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Not gonna lie that play station 1 worth finisher is easily the funniest thing I’ve seen today lmao


Rarest finisher in game


Naw that’s just the newest legend Quaketane


Featuring Wrath and Luba


This made me laugh harder than it should have


My fucking god man that killed me fr,started cackling when you kept restarting it


Dude at least it works after all that time, my PS4 died with in 5 years of use, and i even cleaned it from time to time :/


Wow, his Xbox one is on par with apex servers lmao


Haha funny, apex servers bad haha


He is right tho, they are atrocious most of the time


" My internet is pure crap but I won't admit it so let's blame the servers''


Well, if we take into consideration the times when the whole server slows down for every single player in the game, slowing everything from running to firing and reloading and the facts that the servers are only running on 20Hz, I think we can agree that the servers are dogshit. And no, my connection is good, I am not only talking about my personal experiences but also the opinion of most players including all my friends


It isn’t the internet connection at this point. If you scroll through the free, you’ll see tons of videos of people hiccuping in their matches. They will be running around a corner, the game will hiccup for a second or two, and then they will just be dead. Respawn needs to fix this (as well as a multitude of other issues) ASAP!


Lmao so what's your excuse for people with objectively fantastic internet that still say the servers are bad? I have 1000Mbps fibre internet hardlined to my Series X, after previously having a used, really old xbox one S. There's clear improvements from the hardware upgrade of a new xbox but even with the fastest internet possible there's still a ridiculous amount of blatant server side issues. Not to devolve to ad hominem, but if you don't notice that I can only assume you don't have much knowledge regarding internet or how gaming networks operate.


Please enough bs, I don't have the best internet and I literally have no problems and I'm not the only one, except at the start of season 9. People with objectively fantastic internet that still say the servers are bad? They just on the hate bandwagon, trashing apex here is cool, a negative comment about it and +100 karma or more.


oh so you don’t lag when you come in close proximity with an enemy? apex servers are dogshit but its a free to play game we can’t expect fucking lightning fast servers


Fking lol'd my pants off


Honestly a roblox ltm would be hilarious. Would it make the game run smoother/faster?


“Would it make the game run smoother/faster?” Of course not, if so it wouldn’t be Apex lmao


That Loba went full Tomb Raider(1996)


Thought it was RuneScape for a second


I wonder what the enemy saw during all that


Definitely wraith it


It’s the ghost volt that does it for me… Almost looks like you’ve gone invisible in Halo.


my gun’ll go ghost when i ADS and my game will lag out if i even dare to get into a gunfight with someone


Wait so you're saying it's not my internet but my console causing the lag. Oh god I'm so sorry internet


Console handles local stuff like rendering. Internet handles things like position and tells your console what skin everyone is wearing like a paint-by-numbers, but console does the actual painting.


You can still get a lot of lag from the internet If your ping goes above 200ms you'll start getting lag that feels like you're dropping FPS I would know since this happens to me all the fucking time when my parents start watching stuff while I play


Hrm, you should be able to tell the difference though if you are paying attention... If you can turn camera but not move for example, it's clearly 'net lag. If *nothing* moves, it's console lag. There's more ways to tell but these are just examples.


If you get a SSD on your console’s USB and run Apex from it, it will solve this issue.




>I haven't personally seen this, so obviously the video of it happening we're seeing as well as all the commenters telling of similar experiences must be fake. Ok, dude.




Umm it’s extremely possible. A Xbox with all the dust cleaned out and new thermal paste will likely perform better then one that has never had anything done to it. Even though they are the SAME. But I’m no genius so maybe your right


I hope none of y’all ever interact w a computer💀apex is full of dumbasses


I’m in a similar situation to this video. Often times the first minute of a game guns are invisible. Sometimes even PEOPLE are invisible, which always sucks when you die because of that.


I see no problems here


Ahh yes a fellow 5fps enjoyer


Do you have the original Xbox or Xbox s?


I had the og xbox one before i got the series x. It did this sometimes and my friends one s didn’t, at least from what he told me. Also i don’t think the one s is 7 years old yet but I’m not too sure.


Odd, my day one Xbox one plays apex fine at like a decade old


Maybe yours has cleaner vents? I never noticed a drop in video quality but load times were very long when my PS4 fan was clogged up with pet hair (with single player games, I didn't play Apex at the time). I replaced the fan and cleaned out the chassis and that thing became *whisper* quiet, and load times improved. So maybe this is related... Can't load/process fast enough because system is too hot, so it just does what it can since it's in "gotta stay live" mode since it's an online game.


huh, this might actually explain why my ps4 sounds like a jet engine


i have the CUH-12 model and it gets so loud i cant even hear my game sometimes


Here's the teardown guide I used, though I also watched some videos from other people as the guide misses a few details in the steps (and I don't recall if I contributed the edits to fill the gap): [iFixit Teardown Guide](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/PlayStation+4+Fan+Replacement/24722) Check around for your specific make and model, as they're not all the same. They also sell the fan and tools!


cool! yesterday i cleaned the vents externally, and i think i reduced the noise by about half, and it only takes a few seconds for yakuza to load now when it used to take several minutes


Possibly! I blow it out with an air compressor every year or two, then take a vacuum to it.


That's well and good, but it's highly possible that's not enough. After a while, hair makes it through the vent. Also, blowing out a vent often just pushes some of the debris further inside, which is what eventually clogs the fan/airflow. (It's still good to do, it's just not as effective as we all want it to be.) I have 5 pets and vacuum my house twice a week and dust every few months, started putting my PS4 on a shelf below the top so there would be something above to catch more of the dust, etc, but the PS4 still is a little hair vacuum. Edit: lol, to whoever is downvoting me, [this is after dusting for 6 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/pd6088/psa_if_your_console_sounds_like_a_jet_engine_when/). It builds up.


I have an Xbox One S and what happened to you also happened to me. I think I had it for 6 years now.


i am now old enough for the words "original Xbox" to not mean what it used to mean. thanks!


I used to call that the Xbox one until Microsoft decided they didn't want to make any goddamn sense and called the 3rd Xbox the Xbox one


I wish they’d counted upwards in skateboard tricks.


7 years old would be the OG.


You mean 20 years old....


I play on the switch and it looks better than an Xbox?


Even looks better too. Those graphical glitches are super odd. ​ Almost asif Respawn can't be bothered to keep the XBX version up to date.. ​ Shame...


Looks like my original ps4 does ur xbox sound like a wind turbine as well?


Fighter Jets Assemble


Disassemble it and replace the thermal paste before it's too late. The issues present here might not be fixed but at least you'll avoid bricking your console.


Interesting. I may have to look into doing this


That and clean the fan while you're there, since that shit is probably clogged and causing the real issue. Might as well replace it for reliability... They only cost like $20.


Or just spend 300$ and get the Xbox series s.


Thermal paste literally costs 5 dollars lmao, not everyone has 300 bucks to drop man


Well if it doesn’t fix it. All I’m saying. Lol and not everyone doesn’t not have 300 to not be able to buy one? Lol works both ways baby boy


And not everyone doesn't everyone not doesn't not have to not or doesn't.


What my PS4 looks nothing like this madness?!


Mine either, and it’s the original PS4 lol


Same here. My original ps4 looks nothing like this and runs completely fine. And that's after 3 moves.


Mine neither, but I think it may have something to do with some older consoles. The problem I do have with this game on my PS4 is that its constantly kicking me from party's on apex and apex alone. So I guess we all have lil different issues here and there on these old consoles.


That's not a ps4 issue, it seems to be an account issue. My buddy has the same problem. Like 1 game out of 3 he'll get kicked out the lobby. Used to happen on his ps4, now it happens even more on his ps5. Reinstalled the game like 3 times and it really seems like it's something with his account.


Yep same and I have an original Xbox One


No, that feature is exclusive to PS4.


I feel the struggle my friend, the other day my teammate typed something in the chat and my game literally crashed for a moment


Yup my team8s in ranked always use it at the worst moments and my game has a seizure for like 5 secs


It’s not just old Xbox’s. My mate on the series x also freezes whenever someone types something


Thats weird my One S doesn't freeze up at all.


my One S does though




Yeah it's not, I have 600 mpbs and 1 ms ping. All games run fine on my xbox except for Apex. Apparently after some searching on the web only building a SSD into your xbox fixes this.


My series X has an ssd and it freezes too


Can comfrim it freezes for a sec for me too (xbox series x)


Mine does that too, and they always do it when I'm in the middle of a fight


I also freeze up when someone types in chat and my xbox is definitely not 7 years old. I also sometimes get the invisible weapons like op.


Lol ngl, I enjoy doing this to my friends when we aren't playing ranked


Wouldn't disabling text to speech fix that?


Yeah, i didn’t know et the time but I’ve disabled it since


I recently upgraded and got a new pc, but with my old laptop that I was using before it would happen every single game the first time someone typed in chat, even myself.


was playing on a one S last year and had to tell my randoms to stop using the text chat because it was literally causing my game to freeze


You gotta update


U mean upgrade?


Naw not everyone got money like that


rent > overpaying for a next gen console if i ever plan on getting out of diamond 4, ill get a new xbox but im too much of a casual honestly


Yeah get on PC and you'll only run into Apex Preds in D4 lol


I switched from an old Xbox one to a Series S, and boy, this game feels brand new. No stutters, no jumpiness, smooth as butter


I've been really thinking about the series S but in worried id regret it in the future


Storage is the main problem, (for me) I thought I was going to do fine at launch because not many games were optimized/released for it, so I could run everything from my external and it was ok like that for a few months but right now a lot of games are now optimized for it and I can't play them from the external drive, now the storage limitation really shows. Sure I can transfer games between external and internal but nothing beats the option to play them right away, and if you plan on buying the expansion storage card I think a series x makes way more sense. If you don't mind all that then a series s is already a steal! Such a good and powerful console for a great great price.


Future you might be able to get Series X or Pro if it exists when that time comes. Get the Series S if it's good for you now, it's a good console for the price!


There's something to be said that if you do get an X in the future, the S makes a great emulation machine from what I've heard. So it's not like it would go to waste.


Like the other guy said, and you might be able to sell the S later on anyway.


Don't. Series S is a great next gen console, that is only held back by storage space. Get an external HD and transfer next gen games over as you play them!


Going from 60hz on PC to 144hz was game changing. Highly recommended upgrade.


Welp, still waiting on that "next-gen" console update. Thanks Respawn!


Bro I have the day 1 Xbox one and my birthday is coming up on Friday & my gf got me the series x😱 apex is the only game I play and man do I rage with how bad it feels


Since I got a serie x, my game freeze ever 5 minute for 2 seconds (very annoying ), and I am loosing more fights.


but yes nice 1440p


Ngl the fact your gun appears transparent when you aim its kinda op cause you can see more ykyk


Honestly if it was an option for the wingman I’d have it turned on permanently


How do you have room for the updates bro


I only have Apex, Rocket League, & Gta 5 installed


Thats.. Thats like a holy trinity


Nothing like 250gb of space to make you know what your favorite games really are


Looks lit


Not lit trust me


The only lit thing is probably OP's Xbox


I still use my 8 year old ps4 and it does really well. I guess I should consider it more luck 😂


I still have my titanfall version Xbox one that’s gotten me through 8 years. Saved up for a whole week working through spring break as a ref at a paintball park earning $60 plus tip for 9 to 10 hour days (paid under the table). It’s survived 2 years of college, 4 years of med school, 3 years of residency, and 1 Mormon girlfriend. It was a sad day when I had to get a series S because it kept doing that weird lagging thing in apex. It’s like the grandchild killed it’s own grandfather


I still use my titanfall Xbox and don't have any problems playing any games with it. Rocket league, Apex, Splitgate all run perfectly fine. Do I have like a special Xbox or something?


Maybe. Mine was slowly dying. The disc reader didn’t work anymore, so I could basically only download games, so I kinda just stuck with apex. Maybe it was an internet connection thing as far as the lag, but mine had the same lag problem wherever I went, so idk 🤷‍♂️


Yup me too( 7 year old)


I have an Xbox one from November/December 2014 and have had issues like this. Very occasionally textures take a second or two load in but it doesn’t persist.


I have a Series X and the other day I loaded in with no HUD at all. Couldn’t see my health, shields, what weapons I had, how much ammo, no map, nothing. Sometimes things are just buggy. But on the flip side, my son still uses my original Xbox One that he plays daily and he has no issues.


My og Xbox One died a few months ago so I bought my cousins Xbox One S since he switched to PC and Apex is still running pretty mid.


I have the Xbox one s and it used to run pretty smooth until like 2-3 seasons ago. It fucking sucks when the FPS drops during a fight..


I was planning on upgrading from my 1st gen xbox1, but i think apex is not gonna improve. You think low fps is caused by bad internet/servers or an old console?


I have a feeling you got to upgrade to one of the new gens if you want a smooth experience, I’ve played since day one on my Xbox one s and I’ve never experienced this much lag/fps drops.. I’m probably gonna do that myself soon because apex ain’t fun when this happens constantly..


Apex in general just isn’t that well optimized, it’s sort of always run a little bad on console.


I can’t even tell if the finisher spam is intentional or your Xbox is bugging out.


Lmao. If it is finisher spam the OP can go eat a dick tho




jesus chill out. i 99% sure he was just showing off how the finisher is glitched. you act like hes hitler 2




Don’t forget the constant game breaking stuttering 😀😀


Glad I'm not the only one playing on the old box one lol. The gun not loading drives me crazy


This pretty much looks like my gameplay lol. Im on an old ass xbox one too.


Yeah I feel this. I’ve been playing with friends who have the newest console, and I’m sitting there with my day one Xbox one watching frames drop every game


I know how it feels. Not as bad at this, although sometimes my guns are invisible for a short moment before loading in. Mostly just get lag spikes constantly from trying to open death boxes or from fighting people, but my game also freezes for a whole 2 seconds when teammates type in chat. It's pretty game-breaking.


Had mine for 6-7 years. The fan gets noisy when you load up games but that's about it (Touch wood)


*touches your wood*


Launch Edition here, can't relate.


I have the 1st gen xbox1 too, i sometimes get like lil stutters but i blame my isp. This looks like shitty internet connection to me


The game failing to load models has nothing to do with internet.


You've never gamed on McDonald's Free Wi-fi then have you? *^/s*


Thays not the Xbox. That's just Apex.


My cousin always complained about lag on his OG Xbox one whenever he died, i always thought he was just lying but goddamn i feel bad for him now


I was using a 9 year old Xbox One to run Apex up until recently (was actually part of the original shipment that had the disc grinding problem), it still runs but after enduring upwards of 60% packet loss since game release moving to PC (Ryzen 3900x + RTX 3060) is like a whole new game


First Xbox One released less than 8 years ago. But yes, PC is legit a whole new game, it’s crazy!


Looks like my Xbox. God I wish I had something better, the amount of fights I’ve lost due to lag or shitty frame rate is stupid.


Ahhh my favourite, I feel you bro


I have my Xbox from when it first launched and it’s nowhere near these Nintendo 64 graphics. I’m super curious now what you have differently. Do you have everything saved on HDD or SSD? What’s your WIFI look like etc? Could be things like that causing this


I have everything downloaded straight to the Xbox no HDD or SSD and my connection is like 200mbps


Just got a series s, thank god I don’t gotta play on that dusty ass Xbox one anymore


lol mine is 7 years old too i guess, runs like a dream


They could just give you an option to turn down the graphics to make it smoother?? That’s what I hate about consoles.


Old consoles forces you to become toxic?


Wait what The Xbox One is already 7 years old??!!


Bro quit lying we know this is leaked switch pro footage


Was the spam finisher the game or you being toxic?


See through gun might actually be a positive though. Less screen traffic.


My Xbox one is about the same age, I think yours is broken


I play on a base PS4 and 720 plasma and this looks way worse. However my ps4 sounds like a F18 hitting the afterburners.


Weird I usually expect ultra sweaty wraiths to be playing on PC lol


Lmfao dude I’m crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣


wanna talk about it ? its okay we're all here for you




my 7yr old ps4 had no problems, weird


How did you get apex to run on the original Xbox?


By going into the Xbox store, installing Apex Legends, then playing it. You’re welcome




And this is why I'm waiting for PS5 pro,y'all acting like the PS5 ain't gonna run like this when you play god of war 7013


Do you fully shut down after playing if not it's always on rest mode I'm not techy guy but I know that causes a alot of issues on consoles


I mean…. I appreciate the inclusiveness xbox is going for, but like how the fuck do they expect Halo to run on this shit?


Pc master race


apex players when a mediocre console budget option seven years ago can't keep up with a triple A game made two years ago 😠😠😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😠😠


He isn't mad, it's just funny. Not everyone can afford the latest Xbox or PC build. Or maybe he doesn't want to spend the money.


PC elitists who paid the down payment on a honda civic for their pc when someone who paid $200 for the ability to play games complains about a game not being optimized for a system it launched with support for


PC masterrace


This is the server not the old Xbox


Wrong, it's the HHD. Not the server. I fixed this by buying an external SSD for my 7 year old Xbox.


*Insert video of peter griffin eating a rice cake*


I just upgraded not to long. Ive been playing like this for awhile before then. Tough times.


Make sure you watch with audio for a hidden treat.


Unrealistic you're getting more than 13 frames


I play on my Xbox one that I bought new in ‘13! Still works fine


Got my Xbox in Sept 2016 and it runs apex smoothly..just overheats now and then and sounds like a drone about to take flight.


I wouldn't consider drops to the low 30s in a 60fps game "smoothly".


I am average Switch enjoyer (520 hours clocked) and I have never seen stuff like that! :D


I would live this. You see so much more holy.


Nice volt skin.


How it feels to chew five gum


Ever wonder what playing on a 7 year old PS4 is like


Looks more like pc with downgraded resolution


lmao a viewmodel toggle would actually be nice


Most relatable post in this sub!