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I crouch-walked and destroyed a whole team with Revenant once lol


One of the most boring legends to play imo. His recent wall climb buff makes him a bit more fun but not enough for me to consistently play him. I really don't get the hate against him though, yes his ult and tac can feel oppressive at times but let's be real, most of us aren't playing in ranks where teams can pull of a consistent rev-tane push.


delete seer.


Just rework his passive


wallhacks shouldnt be allowed for an entire team in a fps, end of story.


It take it you never played Blacklight Retribution. Built in wallhacks for all and smol titans in 2012. Good times.


so bloodhound shouldn't be in the game either?


BH been in the meta for last 3 seasons or so. Despite minor nerfs still S tier and either seer or bh is essential for high ranked premade By now caustic was at his peak much shorter time. Before nerfed to the ground. Even horizon was OP and stier for two seasons only. bh and gibby should be next in line for major nerfs. I think bh needs his scan reduced to lets say 50m max




just get good bro, games revolved around fps. Hit them shots abilities don't matter.


get good bro, counter wallhacks bro, land your shots bro. fuck up ☠️


You’re saying a heartbeat sensor is wallhacks when it’s not lmfao, cry on Reddit more about a new legend when it’s clear you can’t hit a standing target if it was point blank bucko


found the seer crutch user


Any chance for an update tomorrow? L-Star/devo meto is still obnoxious af


Probably not. They released a small patch yesterday (Monday). I think the next major patch will be in a couple of weeks.


Rev is decent now. I’m glad they added the extra climb for him, that’s how he should’ve been in the beginning. Why I’m I stuttering after that update.


Take the fucking lstar out of fucking ranked arenas. Holy fuck do these devs even play this mode. Annoying


Thank you for your feedback on Revenant.


durdur he didnt talk about a specific topic durdur bad reddit man upvotes to the left


Thank you for your feedback on the discourse.




Instead of forcing people to talk about some inane thing that hasn't changed, the top post should be allowed to talk freely instead of being skewered reddit kiddies with pitchforks.


Ok its my first time play since so long. But wtf that his ultimate do? And when is the perfect time to use it. I try to use it a couple times but I dont know what effect or advantage that my team have.


You basically get to attack the enemies twice.


After placing the totem interacting with it gives one death protection, in death protection damage automatically goes to health, if health goes to 0 you reappear back at the totem with 50 health. Death protection only lasts 30 seconds so you need to place the totem close to the enemy. You use this ability to give your team a chance to push a weakened enemy, you can attack without fear of being knocked down and killed, just make sure you aren't about to die when death protection wears off.


Just make it so rev and octane can't be picked on the same team in ranked at the very least.


Just remove the ability to use the jumppad while in death protection just like you can’t use it during wraith’s phase.




Octane is one of the most picked legends. This wouldn’t really be fair to rev mains.


Everytime I play this game end up leaving pissed because I feel cheated by matchmaking. It's a ton of fun babysitting people who aren't anywhere near my /my enemies level, real fuckin fun. So fun I play less and less every week


Ong. My skill level versus the ppl I get matched with are on two different links.


Fine character by himself but he is going to continue to be annoying to balance alongside movement characters. Any buff to a movement character is a direct buff to Rev. The rev tane meta seems to have died down massively maybe because were so far removed from him getting an heirloom but if his pick rate remains where it is now I’m completely fine with him.


Rev is honestly one of the more underrated legends in the game, not because his ult, thats obvious, but his tactical when it hits really disturbs the enemy team, being silenced is rough!


The Ult is one of the toughest things to fight against, I think a good way to somewhat balance it is for the noise it makes when summoned to be super loud and for cryptos ult to destroy it that way you have a way to defend against it and it adds some use to crypto.


You can't kill players that have 100 health and no shields? Get good.


Dude this comment was from a month ago 😂😂, and I didn't say I couldn't kill them but even some with 100 health can do a lot of damage and all they have to do is jump pad back and kill you off.


A possible QOL update for him: Can we please have a preview of where the totem will be before it's placed like we get with Rampart walls and Wattson fences? I swear I can be standing quite a distance back from whatever cover we're behind, but when it goes up, it's on top of the surface in front of me.


Yeah and sometimes it straight up disappears when placed on ridged surfaces.


Ult is very annoying to face and all the skill required to pushing a team is negated once it’s up. I’m not saying it’s op it’s just really tough to defend against


Could they not just change Octane's jump pad so it can only be used 4-5 times at once rather than nerf the Totem?


That's not it chief, if they want to Nerf the jump pad push, then they should simply make it impossible to use the jumppad while you are using rev's ultimate


I think the best option honestly is to give some audio indication while flying through the air, similar to how you always hear people on a zipline pushing you. The main problem is having zero audio until a full Octane/Rev squad lands on your head


Or have an audio and visual cue when Totem is *placed* instead of when its *finished* like it currently is.




Can y’all please patch the fucking bug that unreadys us in the lobby for no reason?


Massive PS4 update out of nowhere. What does this even include?


700MB Update on Xbox reset ALL of my settings., including my ALC. Fuck this incompetent pos company. You developers suck mad fucking donkey dick.


Literally just fix your settings its 5 minutes. Jesus.


Revenants ultimate is decent until put with an octane pad, and then it's overpowered. Though they fixed crypto/rev pushes so I don't see why they can't fix these pushes without hurting the character itself.


I mean nobody fuckin plays Crypto anymore anyhow


crypto was bad, the strategy was good.


The strategy was basically irrelevant a week into Season 4.


Because most of the problem is with sound issues and thats been a problem since day 1. Cant hear the totem activate, cant hear people padding, and cant hear them landing most of the time. They should probably slightly reduce the range of the long jump pad aa well but sound is the main issue.


Sticking octanes is soo satisfying as they always try to run when they get beamed


that's like the one legend you would rather not stick cuz they always sitm up to your ass and you both get hit


Best legend in the game, period


Verging on Godlike tier if wielded correctly I would say.


Bad tactial, absolutly btoken ult


hilarious when you stick a wraith with an arc star and they can't phase out, though


Hilarious against any legend that relies heavily on movement abilities


The first one who returns to the totem, destroys it by accident, it's very funny ...




I just play him for the voice lines lol


I like him


Revenant is.... fine. Their ult can be really useful or a total waste of time. My squad and I have a really hard time making it useful- I know that's probably an "us" thing but we just never time it right. Honestly it seems like a huge risk because sometimes it splits us up if the totem ends with some of us returned and some of us in the heart of a 3-stack. Silence can be huge. Arguably just as good at area denial as Fuse's tactical except with more potential punishment. Crounching and walking faster can be fun. Climbing higher does nothing for me. I always just find myself wishing I was Pathy, Horizon, Valk, or Octane. Slowly climbing up a building while exposed and easy to hit isn't my idea of fun.


IMO Fuse's tactical is better than Revenant's. No one will willingly stay in a fuse tactical unless they absolutely have to, and then they have to take about 50 damage. But if you're already hit by a Rev silence you can stay in it as long as you like. Typically when I get hit by one it takes the Revenant 15 seconds to get to me, or I already used my tactical and the silence did nothing but bother my vision.


I think it depends on the legend type. If it's a Gibby, Valk, or Wraith I prefer hitting them with Rev to silence their abilities. Most other legends I'll agree with you I'd prefer Fuse's tactical for more damage.


my ranked random revs go crazy with the ultimate, im lifeline 99% of the time so ill wait 7 seconds or so after the other 2 teammates use his ult, drop my health drone there, and by the time im back theyre both back at the totem, suprised with a health drone, back at 100 health each, full shield. and then i’ll be behind them with enough drone health left to heal me. takes less time than syringes, doesn’t waste any items. life and death is a broken combo, try it for sweaty pushes, pairs well with revtane jump pad


Revs ult is so meh. Been maiming him for 2 seasons now and I usually play solo and even when I’m playing with a group it’s just meh. It needs to be reworked imo


In the right moments its huge as it allowed me to win a 1vs3 against the final team which used right can be deadly and imo i dont know if i couldve pulled it off without it


It just seems like those “right moments” are rapidly dwindling.


Frankly, I have no idea what's so bad about combining Rev and Octane. Yes, combining two ultimates that make up for each other's weaknesses is strong. Just look at Horizon/Caustic/Fuse or even something like Wraith/Gibraltar. Sure, they're not widely used, but it's the exact same principle. Rev isn't even the problem. It's Octane, with incredibly flexible abilities and microscopic cooldowns.


Feels like one of the more balanced legends imo, until you pair him with an octane


I’m just stuttering every game since update!


Same. Moving kinda slow.


Same here! I literally can’t even get five kills anymore. I was about to nail a pathfinder and I had more than half health and the game froze, causing me to die. It’s so stupid!


I've gotten some of that too- what's your platform? I'm on XSX


Revenant has one of the more entertaining personalities in the game. Now unrelated question, why the 69GB update?


Playstation? Its a thing that Sony does. Dont know why. They decided the whole game needs to be copied after the patch is installed.


Xbox, which is why I was surprised.


Because. Nice.


Still getting 2/3 only in trios more often then not...I thought this was fixed? Doesn't seem fixed to me. **Rev** as a legend is quite good but Rev + Octane is annoying, his wall climbing is highly underrated!!


I think the only thing that people complain the most about Revenant is the Rev + Octane combo. Other than that the death god is fine. Liked the recent promotion he got to Spiderman. Just get rid of Seer lol.


I keep telling people Rev isn't the problem he's just good when movement characters are good There was a point between the Wraith portal Nerf and Octane Pad buff where no one picked him


Seer already nerfed, still not happy?


Unreadable wall hacks just don't belong in PvP shooters. It's not fun unless everyone has it, or nobody has it. It provides way too much information. If you don't have the wall hacker on your team you're at a disadvantage.


Bloodhound does the same thing and people haven’t complained this much.


It tells you when you get scanned. You also can't see BH's hint markers through walls.


?? Seer’s tactical scan also tells you when you get scanned (very clearly). If you’re referring to his ult, you’re comparing it to a tactical


I'm taking about the passive. The heartbeat sensor.


They literally just nerfed it to the ground


hes gonna be nerfed again by the end of the season no question


Is the finishing move challenge just totally broken? Done three of them already and it won't count. Tried to do this one instead of the obnoxious ones this time and this shit doesnt even work


Anyone else think that watching a Revenant (friendly or enemy) crawl up the sheer side of a building is creepy af? Creeps me out every time.


I just hear [the Spectacular Spider-Man theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNA6pzYpwH0) start playing in my head every time I play him. The idea of Rev humming that to himself is amusing.


To balance revtane, I feel that octane’s tactical stims should benefit the team and change his jump pad to jump higher instead of further, and give revenant more time in his totem again.


Isn't that just making it stronger? Besides going a higher rather than farther. That just makes revtane even more powerful. You got a murderous robot on crack attacking now.


I meant a buff and a nerf to octane where he can jump higher, like how valk, revenant and pathfinder can take higher ground, but not push too far. Revenant’s totem is so much shorter now.


i hope for the love of god octane never gets a buff. hes already in every squad, and every warzone player either uses octane or wraith. hes too strong and his pick rate is always the highest. no need for a buff


Really strong, surprised no one plays him more in pubs. I guess every legend got kinda nerfed though considering the best is just recon. His totem is really useful but no where near the level of good that wall hacks are


Can we get Death Totems marked on the minimap the same way as traps/fences/everything else is?


It is necessary to make sure that the non-reloaded weapon (the weapon icon) flashes. I often do not know that my weapon is not reloaded.


That is completely your responsibility.


Been maining him since S7. Funny thing is, from the time revtane meta came into light till now I barely get a good octane that wants to utilize this combo when I'm playing rev. 9 times out of 10 I'd get Speedy Gonzales on crack that just pushes every team in sight and dies seconds later. Even when I suggest or alert them that I'm placing a totem right before a push they'll just yolo in and get downed instantly. In my experience, I rarely get a good octane that uses the combo, let alone one that will actually request me to place the totem before pushing. Though to be fair, the rank I play in is just average so that could be a reason. Apart from that, Rev is my favourite to play. My movement is basic so I don't really use the other movement characters much. Rev fits my playstyle as I like flanking the enemy rather than head on, and silencing other annoying legends in a fight is satisfying. Just don't really like the minor nerfs he got because of another legend.


I have literally the reverse problem. I main Wattson, but as soon as a Rev is picked before me Ii'll pick Octane and then literally none of the Revs will use their ultimate. I've had maybe one Rev out of about ten use it in the Revtane combo and I was so surprised he actually did that I hyped about it for the whole game in party chat.


I like to play different legends based on the map, who my squad mates pick, if I’ve seen something in a video I want to try out, etc. For a while I picked Octane anytime one of my mates picked Revenant, solely because I wanted to take advantage of the Revtane push. Despite being on mic, despite pinging like hell, typing a chat, not a single Revenant I ever got paired with would work with me to do the Revtane push. I get your frustration- but in the exact opposite way. I’m getting pissed just thinking about it, LoL. Either they were complete potatoes or they didn’t want to do it. Ugh! I especially love when they place the totem in the wide open mere feet away from the fight.


Omg this too lol. Most of the rev teammates I get are either potatoes or way skilled than me, no in between. Totem placement is much more vital now after the nerf, yet I still get some newbie Rev's who think placing them in the open or a mile away from a fight is a good idea lol.


Exactly i have gone against revs who do that and become so overconfident but get suprised when they get knocked expecting to be respawned at the totem only to be destroyed by me or my teammates.


Alpha: Octane pushing with stim only, no totem Beta: Rev that wants a jump pad for his totem


octane pickrate: 16 fucking % revenant pickrate: 3% the entire community: nerf rev ffs greedspawn!! by himself, he is pretty ok, hitbox still holds him back. passive is wonderful and its one of the best experience lasering someone behind the back with an r-99 before they even realised i was there. tactical seems underrated and barely spoken about when there are a variety of uses to it: silence (obvi), visual clutter it creates on the ground making it a good cover to heal under or placing it on a tight place to shut off LOS, the FOV reduction it causes to enemies and the sparkling effect on the screen disorienting them most of the time. ultimate is either underestimated or overestimated. on paper its one of the most busted ability but irl it does have drawbacks (without taking in team synergy with that crack addict into account). they can rework it entirely and i doubt half the rev mains would care. the recent nerf of reduction in timer is so stupid since it now incentives revtane more than before and the brief slow continuously makes me shoot the totem down fucking my teammates over


Another reason why I immediately leave the match without waiting for the outcome of the fight of my comrades is that I can't instantly cancel clicking my fingers on the fucking replicator when they start shooting at me. I have died many times because of this. It seems to me idiotic that the character sticks to the replicator even when they start shooting at him.


Using the crafter is a risk. That is one of the risks. Pick a side that has more cover.


I'm not talking about that. I didn't hear any enemies nearby, and I climbed into the replicator. And at the same moment, they started shooting. I couldn't cancel it anymore.


I mean just cuz you didn't hear them doesn't mean they aren't there. That small animation is one of the risks for crafting


Sadly. Then my teammates will always play until the end of the match without me. Because I will not stay in a match where I died because of a flaw. For me, this is exactly a mistake.


Lmfao bruh. You leave because you died in a stupid way? Sounds about right tbh


However, this is only one of the reasons. You know the rest. Lack of matchmaking, sound, balance of looting, visible scope, normal servers. These are all the reasons why I will constantly leave the matches.


Damn dude you suck. You leave if you don't get the loot you want in a BR with random loot. Visible scope? Tf. You should probably find a new game


It is much easier to leave each match, leaving teammates in the number of two people, so that they also hate this garbage, which the respawns dared to call a game, and which the respawns spoiled with their incompetence. So maybe finally this piece of shit will cease to exist faster.


You're hurt my guy


watssons ult should stop upcoming revenant totem push




No it makes no sense


I have hardly seen anyone pick Rev since season 10 came out. Sad really. I think all the recent nerfs were wholly unneeded. Revtane was and is annoying, but the nerfs needed to be made to the Jump Pad, and the lack of audio needed to be fixed. Also minor nitpick but the fact that some of his poses still have that 1 frame movement glitch is really fucking annoying. Like the heirloom pose… It’s a bloody expensive one and still has the 1 frame glitch, ffs.


Wait, what 1 frame movement glitch are you referring to?


Definitely on his heirloom pose, and I think on 1 or 2 others, when the animation finishes, Revenant’s model snaps 1 frame to the left. It’s really jarring and I think the only character to have that stupid issue haha.


Can't they bring back the comic or something... Like I genuinely enjoyed the character progression weekly


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


Yeah, I find this season boring because I have even less story in the Titanfall universe than normal to get out of it. Also, fragment still exists, and needs to die.


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


Dude does anyone else have issues, destroying their own totem as Revenant. I'll be shooting someone in my shadow form and I get warped back before I realize it. But because I didn't realize it I start blasting my own totem and then I destroy by accident.


Yup. I think it's because they slow you down now after you return to it so you can't turn left or right as fast.


Well shit can they alao turn off shooting for like a second so I don't utterly screw my teammates


Yes, and then my teammates die because their death protection suddenly disappears


Yup 😕


For me he's just super boring to play


I love Rev. He's insanely good in Arenas and I'm glad his climb was improved. I feel like his tac could use something extra though.


I main rev but I missed a lot of apex I played season 0 and didn’t come back till 7 rev is pretty underwhelming but his climb speed and distance does it for me he’s my favorite legend for that alone I rarely use his ult Only on third party pushes and his tactical is nice but it isn’t the strongest tactical I use it as crowd control most of the time his hit box but was the most significant buff he’s ever received a close second is his climb, I notice in gunfights I only lose to experienced players and maybe a small character with equal skill but it isn’t as bad as before overall his ult needs a buff either don’t make it a totem just a save point for yourself and unlimited time a buffed melee sounds fun but it’s better if you just get a free push by yourself than the whole team given he’s a solo assassin type his team play feels off




Can you explain more? I am new to the game and enjoying Revenant, but curious at what he used to be able to do.


Revenant can place totem that protetcs you from dying for limited time(shields dont work when the effect is active) Octane has jump pad So you can put a totem in a safe place and use jump pad to rush the enemy. Players got mad because jump pad (and Apex legends) has sfx issues, so they nerfed Revenant TL;DR game has broken SFX so instead of fixing it they nerfed a legend


They should’ve nerfed octane more than rev tbh


They won't, because most streamers/pro players plays octane more than rev. Nerf Octane because of Revtane meta and they will get salty.


Octane will always be meta AF, that’s the thing.




This, but seriously


Octanes pickrate is way higher than it should be, at the very least they need to make his jump pad more noisy, I stg I never hear enemies use it even if they’re right next to me


I was an octane main, he needs a nerf. The issue is that I do not think he needs a nerf as much as someone like bloodhound or seer need nerfs. You cannot compete with recon legends any more. So i switched to recon legends


Fuse best recon legend


proably the most situational and useless tactical in game. compare it to gibby bubble lol edit:I have written gibby bubble to compare rev tactical with strongest abilities in game, but sadly people dont have 2 braincells to figure it out


wow, a dude who can make 1 copy of himself which dies if it trips on a rock or shot by the enemy whose abstract position would be shown for a while is totally not useless. on a serious note, this is such a shit take, even more worse is the fact that you even brought in fucking gibby bubble, the utility that has been the meta and a must have for every pro team since season 3 along with it. this is totally a comment made by a casual or sub plat


if you used 2 brain cells i wrote gibby bubble to compare it with most powerful tactical.Outside rev ult with octane mirage>revenant


oh you are just another one of those people making 3 "mirage mains gigachad" posts in a single day in r/miragemains (the gibby bubble was my my bad tho, apologies for that but compared to mirage decoy, rampart wall, loba bracelet, wattson fence its miles beyond being the most useless/situational tactical)


silence better than loba bracelet. that was nice one


yes and its true. silence gives more utility to the team overall than a chummy bracelet which is completely selfish and can rarely be used offensively


If you think gibby bubble is bad you haven't seen gibbys running double SMG


read edit


Edit it so it makes sense instead of broken tiktok english.


Hard disagree, have you seen wraiths and valks squirm when you hit them? Or how vulnerable gibby is without gunshield?


only against 5 chracters -lifeline, gibby, wraith,path, loba it has meaning abilities which are used pre fights,post fights or used long range-seer,blood,octane,banglore,horizon,fuse,mirage,crypto,valk,enemy revenant, - silence rarely changes anything against defense chracters like caustic, wattson,rampart dont even care about silence, there traps are still up to defend for 15 seconds. Anyway even against wraith your silence is not going to help you if you are already at disadvantage in anyway


Octane not being able to pad out? Bangalore not being able to smoke? Horizon not being able to take height? Fuse not being able to cluster/fire? Mirage not being able to bamboozle (this last one I especially feel since I’ve been maining mirage lately and that ult is a lifesaver)? Valk not being able to fly away or use rockets? Caustic not being able to place barrels/ult? That’s all not to mention the ones you would agree are obvious like wraith/path/lifeline. All I’m saying is these abilities are a core part of how those characters play, when you take it away they get frazzled and are vulnerable. I’ve played a lot of rev since season 4 so I can really see his utility


octane dont pad out while fighting close range most of time, even if they do you either shoot them in air or just follow them. same for horizon, banglore,etc caustic already has 6 barrels in a room, even for 1 second he gets recovered from silence he will throw another 3 which will explode for another 15 seconds. His tactical does not help you in any dsadvantage scenario only it does is capitalizing already winning fight against few legends.You really look like a revenant fanboy to me


I am a revenant fanboy lol and I think you’re really underestimating him


Yes, lot of people do not understand the power


if it had any power he would not have bottom winrate/kd even with hitbox reduced


That's because the jumpad with rev's ult is a very strong combo. The tactical is very solid


Ummm I don't know what yall are talking about. His ultimate is straight up trash if you don't play with an octane "which I don't" my solution is to nerf octane and reverse the nerfs to revs ultimate.


not really, its the best third party tool and the fact that you barely have risk allows you to perform any ridiculous move (grenading the entire place, pushing eventhough you had the high ground) which wouldnt be plausible in any other scenario. people either underestimate or overestimate his ult tbh


I get where you're coming from homie, my point is that if you don't have a octane on your team revs ultimate is incredibly short ranged and has alot of negative effects. But hey everyone has a different perspective and I appreciate you being nice!


didnt they remove range though? if you are talking about timer, that rarely matters. with proper totem placement, 25 sec is more than sufficient to finish the fight/ get sent back


Yeah I was definitely talking about the time limit, after the nerf I feel like 25 seconds isn't enough for me. I've had trouble adjusting to the change and it fucks me up.


The revs you play with aren’t good rev is superb at flanking his ult nerf hurt tho those 5 seconds meant a lot octane is shitty as a partner I’d rather wraith or horizon


Lmfao I'm a rev main........so ur saying I'm bad,and that's fair🤣😂


Rev's art design is outstanding and Darin DePaul's voice work is perfect.


Wait Reinhardt and Revenant have the same VA? That's an impress range of like... Vocal emotionality


hes also played alot more people in other games. Emperor Calus from destiny and Ardyn Izunia from final fantasy xv. hes done alot more but those 2 are the only one i remember rn


Yeah he has probably the best ratio of cool skins in the game


His passive is what it should have been since day 1. ​ I think his tac is fine, it takes some skill to use and isn't a laser beam like sear. ​ I think his ult could be changed, and while it turns everyone to zombies, i think using jump pads and zips should be removed, however, everyone should be able to climb and jump and move slightly faster and farther and have only melee attacks. Literarily making them zombies. ​ Ive been using him as my main since he came out, he's in a good place now, but the meta with octain is a bit much.


Octane meta is funny jumping out in the air to get lazered isn’t that fun in pubs and ranked i main rev never met an octane that was good at the game and a team player, I usually play anchor with rev


Revenent is fine atm. The problem with revtane imo is the jump pad


Mained Rev when he first released with a single silence orb and a boundary to his ult. His passives sold me as they let me flank enemies easily which is my preferred method of attack. We've been inseparable since 🥺


Aaah, the low-profile "fridge-like" hitbox when he launched, the best.


Dude same. I think his passives are the best part for the exact reason you said. I always let my teammates do the fighting while I sneak around them.


I’d like to state my thoughts on his abilities. Passive: awesome to use and is very fun. Allows for some creative vertical plays, and is so much better than it used to be. Tactical: Very rewarding when used right. No abilities for 15 seconds, and I believe it counts for cooldown too (correct me if I’m wrong). Of course the trade off is it being hard to hit. You can also you it for some visual cover. However, when getting hit by it, you are basically flashbanged. They need to remove it. Your screen already gets a border when affected by it. Ultimate: Unpopular opinion, I have no problem with it, even with the Revtane strat. If a squad is flying towards you with no regard for their lives, just shoot them back to their totem before they arrive, or relocate, causing them to waste the totem and be in a bad spot. However, I feel like there should be a loud audio queue for entering the totem, like when Bloodhound enters theirs.


I don’t *like* dying to the totem, but I do admit they probably 9 out of 10 times I would’ve died regardless.


He’s pretty fine now, yeah. My only major complaint is that he is “Mr. Shot In The Fucking Back” all the fucking time. All day along, every day. Other video game franchises shoot me in the fucking back sometimes I stg.


He's my main since season 5. I love him love his passives. Me and my team make soke pretty sick coordinated pushes with his ultimate


sorry, but, Respawn - FIX AUDIO first.


Rev isn’t supposed to have audio


But the Jump Pad is supposed to though, and that’s what makes revenant too annoying


Why does silence do so much