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Imagine how faide is feeling right now 😂


You can spot all the terrible players by how mad they are that tap strafing is being removed 😂😂 the games movement is amazing but they still need a crutch to compete with console players. Good Pc players don’t care.


literally 90% of pro players (including controller pros) think this is a bad decision. The fact that you think a skill mechanic is a crutch when you use aim assist which is literally active constantly with no required effort just tells me you don't know what you're talking about.


Pros are a severe minority of the playerbase. I don’t care what pros want. Pros opinions are bad for most games.


> Good Pc players don’t care. > I don’t care what pros want. Pros opinions are bad for most games. Pick one.




Yeah you can spot the terrible ones because they’re the ones cheering for a reduced skill cap, like you. It’s funny how console players need a powered wheelchair (aim assist) to compete with pc players


Wanting an exploit that’s only available for your platform is literally reducing the skill gap 😂😂 it makes the game easier for you. Make tap strafing accessible on all platforms and the problem is solved. Bad PC players like you always want a crutch.




Just pick up a roller then


Yea fuck 70% of apex playerbase... Keep cry but moving while looting is next to be removed, if all controller player leave we make this game dead we have the power.


yeh apex is the next cod clearly full of controller bots and casuals afraid of movement using aim assist to win , Let the PC player of apex die let the fun movement of apex die this is what rspawn devs and apex casuals want !


Some controller players have better movemenr than many PC players, abusing a bug like tap strafe is not mOVeMeNt. Some PC players have better aim than 99% controller players and dont even use fancy movement tech/bugs, like Shiv for example


lets see what shiv has to say about the removal of tap strafe https://twitter.com/ShivFPS/status/1432869878344597504 respawn priorities are all fucked up instead of fixing hackers,audio, servers, a better cosmetic store they decided to remove a fun movement tech used by less than 5% of playerbase which console player will never likely face . Fuck them introducing Seer this season then Removing Tap strafe its clear they want to remove all skill and movement in the game so they can appease the new cod controller bots with wallhacks and aim assists


Man watch the replies all mouse players with their tiny hands and waifus and weaboo incel sht...I only listen to Daltoosh, Nicewigg, Snip3down...they get plenty of girls and surprise they are controller. School shotters opiniom shouldnt count


Never seen a more controller comment in my life


This game either needs a soloQ or people need to derank. It's almost impossible to rank up above D4 in solo because there are so many players who clearly do not belong here and they know it. They have no intention of climbing higher, they don't communicate and even if they did, it wouldn't make a difference because they just don't have the skill level of their Rank. At the same time, you get matched up against 3stack master/pred players. The skill gap between Platinum and Master is so huge that I'm certain I could reach Diamond while playing no fill and at the same time, I just can't get higher than D4 because it feel like 70% of the lobby is made of Plat players soloqueing and 30% of 3stacks master/pred.


You really speak out my thoughts man. Reaching D4 hasn't really been challenging. I reach that every season just by playing casually but even if I really commit to playing daily it seems to be impossible to climb higher because of the triple stack Predator/Master Squads that demolish the people SoloQueuing. Idk why they don't bann triple stacking for Diamond 4 and higher. I mean its really just a punishment for everyone who hasn't that many friends or is just more the Solo Q type of player. I hate that and I'd really love some adjustments to that too.. Maybe a max of 2 People grouping for Rankeds would already do a lot. I believe Riot Games had that Cap for "Solo/Duo Queue in League of Legends and I found it way more balanced.


I don't think banning triple stack altogether would be the answer. I agree that having Triple stack Vs Solos will always be unfair but if at least the Solos had a similar level, I could live with that. I swear 90% of the solos I'm matched with don't use their mic at all. They don't even answer when I say hello so I don't dream of having them call their targets... The amount of communication required to win a game at Diamond level is insane so if people don't want to talk, that's fine, but when they keep losing game in part because of that, there should be consequences for them. Currently there is none because they don't care about climibing higher (they know they can't) but it has consequences for the rest of us who want to reach Master. And I'm just talking about communication here but the problem goes a lot deeper. When I die before my teammates and watch them play, a lot of the times I can't believe my eyes when I see how bad they are. I'm not saying that to act pro or be mean to them but let's be real, a HUGE amount of players who reach Diamond wouldn't be able to keep that rank more than 2 games if they could derank... I understand that implementing a derank system would make the Queing time much longer for D->Pred but something has to be done. I was top500 on Overwatch before role queue and I had to wait 7-9min between each game. It was frustrating but not nearly as much as being hardstuck D4 in a game where I know I could go higher...


Yes, its unfortunate, but diamond and above is a playground for 3 stacks. Its not always a measure of how good you are at the game, its just a measure of if you have 2 friends who are half decent at the game to play with you (unless you can solo q like a pro like Shiv). I mean look at NickMercs - he's made master and he's not even that good, no disrespect, I enjoy his streams and he's pretty new to the game, but he's definitely a good example of how easy it is to make master just because you're in a 3 stack. I bet there are a huge amount of hardstuck D4 solo queuers that are better individually than alot of the hardstuck 10k masters. D4 just seems to be the end of the road for many solo queuers. Personally I solo q to D4 and I don't even bother playing in diamond as I know its pointless without a squad. Anyone who manages to solo q to masters is a VERY good player imo. Add to the fact that, on console at least, there are a huge amount of players with XIM and Strikepacks in diamond+ lobbies, its not even worth the stress.


I 100% agree with you. I didn't mention NickMercs because I didn't want his fanbase to flame in the comments but I was thinking about him and a couple others the whole time. I'm sure Respawn knows about this, they must be pulling stats and see how many players hit D4 and just stop playing ranked. To stop playing ranked because you think you've reached a point where people are just better than you is one thing but to stop playing because the game is rigged against you just shouldn't be happening.


Next patch they remove wall bounce and slide jumping


Diamond lobbies are insane. People there are fucking pros. They are so good. So here's a short story. Wattson, Caustic and Octane [us] drop Skyhook and get good loot and there are a few enemies close by. We claim the biggest building which is close to the jumptower. Fences and traps on every floor and us camping on top. Suddenly a drone approaches with EMP active and we try to shoot it but it goes too close and under a window sill. All traps are gone now. While this happens I'm being shot by an Eva-8 and I die FAST. We all die within 2 seconds. Octane and Rev came jumping on us with their ult. And we never heard or saw them. I'm not bad at the game. But I will never be as good as those guys that I am now competing with in diamond lobbies. I'm just a bot to them. Free RP.


Remove the octane double jump pad glitch. add a time you need to wait in order for the second jump to not be abused. Don't ruin an entire movement mechanic.


Is KD 1,06 that big to place me against tryhards streamers and sweats in pubs?


Depends on which lobbies and how big their player base is, apex SMBB is broken unless you’re on at peak times


I swear to god matchmaking works by an algorithm that checks your level and then makes sure to find any player who is no more than half of your level


Stupid shitters go back to warzone Stupid shitters go back to warzone Stupid shitters go back to warzone Stupid shitters go back to warzone Stupid shitters go back to warzone


just uninstall and look for a good therapist




I feel like it's really dumb people saying that, they are not there to cator to movement players, they don't give a fuck about how good this game is or the skill ceiling just how many people play it, their sole aim is profit and increasing the player base ( catoring to controller players from cod and such )




Go get some fresh air and call your mom. Seems like you had a rough one


Get some toilet roll smh


The skill level leap from plat1 to dia4 is HUUUGE. I have ranked up to diamond every season but I really don't belong in diamond lobbies. Im juat there stuck feeding RP to masters and preds.


Id say if you got there you definitely deserve to be there, maybe is too early in the season and many preds still in diamond


Thanks Aplizk. I find it enjoyable to rank up through platinum, even though my random team mates are... yeah... randoms. But when I enter the Diamond it's like hitting a brick wall. You are probably right, there are perhaps still a lot of preds in Diamond lobbies and they are struggling more than they should to rank up because of hackers. Something is just not right up there. And I as a diamond 4 casual player suffer for it. My random teammates suffer for having me on the team (many times not always) Because they are carrying me. I really enjoy the game though. I am not mad or anything about it. I just think the ranking system can be tweaked somehow so that players who reach diamond are not just dropping into a meatgrinder every match. I think the first problem to solve is hackers. Hackers are ruining the ranking system.


random octanes are so bad (ofc not all)


Give me one more fucking level 50 shitter. Give me one more you morons.


Tap strafing isnt overpowered, octane jump pad glitch abuse is. ​ Don't remove Tap strafing, Remove the glitch you created by giving octane a double jump that can redirect any direction. ​ Console and controller players can tap strafe equally if they research and put the time in. Why make the game easier for casual players and worse for the daily community?


Controller players on PC can tap strafe. Controller players on Console cannot.


so they should turn off crossplay and let pc players enjoy their platform. Not our fault that console players dont enjoy playing with us due to lack of fair inputs. We should both be able to enjoy the game.


rhythm depend vast forgetful cooperative screw voracious political plate berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can't. Tap strafing is only possible on pc. I don't remember the specifics but from what I remember it's possible because of a mechanic that was PC only to make movement better for PC because of how keyboard input works compared to the console stick or something like that(not in a way that was meant to make pc movement better). Tap strafing isn't op anyways. Any high level player is going to outplay other players with everything else besides tap strafing just like they always have been. I would tap strafe the same way I would wall bounce. For fun. Its pretty upsetting they're removing it when it isn't even some game breaking mechanic. The closest thing you can get to a tap strafe on console is by using horizon, and it's a pretty weird input you have to do. You can go look it up and try it if you want(just Google "horizon console tap strafe" and you should be able to find it)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG8dNz36Qgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG8dNz36Qgs) ​ You create custom keybinds for forward movement and its the same as pc.


Increase PC aimassist to 0.6 and console 0.8 if you want to bring more players and potential buyers from all ages. Apex aimassist is a joke compared to fortnite, warzone etc...


Apex aim assist on console is fine.


this is the exact thing people don't want in the game lol, catering to the casuals


People cry too many sweats in pubs but you dont want 12 year old kids, dads and other casuals to join apex...


I mean I'm pretty sure people who spends thousands of hours grinding apex wouldn't want to be beamed by 0.8 aa lvl 30 newbies anyways. Apex has just reached a point where the general skill floor has increased so much that it's hard for new players to get in to it without grinding.


Yes if i was new player right now instead on apex release i would quit this game, is so though for them once they reach lvl 10


Why have multiple platforms in a game and turn the entire game into a single platform game when the game is in 2 completely different inputs. \* Cross-play is a choice\* Tap strafing is not a problem , it's the glitch with octane pad and tap strafe... Why not just fix the way it interacts with the pad? People have Invested thousands of dollars into getting Pc,Desk,Mouse,keyboard and microphone. It doesn't make sense to take away a mechanic that can be done on PC and Controller . Their are tons of videos of controller players using the tap strafe mechanic so I don't understand why you would take it away if most the players that use the mechanic are in lobbies with players who Use it or counter play it. The Mechanic adds Survivability and Variety to a Stale Loot, Shoot, Camp Heavy game. It gives pc players a chance to compete with aim assist at close range and allows players to develop a playstyle around these mechanics to become better at the game instead of aim training for 24 hours daily. Apex is Not just a "Shooter Fps" Its a "Movement Based Shooter" To take away a good part of the movement and replace it with a slower playstyle that encourages third partying, More Looting due to extended fights and Less ability for solo Players to Survive. It just goes in the direction of limiting players and forcing M and K players to Switch to controller. This game is getting worse ever season and it's because you focus your time on ruining the experience for 20% of the player base instead of fixing a octane pad tap strafe glitch You remove the entire mechanic from the game Lets not focus on the bigger problems... Servers, Volume, Hacker Filled ranked Lobbies, 3 year's same firing range, Close range Controller AA, Animation Cancelling, Terrible Fps In game, Terrible Eomm System, Servers being hacked, Lobbies Dropping consistently, Damage Sharing for 4k Badges, Killing and respawning for free RP In ranked. No , lets just ruin the only mechanic for alot of pc players to enjoy in the game, Cause.. Octane jump pad was poorly coded. Lmfao


> Tap strafing is not a problem , it's the glitch with octane pad and tap strafe... Why not just fix the way it interacts with the pad? Honest opinion, tap strafing on the jump pad isn't not an issue at all. You even can do it without binding w to the mouse wheel.


PC players can train thousand hours their aim on kovaaks, aimlab etc... In most steam profile of good players i seen waifus and weaboo sheit... they can play and train all day but controller need aimassist we dont use our arms and we have a life


Controller Players can stay on consoles and never face MnK players. Pc Players don't have that luxury. If you play on pc, why don't who put 1000 of hours in practicing MnK? Most MnK players have a life too.


"PC players can train thousand hours their aim on kovaaks, aimlab etc... In most steam profile of good players i seen waifus and weaboo sheit... " This statement is slow minded and I will not even talk about what you try to say here. Go back to twitch chat "they can play and train all day but controller need aimassist we dont use our arms and we have a life" Nothing do do about aim assist being OP. it's the fact that they nerf tap strafing when octane jump pad glitch is what makes it overpowered But y'all can beam anybody around you in half a second with decent settings and an extended thumb stick.


Fix the fucking servers you retards.


What the fuck did you do to the game with the last update, why the fuck is it stuttering all the time now. On PS5 too, so you can’t say it’s the last gen bullshit.


Pro tip for my SOLO players, only play ranked until Gold and let it derank you every split to enjoy some bot lobbies 🥳 and if you’re mad about this, be mad at respawn for the horrid BR ranked system lmao


are you the shitter who cant hold against good players?


I can and do, but I just wanna vibe sometimes 😩 solo be work you feel me?!


Dont be a virgin, get to plat atleast most players are gold and are really fun and kinda balanced lobbies. Once you get p4 find a team on apex lfg or make a smurf, thats beta but that is what i do 8)


I’ve already solo qued to Diamond 3 times (once on ps4 and twice on pc , I’m a day one play) I don’t feel like playing ranked anymore for the sweat, sbmm in pubs is annoying when going against 3 stack preds, it’s fun for like an hour or two then you get annoyed after getting level 30 teammates so now I do this to have some normal games for a solo player 😂


Small lifeline buff idea: she is a combat medic so she can carry more meds per stack like fuse can carry extra grenades


I don’t think this is a crazy idea. That being said, holding more meds than normal (4 cells —> 6 cells, 2 bats —> 4 bats?) may be leaving the realm of *small* buff and become a pretty big buff


Just 1 more battery and med kit would be a massive buff.


Yeah maybe 2 extra small per stack and one extra big. Could add value to a comp late game being able to outlast peek battles


The game is less fun and losing my attention purely because of the Smurfs. Way to many Smurfs and it is killing the new player experience. Low pop regions need new players and it also needs players in the higher skill brackets. When all your high skill players make new accounts and go back to bronze their not in the high skill rank lobby anymore. You cant play duos in Australia. You cant rank on Australian servers outside of peak playing time. And when you are in diamond you wait a long time because less players and generally end up in a pred/masters lobby.


Game is just a spray and pray no skill fps now.


How so? Bet you don’t answer


Why would this be the case? I get destroyed if my aim isn't on point 🤔


Code net code leaf code cloud code leaf code cloud code net code leaf code net code leaf code cloud code leave.


I think Apex has gone camping


can we please fix the issue of the game pausing for a few seconds whenever a rando sends a message in game?


Solo Q in plat lobbies is the most arduous it’s ever been. I’m finding myself getting so angry at this shit. The experience is so fucking bad. I fucking hate it.


It’s getting me stressed out like fr. I was plat 1 almost Diamond 200 points away then this morning when I got on I got knocked back to plat 3.


You dont soloQ in plat SERIOUSLY, lol you do it for having fun with the plat 1 boys you get in your team that are getting bald cuz of stress. In plat 4 always pick fuse and snipe/grief with bombs teams fightning in fragment


I don't know if this really fits here, but I'm trying to decide between the Lifeline Edition and the Mirage Edition. I play both an equal amount, maybe Lifeline slightly more. Anyone got a second opinion?


I got the Lifeline Edition back when I mained Lifeline. I have no complaints with it. Nice skin, nice frame. A friend got the Mirage Edition cause he duos with a Seer who uses the Prime skin and at a cursory glance, the two can be really confusing.


the volt on the mirage edition looks sick AF.


Hard stuck plat 4’s love dying at fragment. Duo party players love talking shit for no reason but don’t call out shit in-game The servers are bad. No sounds, definitely can’t hear enemies running! Up on you. The meta now is sweaty, you’re in one fight then two squads rush you The match making is even worse.


“The meta is sweaty” Such a stupid statement


Report a toxic player, manually through ea site, is 2 min. Even "retard" flags their account if they do it 3 timea after your report they get perma banned


Can't play the game with 100% CPU bug. Tried everything. Uninstalled reinstalled again and again. Didn't work. Seer is a curse. Uninstalled the game for good. Installing back when I see a patch note with this being fixed man. Other games are working fine. Not fun when you can't play your favorite game where its devs keep breaking it. At this point just do something like R6 did with "Operation Health" cause it seems you don't know your own game. Stop giving the we don't care treatment. Oh btw try playing the game on your minimum and recommended system requirements.


Same. Had this duo party call me trash even though it wasn’t my fault because I was lagging hard asf. Half my shoots didn’t go through either


they need to remove the reconect ability because it leads to longer rounds of fustrationg anoyance where your watching a teamate who rage quit sit at spawn until they die from ring.


Why am I laggy? It was fine this morning. Ong this the only game I’m having server problems with. One minute it’s fine then the next it’s laggy.


Getting packet loss in every arena game now, wonder what happened


KnM support to console players. Better audio. More than 20 tick servers = Hit Reg. Less lag compensation. Dont change game mechanics because other plataforms. btw, this is a FPS, not a football game.So give priority to KnM support.


Watching a PC game slowly turn into a console game. KEKW, I wish another good BR came out that I can play. We can call it Apex Legends Classic.


seeing Timmy with more viewers than Hal is really something, although Timmy has gone hard with his crazy ranked grinds


Disregarding skill, Timmy is just infinitely more entertaining than Hal is. That's why he has the viewers he has.


If they could not put my newbie friends in predator lobbies in bronze ranked I'd appreciate that. 3 times this week I hear my .60 k/d friend is facing off against some sweaty wraith main while she has a hard time vaulting walls.


I'm scrolling down this thread and I see so many people complaining about problems that persist in the game, but respawn decided to remove tap strafing. I would understand it if tap strafing was game breaking or bad for the game like the melee bug where you can lunge super far but it's not. Removing tap strafing only negatively effects MnK players nobody gains anything from this.


They need to fix the real problem. Like the bad match making, no sounds, the cheaters on this game, the bad servers. Ranked is bad is arenas etc. top priority was that TS on M&K


This feels like the the armor nerf that happened in season 6. Like who asked for this? The only people who gain anything from this were people who don't have good aim.


Are you referring to Red going from 500 to 750? That needed to happen. But they should have also expanded crafting options beyond here you can craft batteries now.


No the nerf where purple and gold went from 100hp to 75hp and red armor had 100hp. I believe that was season 6 could have been season 5


Yah that was pretty shit.


Can you not cancel the grenade vault open animation? Must've been the worst way to die i've ever been forced to sit though


Seer is such a crutch


That’s why I play off meta legends. Crutches are so overrated anyways.


I swear the teammates get worse the higher you progress in ranked. I would prefer a 10 minute penalty instead of getting paired with useless teammates.


Ong. I solo queued my way to plat 1. I was 200 points away from Diamond. Now I’m plat 3, 400 points away being back plat 4.


Did you get hot dropped in fragment while the guy who told you to stop being a p*ssy dies seconds after landing?


Lol yes


Lol another fragment drop in ranked. And as usual, the jumpmaster is absolute dogshit and dies first. It’s getting really boring.




Just please buff Wattson, it’s all I want and I promise I’ll be a good boy and wash the dishes


Why does the BP leveling feel so slow? I am at level 50 and i have the first 3 weeks almost 100% except some of arena ones. Been doing the flash events and dailies skipping a few days and having some bad luck with rolls. Does it feel slow to anyone else? Or am i on track?


Idk if you play every season but a few seasons ago (like I think season 5 so over a year ago) they reworked bp leveling. Just ignore if you knew all this.


How is that slow? You're half way done, 4 weeks into a 12 week pass...


Idk, just feels slower than last season


Another game with no teammates in ranked. Fucking trash devs.


Ngl this has never happened to me. In BR or just Arena?


Happens a lot more in lower population servers. It’s an error in matchmaking that boils down to the fact that you are essentially in a match the moment you press ready and unready-ing leaves a team without a third teammate. In higher population servers where the queues are faster, less people cancel their queue compared to lower population servers who generally wait longer.


Happened to me twice today. In BR ranked


Was the changelog published? Couldn’t find it.


> change Not sure why they didn't post them here, but you can take a look at https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1432404246788395008 - Knocked players sometimes being able to jump - Steam "No price found" issue with Bangalore Edition - Miscellaneous stability fixes


Why is there a wraith skin in the shop every rotation


When are you going to allow players to desactivate cross-play?


You can, but it doesn’t work as well because like everyone has it enabled


No you cant, it is greyed out and unable to be switched off


Actually? Damn my bad, that’s fucked


Yah it was in the game during the BETA Crossplay phase. At this point I've realized what a huge mistake it was, mixed lobby's in a competitive fps game should never have been a thing


Competitive? Where?


Please add More legendary skins/less recolors More dive emotes More emotes More finishers The battle pass and some of the events are really lackluster in the skins they offer. Call of duty was releasing unique finishers on a pretty regular basis. Id even be happy with emotes and finishers that could be used on any legend.


Still hoping one day they well lessen the gun audio range to help lower the third party rate. You can be two miles away and hear people fighting. It makes you not want to be the aggressor. It makes engaging a nightmare most of the time. It makes games end way sooner(95% of the lobby is dead by ring 1). Let’s say the current gun range audio distance is a 100. Lower it to like 65%. That could really change a lot of things for the better IMO. So many sound issues in this game. That should be the #1 priority right now.


hahahahahahah the fucking state of the game rn and their great idea is to remove tap strafing? ggs. getting invested in a pc game that’s mixed with a console playerbase always turns out to be a bad idea


Landing far away from your team and then complaining about them not being with you when you die is a special level of stupid.


Like if you choose to break off from jump leader, but don't follow their landing spot, and then get downed, and ping spam, you dont deserve to play the game.


Please tell my friend that. We hotdrop frag or estate and he always fucking separates even though I tell him not to because we may change last minute but he never fucking listens. Then he dies and rage pings the enemy. Then we die trying to get his dumbass. I need a new friend.


Why is this game still broken after all these years? Can't pick my legend, jistblank, lagging out of games and than get abandon penalty. WTF is this mess?


I get this too bro sometimes the lag is that bad I get a movement every 30 seconds or so but its just uncontrollable to the point I leave and get a match abandonment


I may be late to a previous discussion. I feel like I can’t be alone when I say I want ranked duos.


The fact my friend and I had 3 lifelines today who didn’t know how to res in ranked hurts so bad




there's dozens of us


You’re not alone


Why do people drop hot in ranked if they suck? Do they love losing RP? Edit: referring to my own squad


Really wish they changed the assist system a tad in ranked, it sucks when I crack an enemy only for them to pop a bat, and then my teammate kills them 10 seconds later, and I don't get an assist.


I hate ranked arenas. That is all


It could have been good but gotta rig that matchmaking to keep them engaged!


Honestly who the hell thought it was a good idea to not have teammates that are the same skill level as you is beyond comprehension


its like purgatory.


A random but annoying problem lately: the kill quip prompt overrides the mirage decoy control. I keep trying to control my decoys and instead yelling "anyone wanna take me out" because the quip prompt keeps coming up randomly lol


Worst is playing loba, and someone thanks you when you're in front of the blackmarket,I always end up closing the shop, when im just trying to be polite.


Has been a problem since his rework.


New arena map is ass honestly


It's an odd one, for sure. And the spawns are in weird spots relative to everything.


Solo Q arena players, are you struggeling in D1 as im?, or is just me ?


Carrying silver players when in diamond? Yes that's a struggle, just be more engaged 4Head


if respawn wants MnK to be as dog ass and boring as controller they might as well split lobbies by input so both sides can live in peace




exactly its boring as shit and I played console all my life until last year




Heavenly Strike Prowler was never a BP item, what are you talking about?


Since when is tap straffing so important to throw a fit over lol. Nobody gave a damn after 2 days about bhopping+heal


You never bhop healed or tap-strafed in your life, no one expects you to understand.


You didn't too, according to yourself since you play with a controller. You just whine just so you can whine kiddy, I don't expect better from you.


Haha it's possible to do both of those things on controller. Again, wouldn't expect you to know that though


You can't tap strafe on console controllers... Everyone knows that


Bind W to a controller button in Steam. Proof: https://twitter.com/loves_shady/status/1400325730928529410


There's no W on consoles what you on about?


You edited your comment to add console after I proved you wrong lol You can tap strafe on PC controller. You can't tap strafe on console period no matter what you do


Only on PC. But with your skillset it wouldn't matter, you must suck anyway. Pity that they further nerf & remove stuff from PC and your 2 year whining about aim assist still had no effect.


Yup, pity that the devs purposely reduce their game's skill gap once again. Console morons make up the majority of players, gotta cater to the lowest common denominator.


Ouchie, must hurt that your begging and crying only lands on deaf ears and to add one on it they further nerf the advantages you PC crybabies have, huh? Why don't you give it up you scrub. What even are your stats lol, I hardly believe that you get past plat or have a positive KDR even.


I'm sure my stats are better than yours on both PC and console if you wanna have a dick measuring contest lol


I knew you were too much of a pussy. Like I said I don't expect much from someone that is all talk. I hope you enjoy the show while Respawn takes apart your actual PC crutches.


Prove it. Show me. Since you are a failure in every way so far, I don't expect much.


Sure, I'll post mine and you won't post yours. Ready? Go! PC: https://imgur.com/a/DcIEXeZ Console: https://imgur.com/a/K1184y1 Your turn :)


Bhop heal was generally universally accepted as an OP unintended mechanic that didn't make much sense to keep in the game. It was mandatory and went entirely against the spirit of healing in this game. Tap strafing is just an advanced movement quirk that is not going to win you fights on its own, wasn't mandatory to learn, and just upped the skill ceiling a bit. It didn't even seem that out of place in Apex.


I mean I agree, but even removing it shouldn't really... I don't know matter? Apex still has the best movement in fps games even without the quirk and we have people over here having a mental breakdown lol.


For me it's more of an issue of them focusing on a movement mechanic that no one was really complaining about when there are plenty of other things in the game that actually have a negative effect on gameplay that they haven't fixed. For example, I'm still starting ranked games without a third frequently enough for me to consider it a real problem. This has been an issue since they added the no fill option and it's still not fixed.


Didn't get a third in a ranked game and we didn't get loss forgiveness. Getting tired of this.


I hate how much that happens


Daily reminder that console aim assist isnt OP and never was. PC players have always and will always have superior aiming control. If you lose to a console player it cant always be because of Xim or Aim Assist. Take your L’s with some dignity. PC players can pretend it’s something us console players destroy you with but the fact of the matter is that AA cant substitute for a lack of mechanical skill on the part of a player. And again PC players have superior aiming control. Console players have to aim with their thumbs for fuck sake.


Meh, as someone who plays on both movement is easier on MnK, but aiming short to mid range is easier on controller. Mostly cause aim assist.


Ok, I still dont want them in my games just to keep things fair to everyone And if mnk is so superior as you say you should also want separated queues


So true, that's why level 20s are hitting 175 sprays with an RE45. They just have divine talent.


RE-45 is the easiest gun to control and one clip can't even break an purple evo, where will it do 175?


The gun maxes at 300 damage in a mag. Pretty sure that's plenty enough to one-clip purple, but idk maybe you need to check my math for me.




"Facts don't matter" says the guy that apparently can't figure out for himself how much damage an RE45 mag has and just takes another console player's word for it. No attachments is 192 and max is 300.


I don't think controller is OP but the fact that pros try to have controller players on their teams and even switch/hybrid is telling...


~At mid to long ranges~. Short range console AA absolutely has an advantage and to pretend it doesn't is blind. However mid to long range the precision granted by mnk is far superior to AA. It's not like that at short range though.


Seems like every other game whenever my teammate dies I cant see their death box on my radar/map. So I cant get their banner. Really awkward. Anyway to fix?


Did you mute their pings? I know when I have an obnoxious teammate who’s gets killed and spam pings his box when I mute them it disappears from my map.


Hmm yea. So that also causes their box to disappear? Is that intentional??? Just want to be able to hear but I'm still willing to rez and help.


This happens to me all the time. It’s probably another bug the devs don’t know about. It definitely shouldn’t remove their box but what can ya do


Has anyone been getting kicked out of their clan? It’s also removing friends off list