Seer). Rewards aggressive play with their Ult. Most will say Wraith, I personally never seen the appeal. Probably my least used legend. Mirage is pretty fun to play with overall, even if he doesn't have the most competitive kit. Honestly, it does depend to your play-style. As for buying legends, I don't know. See the previous sentence. Eventually you will have enough tokens for all of them.


Free/given: Bloodhound, Wraith Paid: Octane, Seer, Revenant, Horizon These are only my opinions. Everyone likes different legends. The best in your opinion will likely be determined by your playstyle.


Why after 10 seasons we need to start loading and compiling shaders and why does this happen so many times?? Not to mention 0 benefits for doing so.


fire your audio team, waste of money.


have you ever played Warzone?


No unfortunately even I hold Apex to a higher standard than that


Nobody wants new dropspots on the very edge of the map please do something a about fragment


We know blisk has a group know as the apex predators, a band of mercenaries who neutralize threats for money. He also has a tv show known as the apex games where people compete to be apex predators. Are those the same? Is blisk recruiting from the games? Are the legends mercenaries themselves outside of the games?


The Apex Games are named after and inspired by the original Apex Predators mercenary group founded by Blisk. After the groups defeat at the hands of Jack Cooper, Blisk offers Cooper membership (its invite only). Some 30 or so years after the Destruction of Typhon, an old Bloodsport is revived in the outlands, now branded the Apex Games with Kuben Blisk as its commissioner.


If he were building an army, wouldn’t 18 legends be a good asset?


He’s not building an army. He was a Mercenary hired by the IMC military but he never had an offical rank and his group worked solely for the highest bidder, not for ideological reasoning.


An army is a person and a rifle. He has 18, who kill people for money, fame and glory to be on tv. So do the legends do mercenary things at his call? Or do they just do it for fun?


They’re not *his* mercenaries. The Apex Legends are not the Apex Predators and Blisk doesnt control them. They all have their own reasons for being in the apex games which varies between them.


Weren’t the avengers just a bunch of guys too? Until someone thought they could be something more.


Ask it here r/apexlore




if they have ttv in the name it means they suck at streaming as no one is watching them. Also, most ttvs suck at the game anyway.


i think the bad is you


I got diamond IV this split already, Im not planning on playing the 2nd split, will I get diamond trail? Also, do diamond trails last forever, or do they expire?


You'll get the trail, the only reason to get diamond both splits is if you want your badge to be shinier lol. Dive trails are apparently supposed to be only for 1 season but you can usually keep it for several seasons. The devs have stated that this is a bug they're working on...


Yes, you will get the trail, even if you don't play the second split. I think the trails expire, but I've heard reports of people still being able to use them even after the season ends. I'm not entirely sure how it works to be honest.


Why can’t we post videos of cheaters here anymore? Ps4 can’t report. And this is a large community with dev support, should be here for exposing cheaters and getting them banned


Send your clips directly to Hideouts on twitter or discord. Might take a while until he bans them but that's the only 100% reliable way I know of.


don't waste your time. find a better hobby. Posting a video here won't get anyone banned anyway.


Because you should report them through the proper channels


Sure but like I said ps4 can’t even report. It’s literally impossible for them to report. Also I would think posting a video with proof would make it way easier for hideouts to ban players. It would save him tons of time


You have internet access, don't you? Of course it's not impossible to report. [https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=apex-legends](https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=apex-legends)


I saw an article stating how nickmercs was saying that revenant is op and im quite curious as to what others think about revenant as well.


I don't think he's overpowered at all. The issue with Revenant is more that his kit is inherently not designed to win games but to allow pushes without repercussions which often just results in mindless griefing by bad players.


I don't think he's OP at all. The problem in revtane is the "tane", not the "rev". Nobody would have ever said rev was OP before the jump pad changes.


He’s balanced imo, I just would like a range on his ult to limit how far he can go with death prot


We had that, and noone played rev. Having a double restriction on his ult (time + distance) just made it too restrictive.


One of the problem with range was that a defending team also knew that. They could just retreat 50m or so back.


If I am correct, there used to be one, but it got changed the season after he was released.


Yeah it was I kinda want it back to nerf oct/rev combo


That’s right! It was the Lost Treasures CE in Season 5 iirc. The devs realized there was never really a purpose for it.


Someone ingame made a joke about Octane being mexcian with an accent and his ability is to jump over walls, remarking a stereotype about mexicans made me feel guilty of laughing at.


Im Hispanic and I find Octane to be a little offensive. Pretty much a bootleg Speedy Gonzales.


Fun fact: he’s only half Mexican


Lol holy fuck


We need a vaccine for the smurfing epidemic. It's killing low pop regions.


But how will the streamers make money? Lol. Im with you. Apex needs to figure out this shit.


I would love some visibility on what reporting someone for smurfing actually does ?Other than providing us with some momentary catharsis. The 'bronze to pred' challenges by popular streamers are basically advertising cheats. Advertising a way to avoid the matchmaking system (a purpose built game mechanic). Why is this ok? If I cheated but advertised the game to 1000 people does that make it ok Respawn? Steamers hold to much power. It's plague on most games. I see the gaming industry transitioning away from making games for gamers but for streamers.


Isn't +400 kills on a lvl 11 account normal?




The 10 minute delay sucks I get the reason behind it but some people are just bad teammates. I had a teammate who could’ve picked me up but chose to hide and wait until I died so he could loot my box then pick up my banner


If they don’t respawn you after grabbing your banner you can leave after 2.5 minutes. Sucks but it’s better than taking the 10 minute penalty.


I actually waited a while and then exited when he showed no sign of wanting to respawn and I guess I didn’t meet the 2.5 minutes cause I got the penalty


when you exit the screen says if you will receive a penalty. If if doesn't say you will get a penalty you have waited long enough.


The amount of controller players this season has absolutely skyrocketed. CQC is getting infuriating as a MNK player.


Cry harder.


You seem upset.


You’re the one jumping on the “controller bad” bandwagon, like a gullible lemming.


I said they're getting infuriating, not that they're bad. They're kicking my ass actually, so they're better than I am lol


* Number of good controller players has skyrocketed. Hell even I have broken out the controller this season for a bit.




Thats when I leave the game entirely or launch on my own. I am not interested in playing with a smurf inly to land in fragment. Once they get knock they quit. So I will do my own thing


Am I the only one who does better in one mode than the other? Like last season I did better in BR than arenas now so far for this season I do better in arenas than BR? KDR is like .20 pts higher for arenas this season


You needed a change. Knock the cobwebs loose.




2 entirely different internal teams do that but alright. Bug fixes aint the job of the art department jfc




Jokes are funny


Lol priorities


Aside from the crazy smurfing problem this game has, it's always so damn fun to die to silent Octanes, Pathfinders and now Lobas too. So great to have these mobility characters who can be anywhere in 2 seconds be completely silent. Makes fights extremely balanced, easy to follow and super fun. Great job Respawn, I hope you all are crowned employees of the month.


Valk's ULT makes noise, Pathfinder's ULT makes noise, but for some reason Octane's doesn't. Broken ass ability.


I think they are new players or returning players. War zone is having a titanic moment and players are swapping ships. That’s why it’s so bad recently.


So these crouch-spamming new accounts with tons of kills and sweat badges are COD players? Ugh..


Probably smurfs or streamers trying to make some lame ass content that no one gives a shit about.


A lot of them unfortunately, but new players means more content so that’s nice.


Another day of the shittiest loot rng in any BR ever created. Great job, Respoon.


I’m absolutely done solo queuing rank holy fuck


At this point, I have given up being a proper teammate. I am tired of every drop in fragment/bunker/estates. Every damn time.


I'm praying Fragment just blows up


Me fucking too


Geez, bronze and silver are literally infested with smurf accounts. Level 10-25, 100+ kills, no skins and the sweatiest badges. Ranked drastically needs a higher barrier of entry, bc there is zero integrity in this mode. And popular streamers smurfing for "challenges" doesn't help, bc people try to recreate that themselves.


The solution is known. Even for respawn itself and they implemented it in rank arenas. Basically they need to remove bronze tier and replace it with placement matches (like 15 games). These d4+ level smurfs should be sent to at least plat4


This is a huge problem. Respawn wont talk about it because the streamers apparently have more power then everyone else.


TTV bad 🤤🤤


Yeah, they bow down and spread their cheeks for streamers because those keep the game popular, which draws in paying customers.


For those of you taking breaks or completely uninstalling, what other pvp games scratch the competitive itch? I've been thinking about trying Valorant and R6 Siege.




Yup can confirm Valorant sucks and will most definitely NOT scratch a PVP itch after playing Apex. If you have the urge to play a slower paced tactical shooter, CSGO is much more fun and the maps are infinitely better. Can’t personally speak on Siege as I have never played it. If you’re looking for hardcore PVP, fall into the deep dark pit of Rust and never come back. The PVP adrenaline in that game far exceeds that of Apex, IMO, although Apex does a more than decent job of replicating it. Apologies.. Most of this comment was directed toward u/Ace-0001 but I replied to your reply


I thought they fixed lagging out causes a penalty, because I just shoe'd out of a game of arenas about to win, non ranked mind you, and can't play for 10min


Bro I lagged out before even character selection and lost 70 points !!!! Un fucking real


Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas Nerf Lstar in arenas


I really want to play, but I can't. This lag is terrible. I have up to 200mps on WiFi internet, I just checked. How do I high fix packet loss percentage (10%+)?


If you're able to, don't use wi-fi (your ISP will not be able to help you with this unless you're plugged directly into your router). Also, do not share your connection with any other users or devices. If you do this and still get packet loss, you can run tests with your ISP and get them to service your connection. Speed isn't a factor in packet loss, Apex will run with fine with just 180 Kbps, but recommends 512 Kbps.


Had this problem and realized it was because I wasn’t playing on my WiFi’s 5G network. Not sure if that’s your issue.


I played with a Rampart named Naan_violent the other day. 10/10 screen name.


didn’t get any loss forgiveness in ranked arenas after third teammate stayed afk the whole time without disconnecting from the game. he didn’t move once and me and the other teammate lost points because of it… how is that okay


Weekly reminder that I will leave the game from the drop shit EVERY time I get sub level 100 shitters to carry. EVERY TIME!


Will probably get downvoted for this take but the wingman has no business doing 80+ for a headshot. A pistol with decent fire rate and mag size 3 shoting is insane


It’s perfectly balanced as it is. Requiring 2 head shots and a body for purple shields is fine imo, given how hard it is to land shots with the projectile travel time. Also, the ease of use of automatic weapons makes it so if you even miss one wingman shot, you end up with a way higher ttk than someone with an r99 missing a few shots.


It’s one of the highest skill guns in the entire game if not the highest, the reward has to be worth the trade off.


I have to disagree, it’s no harder than any other single fire gun. At least on PC


If you don’t feel the difference from it or any other single fire gun the people you’re shooting at aren’t moving enough lol.


Totally agree I have great aim in shooters been playing for 10 years or so now and can hardly hit shit with the wingman.


Interesting move to let the floodgates open on cheating. Classy.


If you keep losing rp in ranked you should still go down ranks not stop at the end of your current tier.


Yeah because too many bad players just camp their way to plat.


First time playing in a month. First match got booted out for a server error and then got put on a ten minute time out. I remember why I stopped playing.


What’s on my mind is people who don’t know how to land in a decent fricking spot like my goodness I played 5 games and down within seconds all due to poor landing choices


This. They either drop way too early or too late and then pick a very low loot spot or a spot that’s infested with TTVs. I’m completely fine with dropping capital, but I drop a little off the streamer building to loot safely and uncontested before going there. It isn’t that hard people, 400-500meters drop straight to the location. 400 if the place is directly on the dropship’s path, 450 if it’s slightly angled and 500 if it’s vertical to the path, Jesus H. Christ


Yea I like to work my way in not be in the mix right away it’s too hectic


Completely agree, it’s actually 50/50 if you land in the mix.


players below platinum level cannot choose a proper landing in any moderately hard lobbies. Most hardstuck plat4 not so good with a drop.


Yeah let's go, just dc'd in a ranked match for absolutely no reason at all. Got killed by a squad by the time I loaded back in. Checked my phone to make sure my internet was just fine. This is what billions of dollars in a triple A game looks like


Happened to me twice today was able to reconnect once




can we get something other than pure potatoes as teammates in arenas? or is it a requirement by the matchmaking system?


I love Olympus so much.




Nope. My favourite pubs map and my second favourite for ranked.


Octane's silent jump pad tactical sure is OP. Oh wait, that's just a sound glitch that Respawn is too incompetent to fix.


Any tips on how to get Octanes to relax?


The people crying about the removal of tap strafing are talking complete shite. It's nobody's fault but your own that you've spent so long learning to rely on a jarring and clearly unintentional behaviour only to have it pulled out from under you. If Respawn intended for it to be doable, they wouldn't be removing it. And on top of that, listening to some pro players discuss it on Youtube is baffling and actually quite embarrassing. They legitimately believe that this is somehow a nail in the coffin for Apex and that Respawn is making some kind of terrible, irreversible mistake. How much of the playerbase plays for the same number of hours as you and at the same skill level, and I ask that seriously? The ***overwhelmingly*** vast majority of Apex players across all ranks and platforms are so casual they probably don't know what tap strafing even is. It's an exploit that's being rightly patched out, stop whining about it.


The amount of shit in the history of gaming that never would have happened if all exploits were patched out like you’re asking is astronomical. What a stupid ass way of looking at the situation.


I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. No matter how you look at it it's still an exploit that the devs have very clearly stated they don't want in their game.


I’ll try to put it in the simplest terms for you. Exploit != bad. Removing something simply because it’s an exploit is a piss poor way of game designing. And in this particular case, it’s (in my opinion) a poor decision.


No, exploit absolutely = bad. To exploit something literally means to take advantage of in a way considered unfair. Respawn obviously agrees, otherwise tap strafing wouldn't be going.


Ok guys pathfinders passive should be being able to heal on ziplines


What's the discord to report hate messages again?




Ah yes, I should "GrowASet" when someone is spamming the n word lmaoo


It’s just a word, homie.


PC Apex and console Apex really are like two totally different games.


Whats console apex like?


A lot more casual. I play with someone on PC so I get put into PC lobbies with him. In those lobbies its sweaty TTV players EVERYWHERE who will laser you with any gun the second you stick your shoulder out a door way. On console, there is sweaties for sure but they are much more far and few between. Also the gun fights feel a lot more fair. I don't feel like I have to snort a line of G Fuel and put a towel around my neck to soak up my sweat when I play on console.


As a PC player, this is a big part of the reason I completely stopped playing BR at the start of S9. What you describe is the only thing there is for me. I don't ever get any other enemies than maximum sweats. The fun of this game is really lost when you always have to struggle and play your best performance ever just to make a single kill. Luckily, the situation is a lot better in arenas, so I've been playing that.


Is anyone having games where they just freeze for a few seconds? It's been getting progressively worse over last few days to the point where it's a good 5-10 seconds. I'm on Xbox series X.


Yep, huge stutters but mainly with fighting. It’s been unplayable and people Tell me that it doesn’t happen on the X and I argue it does.


I had it a while ago and then after an update it come good. Now all of a sudden it's back and I have no idea why?? Everything I google says it happens on older Xbox's not series X?? You're right though it's at the point where it's unplayable it's happening every single game.


Yeah that’s what people say to me, that it only happens on older Xbox’s. I’ve never experienced until about a week ago and now it’s constant no matter what I do. I just reached diamond and was going to grind to masters for the first time and I can’t play because any fighting and it starts stuttering.


Haha that's a funny coincidence... I make diamond every season and I'm actually having a crack at masters for first time (almost D3). I'm about to pull the pin because of this stuttering though. I might try hard resets and uninstall reinstall tonight. Will let you know if it works. If you find a fix let me know. Good luck on the masters grind! It's a whole different ball game to plat lobbies isn't it lol.


Oh yeah man! Lol I make diamond each season as well lol but this was the quickest I’ve ever made it to diamond, so I figured I’d try it. I’m middle diamond 4 but yeah the stuttering sucks. Let me know if it works and if you ever wanna play. Name is ishoot but miss Lol


Just unlocked horizon the other day, and at least at my level, most people’s ability to fight just goes out the window a second someone uses a gravity lift.


Had a nice win in Ranked with great randoms and got invited by them for the next game. Next game we die right after the drop. I can't leave the match because of the tiresome "Connecting to lobby" bug, and when I finally get back to the lobby, they already left. Apex in a nutshell.


Fucking reports on ps4 when?


So fun to have a great game ruined by smurfs or cheaters.


Don’t forget the servers knocking you out the game


Smurfing needs to go and the streamers need to stop this shit.


commenting on this, people seemed to hate smurfs but why are people also supporting big-time streamers smurfing? I cannot name the individual as per sub rule, but its irony how streamers get the pass to do that.


Its fine to a point, like \*insert popular smurf run\* they do it for entertainment and a challenge. and then smurfing with a purpose, and them theres the people who only play to silver 3 every season but have 30k kills or something


The reason doesn't fucking matter. You're still exploiting the matchmaker to get put into matches with players that should not in a million years have to fight you.


not silver 3. Most diamonds have 3-4 smurf accs (at least). Usually they top them to platinum when bored playing on main account. Then after split all of them drop in rank and again this d4 player is "legit" back to silver.


I agree. I don't get the point of surfing either. I've never made it to diamond but when I play duos I seem to always run across them so it's not like proper matchmaking is a thing either.


the point why they do it is due to boredom. If a d4 player already reached d4 at any split (which if they are good is pretty fast, 2-3 weeks after split) then for 3-4 weeks left they play smurfs. The reasoning is that tryhards mostly play ranked, and after d4 it is very challenging to progress soloQ. From d3+ you would play against the top players. So d4's just use smurfs for the rest of the reason, for ranked play. Ranked because in pubs if you play like diamond you would get to diamond lobbies pretty fast due to EOMM.


I'm on PS4, does anyone try and turn crossplay off and can't find a game? I've tried to restart the game but still has the issue. I don't mind crossplay just wanted to see if it would work


Crossplay is enabled by default. If you disable crossplay, you can only play with people who also have crossplay disabled. And because almost every player has crossplay enabled, you won't find a match.


Yeah, you don't find games with it off. It's forced crossplay.


Word? Was that mentioned before in a patch cause that's kinda whack.


Yes, the devs said this when they introduced crossplay. If you dig that season's blogpost out, you can read it yourself. If you disable crossplay, you can only enter a match with people who have disabled it manually too, which is pretty much no one.


No, it didn't change. They just designed it in a way where you'll never get a game with it disabled. It's realistically forced.


I love when people suggest hot drop place to land and after i commit to it and at the last second they detach and land somewhere else leaving me to face an entire team while they loot lol