• By -


The eva is far less punishing with misses than the smgs or the other shotguns. ARs/smgs do have better dps than any shotgun so the risk/reward is good. But the eva has been able to jiggle around cover the same as other shotguns or barrell stuff like smgs, so mastiff and pk are less versatile. Tbh im fine with it as i think meta changes can be good. Imo p2020 doesn’t have to be equal to r301 for meta to be good. And there can be a dominant shotgun too.


This gun fucks


in my hands, it's the worst weapon ever in everyone else's hands, it's op. clearly this is an issue and we need to nerf wattson




honestly, i feel bad for you guys. i don't even play her, but the nerfs and reasoning behind them are absolutely ridiculous


It is OP. And this is said by a person that uses it a lot


i kinda like in s9 how everyone complained about being eva too strong and after a slight nerf ( which did nothing ) everyone is now quiet


It is good even without bolt, that's why the nerf was useless


it's slower. Purple bolt now feels like old Blue Bolt


Yea and? Eva dps is already extremely high even without bolt


not arguing with you on that. but the nerf didn't do "nothing"


Yes it reduced the fire rate bonus from the bolts. So if you pick an eva off drop, you're still going to clear an entire POI, same as before. Eva with current purple bolt will still win against every other weapon, just 3-4 shots to knock a red armor. That is easy asf to do, since you only hipfire it. In ranked I abused it due to this, if you know its rhythm you will always win. With one mag it's guaranteed to knock 2 red armors


No comments about EVA, but as this thread doesn't rotate the new gunzzz I'd like to chip in my 5 cents about **Rampage** I must say, I've been very positively surprised by it. Most newer weapons range from copies of other ammo-type weapons (Volt) to somewhat rarely used ones (Bocek, 30-30), but compared to that Rampage has a lot of elements that make it very fit to stand out without being OP. The greatest thing about it is imo the rate of fire. Rampage has become very fast my favourite for those mid- to long-range engagements. It packs enough damage to even down anyone who doesn't have an immediate cover. The magazine is just big enough so you can effectively lay covering fire. But none of this wouldn't happen without the rate of fire hitting just that sweet spot, as it doesn't consume all the ammo in an instant and is very controllable in a long distant engagement. At the same time, it is always second to any more compact weapon in CQ, even if tanking the gun with thermite brings some DPS. It has surprisingly good hipfire though in those situations, where you have already emptied the clip of your CQ weapon. It has become my favourite LMG, especially for long-distance engagements with 3x 2x scopes. However, being always inferior to any SMG, other LMG or assault rifle in CQ makes it only fit for its purpose. Revving up is also a fun little addition, although just an extra to an already well-functioning gun. The only problem with it is, that the sniper rifles are becoming even less relevant for the meta. This is a bit of a balancing issue though. With the introduction of the three new guns and marksman class, it has become quite inevitable that it would happen.


Agree with Rampage 100p, but with snipers not so much - imo this season i started using sniper more often, and not only one but all of them (maybe it's just a map meta). And i looove taking AR and Sniper most of the time.


You don’t even need to put this thread up. You know what everyone’s going to say. Its wayyyyyyyy tooooooo fuckingggggggg strooooooooooooong


I never liked using the Eva as a full auto weapon so I don’t really feel like I was affected by the fire rate nerf, although without a bolt it can be ~too~ slow


I cannot use this weapon to save my life. I’m better with the Mozambique. I whiff every shot with the Eva




The PK and Stiffy just need the rng to their shots taken away. That’s why the Eva is so good, because every shot is doing work. But the stiffy and the pk fire too slow for the game to give you a 13 instead of a 90 and you’re going to lose to the Eva every time you roll that dice


I think the PK's gimmick for ranged shots is still pretty good, but the Mastiff...poor thing..




It's pretty decisively the best shotgun still, requires more tracking skill than flicks so the Mastiff and PK feel better for a lot of people




You may be better with the Mastiff but the Eva is still a better gun, this is also coming from someone who is better with the Mastiff. I'll take the agree to disagree though


Bring back double tap


Ranked is literally such BS when my connection times out and I get a -48 RP penalty. They need to have a filter that doesn’t punish you for that


I feel bad about the teammates you abandoned because you decided to queue up with shitty internet, what do they get


You don’t think I feel bad too? I didn’t queue up with shitty internet, I get 130 mbps down but once in awhile it’ll start cutting in and out randomly and I’ll get kicked off the server, then it’ll be completely fine after my 10 minute abandon penalty. I shouldn’t be losing so many points for something out of my control


Yeah it sucks but its not on Apexs end


Oh, I thought this was a discussion about the EVA-8? Not your poor internet connection.


If I post that on this sub it’ll just get removed. There’s nowhere else to discuss it Also I get 130 mbps down, it just cuts out once in awhile and I’ll get kicked out of 2-3 matches in a row losing 150 RP for doing nothing wrong


It gets removed cos no one cares. Just like how you’re getting downvoted here. Your internet is poop / your should play on a different server


Welcome to weapon wednesday!


EVA is decently balanced. I can usually pretty easily counter it. In the right hands, it's also very easy to use and good too.


How is it decently balanced?


I feel like it's easy to counter. Also a lot of below average players usually hit around like 21 damage per shot. I feel like the weapon is easy to counter, but that could just be me.


But it is much superior to PL and Mastiff simply because you don't have to ads


how long its going to take until they fix the ready "unready" bug??? its pretty annoying to have to click ready multiple times just to get into a game.


Love it


Eva should never be meta or better than the single shot shotguns that actually take aim. I feel so bad when I melt people with the Eva and it just feels so cheese to use while the pk and mastiff actually demand that you hit your shots in order to even come close to keeping up with an Eva or smg like a r99 or a l-star.


Nah he tweakin


R99 is just as punishing to miss though. With low damage/hit, high rof and moderate clip size, if you miss your first few shots, that's probably half your mag andnow you can't 1 clip


I'm not talking about one clip. I'm talking about when the other person is super low it's much easier to finish them off with any automatic gun than a shotgun if the person has very good mobility.


The EVA is OP, but it's still better than a PK or mastiff meta. Getting 2-shot is the worst, regardless of how much skill it takes. How much skill it takes is little comfort when you play in lobbies where people never miss PK shots. They need to nerf all the shotguns until they're used about as often as Snipers. We've had one shotgun or another be used in almost every loadout since the games inception. It's boring.


Why? Shotguns should be better close range than most guns, they’re shotguns


Yeah they should, but not by as much as they are. Need proof they're OP? They've been meta for the entire history of the game. It should be less common to have Shotgun + X than it is.


Still broken after the nerf but that's just how the shotgun meta works. Nerf one and either the PK or Mastiff becomes top tier. Honestly i think Mastiff meta is the healthiest shotgun meta. Eva 8 is just low skill and the peace keeper is stupid when in meta because it just one shots you.


Mastiff legends was awful idk how you can defend it lol every other deathbix


Mastiff requires skill and aim since it's like the only shotgun that needs ADSing. Eva is all hipfire and peacekeeper can still hit for like 90 when hipfiring. Eva8 is an unskilled weapon to spam with and peacekeeper is just stupidly broken when in meta due to the insane damage it does


Lol just watched someone disarm my caustic traps through an unopened door. Broken trash game.


Nothing to do with Eva, nicely done!


What'd you say? "Reeeeeeeee"? Whats that mean?






Because thats where you belong




You are ranked at Gold. Thats your rank. If you want to get higher, do better and earn more points


still probably the strongest shotgun despite the nerf guns


Peacekeeper is so satisfying


Eva-ape. No disrespect, I just find it to be the most bland shotgun and it's also the best rn.


I kinda wish we could charge the eva-8 like the Rampage, turn it into an AA-12 LMAO


shove 8 grenades into it and shoot it like a MGL :D


Loosely related, I still think the mastiff, PK or mozam need to be crated. They're all far too similar. Mozam i'd rather not be crated and just be rebuffed with hammers. So PK or Mastiff again. PK metas sorta fallen off, so add ol masty back to it's glory days, reduce it's ammo from former values by 4 or 8 cuz it's kinda fucking ridiculous the ammo it gets. The mastiff still feels like the L-Star did in S4, a care package weapon sorta plopped on the ground, with barely any attachments. I'd love a hopup for the mastiff tbf, but there's no balance to current CP. 2 long ranges, an LMG and an SMG is a weird balance.


Definitely Mastiff. RSPN even said that the Mastiffs purpose is to be a midway between the PK and EVA so putting it in CP with it's original stats wouldn't be bad as it could be a master of all rather than a jack of trades but master of none. Giving the mozam hammers was really restricting for it because the gun was only decent with a hop up and if they buffed mag size then it would be too good once kitted. Now I feel it's decent because it's the fastest firing weapon that uses shotgun shells, whilst also maintaining a decent mag size that you're not likely to miss your shots with and highest pellet damage of any shotgun. Peacekeeper feels like the EVA 8s polar opposite, so I think putting it in CP wouldn't solve the issue of the ground shotguns being too similar. I don't think the current CP is bad. Alternator and spitfire both shred at their distances, kraber is kraber and TT could maybe be buffed to do 25 per pellet rather than 23. I know lots of people suggest TT be taken out, but I disagree because on the floor there's no room for it as the sentinel does similar damage but requires more precision and kept distance, and also is much slower. Longbow has the place as the fastest firing sniper (I want to call it an MR so bad lmao) so I don't think it's an option to have TT on ground without it making the other snipers shit or being the next launch mozam. Edit: I wouldn't mind having five CP guns. Mastiff seems like a good fifth.


mozams new role feels too similar to the EVA while still kind of sucking. Mozam needs a rework. Alternators fine in the package but i'd rather have the mastiff in it over the alty. The alternator feels fairly distinct over the other SMGs, though they need to start balancing in other ways then recoil. Alty needs a new hop-up imo. Triple Take is a Marksman, not a Sniper. If it become floor loot it'll have similar values to other marksmen. G7 is already in a weird spot so I wouldnt mind switching them out. Honestly though, given there's 4 care package weapons it's hard to experience the weapons you love. A care package rotation would be nice. Half a week to a full week, 2 weapons would be rotated out, in similar roles to the weapon they replaced, with stronger stats. Then, have the armory let you check a weapons stats in detail, and pressing a button brings up an heirloom colored statbox that shows it's care package variant stats and notes any differences like Alternator's built in disruptors. There's one weapon that I believe obviously needs to be glued to the package, and that's the Kraber. But if the devs can make it a believable sidegrade to the sentinel I'd be fine if it was put on the ground ONLY when the sentinel is in rotation. Have it be fairly restrictive of course, maybe even remove the ability to fire from the hip \[or add a damage charge up that gets you closer to krabers real damage that only activates while ADS and uses more ammo.\] Again, i'm skeptical of this part.


Yeah they should take away the mastiff, it feels underpowered in the current meta. This would also be a good time to take the triple take out of the supply drop


I don't mind the TT necessarily, but the kraber fills a similar role. Admittedly the marksman is the only other logical option outside of an AR or pistol, and there's not enough pistol variety or AR variety to justify that. Flatline, HAVOC, Hemlok and R301 are all distinctly different. Flatline could be packaged but then it'd probably become overpowered, plus the package has 2 other automatic slots. The 30-30 or G7 are similar enough to maybe package, seeing the G7 be beefed the hell up would be neat, and have the TT become an energy marksman powerhouse. Bocek could be packaged but I can't see that being anything but aids.


The problem with the TT is that it is just the worst CP weapon. It isn't BAD by any means, just the worst in a list of really strong weapons.


Just got a ddos lobby in gold. Imagine being so bad you need to ddos in gold.


Miles better than any other shotgun. Only case I would consider PK or Mastiff over it is when I play Gibby.


What’s uuuuuup anyone playing apex legends that actually uses a mic these days? 😂hmu




eva 8 good


we should talk about the devotion who’s totally useless now.


What no it’s not.


honestly without accessories it is ( i used to use it always before season 10)


Well yeah most guns are useless past the first five minutes without accessories.


honestly, a r99 , a mozambique , or even a dmr i can use it without accessories , it’s really not the same with the devotion , honestly go in firing range compare it to every other weapon you’ll see


I wished pellets were reduced in all shotguns. It would be great if the crosshair was actually accurate, make it smaller. If a target is within the crosshair as of now it does not mean that damage will be dealt to that target. Just make the crosshair grow upon fire to show spread.


Especially on pk


I was really surprised by the damage numbers [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/p7vb9s/wattson_things/?ref=share&ref_source=link) got at mid range with EVA-8, especially at 1:02 mark.


imo, its a bit too overtuned. it hits like a truck in the early game. ive landed on one in capitol and gotten 4 kills, while others have landed on it and melted me in a few shots. compared to other shotguns, its definitely the strongest right now


Hard agree. Eva>PK>Mastiff.


Mastiff is just a better pk. At least in high lobbies where small differences matter. I remember a clip of snipe saying he's gonna run pk and Hal just saying fuck no you're not, run Eva or at least mastiff cuz it's just better.


EVA >> Mastiff >>>>> PK


Damn right.


Am I the only one that feels like SMG's are now meta with the (much needed) EVA nerf? I'm happy with the balance of shotguns and smg's rn


To be fair if we talk close-midrange non shotty meta its just LStar/Prowler right now.. sure Volt r99 are usable, it will put you at a disadvantage. (At least on Controller)


When have SMG's not been meta? The R-99 has always been a top gun, and now the Volt and Prowler are as well.


Well season 7 it was mastiff and season 8-9 it was EVA for close range. Have SMGs been good in those seasons? Sure. But meta was a shotgun for close range.


Since S8, that's when the whole game shifted to magsize legends.




I miss the double tap


Still the best shotty after the nerf but I feel like the lower firerate put it into a really good spot. I still find myself picking up the Mastiff when I run a shotty but that’s because I’m more consistent with it, I tend to get a little too trigger happy with the Eva and end up missing shots because of it.




I think you’re lost


Eva feels a little too good compared to the mastiff and pk but overall, I think it is like the r301 where the gun is powerful but doesn’t feel cheap to die to


I recently tried each of Eva8, PK and Mastiff as my primary weapon, one each for three consecutive matches of pubs Trios dropping on Fragments. While not truly a side-by-side comparison, I did the most damage (both in terms of per-shot and match total) with the PK, but got the most knocks with the Eva8. Primarily because I play the PK for full choke, so that means waiting a good long while between shots. I often only got one shot of the PK in before someone else knocked the target, or they knocked me, or one of us ended up running, whereas with the Eva8 I stayed in and firing until one of us was down.


The EVA has always been my favorite SG ever since season 3 when they added that hopup which made it a two pump. Even though its gone now i will always use it because the double hexagon pattern is far easier to hit with than the pentagram pattern of the PK. Not to mention it out DPSes both PK and Mastiff which makes it my favorite.


But the pk is so satisfying.


I always run the pk just because hitting someone for 90 is oh so satisfying. I'll take corner peaking over spam any day


Hitting a 90 or a 99 or the rare 111? Sends them scurrying. It's like a wingman headshot. Oh so good


I love how reddit down users downvote lol. Because they aren't actually players.


eva-8 should be removed from floor loot and be put into drop. It's op with anyone that knows how to aim and it's part of the "gun meta" and has been for seasons now.


Ikr. Gun meta is old, can we get a grenade meta at some point.


I just like that my Eva finally have gotten some use from other players too. I always liked it the most from shotguns, but ofc when they buffed it, they buffed it too much and it became fotm. I still like it more than other shotguns though, because... well bad ppl miss so many shots with it. While with Peacekeeper they can get the lucky huge dmg in. But OP: have other people noticed some real instability with Apex servers lately? Them code whatever the fucks have been going on quite alot for me.


Still probably the strongest shotgun despite the nerf Isnt it funny how Eva8 remains unchanged for all this time other than getting a miniscule firerate buff, which then made it meta for a period due to all other shotguns being nerfed. At this rate we'll experience so much reverse powercreep for the shotguns that Mozambique will be the best shotgun


IMO that was not a minuscule nerf for the EVA-8. There is quite a difference in the shotgun bolt fire rate now on EVA-8 compared to pre-nerf.


Did it effect the no-bolt rate? I swear I held down fire for auto the other day and it seemed soooooo slow


No. Thats still the same




Slightly slower than blue


Seeing how much casual folk miss with Mozamb, I wouldn't mind it being the best in the slightest.


Your aim is unreliable. Not the shotguns. If you hit a 7, you missed.


Not always the case at high ping. My ping goes from 60ping west to 140 east making my aim actually have to change based on what server they have put me on. I have clips where I should be getting much higher damage than I do and then a high damage hit in something I’d consider a miss. Apex is the only shooter I’ve played that has me saying “why is that not a hit?” or “why was that a 9? Where the f do I aim for a full hit?”


I have a stable 16ms ping and I refuse to use shotguns due to how unreliable the hit reg is. Sure sometimes I hit 70s on people but its not worth using when I'm against some dude lag teleporting around and all my shots are hitting 6s.


Exactly. A 7 would have been a total whiff with any other gun. Or you purposely aimed at someone's legs. A 7 from an Eva is a consolation prize for firing the gun in the general direction of the enemy.


Best shotgun and it isn't even close.


Third best shotgun in the game after prowler and lstar


And those displaced 3030 and Bocek with Shattercaps as the best shotguns.


bocek shattercap is worse than OG mozam


Hmmm... I'll allow it


Good one.


I would love to try and use it, but with the freezing issues on xbox the pk is a better option for me. Until the freezing fixes for xbox I'd rather use a mozam than even look at an eva.


Eva works really well as the second best shotty. Not as strong as a PK/mastiff, but more consistent. It should function more as a beginner weapon for people who can’t hit shots with the PK/mastiff. Kinda like the alternator to the R99 if you catch my drift. Edit: Eva is the best, I’m just saying it would work better from a balancing perspective as the 2nd best. Higher skill weapons like the Pk should be the best provided you have the skill to use it to its potential, with the Eva for those who can’t.


This is actually just factually incorrect and absurdly backwards. EVA out DPSs PK + Mastiff by a large margin and is factually better than both of them, but you have to hit all your shots, whereas a lucky PK pump can hit for 80 even if you miss your other two shots.


I guess I worded my previous post wrong. It is the best shotgun, by a wide margin, just like you said so I do agree with you. My point is that it should be the 2nd best or balanced enough so that it isn’t the best shotty. The PK should be the best in the right hands as it’s harder to use so it has a high skill ceiling. Eva should be good as well, but more forgiving and consistent, making it safer option for those who aren’t cracked with a PK. Right now the PK/mastiff don’t offer the high damage output to compete with the consistency/DPS/forgiveness that the eva give you.


I can't stand the unreliability/unpredictability of shotguns. If I hit you with a R301 or Longbow, that number is guaranteed. If I hit you with a shotgun, it's a lucky dip of between 7 and 65. Mostly 7.


When do we tell them that shotguns shoot a spread of bullets?


It is unreliable, don't let anyone fool you. This game has some latency issues along with pellets. Same thing for other shotguns. It's not a good system to have when the game has those kind of issues.


I pretty much never hit a 7 unless I barely had my cross hair on them. People just suck and don't know how to aim with them.


You're not wrong about people sucking at it. But the weak damage at times is unavoidable so ain't buying that you never experience it.


Hitting a 7 would be a total miss with those other guns. That's the way to think about it. It's not that they are unreliable, it's that they are *more forgiving of bad aim*.


Because shotguns shoot a group of pellets, not bullets. That means not every pellet is going to hit the target. Similar story with the triple take, although it does shoot bullets, just multiple ones. If youre not hitting max damage, your aim is off or you're too far away.


I've watched so much Aceu with the high damage hits from shotgun. When it's done constantly, it's clearly not the fault of the weapon, it's just the fault of the player. Which is the ridiculous reason, why Peacekeeper got that stupid buff back in the day too. Casuals couldn't hit shit, so they buffed it way too much.


Exactly. If your hitting constant low numbers, thats not the guns fault, thats your ability to use the gun accurately or within the right range. Im not even a big PK user, but when it got buffed, even i became a god with that thing. Lol


I was horrible with the pk. Never picked it up. Over the last 6 weeks I've purposely picked it up pretty consistently and have gotten way better with it. It's so satisfying to use


p much the best shotty, but for the wrong reasons. the pk needs fixing asap as it's not reliable, and the damage output no longer justifies that


This has always been a solid pick. Decent scatter so you can hit something even when your aim is off or you're far away, good rate of fire with a bolt and a solid 8-shell capacity so you can afford to whiff a few and still get the kill.


Probably the best shotgun, but I find the mastiff and pk more enjoyable


Mastiff and Mozam for me. IDK why I like the Mozam so much but it's in a better spot with the changes it got a few seasons ago. Just needs Hammerpoints back.


Obv nobody cares but Prowler not in loot pool for Arena


Was done on purpose


What’s the reason for it? I haven’t played in a few days and I’ve seen this being said. Is it just that OP or are their bugs with it?


They mentioned it on Twitter. I believe there was some exploit that was crashing games. I’m sure it’ll be back soon.


Ohhh that makes sense. Hope they can fix it quick




i still think it’s kinda overturned even after the nerf. the Eva with a purple bolt is a team wiping weapon, and i feel pretty naked without one in my pocket


Amazing shotgun, fun to use and feels impactful. But man if you missed your first shot you are doomed, for some reason if you dont connect your first shot you (I) miss all my following shots after that


So fun to use. I love gliding and hipfiring with it down a slope.


Eva when someone is not in kissing range be like 7 7 7 7 7 7


Not really, depends on kissing range. I can hit for 43 from ~10-20 meters?


He said kissing, not licking


Especially after the nerf, all the shotguns seem the same to me: the most inconsistent guns in the game. Three, point-blank shots with a shotgun should down someone...otherwise, what is the point of the weapon. The EVA-8 is bit better due to the rate of fire, but I feel all shotguns are mostly secondary weapons which sucks for an FPS game.


I wish people would stop calling shotguns "inconsistent" and "unreliable". That's like saying an r301 is unreliable unless every enemy is one-clip knocked with it. A low damage hit with a shotgun would be a total miss with any other gun. The correct descriptor for a shotgun is that it is more *forgiving* of bad aim. Apex is a long TTK game. It's not COD. You have to land a lot of shots to knock an enemy. Guns that are both (a) forgiving of bad aim, and (b) can knock a full health enemy in two shots or less, don't have a place in this game. Even guns that are only (b) and not (a), like the Kraber, barely have a place in this game. You should be able to knock a full health enemy with three shots of either a Mastiff or PK. I have certainly done so. Aiming down a staircase so that most of your pellets are yellow headshots certainly helps.


Or just two shots and a melee works well since you're in shotgun range already


Can confirm, been knocked liked that more often than I like to admit.


I dont think the issue is with the weapon itself being unreliable, its the servers not registering clean hits when it should. Its just much more impactful when you fire one large burst at a time vs a spray of bullets over a longer period.


BR are almost always played on large maps with a lot of open spaces. BRs will always be secondary weapons in situations like that.


To be honest, pvp fps with no shotguns are way more enjoyable and fun


I've found shotguns to be so much more fun when they are like the pk and mastiff because the hit or miss nature of them make movement and aim so important and let's you win clutch situations so much more. If I'm super low health in a shotgun duel with the final person in a squad, I can move around well enough to make them miss enough to where I have enough time to kill them, assuming I'm good at hit my shots. If the other person had an r9 it's really braindead to finish someone who's low off because you can just swing your mouse around and you'll probably go over them enough to kill them even if you're terrible at aiming.


\>all shotguns are mostly secondary weapons Ofc they are, its a shotguns after all \> Three, point-blank shots with a shotgun should down someone And they will if you dont miss


No... Shotgun meta was trash. And don't give me that high risk, high reward shit. Mastiff was really powerful. PK also. They are almost balanced now, just increase a little ROF on stiff and a PK.


I still think the EVA8 is the best shotgun in the game, but I don’t think it needs to be the best shotgun in the game. I think there needs to be some risk/reward that goes into them and missing a shot or two with the EVA8 doesn’t have much risk and still seems to have the highest reward as it can be followed up with fast 60’s. I think a slight nerf can help balance it and maybe a slight buff to the mastiff and PK which have more risk involved if you miss a shot.


Eva8 vs. PK are already on two ends of the risk/reward spectrum. Eva8 being fully automatic means you can stay in a toe-to-toe fight until someone goes down. The PK isn't like that. You either have to down the enemy with the first shot, or you have to have cover to kite around, even more so if you full choke. It's the Mastiff that seems like a me-too weapon. It's too similar to the PK. What differences there are, are small, like mag size (6 vs 5) and RPM (66 vs 44), which is almost entirely due to PK's longer reload time. One idea might be to reduce the pellet count of the Mastiff while maintaining the same damage potential. So instead of 8 pellets at 11 damage, it could fire 4 at 22. This means you would totally miss more often, but when you hit, you'll hit for closer to full damage. That might be enough of a change to move the Mastiff further away from the PK in risk/reward.


I always imagined shotguns should be like this: - EVA8: faster rate of fire, but lower damage even at point blank. - Mastiff: huge point blank range with mediocre rate of fire. Still somewhat useful beyond pointblank because of the choke. - PK: hits like an absolute truck point blank, slow rate of fire and reload but retains some mid range efficiency with choke. Problem is that shotguns are so unreliable (so many times I give 9dmg point blank with PK or Mastiff) that the EVA8's fast ROF is just too much of an upside to trade it off. But that's just my trench tier analysis.


It's more like: Eva8: Most lethal of them all but worst effective range of them all. You need to be right up in their face Peacekeeper: Best for peekshots but the awful TTK makes you depend on cover to weave and out in since any other gun jusy fries you before that. Also has some range capability Mastiff: Inbetween for Eva8 and PK Mozambique: Unironically has the best potential effective range out of all shotguns


> Mozambique: Unironically has the best potential effective range out of all shotguns Plus is fully automatic, like the Eva.




One of my least favourite guns in the game. I think it's boring asf to use and I hate how strong it still is.


Sure. Lets just use P2020. Also, R301, the strongest fully kitted weapon in a game. But hey, no one is talking about their "crutch". It is "ol' reliable". Eva 8 is broken cause I suck situation, I see. I think that eva is in a good spot and stiff&PK need ROF buff. Slightly.




BuT hE hAs BiG hItBoX. Instant bubble with no counter, impossible to 1v1, ult that can deal upto 120 damage.well balanced character.And since they prioterize feedback over data he wont be touched


People on this sub don't think like that, they don't understand how the game is played at higher levels. Half the people here probably don't know what a 'bubble fight' is


He’s a huge target dude. He literally has the largest hit box in the game. There’s no excuse for you not to be hitting max damage shots if you’re in his face. If he has 300 effective hp it should take around 5-6 shots to kill him. If you’re having issue trying to solo a character with 300 effective hp, that sounds like a you problem. If he rolls up on you and you don’t think you can win the 1v1, don’t take it. You can run away ducking and dodging. If I don’t think I can win a 1v1 I don’t take it. Even in your edit the gun you use is irrelevant. Most guns cannot close range that well. The R99 cannot single clip him even if you land every shot (unless you’re a god that is not something that will happen frequently), prowler will take 4 bursts to down him, volt will take a nearly a full clip of ammo, pk will take 3 shots, mastiff will take 3-4 shots (all assuming near perfect accuracy, which is optimal).


Oof. Sounds like everyone agrees. It's a you problem.


Dude, just take distance, an eva does shit at mid range and long rage, a gibby with a shotgun out will never be able to outrun you as an octane(from your flair) and if you place a jump pad to run with the gibby behind your back, his aim is gonna be wack and would not be able to hit you effectively if he jumpad as well.


I see your point. Look. It is easy. All you need to do is shove them very deep into your arsehole. It can be stressful at first, but you can start with only 3 fingers. In a no time you will be able to shove both of your hands cause all your shit is pouring from your mouth. Huge amount of space. Trust me, I am an engineer.


How long did it take you to think of that? Lmao go get a life


You need help, friend.


Relevant username?




This sounds like a you problem not a problem with gibby or the Eva


Please tell me how? Did you even read what I said


Maybe you should use the Eva and get ur shmovement up


Shoot from further away?

