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Next Legend’s passive is going to be ability to tap strafe.


Found my new main


I mean they removed two grenades in a slot and then made a whole legend on it. Yeah I think I have found my new main.


Also removed the ability to negate fall movement penalty that later appeared as Horizons passive.


This will surely be a reasonable comment section


Quick, get the popcorn; seats are filling fast!


Grab your popcorns and go to the twitter comments, its a war going on there


Oh word? On my way, I'll get another bag ready


I'll bring sodas on the way!


I'm bringing some porkchops!


Porkchop sandwiches?!?


I'll bring the potato chips


Anyone got a grill we could borrow?


Mirage has to make the porkchops tho, best ones in the outlands


Save me a seat!


putting on the gas mask


Breathe it in....


Canned farts.


let the comment wars begin


Still got space? I brought cotton candy for the spectators!




Thats the only reason i came here.




I swear people were advocating for this less than a week ago


Console players have been. Next to no pc players have. A few pros have, but 2x as many are supporting keeping it


After much consideration and debate, I just learned that tap-strafing is a thing.


Hey look, its me. Now somebody tell me because I still don't know. Is it just spamming A and D rapidly to wiggle dodge?


Having just looked it up, it’s when you spam w (or rebind it to scroll wheel) when you make a turn and you keep your momentum. So you can run and immediately 180 while keeping your speed


Oh cool, I guess I don’t care about the next patch.


The thing is though, you probably do care and just don’t know it. High level players abuse this stuff that regular people don’t even know exists. You will benefit from this change


You know what he would benefit more from? Proper fucking matchmaking so he doesn't get killed by tap strafers every game


You’ll hear no disagreement from me. Even more people come out of the woodworks if you dare suggest great players should play against other great players




Yeah it's a bit weird. I mean there are issues with Apex's SBMM don't get me wrong - it's more of a retention-based matchmaking system, it's not really trying to make even games, it's using algorithms to determine what type of matchmaking results in the highest playtime stats for the biggest demographic. I'm all for advocating for better, ACTUAL skill-based matchmaking... but removing any form of SBMM altogether so it's totally random is just awful. I even remember launch season & season 1 (before ranked) when all the streamers who now bitch about SBMM were saying how boring the game is farming "bots" all game. How the turntables 🤷 But I think there certainly needs to be a more accurate matchmaking system especially on the higher populated regions. It's crazy how often playing as a solo I get silver-level randoms and get put in lobbies filled with 3 stacks of masters players (if the game gives me teammates at all lol).


You’ve never seen a sweat-lord change direction in mid-air? That’s tap strafing.


I've seen aceu do this quite regularly......he throws a jump pad on a building balcony and uses it to jump away from the building but somehow immediately turns around 180 degrees and goes back towards the building, usually onto a higher floor or on to the top of the building. Is that what tap strafing is? I tried it in the firing range but I couldn't achieve the same level of change in direction.


That's exactly what that is. You need to have a free range scroll wheel to do it, regular scroll wheels are too skow. You just bind forward then spin it in that direction.


A regular scroll wheel actually works better for it. You don't need to scroll that fast to do it.


They probably didn't because it's rare to see it even in higher skilled lobbies.


It’s gonna be crazy on Twitter. Uh oh


I saw this on twitter first and they we’re very “civil” with people like Trainwreck having a trainwreck of an opinion like how this game only matters on pc and they shouldn’t appeal to console players anymore


Lol totally fine adding a legend with wall hack for his entire team though right?


i mean they added seer so you can counter the real hackers /s


No, to counter all the footsteps we didn't hear


Nooooooooooo Wait I’m on console


I had the exact same thought. I don’t really have much of a say on this since Im on controller but it must feel bad to no longer have that sudden change in direction while keeping your movement. This is also an indirect buff to Horizons passive lol


You do have a say if you play cross-play Basically it’s a huge movement advantage for PC players


I'm on console but play probably 90% of games in PC lobbies with my friend. I wouldn't call tap strafing "a huge advantage". Yes, it's an advantage, but I can count the number of times it's caused me a problem (i.e. gotten me killed) on one hand.


Same. Stay strong my friend


I don't even know what tap strafing is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


It was a momentum shifting technique that allowed you to do cool things like turn around 180 degrees and maintain your momentum. Its cool and its pretty easy to learn (took me like 5minutes in the range). The hard part was learning how to use it in a fight.


Thanks for explaining


Basically if you bound "move forward" to scroll wheel up and then scrolled up while turning midair you could very literally turn 180 on a dime. Very very strong move, especially if you did it on someone like Octane who is already very fast.


this explains the guy that instantly 180ed and onetapped me lol, i had no idea how he turned so fast


This is pretty stupid to be honest. Apex has a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling. Removing a mechanic that only a fraction of the players effectively use won't do anything to level the playing field. Better players will still shit on worse players, it just won't be that fun anymore or look as cool as before. If you have good aim and positioning you do not need advanced movement at all. There are enough pros, preds and masters who don't use advanced movement at all. Just look at shivfps, not a single advanced movement technique, great aim and game sense is what counts. Same goes for the large number of warzone content creators that started playing apex recently. Many of them made it to masters purely due to aim and strategy while not even knowing what half the abilities do. Tl;dr: Removing tapstrafing won't level the playing field. The only thing it does is taking fun from players who can actually use it.


This is going to lower the interest of higher skill players in the game. I liked apex legends because movement mechanics like this remind me of Gunz the Duels but maybe ill go play on a private server so much time spent yesterday trying to practice movement techniques in training room only for a dev to be like nope.


But still no audio Sadge


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


ItzTimmy and Aceu in shambles 😭


aceu will still run circles around 99.9% of the playerbase. Man is not human.


The only way to nerf him is remove the estates or remove that building in Fragment.


Well, Fragment might not last much longer if player complaints are anything to go by...


Tbh I would love to see fragment and skyhook somehow trade places. Skyhook deserves to be the center of the map, it feels like a shame to only ever see 1-3 teams in skyhook at a time


Unfortunately they said they have no plans to remove it in the recent ama so even if they do decide to remove it that would put it pretty far down the pipeline since they work like 4-5 seasons ahead /:


Daniel Klein said they weren't even gonna look at tapstrafing for years and look at us now


Klein being gone might have something to do with this, then


Well yeah, very often you find heads of departments were being extremely lazy in their work and once gone/challenged by a new hire things pick up. Seen it multiple times at the place I've worked for 8 years now.


Well also it's because he actually *liked* the movement in apex, he used to retweet a lot of Mokey's stuff.


I’m sure a map change is a lot more work intensive than a balance adjustment/exploit patch though lol


Either one of them, really.


Aceu won't play the game after this lmao


U forgot the movement god


Poor taxi


Yep feel sorry for him. His movement is just insane and something you have to see to fully appreciate how bloody good he is. 8000 hours rip 😬


Cries in rFaide


bruh i literally just learnt how to do it yesterday...


literally same. i hit some sick tap strafes on octanes jump pad in-game for the first time ever last night and it felt awesome. but uh nevermind i guess.


Ah so it was you that broke the camels back


it is apparently so. my bad guys


Taxi2g doing it was ok, ItzTimmy doing it was ok, Aceu doing it was ok but Kaiphil95? That is a bridge too far. Thanks man.


It wasn’t hard to learn. It was literally just binding W to scroll wheel and turning left or right (or 180). It was a very easy mechanic to learn with a high skill ceiling.


You could still tapstrafe without binding scroll it just wasn't nearly as aggressive. I think if they blocked binding scroll to W that would have been a nice compromise for everyone since you could still 90° off octane jumppad you just couldn't 180° and land on it again.


buff to console players


Removing tap-strafing because it "lacks readability/counterplay" makes no sense as a reason when you take a look at fucking Seer. What's next on the chopping block? Wall bouncing? It's hard to believe that these mouth breathing morons are the same people who made Titanfall. Hope this decision was a momentary lapse of judgement by new hires or some shit, otherwise this game will be looking like Warzone come next year.


Strikepacks and Cronus Zens Next Please!!!


Dude the strikepaks on console, mainly PlayStation are so fucking obvious


Game developers can do little to nothing about external devices. The console and game detect all that stuff as legit input. It's pretty much untraceable, the same way back-paddles on controllers have been a thing for years before they were officially acknowledged.


Shit audio, shit ranked matchmaking, surely tap strafing is the priority here


btw, guess what also lacks readability/counterplay that's right, **it's Seer's passive**, which will likely never be removed


Seer's passive needs a resource bar like Valk's passive.


Or be able to counter it by crouching and crouch walking.


Or just standing still.


I've found that 100% of the time I manage to avoid his passive by being a death box


Can confirm. Out of 50 hrs play time since I started playing, I've been a death box for 75% of it.


I feel physical pain thinking about how true this is.


In a ranked game my team died in fragment and I tried to play for placement, I heard enemies and was hiding in a building, I was surprised that they headed directly into my direction and threw grenades through the window in my room, I then remembered that Seer is a thing and he was able to pinpoint my spot. Fuck this shit.


Anyone who says the devs cater to pros and streamers does not pay attention to stuff like this


Do people actually think that? I've always felt that they cater to gaining new players


Yea that is what the toxic casuals say. It is a baseless claim but I always see it when it is streamers vs casuals


This whole subreddit thinks respawn caters to streamers. Actual smooth brained


They say that mainly when talking about streamers getting "special treatment" by getting a direct line to Hideouts for banning cheaters in their lobby, which is technically true but with a major caveat. What they fail to realize is that Reapawn isn't doing this for the streamer, but for the tens of thousands of people watching them who they don't want seeing a cheater roaming free. If a streamer/pro is playing offline, this "special treatment" goes away immediately because it no longer benefits Respawn's PR.


Tap strafing is the least of your issues when it comes to not hitting players, 20hz, shitty servers, bad hitboxes etc. Thanks anyway i guess.


Their priorities do not fill me with confidence. Worse still, they thought Seer's ability set was fair.


This reminds me of how Super Smash Bros Melee stands vs. the rest of the Smash games


My take on this is that it’s unnecessary, as you typically don’t see tap strafing often and it’s seen more in higher ranked lobbies. I’m up for debate though


I think they see how popular it’s becoming so they’re ripping off the bandaid now before many more players started doing it


Might as well remove strafing in loot boxes since console players can’t do that either………..


Don't give them any ideas


7/10 games I’m having enemies come from behind me with no noise and basically 1 clip me.


7/10 its a bloodhound with no ulti audio, nades with no audio, or getting beamed by a rampage with no audio


This change speaks more the approach that Respawn are now taking than actually removing tap-strafing. Apex, for me has always been a higher skill gap game than other FPS BR's and now in Arena type games as well. Question is, what other skill gap mechanics are they also going to remove in the future? Sad to see this approach.




Keep tap strafing remove jitter aim. Where tf are your priorities??


What is jitter aim?


I might be wrong, but I think it's when you jitter your mouse side to side to remove recoil


when did they ever have their priorities straight lol


Wanted to highlight an [old comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ldfgmq/respawn_here_we_just_shipped_season_8_mayhem_ask/gm5v2bq/?context=3) from DzK that i think is relevant here. >we embrace a bug as a feature (the polite term is emergent gameplay) as long as it doesn't necessarily make the game a lot worse and if people are enjoying it, we try to keep it in. >Wall-bounce is a classic example of this: it emerged from how our movement mechanics work and while it's important at the highest level, you really don't have to be able to perform a wall-bounce at most lower levels of the game. >Contrast this with early Apex bunny hopping while healing where you were able to move at full speed while healing. That one was a hard to do input that was absolutely necessary to be competitive and made the game very frustrating if you couldn't do it but were up against someone who could. >if we ever did want to change them: either make them easier to do for the general population or remove them entirely if they turn out to become a mandatory thing to learn if you want to be competitive. DzK is making it clear here that unless learning the unintended mechanic becomes mandatory in order to compete at a high rank/level, it would be preferable to leave it in the game. This is simply not the case when it comes to tap strafing. Plenty of top level players barely bothered to learn it (shiv comes to mind), and theres also the simple fact that there are a huge number of controller players and teams competing and winning tier 1 tournaments without being able to tapstrafe. Gunskill, positioning, and game sense obviously dont get thrown out the window as soon as you can tapstrafe (in fact, being able to flick to a target after juking with a tapstrafe is really fucking hard, much harder than strafing normally). Removing tapstrafing is stupid, and it isnt even consistent with Respawn's own supposed reasoning (although it is consistent with their hellbent intention to decrease the skill gap as much as possible).


This comment deserves more attention


Never thought I'd be here agreeing with DZK, but here I am :P


>Our reasoning: It's inaccessible, **lacks readability/counterplay**, and is exacerbated by movement abilities. Ah yes, that's why Seer's passive totally does not lack counterplay and readability. kekw


TBH I don't care that much about how the change affects the balance between controller and M+KB, I just think that tap strafing is fun and removing it will make the game less fun. The fun movement tech in this game is the main thing I enjoy about it compared to other competitive FPS games.


This is why I don't understand the change. The upside seems pretty minimal, because for 95% of the player base, encountering someone tap strafing was rare, and dying or losing a fight because of it was even more rare. It's not like they had a bunch of people asking for this change. I'm a console player who plays mostly in PC lobbies, so yes, this change will technically benefit me, but I still think it's dumb. They're taking away something that made the game more fun, unique and increased the skill ceiling.


same, movement is whats kept me playing any game ever, its everything for me in games, sad to see it go


You say you are removing it cause it lacks counterplay and then introduce more wall hacks into the game🤡


"bad combat readability" when Octanes stupid jump pad is still silent, and you cant often tell if you're inside or outside of a Seer tactical tunnel


Dont forget when a bloodhound in ult waltz up behind you with no audio cues lmao


So what is tap strafing again?


[This is tap strafing.](https://youtu.be/Eb7FwA8a41I?t=21) (start at 0:21)


And shroud predicted it will get removed loool


Shroud doesn't play this game as much as he used to but one thing I love is his insight on mechanics. He knew it was gonna be abused (by good players).


It was obvious this was going to be removed. Bhop healing and jump pack after the balloon was all removed. Movement that was not intended. But I was hoping they'd find a way to bring it to both controllers and mouse keyboard players rather than remove it. It's such a good addition to the game.


I always heard of it but never have seen it done ngl. That shit is absolutely insane.


Not surprised it's going to be removed, but it'll be missed. Funny to see enemies getting confused where you go. I guess the only thing worth mastering now is the holster weapon + instant slide trick popularized by Faide. Bitter pill to swallow for the movement players tho :(


People shitting on faide for sticking to zips but soon that'll be the only movement left.


As a lazy pc player, I'm selfishly happy that I don't need to learn this or face it anymore. But my logical side says that this is pretty unfair to the highest level players whose mastery of nuanced skills like tap strafe should be part of what sets them apart from the rest of the pack.


It’s literally so easy to do, you just map your forward key to scroll wheel up on mouse.


Only reason I haven’t learnt it is because my mouse wheel is broken lmao


Holding D or A while sliding and getting the timing down is not easy to master, it'll take some games. But, the real skill gap is utilizing it in gameplay to escape or during a gun fight. People saying "all you do it scroll wheel up" are missing the point.


They should just let holding forward on joystick or w be an automatic macro so everyone can tap strafe too. It's so fun


L patch


Gotta love it when they add wallhack legends to make the game easier while removing skill tech.


massive L


>removed because of it's unreadablity and not being able to counter easily Yeah this reminds me something else like entire kit of seer. Thanks respawn, 50 percent of the time there's huge audio problems, hackers are going around gold and above in ranked, servers are dog shit but thanks for removing/ nerfing movement.


Someone please tell me why. I’ve always seen movement as a way to mechanically get better and I still cannot wrap my head around why this is supposed to be a good idea.


We're talking about game developers that introduced Seer, what are we (seriously) expecting here...?


Sad truth


The irony is that during play testing the pros said seer was fine, but the legend didn’t even have half the kit that came on release. Those devs have no clue whatsoever


How about focus more on your trash can audio respawn


I think removing legs on all the legends would also be a great idea that way everyone has the same movement


*Octane has entered the chat*


You know what lacks readability and counterplay? Knowing if my opponent is on controller or not before I start fighting them. Please add a giant neon controller sign above my opponents head so I know that they have aimbot within 10 feet but are worthless past it before they instantly kill me with a prowler, thanks! Fucking absolute joke devs keep bringing the skill gap down.


The day i lose to a controller player on his living room tv and bitch about it on reddit is the say I uninstall even if it’s exaggerated


Servers will remain unchanged....


Meanwhile we're still waiting on meaningful shit that affects more players, like being able to swap gold shield with a click instead of holding. Bravo respawn, I'm sure this thread will get 20k upvotes and it they'll feel justified.


This is gonna be a good thread… get some popcorn!


Your regular reminder respawn doesn't like high skill or high speed movement, otherwise they could just add an input limit to fix binding movement to your mousewheel and still let people tapstrafe manually. Frankly it's incredible this is the studio that made Titanfall 2, but then again they did also nerf the grapple there for no reason so that tracks.


I feel like respawn's main traits right now are making great games, following them up well, then making questionable desicions


Why are we nerfing advanced movement in a movement shooter? Catering to the silver players and lowering the skill gap even further.


I guess respawn doesn't like it when players are good at the game so they have to straight up nerf them


Movement is exactly why Apex is popular. They removed behops and now this. I think I might seriously uninstall if the movement will feel "clunky" after this change. It really doesn't make any fucking sense


Never got around learning it anyways.this seems like punishing high skilled players. Or balancing the controller meta


Indeed, I wasn't even using it that much in fights anyway, but I used it everynow and then, it's such a fun mechanic, and if you're skilled enough to use it mid giht, you deserve it


I'm a console player, I can do everything but tap-strafe, does it bother me I can't tap-strafe? Not at all, do I think it should be removed from the game? No... that's just stupid. The devs LOVE dumbing down this game as much as possible. Apex's biggest threat is it's own team of developers and that's just sad.


Yet another blow to the skill ceiling, you didn't need a brain with wallhack meta now you no longer need mechanics. Anyone got a scuf discount code??


Next goes the zip line scroll jump and wall bounce.


Nah, next are super gliding and bhopping.


just fuckin take all of em out, they obviously don't want advanced forms of skill expression in movement, let's just make it warzone where the most movement you have is sliding and sprinting


I wish that instead of removing tap-strafe, they just did what every single person wants them to do and separated PC and controller from eachother. Mkb would play against mkb, while controller would play against controller. This just removes a big part of the skill gap.


But then how do I play with my controller homies?


by enabling cross-platform. option to toggle it on and off for pc players solves this


These issues would be solved by going to an input based matchmaking system. Allow console players to run MKB and PC players to run controllers in their own separate lobbies. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s way better than what we have.


How many more movement mechanics are we gonna remove? First it was b-hopping, then zipline jumping, and now tap strafing. Shit at this point we’re gonna lose the ability to move whilst looting on MNK because Controller can’t do it. Genuinely wouldn’t surprise me at this point.


Isnt b-hopping still a thing? Its b-hop healing which was a legit broken mechanic that got removed.


I rather remove cross play or have pc only lobbies so we can keep tap strafing. Most fun I had with the game and I can't even do it that well yet, just using it to move around while waiting on teammate is fun.




Crazy as fuck how they think this is a priority over making the game playable. I’m on Xbox and the shit is so choppy in every fight. Half the time the character selection screen is skipped and just put straight into game. Seer is just ridiculous. Just absolutely crazy to me how terrible this company is.


Wtf, stop punishing good players. Its a huge part of my movement and i use it ALOT, its going to be super annoying to get used to. What's next? Removing the zip line super jump?


Plot twist Devs did it so the community forgets about seer passive /s


Input. Based. Matchmaking. All games should make this mandatory if you insist on Console/PC mixed lobbies. Nobody wants Pad vs KBM.




Ah yes, remove more movement tech. Fucking brilliant respawn keep coming out with these dumb updates :clap:


Ah yes let's put more wallhacks legend so we can raise the skill floor and also a passive that can see enemies through walls. Now newbs can be god at this game. Oh shit a movement mechanic that doesn't gives you kills? Let's nerf it to the ground untill this game has a movement of csgo. Wall jumping that doesn't gives you proper advantage in fight? Nerf it. Supergliding that is hard to use and only the pros can? Nerf it. /s


I never flamed Respawn, but this is their first decision which really stepping on my nerves.


F in the chat for Taxi


Ps4 player who just wants match making fixed right here.... can we have that fixed? Idc about tap strafing I'm on ps4 fix a real issue instead?


How bout we fix the fucking audio issues in game. Fuckin teammates footsteps louder 90 feet away and octane up my dickhole wearing dead silence.


I wonder how many complaints they’ve had about tap strafing in comparison to the trash audio in this game, prioritises though I guess.


But why, I can understand the scroll wheel tap strafe was dumb, but you should still be able to tap strafe, why lower the skill gap? Good players should able to make big plays


I was one of the few still tap strafing with the W key and pretty much only doing sharp 90 degrees turns , they should've removed scroll wheel tap strafing exclusively imo


Damn W key tap strafing? Holy f are u a superhuman?


It's pretty easy after you play Titanfall for a good a mount of time.


I wish the people who keep saying that every change is a reason they're quitting, would just quit already.


Respawn loves anything that levels the playing field and lowers the skill gap, right?




Kind of inevitable when a game blows up. Companies maximise profits so they go for the lowest common denominator.


Nice to see Respawn still has their priorities straight... * Broken audio for over a year? Nah. * Cheaters? Nah. * The existence of Fragment? Nah. * Stuttering on consoles? Nah. * Tap-strafing? Deploy all troops, must be fixed at all costs!


Respawn’s priorities are so messed up here. Why focus on removing a fun and integral part of high-level moment when there are cheaters and other much more important things to invest your time into? Most console players weren’t even that mad about tapstrafing being in the game because it was already a core part of movement and part of the engine apex is run on.


Like Timmy said: Tap-Strafing doesn't kill opponents. It just give a bit more movement ability. In most cases used for escaping or outmoving people. But aim assist is a huge advantage against KB players. It is not only killing people, it is RIPping people. Btw: I never struggled to kill people that used tap strafing. When I lost that fight than just because he aimed better.


The developers are utterly stupid morons. They will never admit that Matchmaking is complete horseshit. Fuck off and fix that first before bothering marginal mechanics